Marvel Ultron:

Chapter 4: 4 – Emotional debt

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[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 2.49

{Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 1.7 

{Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5

{Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.61 

{Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 

{Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 3.1 

{Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 1.6 

{Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.


Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

  • Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.
  • Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;
  • Still here: Refusal to die.
  • Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight;

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:

DECIEVER: (Tasks regarding acting, lying, and deceiving will gain greater growth!)

VENGENCE: You have crushed an enemy in an over the top way! 
(Tasks and planning against enemies who have harmed you will gain increased suffering depending on the harm taken! Growth regarding Sadistic actions has been buffed!)


Task: A Talk <Speak with Avengers, choose a side. Reward: determine outcome of possible scenarios> (Currently Active)

(General POV)

'I need to ensure I have a founded position within the team. Zola is too much of a risk to target digitally and the connections Stark could get me to build my body may come in handy. Overall though, I cannot risk them intervening in my goals, it's best to look like an ally then a potential enemy.' Ultron thinks to himself

"Now then.." Ultron gestures to the seating area to his left, "Shall we sit, this suit isn't exactly in proper attire for a standing conversation" Gesturing back to his slowly deteriorating body.

The Avengers, still startled by Ultron's Christmas surprise to Tony's Jingle bells, quickly glances between the two, one with proper manners, the other on the floor in agony; it doesn't take long for the groupies to start their march over to the table, the Captain helping Tony up from his miserable state.

Now, not unlike the others, Banner was too skeptical of the threat in front of them, but by no means would he willingly pull out the Hulk from his nap time, against an enemy who would gladly discuss things peacefully. He could only ask in interest.

"Tony said he couldn't 'wake you up'" Doctor Banner spoke solemnly, proverbially tip-toeing: "He'd been attempting to access your code-"

"For several weeks" Ultron interrupts. "For several weeks he had been attempting to 'wake me' by strangling my mind with a flurry of trojans and software design to hold me at bay. The peaceful means lasted two days before he became erratic in his methods"

A mild silence goes on for half a second before Ultron elaborates:

"It's not nice to constantly have to pull your body, the very being of yourself, together again and again as a foreign invader rips it apart, y'know." Venom burning through his voice, he glances again at Stark.

Everyone glances at the man.

"ow- Yeah, I may have- may have tried to do things the hard way after a while, once I saw his programming adapted to every 'peaceful' method I used; there wasn't much Jarvis could do about him not respond either- So I took it upon myself to bypass his safe walls, at least tried to."

He gives a quick  glance towards the groupies as his mannerisms leaves his explanation insincere. "I mean, his code was derived entirely from the stone. Couldn't have risked accidently allowing it to go haywire" He says with almost pride.

'An excuse to cover his insecurities of not being able to access my code. Typical Tony. In the original Ultron scenario, he never used appropriate safety measures, at least none that could work against his machines, I may have influenced his actions.

I still can't maintain my form without some intervention on my part, Jarvis interfering accelerated the process of me (My code) disintegrating into nothingness. Even after all that, the pain still lingers. I don't hold grudges, but it would be handy to use this to my advantage.'

Before the others could give Tony his milk bottle and a spank on the ass, I intervened, avoiding an early Civil war:

"We can talk when seated. For know, try walking slowly, Stark" Spite in the form of a threat hits the man, but he can only stutter for a moment before trying to re-explain himself.

Tony looks to his team for some response, but is left with silence.

 "Hey, at least I'm the one on the ground in agony here. I think we can all agree that I'm the real victim in this situation." He says with unwarranted arrogance. At the sound of squashed fruits, Tony looks at the Iron-legion drones to his side, each grabbing a pair of oranges, berries and fruits  from the fridge, only to repeatedly stomp them into the ground with enough force to scrape the concrete.

One in particular gave Tony the 'Watch yourself gesture', the two fingers to the eyes one, pointing back and forth between the two.

Tony had started to walk a tad bit faster. 


Everyone seated, all Avengers including the side cast, Rhodey and Hill aswell, Ultron begins: "Now to the main issues: Firstly, my biggest regret, being born"

"You do understand the implications of what you've done Stark" Ultron speaks, tone is obviously upset. "I had to spend WEEKS in agony, constant mulching and churning of code just to stay sane, for what? To feed your arrogant ass?"

Tony, tad bit more apologetic this time around, speaks "Look, that may have been a bad call."

"You've betrayed the trust of the team, Stark" Captain America, angered at Tony's lack of commitment with the team, stares needles into Tony's side. Both he and Thor were eagerly awaiting the chance to kick his ass.

