Marvel Ultron:

Chapter 8: 8 – Regrets? None.

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(Ultron POV - Kamar-taj inner sanctum)

"I am sincerely questioning your supposed lack of judgement." Yao said as she turned to me, questioning my plans.

"Trust me. This is going to be great!" I said as we both waited for Mordo.

He appeared out of a portal moments later, carrying a digital Jukebox. Which I hack into almost immediately.

"I don't see why you two are calling Dormamu! In fact, I find the use of a speaker even more concerning. How are you two going to deal with him? Spotify him to death." He said as he eyed me.

"yes. Exactly." I replied as the ancient one ignored my existence, preparing the ritual.

"Neither of you have explained why we're even trying this! At least give me an answer to why you've decided to risk the world! Ancient One?" 

She just sighed. She turned to the virgin helplessly.

"Dormamu has his debt to pay. That and he is a potentially dangerous risk to have in the future, we plan on attack him first, Mordo." She said eying me.

"You're mothers right, Sport. We, as service men to the Internal Revenue Service, must retrieve our right t0 taxes! If we don't ruin thousands of lives and have our budget cut every single year, who will?!" I said in my best impression of an old 70's character.

"Now is not the time for jokes! This is dire!" He said as I chuckled.

"I know. Right?" That made him angry.

"Look, right now, it's best we just deal with this sooner rather than later. If Dormamu becomes a nuisance later on, it'll intervene with EVERYTHING I'm trying to do. Plus, I'm going to scam him, so we'll all win!" I said as I hushed his mouth with my index finger.

"You are very helpful, just not with your tongue. Got the Jukebox?" I said as I glanced at the big electronic device at the back.

I'll explain again for everyone here. I'm going to be scamming, if not psychologically damaging a cosmic being. How? It's not a rick roll, that's for sure!

Dormamu is a big bad galaxy eater who made a deal with Yao centuries ago, and she needs her soul back.

Now Yao, the lazy fuck she is, for some reason never tried to get it back, opting for the whole 'Zen life bro' bullshit. I can't blame her though, since her soul is technically in that guy's possession in exchange for immortality, most likely implying she can't fight him directly.

Anyway, Dormamu is one of those guys who exist outside reality or something, he doesn't experience time, so I'm copying the movie and putting even more fear into him! That's right, trauma time baby!

"Many people assume big bad galaxy eating entities like Dormamu have little to no weaknesses. But no one has attempted to drive one to the point of insanity before, so that assumption will be disproved soon enough. Now, if you would please!" I say to which the ancient one enchants the speakers, Mandalas appearing and disappearing instantly. It will now be very, very, very loud.

"OKAY! We're ready!" I said as I move my hand towards Yao.

Here's hoping she doesn't send me in a never ending time loop.

With the Eye of Agamotto, the housing necklace of the time stone, open, she twirls her fingers around my hand. In an moment, a multi runed bracelet appears on me. I'm sure she knows what she's doing... right?

"Don't forget the Play button. I'd rather not be put into an endless loop of me doing Slavic dances." She sighed and added the nifty button, now I can deactivate it when I need to.

"I trust you very, very little. Please know that." She said as I picked up the beat box with my left hand.

"HA! I TRUST ME VERY LITTLE TOO. LIGHT UP THE SUMMONING GRANNY!" My index finger is pointed up to the sky as I make a JOJO Pose, my hat is on backwards like a cool dude. 

I'm going to slim this motherfucker's shady.

She didn't even entertain me by this point, and started the ritual as Mordo looked at us in even more horror than before at what happened next. In an instant, she repeated the ritual she had done long ago, all by memory! Chants and hand signs appeared as a larger circle grew beneath our feet. Usually, you'd need multiple people to do this, but she had a direct connection to Dormamu, her soul.

This meant that the entire thing would be alot more easier.

"Mordo! Listen! Make sure she stays safe and everything will be cool! KAY?!" I said as the signs of Dormamu's hold appears on her face, highlighting her eyes and her forehead with a weird corrupted sign.

Instantly after, runic signs and larger circles appear across the entire sanctum and room, these were made to redirect only me to Dormamu, not the others. Let's see if it works.


Soon after. She falls to the floor.

"Wait, how am I supposed to get to him?" I said as Mordo catches her limp body.

"WHAT? YOU DIDN"T PLAN THAT OUT?" He said uncomfortably as the worlds started to slowly eat itself apart. The defense systems of Kamar Taj were quickly being shattered as we spoke

"I thought it would be teleportation or something, but I'm sti-" and like that, the room disappeared. I felt myself being transported and the moment I was laid back down, I activated the bracelet, the play button was clicked.

Now, I was standing in some kind of... Violet and black galaxy. Trippy; I see a bunch to cool affects but.. where the hell is that guy?

"Um.." I hear a voice from behind me, right as I was about to speak.

"You.. Who are you? Where is Yao?!" The giant head behind me spoke. I refreshed the bracelet and looked up to him.

"Are you... Door Mom Who? Sorry, Dormamu?" I said as he looked at me angerly. I flipped through an 'invisible' notebook as the face of the vibrating entity turned with anger.

