Marvel: The Perfect Run

Chapter 3: Chapter 03: Routes?

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03: Routes?

“What did I do wrong?” thought she who had suffered from hate all her life.

She, who was Lilly Dyson.

From the moment she could remember, she had always been hated by her big brother. Always. There wasn’t a single day he didn’t give her a hateful glare.

Her grandpa and grandma were the only people she got some resemblance of love from. While her only family, her only brother, hated her, and loathed her even for something she did not do.

“Get away from me, murderer!”

That was the first words from him that she could remember till this day.

“Why did you have to be born?!”

Words that she always kept near her heart, never forgot, as she fell asleep every night.

Lilly did not know what wrong she did to him. The reason for his hate. So, she was naturally a bit curious, so curious that she ended up telling her grandpa how big brother always hated her, titling her murderer and so.

She wanted to know why she was hated so much.

But… maybe, she shouldn’t have told her grandpa?

He did tell her the reason though.

But he also punished her brother.

Apparently, her mom, a woman she did not remember at all, had died just after giving birth to Lilly, and due to the shock from the news, her dad had followed soon after since he was driving when he heard the news.

Lilly had an enlightened moment.

She knew the reason why he hated her, justifiably so.

But… was it really her fault?

‘Am I really the reason mom died?’

‘Dad died too, am I to be held responsible for his death also?’

Such questions popped up in her mind from time to time, questions she had no answers to, questions she was afraid to ask her grandpa or grandma again since Lilly didn’t them punishing her brother for it a second time.

After all, the first time he got punished for it, Lilly had felt his hate grow.

…Lilly didn’t want to be hated.

She was jealous and envious of the girls in school; they had such nice brothers.

Why couldn’t she have one too?

Thus, Lilly’s small brain developed a defense mechanism against his hate.

Sarcasm, short temper, and extreme jealousy that drove her to be a nuisance to her brother. For he was not giving her the attention and love a sister deserved. If the other girls got it, why couldn’t she?

Lilly started bothering him every time she saw him. Pranking him with stupid things, forcefully waking him up by jumping on top of his stomach before running away, putting chilly in his food, and so much more.

Of course, she made sure he wouldn’t tell on her grandparents by threatening him. She told him that she’d cry to her grandparents, tell them how he treated her, how he still hated her, how he still wasn’t treating her nicely.

She hoped Warren would stop hating her and play with her for real, just for once. That’s why she was a nuisance to him, just so he would play with her one way or another.

He started playing with her, and being nice to her, to the point she almost believed that he had changed.


She was wrong.

Mellissa, that bitch, died when her brother was playing with her, and he heard the news on the phone, Lilly knew at that moment.

He didn’t love her.

He wasn’t playing with her because he wanted to.

‘He still hates me…’

Lilly had cried, for a really long time, pushing her face into the pillow.

He still hated her…



She was enraged.

She will just leave them.

Lilly decided when her grandparents and brother were attending the funeral.

‘I’ll leave. Never return.’

Lilly packed her things and was ready to leave.

And she would have done so, if Warren didn’t come.

She was ready to leave without anyone noticing.

So when he knocked on the door and she opened it up, Lilly was left surprised.

“I’m sorry,”

Warren said to her, looking straight into her eyes.


Lilly was stunned.

“I’m sorry for everything. For… hating you.”

Then, he suddenly and quickly brought her in a hug, a tight one that left her unable to breathe.

“I know it isn’t your fault for our parents’ death,” he said, the hug tightening. “So… I’m sorry.”


“I’ll play with you, lots from today onwards. Drop you to school, pick you up, take you around.”

Warren was serious.

He didn’t want to lose anyone. Not again. Not even this sister, whom he had hated for a long time. He was only able to realize his wrongs when she got kidnapped, and there was only regret left behind.

Regret that he hadn’t given her the love and care a sister desired.

Regret that he ever hated her.

So much regret that now that he had a chance to be nice to her, he wanted to do just that. If Warren hadn’t ignored her, she wouldn’t have decided to leave the house on the day of Mellissa’s funeral. Today. If he had just talked to her, she wouldn’t have left, and she wouldn’t have gotten kidnapped.

“So,” Warren sighed. “Will you still stay?”

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Lilly stiffened, her small stature trembling in his embrace.

Warren let out a chuckle.

“W-What do you m-mean?!” Lilly pushed him away, her wide, embarrassed yet confused eyes looking around everywhere but him.

