Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 6: CH 6

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Translator: humu

As soon as Moore woke up, the hospital’s disinfectant smell made him frown instinctively, and he soon found himself in a small ward.

The loss of numbness in his legs surprised Moore and he quickly lifted up the quilt. The cast on his right leg was removed. The swollen legs had returned to normal and the injured areas had been treated. The little waves of panic in his eyes restored its calmness.

“Awake?” Ji Feng’s voice suddenly came from the side.

Only then did Moore notice Ji Feng’s tall figure sitting upright at the side of the bed. If he hadn’t spoken to Moore, Moore wouldn’t have noticed him for a while.

Ji Feng looked at the half risen Moore. He had returned to his cold appearance, as if he wasn’t the person who grabbed Ji Feng’s finger and called him ‘Dad’ in the morning.

“Because of your stubbornness last night, the wound became infected and you also had a fever,” Ji Feng said and shut Moore up with his first sentence. “But now the fever has subsided and the swelling has disappeared. It will be fine after two days of recuperation.” The level of medical care in this era still amazed him.

Moore had a dark expression for a while, but had no retort, so he gave his thanks awkwardly.

Just then the door opened, and an elderly doctor, who was over a hundred years old, walked in with a serious look on his face. Ji Feng recognised him to be the one in charge of Moore’s case.

The old doctor was followed by two young Gers; the nurses who came to make their rounds.

The eyes of the two Gers glowed, moving back and forth between Moore and Ji Feng. It was hard to hide their excitement. They had obviously recognized Moore, the Interstellar Male God.

The old doctor didn’t care about this. After examining Moore with a calm face, he looked at Ji Feng seriously.

“This isn’t sensible,” The old doctor reprimanded solemnly. “Although the current medical level is very advanced, you can’t ruin your health so badly. You even made him move like this, with such an injury. How are you behaving like a husband? Is being a husband just for display? “

“Ke1,” Ji Feng coughed dryly. “It’s my fault.” If he had known better, he wouldn’t have explained the situation when he came to the hospital. How could he, a 300 years old man, be reprimanded by a junior who was younger by 200 years?

Moore also awkwardly turned his gaze away.

He hadn’t expected for the old doctor to turn his head and glared at Moore, “So are you! After causing yourself to be this injured, you still dare to move this recklessly? Don’t you know how to let your husband give you a bath? You really don’t take your health seriously.” The one thing this old doctor hated the most, was people who didn’t cherish their health.

Moore pursed his lips and lowered his head slightly. No one had ever reprimanded him like this while growing up.

Looking at Moore’s embarrassed face and his red ears, Ji Feng couldn’t stop the corners of his lips from hooking upwards. In the end, the old doctor’s serious face turned to him instantly, “How insensible. You could have avoided this kind of situation with just a little more attention and caution.”

“Yes, understood. I will pay attention to it in the future.” Ji Feng had the appearance of sincerely listening to the advice, without a trace of acting.

Moore just looked very unnatural, with every cell screaming out in awkwardness.

Ji Feng didn’t expect that once the nagging old doctor left, Seya, Houston’s family doctor came. At the age of thirty or forty, he was a Ger like Moore and they seemed to have a good relationship.

Ji Feng didn’t know how this person knew about Moore’s incident, but didn’t delve into it. He could use this time to go settle some things, so after a simple greeting, he handed Moore to him.

But Moore felt a little strange. Ji Feng obviously didn’t have a job. According to his information, he hadn’t been out for more than two months.

After confirming that Moore was okay, Seya looked at Moore and sighed, “You better tell me just what the hell is going on. I didn’t believe it when the Main Brain Matching news came out. I didn’t expect you to really…”

“What in the world is your father thinking?” Seya said and then changed the topic, “Look at you with such an elegant appearance, but in just 2 days, you became like this under his care.”

“Uncle Seya,” Moore was a little irritable from the concern. “It’s not his fault.”

Moore spoke the truth, but Seya was stunned when he heard it, and the gaze he used to look at Moore changed.

The arrogant and indifferent second young master of the Houston Family, actually spoke for that man? Was this the so-called “Ger who married out was just like water thrown out”? But in his opinion, Moore was different from the others.

Moore didn’t know that Seya’s thoughts were all over and so off tangent. He was just telling the truth.

It took a while for Seya to relax and recollect his thoughts. Although it was difficult to accept, he still said, “It’s useless to say anything at this point, but if he treats you badly in the future, you must not tolerate it.” He was the most worried for this child, who only knew how to silently endure suffering.

Anyway, there was nothing much to discuss, so Moore kept quiet. Fortunately, Seya was very busy, and eventually had to leave before Ji Feng returned.

Talking about Ji Feng, the robotic arm that was put up yesterday was unexpectedly sold, which surprised him quite a bit. He received private messages from several people today. After several discussions, Ji Feng chose to look from a long-term perspective. He made a deal with a Mecha novice, who planned to make money in the Fighting Arena.

Poor, novice, but full of fighting spirit and perseverance. He would rise from the bottom, step by step. Moreover, a place like the Fighting Arena, which advocated the strong and the Mechas, in Ji Feng’s opinion, it was the most ideal place to advertise his products.

Another reason was that the Fighting Arena was in Pageya and Ji Feng didn’t want to reveal any sort of information, so he chose to send it in person.

When Ji Feng came back, the sun had fallen. As soon as he had opened the door, he saw Moore getting out of bed, but Moore seemed to have underestimated the ability of his injured leg. At the same time, Moore was surprised by Ji Feng, who had suddenly opened the door, so before he could stand up, his body fell to the side.

With Ji Feng’s quick agility and foresight, he quickly used his hand to catch Moore then forcibly pushed the person back to the bed.

