Masamune, The Blood Blade

Chapter 36: A Slight Mishap

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Charlotte checked the clock on the wall. So far, from the moment she walked in, nearly an hour had passed, and she had barely made a dent in the mountain of paperwork. Out of the 300~ pieces of paper she went through, more than half of it was noise complaints, public safety complaints, indecency complaints, etc. 

It didn't take a genius to see that her subordinates weren't well-liked by the town. Eh, not her problem on how the townspeople thought. If her subordinates cared, her office wouldn't be half as full. 

"Ugh..." Charlotte groaned, and threw the paper in her hand. It was addressed to Kevin Woodleaf, who seemed to be the previous captain of this group. It was addressed to him a few months ago, hence why it was near the top of the pile. The contents said something about letting some noble girl join the expeditionary team.

There's no way she'll be babysitting another weirdo. She already has enough. 

*knock knock*

"Come in."

Charlotte watched through the mountain of papers as the archer guy, Louis, stepped in. He was one of the 2 people that stayed on the sidelines, which meant that she never beat him up yet. He was also one of the first people she used [Eye of Land] on, with him being a cool level 612. 

Surprisingly, he, alongside the healer, was also the most normal of the group, at least, as far as she could tell. 

"Any orders?" He was careful not to step onto any of the paper stacks.

"Hm... what did the previous captain tell you guys to do?" Louis frowned, deep in concentration. "Well, he said for us to do whatever we want."

Charlotte pinched her eyes. "I heard there was some dungeon nearby." 

"Ah, yeah, the Sandpit. But it's not actually a dungeon."

It was Charlotte's turn to frown. "What do you mean?"

"It's a big stationary monster that disguises itself as a dungeon. It's like a big worm, except there's no treasure at the bottom, only death."

"What level?" Charlotte gripped Masamune. Finally, a chance to fight something for once. 

"I think it was... level 3200 something? It's pretty damn powerful, but it's stationary, which is why the empire decided to not do anything about it."

Ah. They definitely reassigned her here to get her to get rid of the monster. Or at least, spearhead efforts to destroy it with minimum casualties and empire manpower loss.

"Well, we are going to do something about it. Get your friends, we are heading out in a few days." She rose up from her chair, knocking over yet another stack of paper. Sighing, she wondered if she could hire someone to sort out the paperwork for her. Even if the government didn't provide funds, she will.

"Oh right, I remembered what I came here for-" Suddenly, a loud crash rang from the courtyard, startling Charlotte. Louis simply sighed and walked out of the room.

"OI! KEEP IT DOWN YA FUCKS!" Another crash responded to him, and Charlotte found her left wall decorated with a new gaping hole. Papers flew everywhere, as the golden-haired blonde from before groaned. Louis returned back into the room and sighed as he spotted the blonde. "Not again..." He muttered.

His hair was haphazard, sweat streaming down his face. His armor was ill-equipped, with several straps in the wrong positions and not even connected around his body. His head snapped towards Charlotte, as panicked tears streamed down his face.

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"Ca-captain! Save me!"

From down the hall, the sound of cold, hard boots hitting the dry wood floor made the blonde flinch. Each step was louder and louder, as the blonde desperately tried to use his twisted hand and leg to climb behind a large stack of papers. She had no intention of helping, and only if it became too dangerous, would she step in, but for now she was content to watch.

From the hole, a dark shadow streamed in, as the healer in crimson red robes ducked under and over. Charlotte never noticed this before, but she wore combat boots that contained sharp spikes that lined every square inch of her soles. The healer gave a smile and waved at Charlotte.

She reciprocated as a small whimper came from behind her. The blonde had somehow crawled his way to behind her desk.

"Louis, tell me what you were going to say, outside." She motioned for him to follow, as she went under the big hole in the wall. She was wrong about the healer, looks like she wasn't too mentally sane either.  The tall man from earlier came up to them, and seeing the hole in the wall, immediately gave a nervous laugh. 

"Oh, it's just Maria... heheh." He walked off, clearly not intending to stick around any longer.

"As I was saying..." Louis was cut off yet again, by a loud scream coming from within her room. "You dare run away from my healing?! HUH?!" The sound of flesh and bone being impaled by metal was heard. 

Louis flinched, but he continued. "There is a lady in the guest room right now waiting for you."

"AAAAAÀÂÁÄÅĀÆHHHHH—" A boot hit the ground, followed by a squishy, squelching sound. "Oops~ Was that your netherparts~?"

"Does this happen daily?" Charlotte eyed the room from the hall. All she could see was the wood walls and paint job, but it didn't take much for the imagination to make up what was happening from within. It sounded like the blonde was having a really great time. 

Louis sighed. "Unfortunately yes." "

"But as I was saying, the lady is from the house of Odrevin, the Marquis of this city." 

"What would the daughter of a Marquis want to do with this band of ruffians?" Charlotte asked. Another wet squish came from inside the room, followed by a mad cackle. 

"There was a letter that arrived from the Marquis a few months ago, saying that his daughter would like to gain some real-world experience." Oh. That letter. Hearing more screaming from her former office, she doubt that she could find that single paper in the chaotic and blood-soaked room. 

"Just, tell me where the lady is staying. I'll meet her myself." Louis motioned to the eastern part of the building, just past the training field. 

"Thanks, got it. Make sure to clean up—" She watched as the blonde crawled halfway out of the hole in the wall. His other hand was mangled beyond belief, and his face was a mixture of bruises and torn tissue. "H-help... please." His eyes went wide. "Please! Please! PleEAAASS—" Just like that, not even 5 seconds went by as he was dragged back into the room, with only a bloody trail signaling where he last was.

The crimson healer stepped outside of the room and glared at Louis, which made him shiver. Her glare softened and turned into a placid smile. "I'm so sorry miss, but it's hard working with difficult patients you see~ I'll make sure that your room is spotless when you come back!" She grinned, stomping her foot on the blonde's fingers that poked out. 

"Sounds good to me." She was a healer, she got this under control. She thinks. Eh, he'll probably be fine.

And besides, what's the worst that could happen?


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