Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 56: Volume 6 - CH 6

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Clear weather after the typhoon.

Just as these words proclaimed, now that the storm had passed us, the weather had recovered. Thanks to that, cleaning up after the sports festival ended went fairly smoothly, and we students were allowed to head home earlier than previously anticipated.

“Good for you, Jirou-kun. It seems like Nakuru-chan really has a thing for you.”

“Shut up, Suzutsuki.”

As I was on my way home, trying to process everything that had happened, Suzutsuki called out to me with an awfully joyful tone. She must be having fun, alright. After all, she likes teasing others. That incident just now was greatly to her liking.

“…Jirou, do you really not plan on going out with Nakuru-chan?”

“Konoe, please don’t say such terrifying stuff. Do you really think I would go out with that glasses junkie?”

“But, Nakuru-chan has such big breasts…”

“Why is that important?”

I wouldn’t fall in love with someone simply because of the size of their breasts. You know, if I were to date her for real, she would observe me 24/7, not to mention right next to me. It would be tiring me out beyond belief. What do you mean by ‘Senpai’s life is as interesting as a novel~’, huh?

“But, even the club vice president called you ‘Onii-chan~’, right? Aren’t you happy about that? You’re a siscon after all.”

“Don’t just label me as a siscon.”

“You did something lewd to your little sister at the pool, right?”

“Those were false accusations.”

“You made a crazy face back then. Were you that excited by your little sister?”

“That’s because I was letting out all my frustration built up over the years!”

Masamune looked up at me with a dubious expression, while pushing along her beloved bike. Today, the four of us were walking home together. Originally, I wanted to head home alone. To go through my thoughts and all that. I wanted to leave before getting questioned by everybody, but right as I passed through the gate, Konoe and Suzutsuki caught me. Not to mention that Masamune also spotted me while searching for me.

“Still, the weather turned quite comfortable, hasn’t it.” Suzutsuki muttered as she gazed up at the clear blue sky. “Even though it had been storming so much not too long ago, the typhoon has fully passed us.”

“Apparently it was a pretty strong one even.”

Even looking around on the way home, I could see the traces of the storm. Polyethylene buckets fell over, creating large puddles of water. Even some power outages here and there.

“Hey, Suzutsuki Kanade, let me ask one thing.” While pushing her bike, Masamune asked Suzutsuki.

“Did you…do something so that the sports festival wouldn’t get cancelled?”

“…Fufu, who knows?” The young lady showed a vague smile.

I see how it is. That explains why the sports festival didn’t get cancelled despite the heavy downpour. Even if Schrö-senpai pushed it as the committee president, it wouldn’t be weird for the school to put an end to it. However, that didn’t happen. Must have been Suzutsuki’s doing on the sidelines. After all, she’s the single daughter of the board chairman at our school.

As her motivation, she probably didn’t want this enjoyable event known as the school festival to stop this quickly…huh.

“No need to worry about that. The school festival ended safely and with joy, right? Nobody was hurt either.” Suzutsuki showed a satisfied smile.

Well, she’s not wrong, I guess. The sports festival ended how everybody wished for, and I bet that holding a festival in the middle of a storm will surely turn into some great memories for the students…I personally won’t be able to forget it for a different reason though.

“…That reminds me, Jirou-kun.” Suzutsuki spoke with a light tone, actively changing the atmosphere. “Why did you reject Nakuru-chan’s confession?”

“I already told you, didn’t I? She’s just trying to use me as material for her doujinshi.”

She might also hold emotions that go beyond that, but after hearing her out, her desire for doujinshi stuff is definitely greater.

“Nakuru-chan is really cute tho, right? And she’s got great looks.”


“So…Didn’t you at least consider trying it out? Because of your gynophobia, you never got to really date a girl, right? You should at least be interested in this sort of thing.”

“………” Hearing Suzutsuki’s words, I grew silent for a moment.

She’s not exactly wrong. Leaving aside what’s inside, Nakuru’s pretty cute, so there was plenty of reason to start dating her. However…

“Not happening. She doesn’t know about my gynophobia. And not to mention…”

“Not to mention?”

“You know…I don’t think I can even date a girl until I fix my gynophobia. Think about it, when going on a date, we can’t even properly hold hands.”

“…Hmm, so basically, you have no interest in going out with a girl until your gynophobia is fixed.”

“Something like that. This awful disposition of mine just takes top priority.”

Experiencing true love is just impossible like this, don’t you think? When I gave Suzutsuki my honest opinion, she commented ‘Thank you for the valuable information’. Urk, what’s that face for? Are you also planning on closely inspecting me like some wild animal? Not to mention that both Konoe and Masamune also gave me a curious look. Urk, just stop already. Don’t treat me like a panda in a zoo. I’m not an endangered species.


I feel so exhausted today. Of course, that’s to be expected with the sports festival today, but my exhaustion is even bigger than after any festival before. With the three-legged race, and the aquatic deathmatch, the whole confession thing, it was a bit too much. I’m sure I’m running on low HP right about now. What’s terrifying me the most is that the second term barely started.

I really feel like that glasses junkie will definitely be on the attack from now on, and Schrö-senpai surely won’t leave me alone either. Honestly speaking, there’s way too much trouble going on in my current student life. That’s why, I just want to go home and sleep. I bet that these guys must be tired from the sports festival as well, so I doubt anything troublesome will happen from now on. I’ll use the rest of my time today to get some good sleep.

Kureha might also be home by now, but I doubt she’ll force me through some wrestling training. She went all out during the sports festival after all. So, go home, go to bed. That’s my plan for today, which is why my legs automatically sped up.


After another five minutes of walking, right when we reached my house, I heard a voice devoid of any energy.


