Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 78: Volume 10 - CH 4

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“…Stupid chicken. Is she okay?”

At night, as the sky had turned dark, Masamune called out to me with a worried voice.

“Yeah, she’s fine. She won’t break that easily.” I said, and turned my neck to look at the girl behind my back.

She was indulging in a pleasant slumber right now. After Kureha was rejected by Kureha, I brought that crybaby to a nearby cafe. Basically, it was like a party to cheer her up. She stuffed herself with food to the utmost limit with the cake menu, eating sweets in great masses.

“Well, I didn’t expect her to eat this much, though.”

I tried to act like a reliable older brother, but Kureha just said ‘I need this one today!’, not allowing me to object. So, all she did for the past few hours was stuff cake down her throat, turning into a cake eating machine. As a result of that…

“Mmmnnn…Nii-san…” I heard a faint mumble behind my back.

With her stomach full, Kureha fell asleep at the cafe, so I now have to carry her home on my back. Maybe she was just exhausted from all that crying…Either way, she really takes a lot out of me, this little sister of mine. Well, right now, we were heading for Schrö-senpai’s place. I completely forgot, but Kureha had her clothes and other luggage at Schrö-senpai’s place, so somebody had to take her there. Can’t have Schrö-senpai take care of all of that, so I carried her.

By the way…Konoe Subaru was not with us. After catching up with me and Kureha, Masamune told me that Konoe failed to chase after us, only sitting on that bench. Maybe she had caught on to us following her. But, I understand how she feels. If I was in the same position as Konoe, I don’t think I would have been able to chase after Kureha. Konoe must have been shocked in her own right.

“Still, that surprised me.” Schrö-senpai commented, as she walked ahead of us.

“…Same here. To think that Kureha would confess like that.”

It all came out of nowhere. Of course, I knew that she had feelings for Konoe, but a sudden confession like that…


No, it wasn’t all that sudden. There have been enough triggers for it. The Suzutsuki Revolution must have stirred something inside of her, which led to this confession. She managed to deal with her own feelings, and received a proper conclusion that will let her move forward. To us, it might have been surprising, but Kureha had thought about this a lot…

“…No, that’s not what surprised me.”

However, Schrö-senpai denied those words with a serious tone. And then, she turned towards the person sleeping on my back.

“She’s…actually pretty strong.”

“…Eh?” I was confused.

Strong? I mean, she’s a wrestling maniac, so I knew that she was strong, but…

“Hey now, I’m not talking about her battle strength. Her mental strength.”


“Yeah. I’m sure the shock of being rejected by Subaru-sama must have been big…to the point that she probably wouldn’t get up easily.”


“But, I’m sure she’ll be fine. She ate that much cake at the cafe, so she’ll cheer up soon enough. She cried loudly, so she’ll get up soon enough. As long as she can get over her feelings, that is.”

“Get over her feelings…”

That’s right. Just as Kureha said, everybody runs into a wall once. What’s important is that you get up again, and start walking again. Get over her feelings, and start anew. That’s what Schrö-senpai probably wants to say. Being able to get up from a failed love needs a lot of strength, and Schrö-senpai said that Kureha possessed that.

“Your little sister’s amazing. It will probably be a bit awkward for her to run into Subaru-sama for a while, but she should at least be able to go to school.”

“Well…it is very much like her, I guess.”

Even I thought she’d be sad about being rejected, but things are different. When she hugged me, she clearly said it. She just needs a bit of rest so that she can get up again.


I’m sure that Kureha herself understood the meaning behind the words she just told me. No matter how tough the wall may seem, we eventually have to get over it. Get up again, and start walking. That’s why she hugged me like a normal girl would—

“Stupid chicken, are you okay? Should I carry her?” Masamune called out to me with a worried voice.

“I’m fine. She did eat a lot, but she’s still light.”

“…No, that’s not what I meant.” Masamune denied my words. “You’ve been carrying her this entire time, right?”

“Yeah? What about it?”

“I mean, you okay? After all…She’s a girl, remember?”


I see. I completely forgot about my gynophobia. Just by touching another girl, my nose will start bleeding. And, Sakamachi Kureha undoubtedly is a girl. Although I’m carrying her on my back, there’s no direct skin contact between the two of us. However, the me from before might have suffered some symptoms already by now. I guess it’s thanks to the treatment I’ve been getting from the girls that I can stay like this.


Yeah, that has to be it. Since this April, I’ve gotten used to interacting with girls. But, that’s not the only reason.

