Marvel: The Perfect Run

Chapter 5: Chapter: 05: Some Fun Time [01]

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05: Some Fun Time [01]

Emma Frost was shocked when 

she heard Warren decline their invitation. But she was more shocked that he didn't fall to her charms, it was downright impossible for human males.

Especially since Emma had this 'notice and simp for me' aura radiating around her person. It was a telepathic thing. Just like Xavier, he appeared more innocent and kind, due to that unconscious release of telepathy, while she appeared more desirable and irresistible, more attention-grabbing due to the same reason 

So, it was quite a shock when he ignored her like she was some rock on the sidewalks.

But the main shocking thing was that he was able to resist her, which meant that his mind had some sort of protection against telepaths.

Emma tried reading his mind but felt a barrier around it, a barrier so strong she wasn't even able to get a read on his surface thoughts, not even his emotions.

She glanced at Charles, and found the latter doing the same. He was looking at her, and in a jiffy, she felt a telepathic prob on her mind.

Understanding immediately, she created a telepathic link between her and Xavier to talk.

'You felt It too?'

Xavier asked her.

Emma didn't say a thing, and with the same impassive look on her face, she nodded.

It has become an unconscious thing for her, to have an emotionless face. So, even though she was shocked, it didn't appear on her face.

"I see," she said in the end, eying Eric real quick.

The man had the ever-menacing age-hardened sharpness to his face, and she wasn't sure what he was thinking.

Warren had refused them.

They, who were the leaders of the three biggest factions of the mutant kind.

But Eric remained surprisingly understanding of this young man. After all, they were hidden from the world, so it was quite logical for Warren to think that they were scammers.

Emma smirked internally, staring at Warren with unprecedented interest. 

He was strikingly interesting.

To think he'd refuse her, even if he were thinking that they were scammers.

First of all, he appeared out of nowhere like other mutants. From what she gathered, his girlfriend died recently, so emotional turmoil might have been the reason for him to have or awakened his mutant genes.

She was experienced, so she knew that better than anyone.

She had many ways she could use him. Of course, she would provide the best for him too, this relationship could be that of give and take, she would protect him with everything she'd got, and he'd do anything for her in return.

But he might be hard to crack if their offers didn't manage to phase him.

She didn't know what powers he might have, but as they left his house, Emma Frost gave him a last up-and-down look; resisting strong telepaths such as Xavier and herself was unheard of.

What was he hiding?

Emma knew that there was much more to what this 'young man' let out.

It was a speculation, but she thought that he could already use his mutant powers to a degree, and was acting oblivious just for the sake of it.

And it had to be something special if he were trying so hard to hide them–more so, he should be extremely talented if he was able to learn of his powers this easily. Or probably he was just afraid? Thinking that he'll be used as a lab rat?

Well, the possibility was there, that's why they were there, so they could recruit him so no one could take advantage of him.

Emma sighed.

"Keep an eye on him, you know the drill," she told Xavier and Eric without even looking at them, and sat in her car, giving the mansion a last look before she drove away.

She knew that Xavier and Eric would look after the boy, just like she would.

It was an agreement between them from a long time ago.

There were times when new mutants didn't want to join any of them, and then they'd be kidnapped or used by some other organization. From the moment the three came to know of the fact, they'd come to an agreement that they'd look after the new mutants that didn't join them, so that they wouldn't be in danger.

This was a dangerous world for mutants, after all.

Emma just wondered what she should do to get him on her side.


She thought, chewing on her lips as she drove with bare minimum attention on the road ahead, she was just too good at driving.

'Ah, right.'

An idea lit up in her head.

"Yeah, let's do that." 

She smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she bit and licked her lower lip.


– Time-Skip –

'What's going on?' thought Lilly Dyson, an annoyed look plastered on her face, and a hard frown tugging at her eyebrows.

She glanced to her right, and there he stood, Warren, her big brother, with a warm smile on his face.

Lilly shifted uncomfortably from where she stood.

He's acting weird.

'Yes, he's definitely acting weird.'

Lilly squinted her eyes.

Warren isn't… this nice.

Far from it. He's a fucking prick.

Meanwhile, Warren, on the other hand, was sweating buckets under the constant glare he was receiving from her.

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…Maybe he shouldn't have asked her to make something for him?

Warren was regretting it now.

…Although he had to admit she looked quite a bit cute when she glared at him like that. But then he remembered all the times she'd pranked him, or all the times she was a nuisance to him these past few days.

She was taking revenge it seems.

But he would persevere.

Lilly glared at him, her mind wandering to a single conclusion that she reached after spending all this time with him.

She'd played along with him, she knew how hurt he was at Mellissa's passing. So, she didn't want to hurt him more by rejecting his advances to mend their relationship.

Which she doubted.

He hated her, why would he want to mend their relationship?

'He's not Warren,' she turned and glared at him, cleaning her hands on the apron she wore.

"Here," she shoved the bowl with a crushed tostada and a microwaved slice of American cheese toward him.

He'd asked her to make something for him, so she did.

…Although this was kind of her first time making something.

She stared at the bowl.

It looked horrible.

Lilly blushed.

Maybe it tasted delicious and was just looking like this?

Warren looked on as she took off the apron, and then they walked into the living room, sitting on the couch.

They were watching a movie.

A horror movie, to be more precise, and Warren wanted to eat something while doing so, that was why he asked his sister to make him something.

But as they sat down on the sofa with some distance between them, and Warren looked down, he had to admit.

…He did not want to eat whatever she made him.

He glanced at her, and found her peeking at him with anticipation.


She wanted to know how it tastes.

Warren smiled stiffly, and started the movie where they'd left it as he picked up and ate a tostada.

– Crunch, Crunch, Crunch, Gulp

Warren had a sweaty face, and a stiffened smile.

Fuck… why was it so spicy? And wait, what is that sour taste?

"How is it?" Lilly asked, finally not being able to hold the anticipation she had on her face.

It seemed she wanted some praise.

Warren picked and crunched another, nodding.

"It's good, delicioso," Warren said, with some difficulty.

It was terrible.

"Why are you speaking French so out of the blue?"

She said so, but Lilly's face brightened, it was a different matter she hid it away in an instant.

Lilly added more microwaved American cheese on it.

Warren couldn't help but think, where did she get more cheese from?!

"Eat more," Lilly said, scooping a bit closer as the scene in the movie turned to something eerie.

Warren picked it up, and ate with a dry look in his eyes.

They continued watching the movie, and Warren always joked around or paused the movie to poke fun at the scary things so that his nine-year-old sister wouldn't get scared.

Seriously, he shouldn't have picked a horror movie.

After the movie got to some extremely scary situations, Lilly was already hiding in his sleeve when she got too scared.

Warren chuckled, and played the scary scene over and over again, making dumb noises and shit just so his sister wouldn't be scared.

He did succeed, somewhat, if the laughter was of any indication.

But he had to keep her heart by saying a lot of good things about the 'food' she made so she wouldn't feel terrible

He didn't want to hurt her feelings, after all.



'I hate American cheese. Fucking terrible.'




Lord_Kismet: a peaceful little chapter, hope you enjoyed it ????

And tell me, what are your thoughts on Lilly?

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