Marvel x Kamen Rider

Chapter 8: Chapter 6: Secret Base

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One month later

"kuu, kuu, kuu, kuu". The mysterious laugh echoes in the room. The boy with black hair intertwines his both hand and rest his chin on it like a villain in TV drama. Parad looks at him disgustedly and comments sarcastically: "You smile like an idiot".

The words pierce the boy's heart, self-esteem:

"Oiiiiii, At least you should compliment and encourage me like a certain boss in the script of anime!!"

"Beside, today is our fateful day, kuu kuu kuu kuu"

"And why are you here? You should go to do some part-time job to earn some right?"

Parad sneers: "It's so boring" and continues to pick up the new console to play game.

The boy freezes and exclaims: "Oiiii, oii, now you're like hikikomori or neet"

"If we don't have enough money, how can I recreate Gamer Drivers and Gashats?"

Parad says while his hand playing game:

"That's a normal thing. This world is still a bit boring, to be honest"

"I heard the old man that there is aliens, monsters, and many supernatural things, so I took a fancy and went here"

"Now, beside the super ability users like mutants. Done"

I retort:

"Oiii, now that they don't appear. It does not mean that they will not appear in the future, you know"

Parad says calmly: "Hehhhh, now, you are only 5 years old. Beside you said that the major event will appear in 2012. Right now is 2005"

"With your stock trading, it will be fine, don't worry"

"Ah I remember. You're from another world. Can you copy.. ah no.. bring some games into this world. I want to enjoy the game of another world, ahemmm"

I retort again: "You must have said 'copy' right? you must say 'copy'"

I yell: "How can you suggest underage child to do illegal thing? How can you not respect copyright at all? !!!!"

Parad says mockingly: "Let me see who is saying"

"In fact, first, you are not underage. You're Uncle in the coat of the child"

"Second, you say you're not doing illegal thing?"

Parad points his finger at the console and games:

"Admit it. You shamelessly copy Mighty Action X, and other 9 games with Gemn technology"

"The games are originally ideas of Emu. I have not punished you is your luck already"

I sweat and feel the arrows pierce my heart. I have nothing to refute him at all. It's scary when it comes to Emu. I shiver and he says:

"So, you don't have to be self-rightous. I don't like someone who is hypocritical"

"As long as the game is interesting, I don't care who create it. They are in other universe, and can't sue you. That's it"

I think I owe him an apology. I quickly say: "Sorry Parad, forgive me"

Parad waves his hand and continues to play game: "Shoo, shoo, shoo, Admit your mistake is good, shoo, go away, shoo"

I yell: "Oiiii, Oiiii, I'm not a dog!!!!!!"

I shake my head and walk out of the room

I walk down and move forward the living room. That's right. Today is the day that I will officially receive my private lab, 'hehehe'. One month had passed so quickly. Through this month, I had finished the blueprint of Gamer Driver and BugVisor. I need more money to finish the first Gashat. I lack materials a lot. In this month, Sakuragi Corp, has officially launched a new platform game console with 10 basic Games including Mighty Action X, Taddle Quest, BangBang Shooting, Bakusou Bike, Gekitotsu Robots, DoReMiFa beat, Girigiri Champara, Jet Combat, Shakariki Sports and lastly The Dragon Knight Hunter. The company aims at Japanese market, but the games are boiled in American market. I recall Parad's word. I think I should bring the games of my world to here to maintain and develop company.

While I'm in daze, my mom calls out to me:

"Riku, you are here"

"Here is the key of that lab. I and your father have agreed and helped you renovate the building"

"The facilities and furniture are in your arrangement"

She pats my head and smiles helplessly. She feels her son keeping going away from her. She shakes her thought to delete those useless thought. 

I reply: "Thank you!!!!!! Mommmmy, I love you!!!!!!!!". I jump in and hug her tightly. She stretches out her hand and hugs me. We stay like that in 5 minutes.

She says softly:"I also love you, Riku, I love you more than anything in the world"

I realize there is tear in my eyes. I think I'm the happiest person in the world. In my past life, my parents also treat me well, and respect my choices very much.  I hug my mom, try to avoid so that my mom won't see those tear. However, I can't hide anything from mom. She knew it already. She uses her hand to swipe the tear of my eyes. She says:

"Ara ara, this is the first time, I've ever seen you like this, hehehe~~"

I blush and turn my face away from her. It's so embarrassing. I stutter:

"It's not like I cry or anything"

She smiles gently:

"Yes, yes, yes, you did not cry, he he he~~"

I hum and go:"Hmm!!!"