“Nya…Nii-san…I can’t eat anymore…” Kureha mumbled something in her sleep.

Maybe she’s the reason why? Just as the name gynophobia suggested, I feel fear of girls. Who pushed this fear onto me? Clearly, the women of the Sakamachi Family. They, who are absorbed in wrestling, have been using me as a punching bag for over ten years. I’m sure that I must have subconsciously feared Mom and Kureha. After all, I kept calling her the family’s little monster. It’s because I was afraid of her, and this caused my gynophobia. However…


The scenery just now popped back into my head. She clung to me, crying like a child. What, so she’s just a normal girl after all? Little monster? Gynophobia? I simply didn’t understand her. When she clung to me, she didn’t seem like the symbol of fear. Rather, it was the exact opposite.


Not to mention, there’s something else catching my attention. It’s what Kureha said. After she was rejected by Konoe, she said—Konoe had someone she likes. Now, as for what she meant by that…

“…We’re here. This is the Narumi estate.” Schrö-senpai’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

Looking around my surroundings, what first entered my vision—was a fully-fledged mansion. However, it’s different from the Suzutsuki residence, and it was more of a classical Japanese estate.


It looked like the type of estate you’d see in a historical stage play, which caused Masamune to stutter in shock. Is this her first time coming here?


As I was thinking that, I heard a familiar voice. Because it was pretty dark, I couldn’t tell too well, but those cat ears and glasses left enough of an impression. It’s Narumi Nakuru, and as soon as she spotted Schrö-senpai, she came running over.

“Yo, Nakuru, I’m back.”

“You’re going at your own pace as always, huh. If you’re late, at least call…Wait, why are Senpai and the others with you?”

Nakuru spotted me and Masamune, showing a somewhat perplexed expression. It’s weird, I haven’t heard her speak politely like this in a while. Those two sisters actually had been quite distanced for a long time, but during the sports festival back in September, that was resolved. She even stopped speaking politely towards Schrö-senpai. Also, was she worried about her older sister by any chance? If so, then they sure have gotten closer a lot.

“How cruel! You bully, Onee-chan! You were having fun with Senpai and the others, leaving me out!?

“What kind of fantasies are you having!?”

Nevermind, I take it back…No, calm down, Sakamachi Kinjirou. The fact that Nakuru can tell her older sister her opinion clearly shows their progress.

“Hey now, calm down. I wasn’t leaving you out or anything. I just happened to run into them on my way home from work.”

“Eh, really?”

“Your misunderstandings are no joke as always.”

“That is Nakuru’s speciality after all!”

“Well, I guess you’re right. I don’t like how straightforward you are.”

“Ehehe, same here. Nakuru loves how Onee-chan can’t be honest at all~”

“Wha…Shut up! Don’t treat your older sister like some tsundere! Also, don’t just throw around words like love as if it’s nothing!”

“Wha? Why?”

“B-Because…it’s embarrassing…”

“Ehehe, love you Onee-chan!”

“Funya!? S-Stop that! Don’t cling to me like that!”

“Ehh, even though your skin is so smooth, and your cheeks so fluffy?”

“U-Using some nonsensical logic again…!”

Schrö-senpai acted like a stray cat not used to human affection, trying to push away her younger sister…Well, should be fine. It’s a bit too close for sisters’ skinship, to the point that a stranger might just report them for public indecency, but this is most likely just Nakuru’s way of wanting to be spoiled.

Next to me, Masamune muttered ‘How nice…’ in the face of this scenery, showing that she really wanted a little sister after all. Why not just hug Schrö-senpai like Nakuru does? Her looks and attitude really strengthen her little sister power.

“Ehehehe…Huh? Oh yeah, why is Senpai carrying Kureha-chan?”

Nakuru stopped clinging to Schrö-senpai for a moment, as she glanced at Kureha, who was still on my back. Ah, crap. It’s so obvious, but she doesn’t know about Kureha’s confession, and that she got rejected. But, that is something we shouldn’t be telling her ourselves.

“…Mmm? Nakuru…?”

As I was racking my brain, Kureha woke up with great timing. The ruckus between Nakuru and Schrö-senpai must have woken her up.

“Um…where is this? Why is Nii-san carrying me?”

“This is Schrö-senpai’s place. You fell asleep at the cafe, so I carried you here.”

“Cafe…” Kureha muttered as she went through her memories, and nodded. “Ahh, right.”

With these words, she got off my back.

