Marvel: The Perfect Run

Chapter 4: Chapter 04: His Choice

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04: His Choice

Emma Frost stepped out of her car, groaning in annoyance that she'd have to travel this far.

This was a small place, a small town, known as Cazenovia. But since it was a beautiful place, Emma decided to ignore the fact that she'd had to drive this far, on her own no less.

She couldn't afford people knowing where she was going, after all.

As her heel made contact with the ground, and her eyes wandered about to the big mansion, she stopped to admire it for a bit.

She didn't lack mansions, but this one, it was a bit special. The way it was made was exceptionally unique, she had never seen something like this.

Each corner of the wall was beautifully carved, and the designs were made with complete care. It had this personal taste to it. She wondered who made this.

The combination of sky blue and spotless white paint worked wonders to make this look as beautiful and pleasing to the eyes as possible.

As she walked toward it, her eyes wandered to the greenery around the mansion; it added to the beauty of it, and she couldn't help but feel envious.

It was nothing too extravagant, far from it, she herself had bigger and expensive ones, but the coziness and personal flavor of this mansion, of the one who made it, was so very admirable.

She wasn't able to admire for long, however, as some sounds wriggled into her ears, a noise that eventually caused annoyance to crawl up her smooth skin.

– Vrrmm

– Vrrmm

Two cars came to halt just beside her. Now, the cars themselves weren't that problematic, but the annoying individuals that left the car.

She frowned slightly as she saw two people who she recognized too much, and her mood soured.

So she wasn't the only one who noticed.


Emma groaned, if it were going to be like this, she might as well have come with a fucking chauffeur so she wouldn't have had to drive for this long!

Out walked Eric from one car, followed by a bald old man from the other one. Although it was a different matter altogether, one was walking while the other was in a wheelchair.

Emma deemed it a pity these two old coots never considered working together. One lacked what the other had, and vice versa. If only they let go of their grievances, and worked together. But alas, Eric was an extremist, while Charles was too idealistic to do anything.

Emma didn’t care though, the old fools could do anything they wanted.

Although she would be an idiot if she let them have their way today, she could let them do as they wished any time of the day and she wouldn't care.

After all, she was more aligned with what she wanted, they could do anything with their lives. Anyways, she wouldn't let them have their way today.

This new mutant was far too valuable.

So, she turned and gave the two old men an impassive look.

"I knew you were short on meat shields but you too, Charles? Why don't you two leave and let me handle this one? He won't have to be your pawn."

Charles appeared offended and hurt.

"You misunderstand my cause, Emma," Xavier said, and appeared as if he were going to give her a long speech. So, Emma rolled her eyes and sauntered toward the house.

Eric was too senile to fall into her childish banter-ish traps.

Not that she cared, it was just fun teasing good old Charles. Although she admired him a bit due to his work done for the mutant kind, mocking his ideals was one of the few things she enjoyed.

The two followed behind her. She sighed, rubbing her eyes, so they weren't letting go of this so easily eh?

Emma groaned internally, but kept an impassive look on the outside. This was just going to be a hassle.

She didn't like doing it, but she might have to use her charms on a kid.


Anything to get an Omega-level mutant.


Be it seduction… it worked well on kids, or more specifically, young teens. And this one was just that. Yeah, he might resent her later, but he would be better than his peers, so he won't have anything to complain, about that much she would make sure of.

After all, all she ever wanted was to protect her students. The little ones, mutants that had no home. And she made sure to be protective of them, take care of them, and teach them wherever they were wrong.

And she was going to do the same with Warren Dyson, or so his name was, she believed.

Even if she might have to start like this…
- Back to the events after the first chapter -

"Mr. Dyson," said Professor X, staring at Warren with those sincere eyes of his. "I am here to invite you to be a student at the Xavier Institute of Mutant children."

Warren looked 'surprised', and before he could say anything, Magneto and the White Queen stepped forward.

"And I am here to give you a chance to be a part of our brotherhood, so that you can have a cause bigger than your existence."

