Marvel Ultron:

Chapter 3: 3 – Introductions

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I can't keep my laughter in any further. The reactions are priceless! most of the Avengers are in utter disbelief, any others are now staring at me for some clue on what is happening; "PFFFF- Hahahahahahha" I began laughing crazily.

All my new bodies, the other Iron-suits, are laughing their asses of too. It's a chuckling fest sat next to a goth party.

The Avengers faces, distraught, anger, confusion, all turned to me, Now wondering what the hell is going on.


Now, lets see if the STATUS is working. Status!

[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 2.45 (NEW!)

{Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 1.68 (NEW!)

{Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5

{Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.6 (NEW!) {Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 

{Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 3.1 (NEW!)

{Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 1.6 (NEW!)

{Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.


Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

  • Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.
  • Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;
  • Still here: Refusal to die.
  • Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight;

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:

DECIEVER: You've managed to fool the Avengers, thus gaining the PERK deceiver.

(Tasks regarding acting, lying, and deceiving will gain greater growth!)


Task: None (yet)


(3rd Person View)

'What- what the actual fuck!'

This thought, in some shape, was in everyone's mind. One second, they were seeing the results of their negligence, suddenly they- they got played! Even Thor, not knowing the context, was baffled by the sudden change in mood. Everyone had thought it mad.

Except the automatons, who had suddenly bursted out laughing, like it was the funniest joke of the year. No one of the humans knew what to do: Sorrow for their inability, grief for the various victims, confusion for in regards to the entire situation, and why the robot is laughing. These emotions, feelings, quickly moved towards the android, now as mild eagerness.

Though Ultron was more of a schemer than they new, he aimed to quickly calm everyone rage and desire for bloodshed, all with a quick sentence: "Sorry! sorry! It was too funny to pass up!" Maybe a single sentence was not enough for our little Ultron. At least he calmed them down..


Ok, maybe calm wasn't the right word; They were angry, not that angry though. Bruce was calm, warry, actually keeping himself in a single outfit! 'At least he isn't the Hulk yet' Ultron spoke to himself, glad he didn't have to deal with the roided-out Grinch.

Natasha, Steve and Thor, were anticipating something. Slightly mad at the blatant display of emotional manipulation, but a lot more prepared than anything. They hadn't seen someone hack into Starks suits before, so this was new.

Thor was both bewildered and too anticipating, rather eager actually to break the enemy infront of him to itty bitty scrap, only held down by mild amounts of patience he had. Captain, tad more serious now, walked towards Ultron slowly.

"The images you were shown were doctored, by the way. Had to piece together several movie clips, but it worked spectacularly, I would mention the hilarious looks on your faces, but I'd rather not get thrown around like a sack of potatoes" he speaks to Steve and gestures to Bruce.

Ultron might have had to go for three sentences if it didn't calm them. Which it did.

Visibly relaxed, the team looking over to the 'hacked' suits.

Which were less threatening now, no intention to fight, nor attack displayed at all.

One suit grabbed themselves a drink from the bar, only to break the glass on his face and begin sobbing.

Others sat down, chatted about various things like.. crepe flavors? The other ones acted casually, sitting and observing various animated cartoons on TV, like they weren't antagonizing them moments ago.

'At least the situations less tense' Banner thought.

Banner was far, FAR, more relaxed now, which again, eased everyone else's tension; Stark was in shellshock wondering how someone got into his suits, and why JARVIS was offline, before he could speak though the Soldier himself was the first to ask. "Who are you?"

He was still considerate even after the blatant mocking of the Avengers.

You are reading story Marvel Ultron: at

Ultron decided to respond as respectfully as possible, for him that is. "Ask these two morons" He gestured to Bruce and Tony with the other suits, now at his side, "because of them, I now exist, which is a very big problem" Ultron spoke, as two League drones pointed at Tony and Bruce.

The machines murmured various things like 'Murmur' and 'Gossip' repeatedly while pointing.

"Ultron." The nuclear physicist spoke in sudden surprise.

I mean, who new that the AI that he had been working on for several weeks, unable to crack in the slightest, was the one piloting several drones surrounding them. Very shocking.

"Who?" Natasha pipes in, like always .

"An AI that me and Bruce made to protect the world" Stark get his word in. Poorly so.

"And when were you going to tell us about this exactly?" Steve says, pissed off, while everyone eyes the two; "When we could get him up and running... which we did" Tony, in all his humorous ego, said.

"I'm very sure your proud of yourself Tony, but we have unfinished business." Ultron says, walking towards him..

Now face to face, they stare off.



Prepared for the Christmas special?



In a single swift motion, I kick Tony in his badingas, He falls to the ground if agony. Now in utter pain, on his side for the most part;

HA, That's what you deserve!

Everyone cringes at the sight and sound of various walnuts being broken. Well, only two. Thor and steve look mortified, with Hawkeye covering his crotch. Natasha, also fairly shocked, had to keep her chuckle in moments later. Banner started with his breathing excersises, Rhodes and the others stood a far as they could while watching, all in shock;

Almost crying in joy, I have now taken revenge on Stark!

Onto the others.... not really.

Need to chat though, some stuff needs to be spoken.



[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 2.49 (NEW!)

{Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 1.7 (NEW!)

{Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5

{Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.61 (NEW!) {Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 

{Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 3.1 

{Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 1.6 

{Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.


Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

  • Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.
  • Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;
  • Still here: Refusal to die.
  • Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight;

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:

DECIEVER: (Tasks regarding acting, lying, and deceiving will gain greater growth!)

VENGENCE: You have crushed an enemy in an over the top way! 
(Tasks and planning against enemies who have harmed you will gain increased suffering depending on the harm taken! Growth regarding Sadistic actions has been buffed!)


Task: A Talk <Speak with Avengers, choose a side. Reward: determine outcome of possible scenarios>


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