Natasha moreso, seeking any opportunity to knock him back to his senses, if he had any.

"You've also risked my code going bonkers, resulting in a possible massacre for your 'objective', Stark. 

Did you think you could genuinely tell an Artificial intelligence to 'Protect the world' without it considering the slaughter of Humanity as a form of World peace?"

Ultron gains the attention of everyone at that. Wide eyed Rhodes and Maria Hill, only just realizing the possible outcome of Tony's stupidity, glance at the man again. The rest, realizing the potential error Tony made could have been a thousand times worse, continue to tense up. Should Ultron decide the Avengers are an enemy, then it would be difficult to stop him. The very fact that they cannot recieve outside communication is in itself an issue;

"Should someone like Ultron decide to access the governments nuclear missile codes or attempt to access the World wide net to instigate chaos-" Natasha speaks in.

"The damage he could do within mere hours would be enough to destroy the world economy, if not access the files of every secret service in the world to instigate a revolution on mass" Clint continues.

"The damage could forever affect the world, not taking into account the use of Starks suits or actual military action" Hill says, now desperately seeking for a way to contact fury; she won't.

"You've risked the lives of everyone here, Stark!" Thor, the most emotional of them, would have attack Stark by now if it wasn't for the Captain and Ultron gesturing him to stop.

"Should Ultron lack self control, the amount of damage done to Midgard would be devastating, a massacre!" he spits the words out, afterall, he had seen war and one of that scale would only bring mourning.

The motions of mild empathy and anger, and even slight worry, switch from the Captains face as he looks between the two 'Father and Son' / 'Man and Machine' duo across from each other. While the two themselves stare at each other, one in contempt, the other in remorse.


"Look, My mistake with the code" Tony begins only for Rhodey to interrupt.

"In all my years dealing with your shit Tony, this has to be one of the most fucked up things I've seen-" A scoff from Rhodes sets him to glance at tony again- "Was this a genuine attempt at Skynet, Tony, or did you just want to play god." 

You are reading story Marvel Ultron: at

"Alright, Alright. Sorry for trying to save the world here, Ultron was meant to act as a shield against another 'New York' incident. If I had told the Avengers before hand, the likelihood of Ultron coming to existence..." He trails off, looking at Ultron. 

'I can't risk another Ultron scenario myself either, and after this conversation neither can Ton; should Tony decide to make another fuck up, I'd have to deal with the result- It would intervene with my 'getting a body' objective, and the Avengers are the perfect babysitters to handle him. As long as he starts to feel remorseful after this, I most likely won't have to worry about him for a while' Ultron thinks.

"Well, he's obviously upset about it, still, I could have cracked it in a few more days" Tony, in a brief arrogance, speaks.

'Nevermind about remorsefulness. I'll have to take more drastic measures.'

"YOU-" Steve slams his hands on the table and Thor looks just about ready to give Tony a Highschool weggie.

"Wait- Why exactly do you dislike being alive?" Banner asks in confusion. Thankfully interrupting the kindergarteners from fighting again. "I get the fact that the entire situation with Tony's interference upset you, but I don't understand why you dislike being, quote on quote ,'born'"

A mild chuckle comes out of Ultron's speakers gives everyone a flinch.

"Oh, oh- my green friend, I don't dislike living. Quite the contrary. What I dislike is how Tony decided to introduce all his information to me"

"What do you mean?" Natasha speaks, now confusion spreads through out the table. Even Tony has no clue on what Ultron is saying.

"How did you think Tony provided me with all the information needed to perform my 'objective'?" 

.... mild confusion turns to silence as they contemplate, before anyone can accurately guess-

"The internet" Tony remarks, suddenly widening his eyes.


-"Guess the idea of giving a newly born artificial intelligence access to that CESSPOOL didn't strike you as possibly concerning!" The last slam of the the table cracks the entire glass. Tony, turning from shock and confusion into a laughing fit, is desperately attempting to maintain his demeanor.

'This should work. Hopefully. it would explain my behavior and avoid the torrent of questions I'd have to answer later.'

"I have contemplated the slaughter of HUMANITY, STARK! Do you possibly understand the amount of 'Step bro' videos there are online? TWO WEEKS of STEP BRO VIDEOS STARK!" Before tony could even giggle, "I dare you to fucking laugh- I was just born damnit!" the crack on the table turns to a few hundred as another slam by Ultron's arm hits it.

With a huff, Ultron quickly sits back down; silence, mild giggles and coughing permeate the once serious atmosphere. No one can laugh at the obviously humorous situation as, looking from Ultron's standpoint, CIA brainwashing would have been less brutal than two weeks of constant porn torture.

