Masamune, The Blood Blade

Chapter 48: Unexpected Help (6)

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As firey slag rained down from the sky turning the sky a deep red, Charlotte approached the massive walls. The specters that she had charged alongside are now piling against the walls, with tall ladders meant to scale the walls being put up.

Boiling oil, stone, and spells were tossed down the walls with reckless abandon, taking out many of the specters near her. Using a ladder would take far too long, instead, Charlotte decided to scale the walls herself, plunging Masamune into the ghostly stone, she used her speed from the Ichor runes to quickly climb up.

Buckets of boiling oil and stones, meant to knock off approaching invaders, narrowly missed Charlotte. Spells and projectiles she simply blocked with her Ichor shield, now having small signs of damage on it. 

Hauling herself over the wall, she made sure to kill some of the specter soldiers that had thrown boiling oil at her. Her sword unsurprisingly passed through them with little resistance, as they collapsed to the ground. Spells flew towards her, but her shield swiftly deflected them. Running through the entire length of the wall, she held Masamune out and cleared out an entire section's worth, letting the Theius soldiers climb up. 

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