Lilly balled her little fist, and slammed straight in his gut.

“And who said I’m leaving, you prick?!” She yelled, grounding her teeth as she poked her finger into his rib.

“Like hell you’re getting rid of me!!” Her face quickly turned red, and she pushed him out of the room before slamming the door right on his face.

“And how dare you say those weird things so out of the blue?!” Her yell came muffled from the other side. “Get away, freak! Shoo! Shoo!”

Warren could almost see her using one hand to hide her embarrassment, and the other waving in a shooing motion to get him to leave.

Warren barked in laughter, shifting his weight from his right heel to his left before he twirled on it. He walked happily towards his room, his mind on his little sister while he laughed like an idiot.

It feels good to be back.

He missed her so much.

Warren was walking towards his room when he heard the doorbell ringing.


He frowned, turning around before going down again.


He could remember whom this was going to be.

Warren remembered them. They’d come in his past life too, but he’d told them they were clowns and rejected their offers.

Warren didn’t know what they were blabbering about back then and had just considered them some sort of scammers tricking him to join some weird organization.

Turns out he was wrong.

Especially now that he knew why they were here, and why exactly at this time.

Warren stopped in front of the door, his mind wandering about to remember what they’d said and what they’d offered him.

But, in the end, he couldn’t remember much since it had been a long time. For him, it was a long time, and he forgot many things that had happened. So it wasn’t really that strange that he couldn’t remember a conversation he’d had 9 years ago. For him, anyway.

The door opened, revealing Professor Xavier, Magneto, and the White Queen.

Warren knew them, of course. How could he forget the leaders of the three strongest factions of the mutants?

Back in his past life, Warren didn't know a thing about them when they came to meet him and, supposedly, recruit him. They'd claimed he was a mutant. But back then, as Warren really didn't have any powers, or had not discovered them, he'd deemed them, scammers. That they were phishing him into some shady organization.

So, he'd rejected their offer.

All three had left, leaving him their cards, saying that their doors were always open for him. Warren had never contacted them, as he really thought that he didn't have any power, and that they were shady scammers.

Only later in his life, he knew that they were mutant leaders. When the mutants were revealed to the masses, along with the leaders of the big three factions. That was exactly when Warren had come to know that they were real, and not some scammers.

Now though, since Warren knew who they were, and how much they could really help him, he couldn't help but let the grin split his face.

Three routes just unlocked for him.

And he could choose each one of them one by one.

He had infinite lives, after all.

And even if he didn't, he didn't care. He was going to do this!

He would learn from these three.

"Hello, Mr. Dyson." Professor X said to him, smiling. The professor was old, his skin wrinkled. His head was bald, and he appeared quite innocent. "I'm here to help you," he continued.


Warren acted ignorant.

He looked over at the other two.

The White Queen was hot. She was gorgeous, her hair Brown Blonde. Her blue eyes glowed brightly, and she wore a silver dress that clung to her body. Her stomach was flat, and her breasts were large and firm

She was beautiful, no doubt about it. Her long, meaty legs were covered in white stockings.

Her lips were painted red. And her skin was flawless, with no blemishes whatsoever.

It was the first time that Warren had seen such a beauty up close, apart from his Mellissa, of course—but, for him, it had been years since he last saw Mellissa.

Warren wanted to keep staring at her, but she seemed to notice his gaze on her and smirked slightly.

Warren swiftly looked at the other man.

Magneto had white hair, and his beard was cleanly shaven. His skin was light, and his eyes were blue. He looked very stern, and almost menacing. His eyes had this depth, as if the man had led a tough life.

Warren knew that this guy was the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

The news channels weren't really silent about that particular group's terroristic acts.

The only good thing about them was that they never harmed civilians.

But, then again, there were a lot of bad things about them, too.

They were terrorists.

Their objective was to create a human-free world. Where the mutants reigned supreme. The media, in the future, had started spreading rumors about them, claiming that they killed people who were against their cause.

A lot of people died at the hands of the Brotherhood.

So, Warren had the worst impression of that group.

But now, he would try all three routes. routes that had opened up for him.

Warren would talk to them for now.

To see what they had to offer.

And to pick which one he liked best for his first run on that particular route.


“Hello,” Warren smiled, “Please come in,”




Lord_Kismet: This is it for now; three chapters. I will stop uploading and focus on my other fic. Meanwhile, this novel will have more readers who are interested, I will keep updating this, occasionally.

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