Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 5: CH 5

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Translator: humu

In this era of highly advanced technology, Mecha Technology had already reached an unprecedented height. Not mentioning those heavy-duty Mechas that Ji Feng couldn’t even touch, even just an extremely ordinary uniform for Mecha Pilots was much beyond his understanding.

Even a simple robotic arm contained complex biotechnology, mechanical computing and software engineering. Not to mention every part of it after Refinement, Ji Feng couldn’t understand everything in a just short amount of time. So after much consideration, the only thing Ji Feng could do now was to use his Refining technique on the basis of the original Mecha to improve the performance.

The comprehensive performance of all aspects of a Mecha, such as Material Quality, Mecha Flexibility, agility, Operating System, Control System and other complex terms, would be used to grade a Mecha. Mechas were generally rated in 10 classes: F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, SSSS. The more powerful the Mecha was, the higher the class. Of course, the equivalent operation requirements were much higher and more complicated, so Mecha Pilots were also divided into corresponding ranks.

Without mentioning the others, there was now a SSS Rank Mecha War God at home: Major General Moore Houston. He was a veritable super-god Mecha War God.

As for the legendary ultimate War God of Mecha, which was a SSSS-Class, the entire planet and even the entire star field had only a small countable handful of them. It was said that the Imperial Marshal was a SSSS Rank, but no one knew of its authenticity.

Of course, there were only a handful of Mechas that could reach the SSSS-Class. The entire Lopa Star had only three SSSS Mechas, which were said to have been locked in the Imperial Palace.

After this period of training and research, Ji Feng went to a nearby garbage dump and picked up a small robotic arm with a sledgehammer attached. This was the simplest F-Class Mecha, and it was even a F-Class that had been scrapped.

After using his Refining technique on it, that mechanical arm had been completely renewed. The most important thing was that, under the spiritual power of his cultivation, all of the aspects of this mechanical arm that could be improved, had erupted and had definitely been improved qualitatively, including Defense and Strength. 

Simply put, this F-Class mechanical arm, after being tempered by Ji Feng’s Refining technique, could at least display the power of an E-Class or even the D-Class.

Judging from this experimental product, Ji Feng’s idea was still very promising, so he was now eager to try it. However, there were two big problems now. One was the Cultivation level; the essence of the Refining technique lay in his cultivation level. Therefore, only when the level was improved, could he then refine more powerful Mechas.

Then it was money. What could he practice with, if he didn’t even have a single penny on hand? So his first priority was to make money.

When thinking of the poor and impoverished original owner, along with that promised 50 million from that person, which wouldn’t be obtained for the time being, and it was uncertain whether it would still be available one year later; Ji Feng finally tried his luck on this experimental robotic arm.

If you get to buy an E-Class or even a D-Class Mecha for the price of a F-Class Mecha, there should be a lot of people flocking to it, right?

So Ji Feng had been learning about some Interstellar trading platforms for the past two days, but the Real-Name System had made him retreat. Once his identity was made public, he was afraid that his cultivation would be exposed sooner or later, and it would be very troublesome at that time.

Fortunately, Ji Feng finally found an anonymous forum beyond the jurisdiction of the planetary system—— The Realm of the Dark God.

There were tens of billions of anonymous users gathered here. Of course, there were also many real identities. They came from different planets and even different species. Among them, there were many bigwigs from all walks of life. There were even countless Mecha gods here.

In their words, the Realm of the Dark God was a place where big shots gathered, and it was not controlled by any planet. Wasn’t this exactly what Ji Feng needed?

So Ji Feng registered an account on ‘The Realm of the Dark God’. Ji Feng originally wanted to use the nickname “Refinery Master”. After all, such a thing didn’t exist in this world, but then thinking about it again, wasn’t this just asking for trouble?

So a flash of inspiration came. Wasn’t this forum called ‘The Realm of the Dark God’? Ji Feng just casually took its name and named himself “Dark God”.

What he didn’t know was how arrogant and ignorant it was for him to use this name, or how many great gods wouldn’t dare to use such an ostentatious name.

After registering, he did a simple scan of the robotic arm, and then uploaded the three-dimensional image. With the aid of the memory of the original owner, these things were very simple to operate.

Even the introduction was simple and crude, “Do you want to experience the power of the E-Class with a F-Class Mecha? Interested parties, click to chat privately.”