“Huh? Kureha-chan, your eyes look a bit red, did something happen?”

“Eh…Um…” Kureha went silent.

However, Schrö-senpai came to the rescue.

“For now, let’s just have dinner. You and Nakuru must be hungry, right?”

“Vice captain…”

“Huh? Come on, Kureha, don’t show me that kind of face. You’ll stay over tonight as well, so just come in already.”


“…Thank you very much.” Kureha faintly muttered after hearing Schrö-senpai’s words.

…Maybe she’s trying to be considerate of Kureha? Telling Nakuru about the failed love of Kureha on the same day is a bit tough, so she just played it off. I don’t think that Kureha would be so hungry after stuffing herself with cake a few hours prior.


But, that’s fine. Eventually, Kureha will tell Nakuru about her broken heart. They’re pretty close after all. She just needs some time.

“Ah, right, why don’t you two come join us as well, Onii-chan, Usamin?”

“Eh…us too?”

“Ohh! What a wonderful idea! Let’s do that, Usamin-senpai! The more people, the better the food will taste!”

“That might be true, but…”

Masamune hesitated for a moment, glancing over at me.

“Ain’t it fine? We should just take up Schrö-senpai’s invitation.”

She probably felt uncertain because she didn’t want to be a burden, but I bet it’d be fun.

“Then, come on in~!” Nakuru beckoned us inside.

Both Kureha and Masamune followed after her with a smile. Hence, I was about to move after them, when…

“Stop, Onii-chan.”

Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm. Looking over, it was Schrö-senpai. Not to mention with quite the strong force.

“You come shopping with me.”


“Yeah. Just to the nearby convenience store. Should be fine, right?”

“Ehm, yeah, I don’t mind…”

“Gotcha. Nakuru, we’ll go out shopping for a bit. We might end up a bit late, so just eat dinner without us then.” Schrö-senpai said, and before even waiting for Nakuru’s response, she pulled my body outside, in front of the house.

“Hey, you don’t need to drag me along like this!” I screamed.

“Oh, my bad.” Schrö-senpai swiftly let go.

“Also, what will we buy anyway?”

Maybe they ran out of ingredients? But, why with me…

“Ahh, that? That was just a lie.”

“…Excuse me?”

That came out of nowhere, I didn’t know how to react for a second…Hold on, then where is she heading right now?

“Hey, Onii-chan.”

Beneath the night sky, Schrö-senpai looked up at me, and flashed a smile like it was created by a sculptor.

“Let’s go on a date, shall we?”


Tsukishiro Shrine was a few minutes away from Narumi’s place. Schrö-senpai took me to this average shrine you could find anywhere.

“Now, we’re here. No people here tonight, but the moon is quite the sight, you know?”

After going up the stone stairs to the shrine, Schrö-senpai explained this with the large red shrine gate behind her…No, that’s not what I wanted to ask, okay.

“…Schrö-senpai, why did you bring me here?”

“Hm? I told you, it’s for a date.”

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“You did say that, but…”

Why would you go on a date with me? Not to mention a shrine. I don’t have any intention of throwing my valuable change into the offerings box.

“Ahh, don’t worry about the location. I just wanted to be alone with you.”

“…Alone with me?”

“That’s right, there’s something I wanna talk about with you, Onii-chan.” She walked down the stone path through the shine gate, with her back to me. “Did something happen lately?”

She asked like it was nothing, and it came out of nowhere.

“What do you mean…”

“Hell if I know. That’s why I’m asking. Right now, something’s weird with you, Onii-chan.”


“Yup. Specifically, it’s like you’re lacking your usual energy, worrying about something. It felt like Subaru-sama was off as well.”


Hearing her words, I could only grow silent. I see…she’s seen Kureha and Konoe on the date, so she must have heard what Konoe said.

—I’m the one at fault.

That’s what Konoe said. And, that clearly showed that she was worrying about something related to me. Yet…

“I don’t mind hearing you out, you know?” Schrö-senpai turned around, her eyes looking directly at me. “I was in your care during the sports festival back in September, and I’m a third-year, I gotta hear out the troubles of my juniors.”


Her words sounded so unbelievably reliable. Simply listening to them made it feel like something inside of me shattered. Ahh…Maybe I was just tired? Thinking about it, it felt like way too much happened since the second term began. And with all of that, our relationships changed. Konoe, Suzutsuki, Masamune, and me—especially the relationship between me and Konoe changed greatly, our distance widened. I tried my best to come up with ways of resolving this, but the more I thought about it, the worse it got…to the point it limited my own actions.