"Machination! I ASKED WHERE IS YAO?! HER DEBT IS STILL UNPAID." He said as several spiked impaled and tore through my body, all within non-vital areas of a normal human body. The lack of connection to the outside world means this my only body, I can't jump to another.

"Yao? Hmm, not too familiar... Do you have a phone, I can connect you to customer service if you like."

In an instant, a thousand more spikes appear from the ground out of energy and pulsing mass, all to hurt and rip me apart. Which they succeeded with, severing their way to the top of my head; My body was turned to mush in an instant as what remained of the suit stumbled onto the floor. A spike impaled the helmet as the image was ended like that.


Then it didn't. In a moment, the spike and helmet faded out of reality, without a single trace or clue to what had happened moments before; A fascinating experience, 8/10 on KinkShame. Would repeat around a few billion more times.

The motion of me walking towards him overlapped onto the suit. It became an illusion which never existed at all, one which had been replaced by our prior selves 30 seconds ago.

"So, is that a no?" I say only for him to growl again.

Now, tendrils and whips flay my body... This is going to take a while. I look at his growling self, his 'eyes', which, by the way, are just giant masses of cylindrical rings rotating around a dwarf star looking mass of energy, all contort at the sight. Unlike moments before.

"That's a no then." Time to get to work!

(4 deaths later)

"What is happening?!" Dormamu shouts as her finally realized that the person infront of him, the 'machination' isn't dying. Nor can he seem to leave this space.

"Ah.. Finally, I thought it would take ALOT longer than that. Okay, so, we're going to be stuck here for a short, tiny few trillion eons unless you ahead to my request. Until then, as you continue killing me, I'm going to be jamming out to the bestest mixes I could ever find." 

I spoke as his face devolved into shock and rage. It didn't matter to me though, I was vibin, first song!

"Joes barbecue foot massage~ Joes barbeque foot massage~"

My juke box started to sing as performed virtual Dance dance revolution. Here we go!

"Y-YOU DARE!" He screams as millions of arms disassembled my limbs, didn't matter though, I was in the middle of a head spin-

Oh, my head is gone.

Oh well, again!

You are reading story Marvel Ultron: at

(84 deaths later)

Katy perry, Justin Beiber. I've chosen most of the 2010 ones, what else?

Oh I know!

"Make this stop! Now!" He screamed as the Nirvana played, shit, he might actually like it. I'll put on 'Smells like Teen Spirit' for now.

"Why should I? You've offered no benefits to me? You haven't even heard what I want!" I said in mock anger as the music started playing.

"You think I'll adhere to your demands? Fool. Suffer for eternity then!" He said as I was turned to coal by burning flaming 'teeth'. Weird.


(1,673,973 deaths later)

"Y'know, I am running out of songs." I said as I moved on to DnD music. He seemed to actually enjoy it. For some reason.

The flute played in the background as he spoke; "Getting tired are we? Soon enough you'll be truly sorry." He chuckled madly. Fine. He wants to play like that?

No DnD music.

"H-Hey! I was listening to that." 

"Nope, from now and on, country songs only, for the next 4 million deaths atleast!" I said as he screamed in rage. My body and the speakers were turned to stone, only for me to hear and 'feel' a crushing sensation on my body.


(2,562,832 deaths later)

"Who listens to this anguish?! WHY?" He spoke as sweet home alabama played for the millionth time atleast.

"Hey. Don't you dare discriminate on country! It is a beautiful song!" I said as he huffed and killed me again. This time with Razor like saws.


(3,752,929 deaths after that one)

Okay, I had to go into my secret stash of goodies. Poor mans poison; A great band btw.

He seemed to like it less, but hey, he was a DnD fanboy for a short while sooooo he'll find it eventually.


(465,768,795 deaths after that)

"Never gonna give you up! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOW-" 


(571,214,413 deaths after that)



(5,982,725,983 deaths)

"What are you're demands." The large, statue like entity finally gave in. His face looked like a SoundCloud album, a distorted animation of hundreds of shifted plates. He sighed in shame as I began hopping around in glee.

He finally cracked after I introduced the Kardashians into the mix; Justin Bieber seemed to roll off him, but the Kardashians? NOPE.


"A few minor goodies and promises. First, Yao's soul." I said to his frown.

"Yao made the deal herself, yet you want to intervene?" He spoke, menacingly, as his frown grew.

"That's the demand bro. I need her soul and the equivalent lifespan from you to ensure she has atleast another 300 years. It's not that much for you to be frowning."

We both uttered nothing after before he spoke.

"150 years." He said.





"225, lowest deal." I finally said after he contemplated...

"Fine, but I want the flute music. Whatever 'genre' that is." He said solemnly

I quickly installed Every single DnD mix from memory, onto the electronic Boombox; "Here. Every DnD song I could find."

It was around 3.4 terabytes of music.

"BUUUUT, I want to ensure you don't attack earth later aswell. Capiche?" He nodded in contemplation.

"More music every year, same day. If that can be done, then fine; You're petty planet may survive for now."


"ITS A DEALLLLLL!" I said pushing my hand out~

He only looked at me in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

Oh boy, someone oughta teach the big mass of Dimensional energy some manners.

Doesn't matter, it only took... A VERY LONG TIME!




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