Mayo Chiki!

Chapter 79: Volume 10 - CH 5

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It was currently 7.59pm. As I was gasping for air, I finally reached the flat, with a single door in front of me. It was the apartment Konoe Subaru and Suzutsuki Kanade lived in. Right now, they should be inside.


Quietly, I pressed the doorbell, to which the door opened.

“So you’ve come again, Odd Jobs-san.” A robotic voice greeted me.

Standing in the open door frame was Saotome Ichigo. It was a similar situation compared to when I last visited. As always, Suzutsuki’s personal maid gave me a cold and harsh glare. I however didn’t back down, and told her directly.

“Ichigo-san, let me meet Suzutsuki.”


Silence. She merely looked at me.


With a single word, she openly expressed her disagreement to my request.

“Odd Jobs-san, as I told you before, the young lady is not feeling well. I can’t have you meet her—”

“Is she really sick?” I asked, and continued. “Isn’t it just that she doesn’t want to come to school?”

“……” Ichigo-san stayed silent for another moment, and then opened her mouth. “No. I don’t think that she doesn’t want to go to school. She simply—Doesn’t want to see you.” She declared. “Odd Jobs-san, do you remember what I told you the first time you came to the Suzutsuki Residence?”


Back in September, Suzutsuki took me and Kureha in as servants. At that time, Ichigo-san forcefully tied me up, and told me—’You changed Kanade-ojousama.’

“This is all your fault.” She spoke with a sharp tone, and continued. “Because of you, Kanade-ojousama has gone crazy. That’s why I can’t let you inside. I can’t have you meet the young lady. That is what she wishes for.” She showed no emotion in her voice.

Maybe she was given the order to chase me away in case I attempted to meet her again. However…

“—I won’t leave.” I declared, not losing against Ichigo-san’s stare.

On my cheek, I still felt the sensation of Schrö-senpai’s palm.

“Until you let me meet Suzutsuki, I won’t go home. Or rather, I can’t go home.”

“…Hmmm. But, no matter how long you may wait, I will not let you meet her.”

“Then I’ll just go there myself.”

“…You’re saying that you will forcefully enter her room?”


Immediately after I uttered those words, a sharp sensation touched my neck—A knife. It was a short, but sharp knife. I don’t know from where, but Ichigo-san held it in her hand, pointing the tip at me.

“Let me warn you.”

Even though she was pointing what could be used as a weapon towards another person, she still spoke calmly and with no emotion in her voice.

“Unlike my chainsaw, this knife can actually cut.”

“……” I audibly gulped.

The sharp, radiating tip of the blade was directly in front of me. Compared to the blunt chainsaw, this one was actually dangerous. She was warning me. This time, she wouldn’t hold back.

It was such a simple message, showing that she was serious. If I set another foot ahead, she would do everything it takes to stop me. She probably won’t kill me, but probably bring me to the point of passing out. She’s looking at me like an enemy, aiming to harm her master. But…


I can’t pull back here either. I realized my mistake, and I can’t run away anymore. That’s why I—


Immediately, I heard Ichigo-san swallow her breath. I don’t blame her, I grabbed the sharp knife with my bare hand after all.

“…Odd Jobs-san, you…”

Blood came gushing out of my hand, as Ichigo-san stared at me in disbelief. It hurts…a lot. Of course it would, I was holding the knife in my hand, as it cut into my palm. The blood continued to droop down on the floor. Even so—

“Ichigo-san, please step aside.” I asked her, knife in my hand.

I’m trying to show my determination. Even if she threatens me with a knife, I won’t back down.

“…Are you sane? Doing something like this…”

She’s saying that I’ve gone mad. Of course, this kind of method isn’t cool at all. A protagonist from a manga or novel would be able to figure out a smarter method. At the very least, they wouldn’t grasp the knife like I am doing right now. But, I’ll make do with this. I don’t care how lame I look, this is my method, the way of the chicken.


A certain scenery popped up in the back of my head. It was back during April at the leisure land. I was wrapped up in Suzutsuki’s plan—the aimed abduction. It was an attempt to resolve Koneo Subaru’s trauma with knives. In the end, she was forced to fight her old man, wearing a wolf’s mask. In order to save me, she grabbed a knife the same way I’m doing right now. And, what about after that?

‘I am—a butler.’ She said, and stopped the knife with quivering fingers. ‘That’s why…I’m not scared at all…!’

In order to protect something important to her, she showed her determination. While watching her, I thought of her as a sheep. A small sheep, quivering in fear in the face of a large wolf, and even so, it tried its hardest to fight back. Normally, the sheep would get eaten and it’s all over. The strong devour the weak. The weak are defeated by the strong. That is the rule of this world. But…A single sheep should be able to kill a wolf, right?

