Marvel: Playing the Oldest Game

Chapter 11: Bang

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I didn't know if my luck was good or bad.

Cloak and Dagger were very powerful mutates, originally thought to be mutants later termed mutates, they are two very strong beings.

Tragic story to be honest, but barely any of my concern. 


"I know of your story," I announced which made them a bit worried. "Worry not, unlike back then… You are free to leave if you find anything worth pursuing. However, as long as you are here, I promise to provide you with whatever you desire."

I paused and looked over the population.

"Unless it's something excessive."

Walking back by a tiny bit, I whispered to Paladin. 

"Keep an eye on those two. They are the most precious amongst the bunch."

There was none with super hearing in the room so whispering didn't matter.

"Understood." Paladin said. 

Currently, I didn't have anyone that was my enemy or anyone that openly knew about me so Paladin's loyalty was not in question. But the day I made my identity public, I had to deal with him.

"Think it over." I said as I walked back. "I will be expecting your answers."

And I believed that I knew those answers.

It had been a while since Ben saw a kid going through his rebellious phase. Last he saw it was when his brother went through his teenage years, it put a sad smile on his face. 

Reminiscing about the past, Ben felt both happy and pained. 

Happy that he could see his brother in Peter, while his recent endeavours had been extreme, Ben knew that the boy was kind at heart and it was merely that he had stumbled a little from his track. 

"I hope he is alright though." Ben sighed as he stared at the sky, it was a little cloudy. "He isn't out till this long usually."

Peter has been coming home late the past few days, but today he has been late by a lot. Ben hoped that the boy hadn't fallen into some trouble.

"Please be alright my boy."

He was growing anxious, asking around about the boy. But wherever he asked, he got the same answer.

"I don't know, old man."

Smiling in disappointment and thanking the person, he went to ask another. 

It was growing cold, the clouds had moved right over his head. 

"I should tell May to make some warm soup for Peter." 

And that's when he heard—

"Catch him! He is a thief!"

Ben saw a man running towards him with a half-closed bag. Seeing the money slipping out of the bag, Ben knew that the man was the thief. 

He didn't know if it was his instinct or his Parker blood in him that hated injustice, he stood right in front of the man.

"Please stop, young man."

He requested, extending his arms in a way to block the man from escaping. 

But this didn't stop the man, at best it made him annoyed and slowed a bit. He pushed Ben and tried to get away, however, Ben gripped his leg.

"Fuck off, old man."

The man cursed, realising that Ben had gotten a hold of him. But Ben was weak, his old age was getting to him. 

"You don't have to do this, son." Ben pleaded, trying to convince the man to give up. 

But all it did was agitate the man. The cops and the shopkeeper were getting close and if he didn't run, he would get caught.

Gritting his teeth, he kicked Ben on his shoulder. The older man felt the pain all over his body but he didn't let the man escape. 

"Please don't do this, son." 

He begged the guy, aware that he might get hurt. But he couldn't let a young man destroy his life for some mere cash. 

"Fuck you, old man!" The man bit his tongue and shouted. "You brought this upon yourself."

Saying this, he took out a gun. 

This was not something that Ben had considered. His eyes went wide when he saw the man point the gun at his chest. 

He cursed his foolish bravery but he still gripped onto the man's legs.

And that's when he saw his whole world going dark. 


He felt cold, so very cold. He didn't feel pain, just cold.

The soup that he wanted May to make, he wanted to taste it. 

But he knew. 

It just wasn't possible anymore. 

"ir— ir! Sir! Sir!" 

The lights became dimmer and the voices around him grew lighter. 

"Open your ey—"

"It's cold tonight."

Soon, Ben only saw the dark and heard only the silence.

Peter rushed through the corridor, not caring who he crashed onto. He ran and he ran.

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He saw a crowd.


Police, nurses and people surrounded the corridor.

"No! No! No!"

He heard cries, cries that broke his heart. 

He saw his aunt crying and begging the doctors. 

"Please… Please save him! Please save him!"

U-Uncle Ben…" Peter felt his heart shattering when he saw his aunt crying.

May turned towards Peter. "P-Peter."

Seeing the boy, she broke down. 

"Your uncle…" She sobbed. "Your uncle…"

Peter rushed to his aunt and hugged her tightly. 

"I am here, aunt May. I am here." 

He held his aunt close to him, comforting her. 

"Are you… Peter Parker?" 

Peter looked up and saw a police officer looking at him.


The officer nodded. "I am Officer Stacy, I would like to talk to you about something."

"But…" He looked at his aunt but realising that it was important, he nodded. "A-Alright."

He felt pain, his uncle was in the ICU but he didn't know anything. 

Allowing one of the neighbours to take care of his aunt. He went with the officer to the corner of the corridor.

"Your uncle is a brave man." Officer Stacy said, looking towards the ICU. "Thanks to him, the culprit had to leave the money bag on the ground and run. Your uncle saved an entire family from being homeless."

The officer sounded both proud and pained. "The doctor says that he is in a coma."

Peter froze. "C-Coma?"

Stacy nodded. "It's a shame that the police couldn't be on time. If only—"

"If only what?" Peter growled. "When? Just when are you ever on time?"

Peter nearly shouted, blinded by anger and pain. 

"Because of your incompetence my uncle is in there!" He pointed towards the ICU. "Just how much do I have to suffer? How much does our family have to suffer?"

He remembered that even during his parents' death, the police did nothing. And even now, nothing.

Stacy lowered his head. 

"I apologise but there was very little we could have done at that point, but now we know who the person is and the location where he might be hiding. Our forces are heading there to apprehend him."

Stacy sighed.

"Do not worry, he will be punished accordingly."

'But will my uncle be alright?' Peter wanted to scream out loud, but he didn't. 

Stacy checked his pockets and pulled out a sketch. 

"This… is the person." 

Peter didn't want to look at the picture, because he knew if he saw the man, he would kill that person.

However, he did look. He did want to kill the person and he swore he would. 

But the moment he saw the picture, he felt the land below him shake.

The man in the sketch had a tiny scar on his forehead, half bald and rough facial features.

But that didn't make Peter tremble. 

What did was the fact that he had seen the man before. 


Had helped the man. 

'I-I what?' Peter was confused, he was scared and angry. 'Why?!?'

Peter had helped that man escape after stealing some beer in the past. The shopkeeper acted rude and this made Peter not stop the guy from stealing the beers.

'If… If I had stopped him then… Would my uncle have been safe?' He was horrified. 'If I had gone back home early, would he have been with me now? Laughing?'

Peter realised that it was his fault, although not entirely but he was responsible for his uncle's condition. And in one way or another, he considered him to be the one that made his uncle like that.

"Do you know this man?" Stacy asked, and Peter trembled.

However, the boy rejected the claim. "N-No, no I don't."

Stacy was a bit suspicious of his reaction but knowing that his uncle was in the ICU, he gave the boy the benefit of the doubt.

And as Peter cursed himself, he heard two familiar voices. 



He turned around and saw his friends.

"M-MJ? Harry?"

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