"I'll go to see my future lab"


Now, I'm standing in front of the building. It lays next to my house for 3 buildings, so that I can walk from home to my lab. It has 2 stories building, and also has the underground basement. I use the key to unlock the door.'Click'. The sound is hearable. I look around to inspect. The building has anti-thief system, cameras. It looks so modern. Now, I have to arrange my secret base in the future. Hmm, I'm thinking how to arrange. I want to have a private space for develop Gamer Drivers and Gashats.

I plan to disguise to the outside world that is the lab researching electronic device, technology. Firstly, I will use it to research AI or something, so I will put it in the first floor of the building. Secondly, I will cover the small space and disguise it to become backup material room. Putting the material to hinder everyone to see the other room of my secret development. The second floor will be my living room, rest room, a room for Parad, and an office room. Lastly, the underground basement will become the warehouse to contain my main materials.

Fortunately, my dad's company bloomed after the release, so he provided me high-end computer and some fund for me to research. I remember Tony Stark has an AI named J.A.R.V.I.S. This AI have helped Tony a lot in building his battle suit or recreating new element. Honestly, I'm jealous because that's so cool, but with the knowledge of Kuroto Dan, I think I can create one. I will use my dad's fund to create AI first so that my dad can see his fund is worthy. Now, I will order more useful device for daily life like air conditioner, refrigerator for storing my dessert and soft drink.' Kuu, kuu, kuu'

-After one day to reorganize the lab and facilities-

The darkness is swallowing as the sun goes off work. I don't know how long it is. I satisfy with my work. The lab is well-done for my needs. I smirk and nod: "Kuu, kuu, kuu, kuu"

"Deserved to my name. I'm a genius, I'm Kamiiiii (God in Japanese) da"

Another male voice comes: "You inherit his knowledge, not that his personality, don't you?"

I turn back, and see Parad leaning against the door.

I blush red and try to cover my face. I want to dig a hole to hide myself in it.

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"Uh, uh ,uh, It's so embarrassing, so~ embarrassing"

This is what I always want to try once in my life.

"He sees it, he sees it, he sees ittttt!!"

"It's time to dispose the witness so that I can erase my black history"

Before I do anything, Parad appears in front of me and knocks my head.

I moan: "Hurt, hurt, it's hurt"

Parad says calmly:

"If you know its hurt, don't do it again"

"You make me remember a certain idiot, and I don't like him"

I retort: "But in my world, he appeared as a comedian in the Ex-aid show, you know"

Parad shows amused look: "Hehh~~, interesting, tell me"

After that, I told Parad the whole story of Ex-aid show

Parad says: "Hehh, I don't expect that idiot has so many fans"

"And you say you're also my fan huh?"

I nod. Parad seems to think of something and says:

"Can you replicate Build system. I was defeated by that guy"

"His power is so interesting"

I shake my head and explain:

"I can't do that. His power is coming from Pandora Box, and we don't have that box here"

"However, in memory of Kuroto Dan, he indeed created Build Gashat by sacrificing one of his lives. I also have that data"

Parad says: "Indeed, I know that. I have thought a lot recently. When you said Zero One, is he also Kamen Rider?"

I am shocked. I freeze and think of something.

"Yes, he is Kamen Rider, though, The first Rider of Reiwa era in 2019 though"

Now, it's Parad's turn to be shocked, because he had never heard Zero One.

I am not sure about the theory after seeing his expression. I continue to ask:

"You're from 2077. Did you know about Humagear?"

Parad frowns and answers:

"There are no Humagear in my world"

I think, think and think again. I'm finding something that goes wrong.

I ponder: "So you are from the world that's only Heisei Rider exist?"

"Only then, it can explain many things"

"I have a theory that Reiwa Rider World is still separating"

Parad understands something and excitedly asks:

"Do you mean that the next generation Rider after that old man still continues"

"In my world, after that old man ZiO, no Rider pops out after him at all"

"That old man still has something to hide"

I nod and nod. Parad asks with sparkle eyes:

"How many riders are there after that old man?"

I reply honestly:

"There are Zero One, Saber, Revice, Geats and many more"

"I'm still not counting the sub-Riders. In this generation, they have a lot of Kamen Riders"

"I died in the middle series of Geats, so I'm not sure"

"But it has to be a lot of Riders"

Parad says:

"These name, I have not heard any of them"

I trust my instinct and ability. I say:

"These Riders, I think I can recreate them except for Saber. It is related to Holy Sword and Magic"

"If I learn more and more, I can recreate them like ideas in my memory"

Parad nods and thinks again. I interrupt him.

"I think that's it for today. I don't want to think more"

"Let celebrate for my new lab, and our new secret base"

Parad answers and smiles:

"Yeah, let have a party today"

Although the word 'party' is used, it's just that I return home and bring a lot of snacks and desserts to the room to celebrate my small party.

"kuu, kuu, kuu"

"The reality is so cruel"


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