Overthrow the rules, fight against the strong, despair turns cowards courageous. Whatever term you want to use. There should be a sheep baring its fangs at a wolf, biting into its throat. There should be a sheep able to break a wolf’s fangs.


That’s right. Remember the Konoe from back then. Sheep and chicken; we’re both weak. I’m not as strong as Kureha. I can’t get over my first love that easily, let alone get up from the fall—I’m far too weak. That’s how much of a helpless weakling I am.

But, that’s exactly why…Just like Kureha reminded me, just like Schrö-senpai told me, and just like Konoe desperately fought back then, you need to move forward no matter how lame you may look. And then, you have to get up again.

It took me a long time, but I finally remembered. All thanks to Kureha and Schrö-senpai, of course. I won’t ever forget again. Being a chicken is my way of living. That’s why…

“Let me say it again. Please let me through, Ichigo-san.”


She still held onto the knife, but took a step backwards. Maybe she was intimidated by me and my actions. Of course, nobody would be willing to hurt themselves like I am right now. If only she would give up now…


However, Ichigo-san still muttered these words despite all of that.

“I am the maid of the Suzutsuki Family, and I will protect the lady’s orders at all costs.” She said, and glared at me.

…I figured. She’s the club president of Rouran Academy’ handicraft club, and the lowest rank of that. At the same time, she’s Suzutuski’s maid, so she won’t let me pass that easily.


Can’t help it then, I have to forcefully make my way past—

“Stop, Ichigo.”

Suddenly, an alto voice spoke up, coming from the hallway behind Ichigo-san. Standing there was—Konoe Subaru. She is Suzutsuki’s male crossdressing butler, now flashing a sharp gaze at the knife aimed at me.

“Subaru. What do you mean by that?” Ichigo-san kept her gaze at me, asking the person behind her back.

Konoe went silent for a moment, and then spoke up.

“…Exactly what I said. Don’t point that at Jirou.”

“NO. I can’t do that. He is trying to meet with Kanade-ojousama. I was ordered. ‘If Jirou-kun comes, send him away’, is what she told me. Isn’t that the same for you?”

“…Yes, that is what she said. But…”



Silence. Another long silence filled the hallway.

“I think the young lady should meet Jirou.” She declared.

“…Are you being serious?” Ichigo-san’s tone was far deeper than what I had known from her.

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She turned around, facing Ichigo-san.

“You plan on disobeying Kanade-ojousama’s orders?”

“…Yeah, I do.”


“I’m sure that it’s for the lady’s sake. At the very least, that’s how I feel as her butler. She should meet Jirou…No, she has to meet him. That’s why I will go against her orders. This is my decision as her butler.” Konoe declared with no hesitation.

…Ahh, so she’s changed, just as I did. It must have been the date with Kureha, and the words she received. Just like Schrö-senpai changed me, Konoe must have gotten over her hesitation. Recently, she seemed uncertain of her actions and choices. However, none of that was shown in her expression right now. It’s like she reached some kind of decision, she emitted strong confidence.

“Not to mention, Ichigo, don’t you remember? Jirou is the lady’s friend. That’s why you’re not allowed to hurt him. She said that before, yeah?”


Ichigo-san had no words to argue back, simply pouting.

“YES. Odd Jobs-san is Kanade-ojousama’s friend. That’s why I can’t hurt him. Because she would be sad.” She said, and threw away the knife.

It fell to the ground, stopping in front of Konoe’s feet.

“…Ichigo. Then…”

“Yeah. I really don’t like it, but I will give Odd Jobs-san permission to see Kanade-ojousama.”

“…Thank you, Ichigo.” Konoe let out a relieved sigh.

And then…

“Odd Jobs-san, can I believe you?” She suddenly said. “It pains me to say it, but I can’t save Kanade-ojousama.”


“However, if it’s you, who managed to change her, then it might be possible.”


“That’s why, I need to ask. Can I put my faith in you?” Ichigo-san said, closely looking at me with her one eye.

…Ahh, I see. She simply cares for her master. That’s why she pointed a weapon at me.

“—Yes.” I nodded strongly. “For now, believe in me.”

“Really? If you don’t succeed, I might regret it for the rest of my life. I might vent my anger out on you.”

“I don’t mind. But, I will definitely save her. No matter how long it may take. After all—We’re friends.”

“……” Ichigo-san stayed quiet for a moment, and then opened her mouth. “—YES.” She nodded, and showed a bow, like an actual maid.

