Marvel: The Beast System

Chapter 45: Chapter 44: Launch of The Game

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44: Launch of The Game

- A week later -

It had been a week since Peter started focusing on the game and nothing else. Sure, he practiced his magic and went to school, but his prime focus was always the game. And after a week-long hard work, during which he had to fix a lot of bugs his ‘game testers’ reported, Peter was confident to say that he was ready to launch his game.

That, along with the fact that he’d had to go to make a bank account and also deal with Lawyers and paperwork, the game was ready to be launched. Though now that he was ready to release it, Peter was feeling quite dumb that he’d even thought of starting with [Temple Run], while relatively easy to make, it was quite a big project for the current him.

He should’ve stuck with something like [Flappy Birds] or something, though maybe that was why he’d made [Flappy Birds] in the last 2 days of this week. And in this short span of time, it took for him to make [Flappy Birds] was why he was feeling dumb about his decision to make [Temple Run] first.

Peter sighed; what’s done is done. No need to mull over it.

Sitting on the chair, Peter finally decided that it was time for him to release the game. So, he first made a patent for his game and released it. It would probably take half a day or so for it to get approved.

Done with that, Peter made a patent for [Flappy Birds] and released it too, and both his games were in the queue to get approved. Sighing in contentment at the job that was finally done, Peter turned off his pc and jumped on his bed to sleep, it was past midnight, and he should probably get some shuteye.

Spider-Man was seen quite less this past week or so, but the public was cool about it as this was, quite literally, a peaceful time—though he was sure it was nothing more than the calm before the storm like it always is.


Peter yawned as he woke up from his slumber. He got to his pc before doing any of his morning rituals. The games were already up on PlayStore, AppStore, and other game stores he could find. The games were under one name, and one name alone: [Parker Industries].

There was, however, one glaring problem.

The downloads were a zero on every sight.

Peter frowned; what can he do about the promotion?

Think, think, think… think dude! You’re spider-man!’ Peter blared in his head.



He smirked as his suit appeared on him.

Peter swung out of his house and toward New York City at speeds quite fast before he got tired of the continuous swinging—he was swinging because he found it fun. He had a faster method of transportation, after all. Peter quickly got into a secluded place and opened a portal to New York City, which he promptly went through, coming out in the air of the bustling city.

“Hello New York!” Peter yelled out as he swung through the busy streets, bustling with people. They pointed at him, shouting ‘Hi’ and ‘Hello’ at him. Peter ignored them and stopped a crime or two before he sat down on a public bench, taking out his phone as he started playing [Temple Run], getting busy playing for some fun since he was quite tired from all the hero work he was doing—or so it seemed to the average passerby.

Some of them—actually, most of them took out their phones and started taking pictures.

Just according to keikaku muhahahaha!’ Peter laughed in his mind.

This would work spectacularly in his favor since these people would most likely make his pictures go viral, and in addition, ‘the game spider-man was playing in his free time.’ There was a problem with this like what if the NYPD, or worse, S.H.I.E.L.D.—by extension, HYDRA—tracked him through the phone he was using?

That’s why Peter had made sure to hide the whole phone in his webs, leaving only the screen out. The web was attached to his suit—seemingly saying that Spider-Man had to use the web since he had no pockets on his suit and that’s exactly why his phone wasn’t visible.

Anyways, after Peter played for a while, and the passerbys were done with taking pictures, Peter bid them farewell and swung back into an alley before going into his house.

He’d had only played [Temple Run] as Spider-Man since playing [Flappy Bird]—a game by the same creator—would’ve been a bit suspicious. Not that [Flappy Birds] needed any promotion at all. The game would eventually rise. It was the fate this game had.

Though Peter had made some changes in his version so that there wouldn’t be a fall of this game like the one in his previous world—which was mostly because of the copyright issues with the art style used in it. Although the developer had denied such a possibility, Peter knew that there was some off-screen stuff going on between the developer and the art style owners.

Anyways, when Peter got home and checked, he was surprised that his pictures were already a sensation on the internet, and were being thrown around. Even though Peter had expected such a result, this was too soon. But Peter didn’t mind this development, in fact, he loved it. And the love only increased when he saw that there were many discussions going on about ‘What is Spider-Man playing?’ on the many forums and Twitter itself.

Actually, Twitter had gotten more tweets than ever because of him just now. It was relatively new, after all, and people had only started finding out about it. But when Spider-Man suddenly appeared on Twitter out of nowhere, it would get more attention for obvious reasons.

It was still quite early in the morning, and so, Peter got ready for school.

…And finally did his morning rituals.

While in the shower, Peter went through all the points he’d gained during this past week. He’d been busy, so he only had time with May, no one else. So he’d gained a bit less than usual.

[Task Complete! Give Cunnilingus; Get Fellatio; Vaginal sex; Anal sex; and Hardcore!]

[+800 SP] X7 (5,600 SP)

[14,200 /50,000 SP]

After he was done checking this, Peter got out of the bathroom dried himself with a towel and went down to eat with May before going to school.