“What are you doing?” Ji Feng was puzzled and even held a bit of blame in his voice. Wasn’t the reason for Moore’s appearance in the hospital was because of this stubbornness? “Can’t you call for the doctor if you need something?”

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The low voice made people tremble inexplicably. Moore did not expect that Ji Feng would come back so suddenly, and even instantly zeroed out all of his half-day efforts. He immediately became a little annoyed, so he pulled back the arm that was grabbed by Ji Feng in embarrassment as he said coldly, “It’s okay.”

Ji Feng frowned. Was it that difficult to open one’s mouth?

“We are now in a contractual relationship. One year is not long, but not short either. What’s more, we still have to get along day and night. Do you really think we can get along happily with your attitude?”

Ji Feng had lived for more than 300 years. What kind of person hadn’t he seen before? Sinister, treacherous or despicable; it didn’t matter what the other was like, as long as they didn’t interfere with him. Because that was other people’s business, being good or bad had nothing to do with him.

But since he had reached an agreement with Moore, at least on the surface, he was obligated to take care of him. Besides, Moore’s solitary “independence” ended up troubling him. The appearance in the hospital today was one such example.

In fact, Moore was not so arrogant and difficult to get along with. He just disliked getting along with people and he didn’t want to be in contact with others. It just so happened that he had this kind of ability, so he was capable and strong enough to disregard others’ faces.

But the man in front of him was obviously different from everyone else. Ji Feng didn’t flatter him nor was he afraid of him. He didn’t care to curry favour with him or listen to his rejection. He even disciplined him in such a criticizing tone. Moore didn’t know where this man came from, but he found that he was speechless against him. This was because Ji Feng had always said things so accurately and directly that he couldn’t refute it.

This person seemed carefree and seemed to be easy to get along well with, but when one looked back, one would find that one seemed to be doing things according to his wishes. He could poke one’s weakness without even one knowing, leaving one speechless.

Just like now, Moore didn’t need his help. It was obvious that this man was being nosy, but in Ji Feng’s words, it seemed that Moore had done something wrong that shouldn’t be done.

If it was the usual Moore, he would definitely be able to deal with it calmly. But he was very anxious now and was about to collapse, so he stared at Ji Feng, a little annoyed, “So what.” 

Ji Feng paused. It was then that he realized that Moore’s fair face had some obvious abnormal flush. There was a layer of fine sweat on his forehead and his body was also very stiff.

?? Did he speak too harshly? Ji Feng, who had never accepted a disciple for 300 years, displayed his lack of experience in taking care of such a big child.

“What’s wrong, which part is uncomfortable?”

Moore didn’t respond but tried to get out of bed again, without any intention of paying attention to Ji Feng.

However, his body was already stiff. Coupled with his legs’ inability to bear his weight, the frantic movement only made it more difficult for him to remain stable, so Moore fell again.

He was lucky this time round. He directly fell towards Ji Feng, who was sitting by the bed and had caught Moore as soon as he reached out his hand.

“Hmm~” At that moment, Moore was feeling so awkward that he was extremely embarrassed. His whole body turned red, as if he was burning. He felt uncomfortable, ashamed, and at the same time, extremely infuriated.

Moore’s hands almost landed on Ji Feng’s shoulders and his body was sprawled on Ji Feng’s legs because his own legs could not support his body. From afar, it looked like Moore had intimately pounced into Ji Feng’s arms.

Ji Feng reflexively wrapped his arms around Moore’s shoulders. Just as he thought of supporting him back on the bed, the hands lying on his shoulders suddenly clenched tightly. The veins on Moore’s forehead were about to burst, as he subconsciously buried his head in Ji Feng’s shoulders.

“Hold on,” Moore’s hoarse and lowered voice came from his shoulders. Ji Feng could hear that Moore was trying to endure something with all his might, “Don’t move.”

Ji Feng stopped his movements, “Sprained?” The absolute War God wouldn’t be so fragile, right?

Ji Feng seemed to hear the sound of grinding teeth.

After dozens of seconds, probably after the rush of energy passed, Moore’s forced and unwilling voice came again.

“I want to…… go to the bathroom.” If it wasn’t the last resort, if it wasn’t for the point of collapsing, Moore would not have admitted that, even if he was beaten to death.

He had not only lost face in front of the other, but also laid on him in such an extremely embarrassing posture and said such mortifying words.

Ji Feng was taken aback, then suddenly realized. Didn’t he just want to pee? Was it so difficult to admit? This child must have held back so much that he became this awkward.

Ji Feng watched as Moore’s veins seemed as if it was about to explode. With a layer of sweat on his forehead, not only his face and neck were flushed, but his body was so stiff that he didn’t dare to move. So he asked, “Can you hold on?”

Moore nearly broke down as soon as he heard this blunt statement. If he hadn’t been stopped by this person, even if he needed to crawl, he would still be able to make it in time. This person actually still had the face to ask such a question?

Ji Feng, who was being glared at by Moore, got the answer in his heart. He was just afraid that if the pee really did come out now, with this child’s personality, he would definitely end his existence right then and there. So he hurriedly said, “Don’t move, I’ll carry you over.”

The moment Moore heard, his head felt as if it was going to explode, “No…”

However, his body was floating before he finished speaking. Ji Feng directly carried him up horizontally. The sudden movement made Moore’s nerves tense to the extreme. At this moment, he didn’t have the ability to care about anything else, so he could only hold back his words and reel in his anger.

This must be a nemesis, right?

The author has something to say: 

Moo-nothing to live for-re: You must be my nemesis, right?

Ji-Old Man-Feng: Isn’t it ‘a savior’? 

T/N: DED I really applaud him for holding his pee back for SO long. Guess he can hold something else back really long too, right? (¬‿¬ )

Edited by: Mochiusagi

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