Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 23: CH 21.3

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Due to the soaring spiritual energy in his body, Ji Feng almost lost consciousness. This was why he didn’t notice that he was being helped back to Moore’s own room.

“How can I help you?” Moore looked at Ji Feng, with his violently popping veins, and was really worried.

But Ji Feng merely yelled out two words in a low voice, “Outside, guard.” Then he sat cross-legged on the ground.

Ji Feng closed his eyes tightly and the sweat on his head almost dampened his hair. His hands were quickly doing some weird and complicated movements. That was something Moore had never seen or even heard of. He finally saw Ji Feng’s mysterious secret again.

Moore could feel the graveness of the matter, but he didn’t know what was going on. In the end, Moore walked out of his room, blocking off any visitors. Just like this, he waited for two days.

For the two full days, Moore didn’t know how many times he wanted to go in to see what was going on. But in the end, he didn’t know whether it was out of trust in Ji Feng or something, he didn’t go in.

Moore thought a lot. Including every strangeness that Ji Feng showed previously, or any place that showed his indescribable mystery. It was ultimately attributed to this unexpected reaction, so what on earth was he doing? Who was he?

It wasn’t until the third morning, that the door of the captain’s room was finally opened. Moore walked over for the first time and the radiance of Ji Feng welcomed him.

It was completely different from the ferocious Ji Feng two days ago, as if he had changed. Ji Feng exuded an indescribable aura from the inside out. He was more handsome and more charming than before.

“Are you okay?” But what exactly happened?

Ji Feng smiled at Moore, “It’s okay.” It was unbelievably refreshing.

Ji Feng, who had finally broken through to the Nascent Soul Stage, felt so amazingly good. He was now physically and mentally comfortable, full of strength. He couldn’t wait to fight a SSS-Rank Mecha fighter with his bare hands.

The breakthrough of the Nascent Soul stage was crucial. This was the real beginning of being a Cultivator. Ji Feng had achieved such strength in the original world, so the joy of regaining this strength was naturally beyond words.

Ji Feng simply grabbed Moore by the shoulders, pulling him back into the room, and then quickly closed the door.

“Moore, thank you,” Ji Feng thanked sincerely, “You have helped me a lot.”

Although… But Moore didn’t know how he helped. This man seemed unfamiliar to him all the time. Moreover, it was unnatural for Ji Feng to put both hands on his shoulders like this.

“So what’s the matter with you previously?”

“This is a long story,” Ji Feng paused. Since he chose to believe in Moore, it didn’t make sense to hide in front of him. It’s just that the explanation of this incredible thing was really troublesome, “I’ll tell you if I have a chance in the future.”

Moore pursed his lips, feeling that he had no right to intervene, but Ji Feng had so many secrets. It was obvious that Ji Feng did not want to be exposed, but he was unfortunately seen by Moore.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will betray you?”

Ji Feng laughed, “How come?” What a kind child Moore was, he just looked cold on the surface.

“Will you?” Ji Feng looked at him seriously.

Moore’s heart beat uncontrollably, where did the damn self-confidence come from? But the problem was that he really wouldn’t do it.

Ji Feng disappeared for two days after eating a meal. His five roommates also gained some new knowledge. Until they heard of Ji Feng’s gossip from other people, did they then know that Ji Feng was the Major General’s husband who was escorting them to Lungu Star. He was not a golden sugar baby or an illegitimate child of the Imperial King.

It’s no wonder public morals were degenerating with each passing day. As a Major General, Moore abused his power to take his husband to sail. This was even Marshal Wip’s son. This was exactly the saying: one generation was inferior to the other generation.

So when Ji Feng returned to the lounge, the eyes of the five roommates were wonderful.

“Kid, you’re still too young. After all, you came with us. Can’t you exercise restraint in front of so many people?”

Under the crowd’s incredulous stare, they couldn’t believe that Ji Feng had actually stayed overnight in the Major General’s lounge for 2 consecutive days, couldn’t he just bear with it for a while? That one too. Even so, Moore was from the Houston family, a dignified Major General. Even if he married someone, he couldn’t let his husband fool around, right?

Tut tut tut, young people nowadays ah……

Ji Feng:? ? ? What did he do that needs to be restrained? How could a young man in his sixties speak words that he, a 300+ years old, couldn’t understand?

