Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 22: CH 21.2

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Qiu Ming didn’t have the time to bother about them. His task was to lead Ji Feng to the Major General’s lounge. Although this matter seemed to be quite incredible to him, his ears were indeed functioning and healthy, and the Major General did give him this order.

Just as Ji Feng couldn’t find which cabin the restaurant was in, he sighed at Moore’s kindness and thoughtfulness once again, then decisively followed Qiu Ming.

But Ji Feng didn’t expect to be led directly to Moore’s exclusive lounge. There was food and two sets of chopsticks on the table.

“Prepared for me?” Ji Feng looked around in surprise and finally turned his gaze to the empty bowl with a pair of chopsticks.

Moore, who was inexplicably eating a second meal, raised his eyes and glanced at him faintly, What else? Otherwise, who could come to eat in his lounge?

Ji Feng happily sat down and Qiu Ming had already served him a bowl of rice. Rice was not a common thing in this era and most people couldn’t afford it, because the planting cost was extremely high, plus it was not popular.

Thus, Ji Feng suddenly had his appetite back. The nutritious meals in this world were also one of the important reasons why he didn’t eat for ten and a half months.

Ji Feng laughed happily, “Are you abusing your exclusive authority?” The captain actually gave him preferential treatment?

“Ke1~” Moore almost choked on himself, a faint blush instantly appeared on his face.

Qiu Ming on the side pressed his lips in time and didn’t laugh out loud. It was the first time he had seen someone embarrassing the Major General on the spot.

But in the next second, Moore’s cold eyes shot over. “The two gentlemen, please take your time.” Qiu Ming very wisely chose to slip away. He didn’t want to be a light bulb disturbing the Major General and his husband’s meal.

It wasn’t until Qiu Ming left, that Moore explained in a serious manner, “You are not right. I have not abused my private rights. As a captain, I have this right.” It’s just that I have never let anyone come in and eat together before. That’s all, Moore added silently in his heart.

“It doesn’t matter if you abuse your personal power.” Ji Feng smiled at him.

Moore was rigorous and rigid. If he abused his private rights merely to give someone a special treatment, Ji Feng would be happy to see it, because it gave Moore more personality.

Moore’s face instantly became hot and he felt a touch of indulgence in Ji Feng’s words. Just like this, the mood that was depressed for a day because Ji Feng didn’t tell him about going to Lungu Star was suddenly inexplicably relieved.

Ji Feng didn’t notice the corners of Moore’s mouth that was inadvertently cheerful, for he had already started to eat unceremoniously. As a Refiner, Ji Feng naturally didn’t expect himself to eat elegantly and beautifully, but Moore felt an indescribable sense of warmth from him.

Compared with Ji Feng, Moore obviously ate a lot more gracefully. He was slower, with an air of elegance and ate a smaller portion. Of course, this last point was probably because he had just gone to the restaurant for a meal.

So one concentrated on eating, one bowl after another, but the other still couldn’t help being confused. Moore asked in the end, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

“What?” Ji Feng didn’t react for a while.

Ji Feng found that although the child spoke a few words, Moore had a lot of things on his mind, and all thoughts were boiled in his stomach. So this abruptly popped out sentence could make others not understand what he meant.

“……The matter of going to Lungu Star.” Moore was a little angry. He remembered that his words were not so incomprehensible, right?

“Ah, this, I was temporarily pulled in,” He didn’t expect Moore to still care about this, “I only found out when I saw you,” Ji Feng thought it was rather funny after he finished speaking, so he exclaimed, “You didn’t know that you have me in your mission, and I didn’t know that the Major General who will be escorting us is you. Yet, you and I are the nominal relationship of husbands, how interesting.”

Hearing this explanation, Moore’s heart was finally balanced out. When Ji Feng said that, Moore was inexplicably happy in his heart. But at the same time, he couldn’t help but worry that it was not a coincidence for Ji Feng to appear on the Yong An Warship. Moore was afraid that Ji Feng would be dragged into the muddy waters because of himself.


“What’s the matter?” It was probably because the expression on Moore’s face was too obvious. Ji Feng couldn’t help but ask, “Are you worried about Rolt again?”

“Not that.”

“So why the frown?”

“Not frowning. “

Moore couldn’t explain. When Ji Feng saw that Moore didn’t want to say anything else, he stopped asking more questions. The lounge was a little quiet for a while.

When Moore saw that Ji Feng was no longer talking, he was a little upset and annoyed at himself.

After the meal, Moore thought that Ji Feng would rather leave than stay, but he didn’t expect Ji Feng to take the initiative to suggest, “Can you show me around?”

Moore was a little surprised. Generally speaking, based on his understanding of Ji Feng, it was as if there were very few things that would spark his interest. Moore did not expect him to be curious about warships? However, it was excusable to think about it. Lopa Star was considered to be one of the more powerful amongst many planets. Naturally, technology and strength were also advanced. Therefore, various types of warships could be described as Interstellar overlords and most people were more curious about this.

“En.” This damn feeling of delight.

If it was before, Moore would never do such a time-wasting and stupid thing. As for showing someone around or something, Qiu Ming would be the best candidate. But now… God knows what happened to him?

So when Qiu Ming watched Moore lead Ji Feng out, he was stunned. Then he saw Moore introduce Ji Feng to the appearance of warships, command cabin, supply cabin, dining cabin, leisure cabin…

As expected, love was worthy of the greatest admiration. Look at what it turned our Major General into?

Moore finally brought Ji Feng to the viewing cabin, which was Moore’s favorite place.

The entire platform was only a few dozen square meters. It could extend out of the warship and enter directly into space. The 360-degree transparent material made people feel like they were standing in space.