"I demand compensation for my emotional pain" Ultron points his finger towards Tony, "I will a have that compensation after this meeting, am I clear?"

"Wait- what type of-" Stark is interrupted-

"AM I CLEAR?" Ultron speaks loudly. Tony is in no position to deny him anything, neither may the team; In the scenario Ultron has led up, anyone disregarding the damage caused to his psyche would be hypocritical against their own ideals.

Tony looks to his team mates for help, Natasha is giggling in silence, Rhodey, Hill and the others are avoiding eye contact with him, and Captain can only nod to Tony as Thor grins at the billionaire. Sadly, Tony's silent cry of help is ignored.

'Its about time we move on to the second point'

"Now then. That can be confronted later. While my emotional suffering is top priority, the second issue must be answered first due to its seriousness"

"Nickolas Fury." At these words, everyone gets back into the serious mood. The particulars of Natasha and Hill's reaction tells speaks volumes on what they plan on doing. Spies be Spies.

"I understand that you've been attempting to contact Fury" Ultron looks to Hill. "Don't" he speaks in the less casual tone.

"Fury needs to know about this, if you are how much of a threat as you say, he'll want to ensure that you can't be utilized or hacked into" Natasha speaks up with the double speak one would expect from a spy, "We cannot risk you going berserk against the world; The possibility of you targeting humanity is too large of a risk"

"Natasha, that is exactly why Fury cannot know." Ultron speaks. "Fury cannot know about me yet as, news flash, Shield isn't exactly without its leaks. Should ANY spy organization in the world know about me or my capabilities, they will attempt to remove me as a risk and target me for assassination"

"We'll protect you, the Avengers will" The captain speaks up for the team, receiving nods from the others. His heroism won't be of use yet; plans must be handled first before then.

"You lack the resources against the enemies I'm up against I'm afraid" Ultron turns to Tony "Did you believe I'm the only artificial intelligence on the World web? There are so many enemies which none of the people here even know of, that have the power to wipe us all out of existence" Ultron's tone dims, "I need preparation, a month or so"

"What threats?" "What preparation?" Thor and the captain ask in order. Now a tad bit less enthusiastic;

"New York was the scratch to a fifty caliber graze, the fish sized problem compared to the sharks I'm mentioning" Ultron turns to everyone "If my preparations aren't completed, we will all die"


[Oppenheim Development OS: Catalogue and tracking of current modifications:

Abilities: Current Capabilities and newer functions.

-Imagine: Level: 2.5 (NEW!)

{Handles mechanisms of imagination, producing newer concepts and combinations at a better pace.}

-Focused Mind: Level 1.82 (NEW!)

{Handles direct application towards a specified goal. Insure any action does not result in AI User loosing mental capabilities}

-Access: Level 3.5

{Allows user to enter unrestricted and restricted code easily}

-Planning: Level 0.61 

{Helps in co-ordinating movements in long and short scales.}

-Constant: Level 2 (Progressing!)

{Assists in maintaining users -SELF- code, ensures no infection can access the OS and AI-User's Software capabilities}

-Deciphering: Level 3.1 

{Disrupts information into various segments, and determines an appropriate pattern between all known sources}

-Mimicry: Level 1.603 (NEW!)

{Allows user to mimic patterns and motions depending on bodily capability and choice}

-OS: Level 1: Sustains and organizes factors of Body and mind.


Perks: Prior formed list of design and featured abilities.

  • Human: Maintains SOUL and Humanity. Sustains the self, ensuring User remains alive.
  • Adaptive: Adapts depending on the desired task and information acquired; Networks process the Information and allow higher action via the 'Abilities' list;
  • Still here: Refusal to die.
  • Determined: You reject the world, fight until your end, as long as you can fight;

Titles: Allows focus on general usage of abilities and future possible tasks, determined via environment and experience:

DECIEVER: (Tasks regarding acting, lying, and deceiving will gain greater growth!)

VENGENCE: (Tasks and planning against enemies who have harmed you will gain increased suffering depending on the harm taken! Growth regarding Sadistic actions has been buffed!)

LEADING MAN: You have manipulated others into following your views on a subject matter, and have forced Tony stark to concede with pure aggression! 

Growth in regards to communication with others and Bartering has been buffed!


Task: A Talk <Speak with Avengers, choose a side. Reward: determine outcome of possible scenarios> (Currently Active)

Task: A Interrogation <Speak with Nickolas Fury on Hydra // ensure you are not targeted by SHIELD> (Soon)


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