In school, however, he was tackled from behind, the weight was quite a lot, too. Peter frowned and turned around to see if it were someone who needed a beating. But… ‘It’s just Ned.’ Peter sighed, smiling at his friend.

“Dude! You’re famous!” Ned exclaimed in excitement.

“What do you mean?” Peter frowned.

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“You launched your game, right? Didn’t you check the news in the morning? Spider-Man played your game! It’s a hot topic! A lot of people are downloading and playing it now!” Ned’s excitement knew no bounds. It was to the point that Peter almost said that it was his game, and even he isn’t that surprised. But he contained himself.

“Yeah, I know, it was a crazy experience!” Peter huffed, matching Ned’s excitement.

“I know right?” Ned said before looking around at the students who were giving them a look. “You’re kind of famous in the school now.” Ned looked smug.

Peter rolled his eyes.

“Come on, let’s go,” Peter said.

During lunch, Peter, Gwen, Ned, Michele, and Betty were sitting together to eat, as always.

“You guys will get your cut when I get money from the game,” Peter said suddenly. He’d asked for their services, so he was going to pay them for their services—which were nothing but testing the game and pointing out any flaws, errors, bugs, or similar stuff.

The others argued a bit, saying that they hadn’t done it for money and stuff, but Peter wasn’t buying it. He needed to leave an impression so that he could ask them to do his bidding in the future too. He needed a lot of employees in the future, after all.

“I have to admit though,” Michele, who’d gotten a bit chattier lately, said. “You’ve done something very horrible.”

The others were confused, but Ned and Peter only laughed.

“Can you explain what’s going on?” Gwen asked in confusion.

“Let me,” Ned said. “So, you see, Peter’s made [Temple Run] which is a free-to-play game. There’s nothing wrong with that, but there are many micro-transactions built into the game. You can play it for free, but you need to buy certain things or perks if you want to get to the end easily. Not to forget the ads and the premium version you can buy not to see them.”

Yes, Peter had made an end for [Temple Run], but he doubted anyone would reach it in the upcoming one-two year.

“He also made another game like that—which, by the way, I had no clue he was making,” Ned said, sounding a bit grumpy.

Peter just ignored him since he knew that Ned was just joking.

“That’s just for the starting phases,” Peter interjected. “I have something even more evil planned for when both my games have a big fanbase.”

[Temple Run] was over 100k downloads on PlayStore the last time I checked,” Michele said, her voice lacing with sarcasm.

“I mean an even bigger fanbase. And when I do,” Peter smirked. “I’m gonna get to the bigger Gacha Games.”

“Pfff!” Ned spilled the water he was drinking.

“Dude,” he drawled, looking horrified. “You were serious when you told me about this plan of yours?”

“Of course,” Peter affirmed.

“That’s evil.” Ned chuckled, mirrored by Peter.

“Um,” Betty sounded, catching their attention. “What’s gacha games?”

“Woman,” Peter and Ned said at the same time, giving her a look. “You have no idea.”


School time over, Peter went straight to home and sat on his chair, booting up his pc.

His followers on Twitter had crossed a whopping 20k—which would, strictly speaking, look pale compared to his future numbers, but whatever.

Speaking of numbers, his Spider-Man pictures were going around the internet and the real world like lightning. The fans had already swarmed every platform they could find with his images.

JJJ was having a blast on TV since his newest article and show were going viral due to one particular headline: [Spider-Menace plays games instead of helping people! Find the truth behind this façade! Spider-Man; nothing but a criminal in disguise!]

Peter, however, didn’t give a flying fuck about whatever this old coot was doing. Though he’d get his revenge one way or another, he was that petty, after all.

Other than that, [Temple Run] had gotten a whopping 5 million downloads—combined from all stores—in a single fucking day. But that wasn’t the main thing. Due to [Parker Industries] getting famous, a small portion of people went ahead and looked for more games from him, and chanced upon [Flappy Bird]. That’s when the real magic began. The few that did download it, made it so that the algorithm of these stores showed the game to more people.

And being the sensation this game could—and would—be, It got over 10 million downloads in a single day, crossing [Temple Run] since, well, [Flappy Bird] was more frustrating and had more dick-flaunting aspects. Why? Simple, it’s fucking hard, and whoever got up in the rankings of the leaderboard meant that they possessed a dick bigger than anyone else and their mother.

Peter sighed in contentment and waited for May, who came in shocked because she’d suddenly seen Peter in the news while she was doing her work. And her colleagues told her that it was because his game was famous now.

May had started shouting for answers the moment she came inside.

Be that as it may, Peter had turned her shouts into screams of pleasure and moans since he wanted to celebrate this success.

Lord_Kismet: Quite a lot happened in a single chapter, eh? The reason is simple, it’s because the story was getting a bit too slow-paced. So, I decided to start kicking in toward the main plot. Of course, that starts with Tony escaping. And you might have to wait for that since the upcoming few chapters will be dedicated to Silver-Sable.

PS: Tony will have a few more POVs, I'm sorry. I know they aren't necessary. But it is what it is, you guys will understand once I reach a particular plot point.

Please trust me and bear with it.


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