That’s probably why I started telling her, as if to let everything out inside my chest.

“The thing is…I got into something like a fight with Konoe recently.”

“Something like a fight?”

“…I said that we should stop being best friends…”

“Best friends…huh. Well, you two were pretty close, so it wouldn’t be weird to have that kind of relationship. But, why would you say that?”


It was clear as day to me.

“Konoe seemed like she was worrying about something…and that is related to me. But, I didn’t know why, and Konoe wouldn’t tell me. If anything, the more I stayed with her, the more she’d be worrying about it…and it felt like I was hurting her.”

That’s why I said what I said. Back then, we were both hiding something from each other. I didn’t tell Konoe about what happened between Masamune and Suzutuski, and Konoe kept the reason she was worrying a secret as well. We were supposed to be best friends, so I…

“I see, so you didn’t want each other to keep secrets, and hurt each other.”

“No, I just…”

I couldn’t argue against those words. I didn’t want to hurt Konoe. But…


Was that really all of it? Maybe I also didn’t want to get hurt myself? After all, Konoe Subaru is the girl I confessed to, the girl I liked. That’s why I kept this vague distance between us?

“You said you wanted to stop being best friends…right?” Schrö-senpai said, and suddenly closed the distance between us.

And then, right as she was in front of my eyes, she stopped. A moment of silence passed, and—


A palm appeared in my view. It was Schrö-senpai’s small palm, slamming right onto my cheek. She gave me a slap like you’d see in a romcom series where the protagonist walks in on the girl changing. However, in this case, things are different. After all, this is Narumi Schrödinger. She’s the top rank of Rouran Academy’s handicrafts club, as well as the vice club president. She showed her inhumane strength back at the sports festival already, even beating Kureha greatly. And now, such a person slapped me right across the face—


Like I was shot, my body was flung backwards, landing on the stone path. I somehow managed to land safely, but the pain made my cheek feel numb.


What the hell was that? Why did she slap me?

“…Hey, Onii-chan.”

As I was left baffled, Schrö-senpai grabbed my collar, pulling me up, and her face closer. And then—

“Let me tell you, Onii-chan. About what you’re doing right now.” Schrö-senpai spat her harsh words at me. “You’re just running away.”


For a moment, I couldn’t grasp what I was just told. Running away? Me? From what? However, Schrö-senpai continued before I could ask for an answer.

“Today, do you remember what Kureha said? Everybody runs into a wall at some point, but you can’t stay down forever. Yet, you’re doing the exact opposite. You avoid the idea of getting up again altogether.”


Not the case—I wanted to say that. But, those words just wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

“That’s why you said that to Subaru-sama, right? That you wanted to stop being best friends. Because keeping a distance from him would be better, keeping space between you and him. You’re just making up a reason to run away from everything.”

“B-But, I…”

I didn’t know why she was worrying about me. I didn’t want us to hide things from each other. That’s why I didn’t want us to keep hurting each other.

“Can’t accept it? Alright, then let me ask you a question.” Schrö-senpai looked me directly in the eyes. “Are friends not allowed to keep secrets?”


“I mean, think about it. Everybody has something they don’t want others to know. Isn’t that obvious?” She spoke like it was a natural conclusion.

……Thinking about it, that might be true. Everybody has a side to them they don’t want others to see. But…

“But…me and Konoe are…”

We’re best friends. That’s why I didn’t want us to hide things from each other…

“…Alright, let me change the question.”


The topic of conversation suddenly switched, leaving me bewildered again. However, Schrö-senpai didn’t mind me, and continued.

“This so-called best friend relationship you guys have—is it that shallow that it could break apart because of a secret or two?”

“……” I grew silent.

Before hearing my response, she screamed.

“It’s not, right!? If you’re best friends, you wouldn’t break apart because of something like that, yeah!?”


“If you two are best friends, then you would stay with him even if he’s hiding something! Think about his feelings! Accept them! And, then protect him! If you can’t even do that, then don’t call yourself his best friend!”


“You’re just running away! Just staying on the ground after running into a problem! Learn a bit from your sister! She was beat down, and is already trying to move forward, you know!?”


I remember. That’s right, Konoe was different. She cried, and clung to me, but didn’t try to run away. No matter how long it took, she was prepared to get up again.


So, what about me? Just as Schrö-senpai said, I was just running away, right? I wanted time. I wanted distance. And I thought it would benefit the both of us. But…it was just an excuse. I was just running away from Konoe Subaru.