On the other hand, Moore was also baptized by the ambiguous eyes of the soldiers under him for some reason, and he couldn’t dispute it even if he wanted to. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for them to arrive at Lungu Star.

Surprisingly, when the Yong An Warship arrived, four or five warships were quietly suspended in the sky above Lungu Star. Among them, one was from Mosai Star, who had a tense relationship with Lopa Star.

In other words, the news of Lungu’s discovery of the Ancient Earth text was not only obtained by Lopa Star.

In the command cabin, a video came in. It was a thin man with dark eyes. Moore looked at him coldly without a change of expression, Mosai Star actually sent a Lieutenant General over.

“I knew this would never not involve you, Lopa Star.” The other party sneered.

“Mutual thoughts.” Moore shot back indifferently, then decisively cut off the video. He didn’t have the time to linger and talk nonsense with him.

Although there were many warships coming to the planet, many of them were mutually hostile, such as Lopa Star and Mosai Star. Fortunately, there was a cosmic law so everyone would not mess around.

Lungu Star was also a legendary planet. It was said that it was once a brilliant and powerful planet, but it was unknown what had caused the destruction of the entire planet a thousand years ago.

Even the people who escaped from the planet by chance did not know what happened, but a very absurd legend passed down. It was said that Lungu Star had offended some god, so it was destroyed by the god.

Not to mention that no one believed in the existence of ghosts and gods in this era. Even if there were gods, how could a planet that had existed for hundreds of millions of years be destroyed in a flash? Such a god was too terrifying. In this way, had the technology they were proud of become a joke?

This statement was naturally a joke, but the demise of Lungu Star had always been one of the ten unsolved mysteries of the Interstellar.

But since it was destroyed, no one had set foot on it again. Not because of other dangers or things like that, but due to the barrenness. Lungu Star was full of infertile land, and there was no way to save it. The entire Lungu Star was scorched black, and there was almost no biological sign for thousands of years.

Moore quickly dispatched three small reconnaissance ships, but in just twenty minutes, the three reconnaissance ships sent scanned images of the entire planet’s surface back to the control cabin.

The group of experts were obviously very excited, but they couldn’t help at all until they found the so-called discovery. So they could only stand aside impatiently.

Ji Feng was calmer, but when he looked at the scorched black ground of Lungu Star, he felt an indescribable feeling.

Since the specific location was known, the target location was discovered soon. It was a scorched stone mountain with a hole at the foot of the mountain.

Warships from other planets also found their targets. Very soon, small ships flew out of the warships, flying towards the Black Reef Mountain.

“Major General Moore, please send us down quickly.” The group of experts were already anxious and they couldn’t wait to fly down to visit the site.

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Moore frowned. “The scout ship can’t fully determine the danger on the surface of the planet. The cave is even more dangerous. I must ensure your safety.”

“But they are all gone. We can’t let other planets get ahead of us.” 

“Yeah, Major General, you don’t know how important this is to us.”

Moore had his own concerns. He was a cautious person. When he looked at the returned images just now, he always felt that there was something near the Black Reef Mountain. Abnormal. That kind of dead silence gave him an extremely bad intuition.

Moreover, these experts were not only old, but their physical fitness was too bad to say. If one was not careful, they would trip and fall, let alone encounter any danger.

In fact, Ji Feng felt the same way, even more strongly than Moore. So he did not approve of this group of older children going down. Maybe it would become cumbersome and very troublesome.

But how do these experts know this? Their hearts had already flown away. The key point was that people from other planets had already gone down. If there were any Ancient Earth relics, they would definitely not get their turn. What if Lopa Star’s research on the Ancient Earth lagged behind other planets by hundreds or even thousands of years? How could they bear it?

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate.

“Jerry, you take five people down and have a look.” Moore finally ordered.

Jerry was a Lieutenant, young and promising, with good skills and agility.

“Yes, Major General.”

But just as Jerry was ready to go down, a soldier standing in front of the surveillance screen suddenly called out anxiously, “Major General!”

The voice of the dispute finally ended. Moore hurried over with Ji Feng behind him.

The three reconnaissance ships sent out just now have returned, but they left smart surveillance balls around the target cave, so they could directly observe the situation there.

Just when the opinions of Moore and several experts were at a stalemate, two manned ships from other planets sent the experts to the foot of the mountain.