In fact, Ji Feng’s advertisement was not strange at all. There were more exaggerated descriptions on the forum. Moreover, his newly registered account was like an inconspicuous little stone thrown amongst a sea of ​​stars. There was no attention, no publicity and no exposure. It was definite that there would be no buyers.

So Ji Feng didn’t hold much hope. His current focus was still on Cultivation.

Just then, Moore came out of the bathroom in a wheelchair. 2 pairs of eyes met directly. The ripple-less and calm eyes quickly moved away from Ji Feng, without the slightest intention of meeting his gaze.

Ji Feng found that Moore’s frosty face was a little more rosy. Because he had just finished showering, his silver hair was drooping all over. His sharp aura was reduced a lot, the cold edges and corners around him seemed to have disappeared. But those eyes were still wrapped in coldness.

Ji Feng didn’t mean to speak initially, until his eyes fell on a few bright drops of blood on the floor.

Ji Feng’s pupils shrank. He immediately got up and walked over, “What’s going on? You are bleeding.”

Because Ji Feng’s tall body was blocking him, Moore was forced to stop. Only then did Ji Feng notice the look of stubbornly suffering wedged between Moore’s eyebrows. But the words that exited from his mouth were still in an indifferent, unwavering tone, “It’s okay.”

Even though all Ji Feng got was alienation and repulsion, Ji Feng didn’t mean to let this go. So Moore could only look up at Ji Feng with a cold expression on his face, his eyes showing obvious unhappiness.

It was a pity that Ji Feng was not his guard, nor was he someone who knew even a little about his habits. Ji Feng also wasn’t a person who would change his intentions to save face. Ji Feng just stared at his legs, turning a blind eye to his indifferent and repulsive gaze.

Moore’s right leg was cast in a bandage so it could not bend, but Ji Feng only just noticed that his left leg was also tied with a bandage. At this time, a large area had bled through the bandage and even a few drops of blood flowed down his ankle.

The level of medical care in this era had been quite advanced, but people remained just like an ordinary infant; they needed to rest and recover from the injury. It wouldn’t be cured instantly.

“Let me see it.” Ji Feng frowned and just as he said so, he had already squatted down.

“No.” Moore blurted out with an anger that was hardly hidden in his words. He didn’t expect this man to be so obstinate. He could even be said to be too arbitrary, as if not placing his refusal in his eyes.

But Ji Feng had already followed through his words and grabbed Moore’s ankle. Moore froze immediately. He couldn’t move at all nor could he break away.

It was an exaggeration to say that it was a slender, jade-like foot, since this foot was still a little swollen. But compared to Ji Feng’s own big feet, this foot was obviously whiter and smaller. There were not only blood stains, but the bandage also felt slightly damp. The bandages were wet from the shower he just took.

“The wound should have been torn open.” Ji Feng said, “It must be patched up again.” After speaking, he got up and went to find the medical kit.

“I said there was no need!” Moore was obviously annoyed, as his voice subconsciously raised by a few octaves.

However, Ji Feng seemed to have turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn’t heard anything, so his ankle was grabbed by Ji Feng once again. Moore was sweating from the pain, but now he was perspiring in cold sweat. There was even quite a bit of unspeakable embarrassment.

“I’ll deal with it myself.” Moore was using a lot of force as he gripped the armrest tightly with both hands. His face was pale but his voice was just as stubborn and raging.

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He never liked having contact with people, and disliked others ignoring him even more. The man in front of him had checked all of the boxes.

The big hand, which held onto his ankle, was wide and strong, with a low temperature. The movement of removing the bandage was very gentle. The obviously big and awkward hand had dexterous and agile movements.

Moore pursed his lips unconsciously and twisted his head to the side. This offensive touch was definitely the first in history. At the very least, none had ever dared to get so close to him, let alone after he explicitly refused.

And thus, one of them was surging like an artery, while the other was calm without ripples. Ji Feng just glanced at him without dissatisfaction or irritation, and faintly spit out one word, “Stubborn.”

Moore immediately flushed red with anger. He was clearly an existence that hundreds of millions of people look up to. He had always been a calm and firm person, but his calmness seemed to have failed in front of this man.

“Your father entrusted you to me so I can’t afford to have any accidents.” Ji Feng used an elder’s tone unconsciously.

Moore pursed his lips and glared at the man in front of him. In the end, he could only compromise.

Undoing the bandage, several obvious scratches on Moore’s white and slender calf appeared in front of Ji Feng’s eyes. Visually, they were not scratches made by humans. The wound was a little red and swollen, several spots seemed to be torn with a steady flow of blood slowly trailing out.