The source of that voice was my little sister, who had returned home before me. But, something was off. Why is she walking towards us? If she just waited at our home, I’d be getting there soon enough.


“Y-Yeah, what’s up?”

Her voice sounded oddly down, making me realize that this might be the first time I’ve seen her like this.

“Listen, Nii-san. While we were out at the sports festival, something terrible happened.”

“…Something terrible?”

Because of Kureha’s odd serious tone, I tensed up myself. What is she talking about…Did Mom come back? That would be horrifying. I need to get a passport ready so I can flee overseas quickly. I think South America would be a great place to hide. Mom wouldn’t chase me across the planet after all.


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However, my little sister’s response blew away any expectations I had. According to Kureha, a lightning strike hit the area around here. I heard about that at school already, so it’s not anything too shocking. However, the area this lighting strike hit turned out to be here in the neighbourhood of our home, and…


“…The hell.”

The moment I saw that scenery, I was at a loss for words. Everything was burnt down. The area was surrounded by firetrucks and police cars, trying to push back the onlookers. From the people around us, I heard that a power pole was struck directly by lightning. What made things troublesome is that this power pole couldn’t handle the sudden influx of energy, and burst up into flames. This fire jumped over to the nearby houses, and started burning up.

Even beneath the strong downpour of the typhoon, the fires weren’t put out, and the strong wind instead helped to spread the fire even further. As a result, almost half of the entire residential area here burned down. Worse of all, the part that burned down contained the Sakamachi Household…

“According to the firefighter, the entrance, kitchen, garage, and Mom’s room are completely gone. It seems like mine and Nii-san’s room were safe, but…”

Kureha stood in front of the pile of charcoal, and spoke with a tone like she still couldn’t believe it. I can’t blame her. Even she, a little monster, is a girl, so such an incident must be tough on her. Not like I’m much better off.

“Guess we have to contact Mom now.”

However, that is quite complicated. She only sends us letters from time to time, so it’s hard to figure out where she even is. She also would periodically call us, but we’d have to wait for that. The biggest problem however…


“Yes, my little sister.”

“Um…I really don’t want to say this, but…where are we supposed to stay now?”


She’s right. Although it’s half burned down, we definitely can’t live there. On top of that, the allowances and money for living expenses that Mom sends us really don’t allow us to just suddenly move elsewhere. On top of that, the closest relatives are living…outside the prefecture, so asking them for help is close to impossible.

“…Jirou.” Next to me, Konoe showed an anxious expression.

Even Masamune had stayed quiet with a complicated face.

“…This sure is bad, yeah.”

I couldn’t give any productive comments either. This is almost like Nakuru said, my life is a chaotic novel. However, there was no time to worry, I first needed to secure a place to survive until tomorrow.

“It’s fine, Jirou-kun.”

There, I heard a dignified voice, coming from none other than Suzutsuki Kanade. Even as she looked at this horrendous scene, she smiled almost like she was trying to reassure us.

“You can just stay at our house.”

“…Huh?” I doubted my ears when I heard those words.

What exactly does she mean by that?

“It’s simple. You and Kureha-chan will be staying over at my residence until your problems have resolved.”

“…!? R-Really!?”

“Of course. Even I wouldn’t joke about this.”

“Eh…Young lady…?”

“That’s right, it’s exactly what you think, Subaru. Jirou-kun will be living with us for a while. At least, until they find another place to stay.” Suzutsuki showed a kind smile.


…Huh, maybe I treated you too harshly. What do you mean ‘The Deretsuki-san you knew has died’, huh? You actually saved us now.

“…Sorry, Suzutsuki, I’m in your debt.” I gave her my honest gratitude.

Offering us a place to stay is something I have endless gratitude for. If we have more time, I can find a way to contact Mom, and that should resolve this whole problem. We might even be able to eventually move back to this house. Ahh, many thanks, young lady. This time, I really can’t complain. After all, being able to stay at her residence for free…

“However, I have a condition.” There, Suzutsuki’s tone suddenly changed. “I’m sorry, Jirou-kun, but I really can’t let you stay for free.”


“The thing is, we’re already having another girl in a similar situation to you staying over, so we can’t let you get off for free, as that wouldn’t be fair.”


“Because she is working as a servant.”


“As for what I’m trying to say, if you want to stay over at my residence, you will be forced to work as well.”


“In other words, as our servants. Kureha-chan will be a maid starting today.”

“I-I will be a maid at Onee-sama’s residence…?”

Even Kureha was shocked. I understand what she’s feeling, I would react in a similar way. However, we probably don’t have any other choice. If we want to survive the night and stay over at her residence.

“…Alright, Suzutsuki. So, what do I have to do?”

With a servant, I can’t really imagine what that job entails. It’s probably something to do at her residence, but…

“Thank you, Jirou-kun. Then…” Suzutsuki showed an angelic smile. “Maybe I should make you my dog.”


………I misheard, right? There’s no way this wench just said what I think she did.

“Can’t be helped, you know? Since my family has some strict rules, I can’t have any other man but Subaru as my butler. At the same time, I don’t believe you have the skill for any other work needing attention. So, you’ll be taking care of the odd jobs.”

“O-Odd jobs…?”

“Indeed. You will listen to whichever order I may give you, like a dog ordered by their owner. Of course, since both mother and father are out right now, your owner—will be me.” Suzutsuki’s face distorted into a wicked smile.

And then, she used her beautiful long index finger to point at me.

“Jirou-kun, I will have you become my dog.”


Yamitsuki-san really is no joke. While internally cursing myself of getting myself into this situation to a certain degree, I could only feel anxiety towards this new leaf about to be turned. If my life really was like a novel, then the very next sentence probably would have been something like this.

—A new development awaits.

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