No, not just Konoe. I was probably running away from Suzutsuki as well. Over the past two weeks, she hasn’t come to school. Ichigo-san mentioned a cold, but I know that it’s just nonsense. Yet, I didn’t do anything. I used Ichigo-san as a reason to not enter her room, and stayed away. I was just—scared, right? I didn’t have faith in myself, hesitated, and kept running away.

“…What’s wrong, Onii-chan?” Her voice sounded like she was close to crying.

Compared to her screams before, her voice now was devoid of any strength. And even so, she continued.

“Onii-chan…is a lot cooler than this.”


“I’m not telling you to become some hero out of a manga or novel. You know those guys who don’t care about the repercussions, and just win with absolute power. But, in this world, nobody as cool as that exists.”


“Your younger sister said it, right? We all have to move forward. No matter how lame you may look, that’s the only way. Because nobody can be a cool hero.”


“That’s why! Don’t run away! Get up again! Staying down all your damn life is the same as being dead! If your legs don’t work, then crawl! Become even more desperate! No matter how long it takes, no matter how lame you may be! Don’t stop moving forward! Because…that’s what it means to be alive, you moron!”


With these words, I finally understood why Schrö-senpai slapped me like she did. If anything, I feel like punching myself right now. What have I been doing this entire time? Everything I worried about, she broke it down just like that. Just as Schrö-senpai stated, I was simply running away. Getting pulled along the situation, and hesitating. I stopped walking myself. But…


Slowly, strength returned to my legs, and I stood up again. I finally stood on solid ground again.

“…Onii-chan.” Schrö-senpai said, while letting go of my collar, and spoke with a gentle voice this time. “You okay now?”

“—Yes.” I declared.

I finally could answer that question. I’m fine now. I’m a helpless chicken bastard after all. Being unable to get up before was the best proof. I couldn’t be further from being a manga or novel hero. Just a weakling, nothing more. But…

“I’m going.” I calmly told Schrö-senpai.

That’s right, even a chicken bastard like me has to move forward. No matter how lame I may be, I have to get up and start walking. Right now, I’m far too pathetic. No matter what may have happened recently, that’s not an excuse to forget like this. The family motto that Mom told me, and that Kureha reminded me of, it’s similar to what Schrö-senpai just told me. No matter how much of a chicken I may be—No exactly because I’m a chicken, I have to live on, crawl along the ground, and keep on living, no matter how lame it may be, so that I can take a step forward. This kind of reckless style—is my way of living.

“…Gotcha. Go get ‘em, tiger.” Schrö-senpai nodded.

She might have grasped where I was about to go.

“But, just wait a second, Onii-chan.”


She stopped me at the weirdest timing possible. Is there something else she wants to tell me?

“…Phew.” Schrö-senpai let out a faint sigh. “Hit me.”

“…Excuse me?”

“I’m telling you to hit me. I just hit you before, and it came out of nowhere. That’s why…before you go, hit me first. So that we’re equal.”


…Holy smokes. She’s amazing. How can you be so cool?

“…Come on, hurry up. I don’t like pain.” She sounded somewhat bashful.

…After a brief silence, I spoke up.

“…I understand.” I nodded. “Then, please close your eyes.”

“Huuuhu!? Why!? You had your eyes open when I hit you!”

“But, it was a surprise attack, so that much should be fine, right? Don’t worry, I won’t hit your face.”

“Urk…F-Fine then! Don’t look down on me, I’m not scared or anything!”

Or so she said, but her eyes were quivering with fear. Her face looked like a small child’s that just got scolded.


So, while looking at the girl—I tightly embraced her. As closely and passionately as I could.


For a moment, Schrö-senpai’s face turned beet red. She probably didn’t expect this kind of development.

“Y-Y-Y-You bastard! What are you doing!?”

“Eh? I mean, I said I wouldn’t hit you.”

“So why are you hugging me instead!?”

“Better than getting punched, right?”

“Y-You’re not wrong, but…”


As she was left baffled, I calmly spoke up.

“—Thank you very much.”

I gave her my gratitude, directly and as straightforwardly as I could.

“~~~! Moron! Don’t thank me! Also, just go already! I’ll take care of Usamin and the others!” She screamed, trying to hide her embarrassment.

“Please do.” I briefly replied, and let go of her.

And then, I ran away from the shrine, sprinting along the asphalt to reach my goal—The flat where my best friend and her master lived.

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