But they didn’t even take a few steps before everyone suddenly rushed back in a panic. No one knew what was going on. The other manned ships returned to their warship without looking back, especially strange.

“What’s going on? What happened?” Everyone looked solemn. At this time, the experts who were still in a hurry to go down didn’t insist anymore, but looked at Moore with an ugly expression, “Major General, this… What is this? What’s the matter?”

Moore didn’t answer. He watched the video repeatedly, frame by frame, slowing down countless times, but still didn’t see what was happening.

In the end, Moore locked his gaze in the direction of the hole. He found that those who panicked and ran back, were looking in that direction before the anomaly. As if they had seen something terrible to be able to scare them like that. It just so happens that inside the hole was a spot that the smart camera ball couldn’t cover.

At this time, Ji Feng, who had never spoken, suddenly stood up.

“Let’s go down and take a look.”

All eyes instantly turned their gaze at him and Moore looked at him, equally puzzled.

In fact, the reason was very simple: Lungu Star’s inexplicable feeling made him feel very nostalgic. There seemed to be something in the dark that was attracting him. Ji Feng must go down and take a look.

“Kid, what are you messing around? Do you think this is a fun place?” Someone immediately accused him with disapproval. At this time, they got their sanity back again. Even the well-trained soldiers were scared to flee back. They, who have no power to even bind a chicken, were mere commoners. Wasn’t it just asking them to die?

Fang Xinjie also quickly grabbed Ji Feng, “Teacher Xiao Ji, don’t be impulsive.”

Ji Feng remained indifferent, but looked at Moore firmly.

Moore knew that Ji Feng was unusual, but Lungu Star’s cave was even more unusual. But Ji Feng’s eyes told him his steadfastness. Besides, their purpose this time was this cave. In any case, he was going to explore it.

So Moore unexpectedly said, “I’ll go with you.”

“No way, Major General.”

“Major General, let me go!”

“Major General!”


Moore was also a man of his words. Not only could his subordinates dissuade him from going, but even Ji Feng couldn’t do anything about him. So with some persistence, Moore and Ji Feng took five elite Second Lieutenants to investigate the situation, while the others stayed on the warship awaiting for news. Especially that group of experts who should not act rashly.

Since the image just now was the best explanation, this group of unreasonable and excited experts had to wait patiently.

This time, they were fully equipped, armed with weapons and scanning equipment. If the danger was so dangerous that the experts couldn’t go down, they would scan the image of the hole and send it back, which was not without gain.

Like them, several other planets replaced their scouters with soldiers and re-examined the cave. The Lieutenant General of Mosai Star also appeared on the ground. There were a total of about 30 people from the five planets, all in separate formations.

When Ji Feng stepped on the ground of Lungu Star, the strange sense of familiarity was finally confirmed. This was the taste of spiritual power. Even after more than a thousand years passed with the passage of time, Ji Feng could still feel it.

At that moment, Ji Feng had an indescribable shock. First, he was shocked by this world, thinking that there were Cultivators, although this idea was crazy and unrealistic.

One more thing, what terrifying strength would it take to destroy such a huge planet in an instant? Cosmic explosion? Or coerced calamity? Ji Feng couldn’t imagine that these realms existed in legends, even in his original world, let alone in an Interstellar age where there was no Cultivation.

So what were they? The Cultivators in this world? Or was it a traverser just like himself?

This thought made Ji Feng’s heart race inexplicably and an unspeakable excitement echoed in his chest.

Moore, who was beside him, quickly realized that there was something wrong with Ji Feng, so he asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong, is there anything odd?” 

The two people leaned close together. Ji Feng seemed to have seen something, yet there was nothing but endless scorched black dirt in front of him. 

Ji Feng took a deep breath and tried to suppress the turmoil in his heart. Then he shook his head at Moore, but after thinking about it, he whispered in his ear, “Be careful later and try to follow me as closely as possible. “

Moore’s brow jumped. He was a SSS-Rank Mecha War God anyway. Ji Feng’s tone was as if he was a weak person, who needed a man’s protection.

However, Moore actually f*cking liked this damned feeling of being protected by him.

T/N: aigoo this baby should stop being so vulgar and accept it with open arms~ this is the end of the incomparably long chapter!

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