Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 4: CH 4

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Translator: humu

Rolt didn’t know that it took his younger brother only two minutes to make an agreement with his Brother-in-Law, so he could only watch them enter the doors of the Civil Affairs Bureau with a gloomy heart; as if his younger brother had entered a fire pit.

Information approval, confirmation of the Husband-Husband relationship, certificate procession… Everything went so smoothly that it felt somewhat unreal, except that there was a slight mishap when taking the marriage certificate photos.

When the Artificial Intelligence’s slightly mechanical voice repeated the words: “unqualified”, “please get closer”, “please pay attention to the expression”, and “please retake” over and over again, Moore’s tiny bit of patience finally disappeared without a trace.

The gap between the two people, who had met for the first time, was obviously too big. Their expressions were too unwilling and stiff. Furthermore, one was abnormally tall, and the other had to sit in a wheelchair because of a right leg injury. No matter how they adjusted their postures, it was all awkward.

At first, Ji Feng tried to squat down to be level with him, but the back of the wheelchair separated them, so it was impossible to avoid the strong appearance of the wheelchair.

So Moore, who had gradually lost his patience amidst the “unqualified” notices, finally stood up as a last straw. He would rather endure the unbearable pain than to continue wasting time.

Moore could only use one leg to support himself. Ji Feng watched as he frowned in pain. Ji Feng had the intention to stretch out his hand to help Moore, but unfortunately, the other had no intentions to ask him for help. The child looked terribly stubborn.

Moore’s height was relatively tall among Gers, but standing in front of Ji Feng, who was abnormally tall, he just barely reached the tip of Ji Feng’s nose.

Moore stood with a lot of difficulties. Ji Feng moved back a little and stood a half-finger width behind him. Being so close at hand, an elegant breath full of coldness blew towards his nose. Ji Feng could see Moore’s exquisite profile and his dazzling dark blue eyes if he just lowered his eyes slightly. He was able to see them so clearly, that he could count every single strand of the eyelashes that was covering that set of eyes.

But soon, Ji Feng found that the body in front of him was trembling slightly and a thin layer of sweat appeared on Moore’s forehead. One didn’t even have to think about it to know that the cause of the pain was the right leg.

Stubborn, obstinate, and awkward, this child was obviously not as other-worldly as outsiders viewed him.

In the end, Ji Feng leaned forward, just enough to allow Moore’s back to rest on his arm, and calmly gave Moore a solid support.

At that instant, he felt the body of the person in front of him go stiff, but ended up saying nothing.

So finally, the certification photo was qualified and the marriage registration was successful. In addition to getting the Planetary Marriage Certificate, he also saw the “married” information column under their names change.

Lieutenant General Rolt’s heart was obviously very restless, full of self-blame. It was really unimaginable that such a good and arrogant younger brother actually married this terrible old man so simply and hastily. He, as an older brother, had no way to help at all.

On the contrary, the two parties could not be more peaceful. They were so calm that they didn’t say a word on the way home just after receiving the certificate. They even admired the scenery outside their respective windows without looking at each other. Rolt’s heart felt like it was stabbed a few more times.

Of course, when standing in front of Ji Feng’s unsightly rental house, Rolt was even more heartbroken.

“Moore, there must be some misunderstanding. I will find a way to convince Father, so you will need to endure staying here for a while.” Now, Moore had not only been suspended for investigation, but even all of his accounts had been frozen. Furthermore, Rolt had also been strictly restricted by his father, so he couldn’t give much help to Moore, “If you need anything, just find Big Brother. I will find a way.”

“Older Brother,” Moore was very calm, as if this matter did not affect him at all, “This is actually very good. Since Dad was gone, that home was no longer a home, and Father may have long wanted me to leave.” Moore often felt that he was an outsider, disturbing others’ lives.

“It’s not like that…” Rolt eagerly wanted to explain something. There was a deep misunderstanding between his father and younger brother, but when the words came to his lips, he found that there was nothing to say.

“Besides, this matter is not that simple. Older Brother, you know better than anyone else.” Moore’s calm and determined words finally made Rolt stop talking, a solemn expression appeared on his face.

“Actually, this makes the area around me cleaner and it’s not a bad thing.” Not to mention, this was a marriage with a contract.

Rolt was silent. A good and beautiful Ger like Moore, even if he was just like a moving iceberg, there would still be all sorts of men flocking around him. Moore was really annoyed about this, but this was not a reason for him to endure all these.

However, Rolt could only helplessly leave. He could do nothing. His father seemed to let Moore come here to suffer, but he didn’t know the reason behind the action.

So in the end, regardless of the fact that the entire Star Network had already exploded because of their registration news, Moore walked into Ji Feng’s home, which in Rolt’s opinion, was unworthy of being seen by Moore’s eyes.

Narrow, small, empty, backward, poor—— this was Moore’s first reaction to Ji Feng’s rental house. Fortunately, some basic necessities of life were available. The room looked clean and tidy, which made him heave a sigh of relief slightly.

“You will sleep in my room in the future.” Ji Feng smiled lightly. After all, people couldn’t take tens of millions for nothing.

Without giving any response, Moore had followed his sight and went into the room. Ji Feng raised his eyebrows as he watched his (MH) reluctant and resistant back. This 300-year-old Master Refiner’s heart was as calm as a lake.

Ji Feng immediately followed and simply packed his belongings. The man’s belongings were already scarce, not to mention that he had just moved here not too long ago.

