Marvel x Kamen Rider

Chapter 9: Chapter 7: Plan to make money

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The sun goes on work today. It enthusiastically shines through the world. The boy with black hair swipes his sweat and curse:

"*uck, *uck, it's hot, so hot, maniacally hot!!!!!!!"

That's right. The summer is coming. The sun work so more diligently than it's in normal day. The blonde woman is tying her hairstyle. She frowns when she hears her son said. She scolds him:

"Riku!!!!! Language!"

She stares at him coldly. The boy shudders and quickly says:

"I'm sorry, Madam"

Anna returns to her gentle mood and leads the boy to the garage.


Today is the day that I have promised to go to Peter's house to play. I bring a box which is the product of my family company is also my promise with Peter. I enter the car and arrive at the destination. I get off the car. I'm standing and looking at the similar apartment. It's still slightly same, or I say it has gone downhill. In my past life, the living environment is always important. I worry about Parker family, and want to extend my hand to them for help. However, I know the characteristics of Aunt May and Uncle Ben, they will refuse immediately. I wonder if I have a way to help them with ease, so that they can agree with it. I think I need to discuss with my mom. Adult always know adult.

What? You say I'm also adult? Ahem, it's not wrong, but in my previous life, I was an introverted people. To be straight, I'm a shut-in person. Although I could go to work from 9 to 5, I had not started a single conversation with my colleagues. I just limited myself and answered to pass through time. Huh, you say I'm so smooth when talking to Parad and Pete. I'm actually influenced by Gemn's memory. Nothing is wrong with that. Yes, it must be.

Riku does not know that it's actually his own nature though, and he exposes it without noticing. He just blames for thing that can be blamed though. The author said that.

Before my mother and I entering the apartment, I pull her to the side and state my thought. She smiles gently and says:

"Ara, Riku has grown up. He worries about his friend~"

"Don't worry, Riku, adult has a way of adult. Leave it to me"

"You can go to play with Peter in peace of mind"

She pats my head and leads me to the Parker house.

She is right. I will leave this to my mom.

We arrive at the door and knock 'kok, kok ,kok'

"May, Ben, we come here to play again~~"

The female voice rings excitedly:

"Welcome, welcome, come in guys"

Another boy runs out:

"Riku, you come!~~"

I walk toward him and say:

"Yes, yes, I come"

I hand him the box and say:

"That's my promise with you"

Peter looks at the box excitedly. It has the exclusive logo of  Sakuragi Corp. Peter often see other children playing with this, but his family condition is not good to buy one. Now, he also has one. It's like a dream. He wants to squeeze his cheeks to wake up, but it's real. 

"Thank you, Riku hehehe~"

After that, I instruct him how to operate the console and guide him to play. While playing with Pete, I notice my mom beginning to make a deal with Aunt May, and Uncle Ben.


"Anna, we appreciate your help, but it's overtreated for an ordinary employee" Uncle Ben exclaims.

"Yes, we're old. How can we deserve this treatment" Aunt May says.

Uncle Ben says: "We know that our condition is poor. We respect you, Anna. However, it feels like you're pitying on us. Sorry, if I say wrong"

Anna smiles gently and says:

"It's not overtreated or I'm pitying you at all"

Anna continues:

"You can say that I'm investing in Peter's future"

"He is smart, brilliant at his age. With his talent, he definitely can stand side by side with my son and he needs to be in better environment"

Uncle Ben and Aunt May freeze. They admit that Peter is a smart kid, but how Anna can be sure that this is a worthy investment.

Seeing the doubt of two of them. Anna says softly:

"May, you remember the day I asked for your help?"

May nods as Anna talks:

"For our genius children, we have the responsibility for helping them, and guide them on the right path. You said that to me"

"I think a lot. I think we have to provide a better environment for them so that they can fully expose their potential"

"If I were you, I would also agree so that my son could shine in the world"

"Moreover, we're friend, aren't we?"

"And you know that I have no malice intention toward your family at all"

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Uncle Ben, who is silently listening to Anna's talk, thinks it's also a great opportunity for his nephew, Peter. 

He raise his voice:

"Thank you, Anna"

He stands up and bows toward Anna.

"I agree the deal with you. I'm grateful for you"

May also does the same as Ben.

The adult conversation is ended like that


I see my mom, who is doing V sign toward me, smiles and let out her white teeth. I know that she had succeeded.

I finally let out a sigh of relief.

Now, I'm on peace of mind, and play with Peter. 

Time passes by, this is time for me and my mom to go home.

We part away with Parker family. I say to Peter:

"Bye bye, Peter, see you again soon"

Peter also waves his hand:

"Bye, Riku, see you next time, hehehe"

We get on the car. I ask my mom:

"How did you convince them, mom?"

She smiles mysteriously:

"That's our adult way, you know"

I'm also an adult, why I don't know. She sees her son got irritated. She know that he is always like an adult in the small child, but somehow he is so childish and unreasonable sometimes. She smiles charmingly:

"Ara~ this is secret. If you want to know, you have to grow up, ehehe"

'Ahhhhhhhhh'. I'm being treated like a child. I get angry but soon realize the problem 'Wait a minute, I'm also a child now'.

Soon, we arrive at home.


I pull my tired body to the room. After cleaning myself, changing pajama, I throw myself in the bed.

I murmur: "Uh uh uh, so tired"

Parad, who is playing game, take a glance and ignore it.

I don't know how to make more money at all. This guy Parad is like a NEET. He plays games all day. If he plays game and can make money from it, the thing will be better. 'huh, wait a minute'. I suddenly sit up and look at Parad intently. I have solution and it's easy that I don't think about it at all.

Parad notices it immediately. He pauses Game and looks at Riku:

"Huh, What's wrong?"

I excitedly say:

"Parad, Parad, I have a way for you to make money and you can continue to play game. Do you want to hear?"

Parad feels interested, suddenly feel bad, but does not know what is wrong. He answers:

"Let me hear it out"

I say excitedly about Vtuber in my previous life to Parad. He nods and feels this wrong thing clearer.

I say:

"I want you to put on a model. You can play games, sing, interact with fan"

"Your skills in game is no problem, because you are genius Gamer M"

"The fastest way to make more money is that you put on a female Vtuber idol. I can design your voice changer so that we can make a lot of money"

"Kuu, kuu, kuu. I'm a genius, aren't I? kuu, kuu, kuu. With that, we are rich!!!!"

Parad's face grows colder and looks at me like I'm a garbage. He smiles as he does not smile at all. There is trace of murderous intent aiming at me:

"You are bored to live in this world, aren't you?"

"If you want to live this world so quickly, then I have to satisfy you"

I'm panicked, and yells:"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

My day is finished with BAD ENDING. Game Over. 


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