“This is the price of being stubborn.” Ji Feng unhurriedly spoke another line. His tone was very similar to that of Marshal Wip’s when Moore made a mistake as a child.

“I didn’t ask you to help.” Moore couldn’t bear it any longer.

He was a majestic Major General, a SSS-Rank War God, who had experienced many battles, but he was treated like a child by a 30-year-old man who knew nothing of the bigger world? What was this? He truthfully had never seen such a person before.

“I just find it unpleasant.” Ji Feng glanced at him faintly, thinking that it was a miracle for this child to become an Interstellar Male God.

Moore choked again and it took a while before he replied stiffly, “I will pay you part of the Star Coins first.”

Ji Feng laughed without raising his head, “That feels good.” He was really short of money now.

Moore paused and his deep gaze fell onto Ji Feng. This time he hinted with a bit of inquiry, “You are not the same as the rumors.” 

According to the data, Ji Feng was mediocre but arrogant, condescending and indulgent. In recent years, it was as if he had an attitude of self-defeat, abandoning himself, as if he was indifferent to everything. 

However, in the short half-day of contact, the man in front of him was obviously not like that. It didn’t look like he was a person with long-term depression, but had the attributes of a monk, with a pure and desire-less heart just like the legends, excluding his appearance. His eyes beamed with a glint that Moore could not understand.

Ji Feng raised his head and glanced at him, “Isn’t Major General Moore different from the one depicted on the Star Network too?” Ji Feng said, as he stretched out his finger to poke at the place where the bandage had just been tied.


Moore immediately became stiff and his hands on the armrest of the wheelchair were unconsciously tightly clenched. He was so in pain that his face became distorted.

Without waiting for him to start raging, he heard Ji Feng continue saying, “Obviously, you are so afraid of pain, but you still insist on being so stubborn.” Why bother doing things the hard way?

Moore, who was stabbed by the pain, instantly felt embarrassed and angry, but the other had just bandaged him, so no matter how big the fume was, he could only endure it.

“Thank you.” Moore entered the room after ruthlessly throwing out the two words.

Ji Feng looked at the tightly shut door and smiled. What ‘Invincible God of War’? Wasn’t it just a stubborn child?

Ji Feng immediately entered the empty room to train. Without thinking, this training made him forget about the existence of time; it was already the next morning when he walked out of the room again.

Ji Feng broke into laughter. The first day his wife married into the family and he already made people go hungry. He might just be the epitome of the legendary saying, “doomed to be lonely for life1”.

But what puzzled Ji Feng, was that the door of the room had been closed tightly and Moore seemed to have never come out. It stood to reason that a soldier’s work and rest timings were very regular. Even if he didn’t want to leave the room, he wouldn’t stay in it for so long. After all, he needed to eat as a human.

Until 12 o’clock at noon, after knocking on the door several times and no one answered, Ji Feng opened the door. At a glance, he saw Moore lying on the bed.

“Major General? Moore?” Ji Feng called a few times but still didn’t get a response. So he just invited himself in.

Soon Ji Feng found that Moore’s frosty face was abnormally flushed and his entire being seemed a little out of it.

Ji Feng lifted up the quilt and saw that Moore’s legs were visibly swollen to the naked eyes, especially the injured area on his calf.

On the surface, the wound was infected. Ji Feng bent over and probed Moore’s forehead. Half of his handsome face was sunken into the pillow. The corners and edges of his iceberg-like face were no longer so cold and sharp. Instead, it carried a little more fragility and delicacy.

It was burning. Ji Feng was taken aback by the high temperature.

Just as he withdrew his hand, Moore, who was closing his eyes, suddenly grabbed Ji Feng’s fingers. One hand held onto his index finger and the other holding his little finger, just like a child holding an adult’s finger. Then, Moore rubbed his forehead unconsciously against his hand.

“Daddy~ Moore is so uncomfortable…”

Ji Feng raised his brows. Moore’s voice was so fragile that he seemed to be another person. It was as weak as a fragile little cat acting like a baby, and it was so pitiful that it scratched his heart, making it itchy.

The author has something to say: 

Moore: Where am I? Who am I? What am I doing? No, who is this man? Why don’t my words work anymore? Don’t his eyes still function?

Elderly Ji: A stubborn baby is not easy to raise.

T/N: AWW my heart melted~

Edited by: Mochiusagi

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