Ji Feng placed his belongings in another empty room, where he could practice Cultivation too. Sleeping was not a priority.

It stood to reason that a person with a leg injury would need help, but before Ji Feng could open his mouth, a cold voice came over, “You can leave.” The man even turned his back to him.

Ji Feng blinked, decisively walked out of the room, and then sat on the small living room sofa to browse through his phone.

Although he had the memory of the original owner of the body, his knowledge of the world was still too limited. Ji Feng was eager to understand the world, especially about Mecha, which was extremely tempting to him.

The dazzling array of Mecha types made his eyes spin, but it also greatly aroused his interest. So during the time he came to Pageya, Ji Feng focused on the understanding of Mecha, in addition to his cultivation.

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The types of Mecha, the level of Mecha Quality, Mecha Materials, Mecha Operations… Such an ingenious thing really made him, a Master Refiner, unable to extricate himself.

As a result, Ji Feng often forgot to sleep and eat when he was too immersed. This was also true today. So when the doorway monitoring system showed up in front of his eyes, Ji Feng, who had been sitting motionless on the sofa for almost an hour, didn’t notice at all.

Fortunately, after the marriage between the two was established, Moore was automatically bound to the door monitoring system.

The visitor was Qiu Ming, a guard of Moore, who had received the information from Major General Moore half an hour ago. Like everyone else, from the Main Brain Matching half a month ago to the sudden bombing of the marriage registration today, he had long been curious about this legendary Major General’s husband.

Especially since he had been with Moore for two years, he knew what his Major General was like, and he was even more curious about him.

But he never thought that the house in front of him was enough to make him dumbfounded, and the man on the sofa, who was addicted to the phone without even noticing him, made his heart tremble even more.

Visually, he was a tall man, handsome and dashing. But other than that, he seemed to be useless. It was said that this man even quit his job as a teacher in a rotten town. Was it really okay for a 30-year-old man to be so poor, so idle and so addicted to his mobile phone? Was Major General blind? But was everyone in the Houston Family blind?

Qiu Ming quietly packed Moore’s things, but did not dare to ask. After all, Moore’s face was as frosty as before, and was even worse than before. This was not an illusion.

When he was about to leave, Moore suddenly said, “What was he doing when you came in?”

Moore’s voice was so cold that Qiu Ming shivered unconsciously, and the Major General asked so nonchalantly that he didn’t manage to respond to the Major General’s question for a while, “Major General, what did you say?”

Moore did not answer, but gave him a look with his deep blue eyes. Moore was just curious as to why Ji Feng didn’t open the door for a long time, since he was obviously at home.

“Ah,” Qiu Ming suddenly reacted, “Are you talking about your husband?” Qiu Ming obviously felt Moore’s vision dimmed, but he bit the bullet and replied, “He, when I came in, he seemed to be looking at his phone in the living room.” 

As soon as the voice fell, his dark blue eyes darkened a bit, and the accustomed oppression instantly enveloped Qiu Ming’s body. Damn, it seemed that the relationship between the Major General and his husband was not good, and his life would be even more difficult from now on.

When Qiu Ming came out, Ji Feng just raised his head. It was clear in Ji Feng’s heart why Moore did not need his help. Ji Feng, who was in a good mood, immediately smiled politely at Qiu Ming, but didn’t mean to directly scare Qiu Ming into speeding up his pace and rushing out of his house.

Another half an hour has passed, and you are still playing with your mobile phone? The Major General will not start an argument with you when he comes out, right? In any case, it’s better to run first.

Ji Feng glanced at himself inexplicably. There was nothing scary about him, so he lowered his head and continued to read the information.

Ever since he learnt about the power of the Mecha, he had been thinking, if Spiritual Power was poured into the Mecha that was forged with the Refining technique, could it make all aspects of the Mecha performance unexpectedly high? 

Ji Feng was constantly experimenting with this, so he stayed at home during this period of time when he came to Pageya. He didn’t know that he had been misunderstood as a decadent, useless, homebody, elder who had nothing to do and played mobile games at home all day long.

Ji Feng raised his head again because of a strong line of sight. When he raised his eyes, it turned out to be those deep blue eyes.

Ji Feng saw the neatly folded pajamas on his legs, “Want to take a bath? The bathroom is over there.”

“Thank you.” The cold and alienated voice came again.

Seeing his inconvenient legs, Ji Feng added, “You can tell me what you want or wherever you need help with, and I will try my best to satisfy you.”

Ji Feng was not a bad guy. It was originally just a forced marriage, but since he signed an agreement, it was the bare minimum to be kind to others. Not to mention that they would be living together under the same roof for a long time.

However, Moore just glanced at him blankly, then turned his wheelchair and moved towards the bathroom. This person seemed to be born with a cold look, a coldness that came from the inside, treating everyone the same.

“Are you sure you don’t need me to wash it for you?” Ji Feng looked at his stiff injured leg in uncertainty.

“Yes.” Moore refused unceremoniously, with obvious rejection written all over his face, even with a bit of undisguised disgust.

He was a Ger. No matter how tough he was, he was still a Ger, and this man was going to help him bathe under the premise that they had agreed to get married? How could he be at ease?

Ji Feng: ??? So stubborn? This insistent child was destined to suffer.

The author has something to say: 

Ji Feng: We are all men, what’s wrong with helping you to take a shower?

Moore: Rogue!

Ji Feng: ???

T/N: oh gosh how are they so funny (*´▽`*)

Edited by: Mochiusagi

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