So when a person stood inside with the lights off, all one could see was the vast sea of ​​stars and planets. People appeared to be so small, but their hearts could open up in such insignificance, so any unpleasant things would become worthless.

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Sure enough, when Ji Feng quietly gazed at the vast expanse of the universe in front of him, he seemed to be one spot among these hundreds of millions of stars. Perhaps small, but it could also be unimaginably huge.

As the warship sailed, the nebula became a dazzling galaxy. It was an alluring sight.

“How beautiful.” Ji Feng exclaimed sincerely.

“Yeah.” Probably no one could reject this vast and magnificent beauty.

Ji Feng suddenly said, “It seems that you were naturally made to be here.”

“Huh?” Moore turned his head to look at Ji Feng in confusion.

Ji Feng also looked at him. To be exact, at Moore’s kinoite-blue eyes.

“Your eyes are the same as it, twinkling like the stars, incomparably bright.” Ji Feng complimented earnestly.

Moore instantly blushed. Moore’s heart began to beat wildly for no reason, as if he had just been moved by Ji Feng’s words, and it couldn’t stop.

Did this man know how attractive he was when he praised a Ger’s eyes like this? Did he do it on purpose? Was he doing it unintentionally? 

Moore didn’t realize that his whole body was pulled taunt and his mind was completely messed up. In the place where he could calm down the most, his heart was in a mess like never before.

After a long while, Moore couldn’t help turning his head to look at Ji Feng, as if Moore wanted to confirm the purpose of what he said just now. But when Moore finally pretended to unintentionally look towards him, Ji Feng’s eyes were closed, in the midst of enjoying the tranquility and broadness that this vast starry sky brought to people.

Moore: ……

Ji Feng was much taller than him and was very handsome, but Moore had never looked at him at such close proximity before. The face of Ji Feng in the night sky seemed to gain some dark edges and corners, making it appear as if there was more depth; just like a meticulously carved jade, very good looking.

Moore couldn’t help but glance twice. When he gained consciousness of his actions, Moore’s face was burning and his heartbeat became more intense.

There was some embarrassment and some inexplicable irritability. The strange feeling made Moore a little panicked.

But at this moment, Ji Feng, who was motionless, suddenly said “Shit”, and then his body rocked.

“What’s the matter with you?” Moore turned his head in confusion.

However, he found that Ji Feng’s expression had turned abnormal, which could be seen with the naked eye. Even in dim light, it could be clearly seen that he looked uncomfortable.

“Are you… Where are you uncomfortable?” Moore hurriedly turned on the light, but was surprised by Ji Feng’s expression.

Moore saw Ji Feng’s face turn red, large drops of sweat dripping down his face and the veins on his forehead were violently throbbing. It seemed that the pain was so extreme that it looked a bit hideous.

Ji Feng tried his best to endure the body that seemed close to explosion. He had already reached the complete Grand Golden Core stage. Just now, when he stood in the universe and felt the flow of the nebula, the sudden insight made his mental power sublimate, so it had suddenly uncontrollably reached that critical point. He couldn’t stop it, no matter what.

The spiritual energy in his body was soaring now, as if it was possible to break through his body at any time. The same enhanced mental power was also torturing him. The kind of pain that hit the soul directly, as if it could tear him to pieces at any moment.

He was about to break through and he couldn’t delay it even for a while.

“Crap.” This was a warship, the worst timing for a breakthrough.

Under such circumstances, Ji Feng could still maintain a sense of reason. He turned his head, then saw Moore looking at him nervously and helplessly. Ji Feng put one arm on Moore’s shoulder.

Almost half of Ji Feng’s weight rested on Moore, because his body was a little out of control. Ji Feng had to draw out his energy to stabilize the spiritual power in his body.

“Moore,” Ji Feng looked at him with difficulty. The breath that he exhaled was sprayed directly onto Moore’s face and neck. It was so hot that it could make one quiver, “Is there any place that can’t be monitored?”

Ji Feng’s reason was still there. This was a warship. If his anomaly was discovered on this warship, it would be so f*cking pathetic that would open the door to misery, pathetic to the utmost degree.

If there was any hidden place on this warship, Moore must have known it. Moreover, subconsciously, Ji Feng thought that if he must be exposed to others, then he hoped that this person would be Moore.

Ji Feng’s sudden approach made Moore’s whole body stiff, especially Ji Feng’s body that was still exuding a burning hot temperature. The breath that sprayed on his face seemed to be able to burn someone.

“What?” Moore obviously didn’t understand the situation.

Ji Feng had no choice but to repeat it again, “Is there any place that cannot be monitored… Is there?” After speaking, Ji Feng only felt a splitting headache and the tendency that made him gradually lose control of his body. So he simply wrapped his two long arms around Moore’s body.

Moore could only support him with difficulty. Although he didn’t know what happened to Ji Feng, or what he was going to do, there were indeed places like this.

“There is.” 

“Help me there,” Ji Feng urged in a deep voice, “Quick!”

T/N: I’ve just picked up a new project! Head down to my Ko-fi page for a full list of my projects~

The stages of cultivation: 凝气 (Qi Condensation), 筑基 (Foundation Building), 结丹 (Core Formation), 元婴 (Nascent Soul), 化神 (Deity Formation), 婴变 (Soul Transformation) etc etc from weakest to strongest. Usually, cultivators would ascend to immortal realm once at the peak of Deity Formation. Taken from Xian Ni Wikia. Right now, Ji Feng is at the peak of the late stage Core Formation, about to enter Nascent Soul. The author uses a slightly different term but the general idea is there! Don’t be too bothered about the cultivation terms, it can get confusing….

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