"Calm down, oldies," The White Queen said, eying him up and down. "I want him."


Warren was genuinely confused at the tone she used. But then, his eyes widened.

'Oh, so this is what it is, huh?'

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Warren wanted to chuckle but he bit his tongue to stop himself.

She wanted to try the seducing route since he was a young man with barely enough control over his hormones?

"I'm Emma, by the way," Emma leaned forward, purposely showing her cleavage as she ruffled his hair. "I can be a big sister for you, you know. However, you'd have to come to the Massachusetts Academy." she purred slightly at the end, looking up at him slyly. She was, surprisingly, shorter than him. "I like big boys like you."

Warren would have to admit, he was definitely feeling something at her behavior, and if he hadn't lived up to the point he had, he would have definitely fallen to her charms. but this time was different.

Last time, maybe he'd been too depressed at Mellissa's death to notice Emma's attempts, but he noticed this time, though he wouldn't fall so easily.

Warren frowned, looking from one mutant to another, ensuring no one was pulling his leg.

After he had invited them in, they'd gotten straight to the point, telling him how he was a mutant, how he shouldn't be afraid, all that basic bullshit. Then, they'd straight out presented him with their sales pitches.

"Tch," Magneto clicked his tongue in annoyance. "You vixen, using your charms on a boy; you should be ashamed of yourself."

Emma clicked her tongue as well and backed away.

Magneto started his 'speech' just after, and Warren wasn't able to listen to the senile fool's Hitler-wannabe ramblings.

"Stop," Warren said in the end.

'This is too much,'

He needed to do some research first.


Let's do that.

'I need to spend some time with Lilly and grandpa and ma, too.'

It had been a while, it had been so long since he last saw them. And if he were to accept any of these so-called leaders' invitations and join them, he would have to leave, no?

'I don't want that,'

So, let's go with the slice-of-life route for now.

Warren almost chuckled.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to join some… weird groups," Warren said, eyeing them suspiciously. "More so, you guys seem delusional."

He gave Emma an up-and-down look.

"You even tried to seduce a minor. Leave, please, or I might have to call the police."

Right, he was technically a minor. He was seventeen years old right now.

The three seemed shocked and a bit offended, scratch that, Magneto and Emma were outright offended, and they weren't hiding it either.

Emma, in particular, seemed pissed, which was weird for someone like her. If he remembered correctly, she was an impassive person, or so he'd gathered from the speeches she gave in his first life.

Warren didn't care about that though. He wanted to spend some much-needed time with his family.

'Hmm, choosing one of these can wait for my next run or something.'

"Warren!" A shout resounded from upstairs.

Oh, grandma.

Warren looked up instinctively.

"Who is it?!" She shouted, again.

Warren did chuckle this time. Oh the nostalgia. How much he missed this voice.

"Now, not to be disrespectful to the elderly," he eyed Charles and Magneto. "But off with you."

The three were skeptical, but respected his wishes, which was a bit surprising for him. They left anyway.

But they did leave their 'business cards' behind, saying that if he ever changed his mind, he can come and join them.

Meh, he'll just remember the numbers and call them in one of his future runs.

After they left, Warren walked to his grandma, and told her that it was just some sales pitch.

Then, he went to his room. He would miss them when he would eventually leave back for New York. But that needed to be done sooner or later, after all, he needed to make his life better.

He also needed to play with his nine-year-old sister. He'd neglected her so very much, she deserved better.

For now, however, he wanted to sleep. So much had happened in a single day. He'd committed suicide, awakened some sort of time powers, repeated his first few runs, and come to terms with the fact that he was almost immortal.

That he could change his life for the better. Punch life in the guts and scream at the top of his lungs that he can, and he will, do better.

And so he could work hard and finally find his happiness.

His Perfect Run.
Lord_Kismet: Guys, the chapters for this one will be relatively shorter. Why? Because I don't want to lose motivation to write this fic. It will be long, and I need to maintain myself if I want to write it. So yes, it will have shorter chapters.

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