Marvel: Playing the Oldest Game

Chapter 10: Fetching Talent

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Peter had grown accustomed to fighting in the underground cages. His nickname the Spider was much more famous in the ring than in public. Mostly it was his habit of beating the shit out of his opponents that made him popular and the fact that he never lost turned him into a celebrity. 

Even now, he barely used any strength and his enemy had two of his ribs broken. Peter didn't know that he would enjoy this, but he was. He enjoyed the fights and he loved the victories. 

However, this didn't interest me.

"He is still far too naive and weak."

"He is?" The man standing next to me asked. "His movements are fast but without any precision and I believe that's his major flaw. Other than that, he seems decent and he has monstrous strength." He looked at me. "That is weak?"

Without a second of delay, I nodded. "He is. However, do not forget what I told you to keep in check. After all, that is going to happen soon." I said. 'It's about time.'

"I won't." Paladin assured.

I nodded before walking out of the audience.

The incident with his Uncle Ben was going to be soon. When exactly? That I didn't know however it has been a while since he got his power and that means the event is going to occur soon. 

That will kickstart my plans.

"Are those assets safe?"

Paladin laughed at my question.

"Calling people assets, how harsh." He smirked. "But they are safe. You will see for yourself."

I didn't reply, it was true that it was harsh. But it was the reality. That's what they were. 



The people inside the bunker were nervous. The man provided them with shelter and food but they had no knowledge of his motives. All they knew was that they were important to him and someone was interested in them. 

It wasn't difficult for them to figure out the that it was due to their abilities. 

The mutants were the first to realise that. 

A boy with perky hair gulped. "We won't be turned into human sacrifices, right?"

"If we were, there would be more than one person keeping guard of us." Scoffed a girl. "They obviously want to make use of our abilities."

She had long black hair and a tan, however despite her tone, she seemed younger than the boy. 

"As long as we do not die or don't suffer any major harm, even serving them is worth it."

"That doesn't sound very appealing but Gary is right." The one to say this was a boy with golden locks, making the previous guy smile. 

Gary was a boy that was far taller and bulkier than them but he was also the second youngest of them all. 

"There are twenty-three of us here." Deduced the blonde boy. "And not all of us seem to have special abilities."

"Those two do." The boy with spiky hair said, pointing towards a boy and a girl that stood separately from them all. "I don't know about the guy but the girl can kill half of us if she wanted."

"But she hasn't."

"Indeed." Gary said. "As Melissa said, she hasn't. All of us have our reasons to be here and till we don't know everyone's story, we shouldn't vilify anyone."

The boy lowered his head in shame which made the other guy sigh. 

"Don't be such a wuss Oliver. Showing a meek personality here might lead to bad results." The boy said looking at some of the people in the room that were laughing at Oliver. 

"Be strong, Oliver." Melissa said, glaring back at the crowd. "As Alex said, we are better than them."

Gary was about to reprimand her on equality but before he could say anything, they all heard the giant metallic door of the bunker creak open.

And it didn't take them long to notice the two men walking towards them. 

One of them was very familiar to them, armoured body and a mask with swords hanging on his back. 

The man that provided them shelter. 

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However, the man next to their benefactor was completely unknown to them.

He didn't carry any weapons, nor did he have any armour or extravagant mask. All he had were black jeans with an equally black jacket. He also wore a grey high neck underneath, which he pulled up to cover his face till his nose.

"Pretty lashes." Melissa smirked as the only thing that the guy kept visible were his eyes and his long eyelashes.

"*Shussh*" Alex frowned at her and whispered. "We do not know who he is but given how casually he walked in and the guy with swords is following him, he has more authority than him."

Gary agreed with his deduction. "I agree with Alex on this."

"Good Evening."

Melissa, Gary, Alex, Oliver and everyone in the room focused on the man in the hoodie as he greeted them.

"I believe all of you are confused as to why a man suddenly offered you free food and shelter."

No one could see behind the clothing, but Alex for some reason believed that the person was smiling behind the mask.

"But I know you are smart enough to realise that nothing is ever for free."

This made quite a few of the people within the room tense, however the guy laughed. 

"Don't be so scared. I am not here to harvest your organs." He paused. "I am here with an offer."

The people in the room stared at each other, in both hope and worry.

"Most of you here are either orphans, illegal immigrants, escapees or mercenaries." He looked around. "Some of you used your skills to gain money." He said staring at the mercenaries. "While the rest of you had to be on the run because of those very skills." This time he looked at the mutants and the two outcasts.

The people within the room lowered their heads, knowing that what he said was the truth.

"But worry not!" He assured. "I have gathered you under this roof to give you what you deserve."

The people were confused. 

"Food, Shelter and Money." He announced making everyone look at him with wide eyes.

"In this world, the skilled are sought after. And you all are skilled, gifted even. And if you agree to use those gifts to work, I can promise you money and security." He paused. "More than you could ever imagine."

One of the mercenaries frowned. 

"How can we trust you?" He asked. "How can we be sure that you can provide us with security?"

The hooded man looked at the boy.

"Not the smartest are you?" He said, making the boy a little angry. "The very fact that you are here and none of your pursuers has found you, the fact that you are alive." The figure laughed. "Isn't that enough of a proof of my capabilities?"

The boy gritted his teeth. The man wasn't wrong, he saw the armoured man cutting down his pursuers with the same swords that he wore on his back.

"Work for me." He repeated. "And none of you ever have to worry about money."

The mercenaries looked at one another wondering if they could live a decent life. 

However, the mutants had different worries.

"What about the ones that are born different?" Oliver asked, finally getting rid of his nervousness. "We… just wanted society to accept us?"

Alex and Gray agreed with Oliver. 

"Some of us just want to live a decent life."

The hooded man looked at Oliver. "Oliver, right?"

Oliver seemed startled but he nodded as everyone looked at him. "Y-Yeah."

"Let me tell you something. In this world, those that have power and money are always looked up to. You may be born with an ugly face, a deformity or even an incurable disease. But if you have enough power and money, society will lick your boots. To fit into society, you do not need to change your appearance or your identity." He explained. "You need to prove your worth. And all of you here have enough worth for society to lick your boots."

He walked forward.

"Some of you are far smarter, far stronger and far superior to any of those old frogs at the top of the social ladder." He stared at the two that stood separated from everyone else. "Isn't that right…Tyrone and Tandy."

The two froze as he suddenly focused on them.

"Or should I call you… Cloak and Dagger?"

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