“…Thank you very much, Ichigo-san.” I gave her my gratitude, and came inside.

This was the first time I actually stepped inside this apartment, but because it was still inside the same flat as Masamune’s, it didn’t feel all too new.

“Follow me, Jirou. I’ll guide you to the young lady’s room.”

“Got it.” I calmly answered, and followed after Konoe.

Two weeks ago, I destroyed the relationship we had—as best friends. But…

“…Konoe.” I spoke up to my former best friend. “Once I’m done talking with Suzutsuki, I need to tell you something as well.”

I need to bring an end to this. So that I finally stop running away.

“…Alright.” Konoe nodded. “That reminds me, you were watching my date with Kureha from afar, right?”

“…Sorry, we didn’t mean to deceive you, but…”

As I figured, Konoe caught on to us following them. Well, that makes sense, I was chasing after Kureha towards the end after all.

“No, it’s fine. You must have been worried about Kureha-chan, right? Not to mention, that’s not what I wanted to ask…”

“Yeah, don’t worry.”

I figured out what she was trying to say.

“Kureha is fine.”


“She told you, right? No matter how long it may take, eventually we all have to get up again. At the very least, she’s aware of that.”

“……” Konoe stayed silent for a moment. “…You’re right.” She said, looking directly at me. “Jirou, two weeks ago, you said that we should stop being best friends, right? Back then, I couldn’t do anything, and just kept crying.”


“But, I’m different now. Hearing Kureha-chan’s words, I realized. I’m sure that I was just running away from reality. After all, whenever I was crying, you’d always come to my rescue, right?”

“……” I had no words to respond with.

It’s true that I always tried to help her when she was in pain. I simply wanted to protect her. I didn’t want to see her cry…

“…Thank you. Being saved by you made me really happy, always. But, I only now realized. I was—always relying on you.” She spoke like she was telling herself. “No, not just Jirou. Even my lady, you were both always kind to me, saving me when I was crying. And, I was being spoiled by that kindness without even knowing it.”


“But, hearing Kureha-chan’s words today, it all clicked. When I fell over, I always waited for someone to get me up. I was asking for help. I didn’t even try to get up myself.”


“Sorry, Jirou. It’s pathetic how long it took me, but I finally realized. That’s why—I won’t cry anymore.” She continued. “When you said we should stop being best friends, all I could do was cry. I was waiting for help, but that never arrived. That was the last time.”


“That wasn’t the time to cry. I should have mustered up my courage, and told you about everything. Because you’re my best friend…No, because I wanted to be with you.”


“That’s why…Jirou, I also have something to talk about with you. If you’re okay with it—Would you hear me out?”


As I remained silent, Konoe kept looking up at me, her eyes dampened. Well yeah, I bet that asking for this must have cost a lot of courage. After all, we’re not best friends anymore. Two weeks ago, on that Sunday, I rejected her, pushed her away. If it was the same Konoe, she most likely would have cried. However.


She didn’t. I’m sure she must be scared, of course. Worried about being pushed away again. Thinking about the what if of being pushed away once more. However, she didn’t cry. She desperately held back her tears. I bet that she must be trying her hardest to change right now. Trying to change her weak self, the self that only relied on me or Suzutsuki, the self that couldn’t get up on her own, the self that always sought help.

—She’s a sheep. That’s what she is. She looked like a small lamb shaking in the face of a wolf’s sharp fangs. But, it’s actually different. After all, I knew. The scenery from the leisure land popped up in my head again. During the abduction incident, Konoe was scared, and still faced the threat. At the very least, she wasn’t crying back then. She faced her trauma of sharp knives, and fought. She wasn’t relying on anybody.

We’re sheep and chicken. Both cowards, both weaklings deep down. With just a bit of trouble, we immediately get lost. However, we still have to get up, we have to keep walking. We weaklings have to fight like weaklings do. That’s how we keep on living. That’s why, what I have to say right now is…

“—Got it.” I calmly nodded. “I need to apologize myself. Just like you were relying on me, I simply kept running away. That’s why I said what I said. I’m sorry, Konoe.”

“…Jirou. Then…”

“Yeah, let’s talk it out. Talk about everything. If you were to forgive me, then I want us to get along. I want to be—with Konoe Subaru.”


I confessed my feelings. Still holding back in the tears, Konoe gave me a faint ‘Thank you’. Alright, that’s all the preparations complete. Konoe and I finally managed to face each other, and managed to be honest. With this, I can finally focus on the other reason I came here—Konoe Subaru’s master. The girl who had kept herself hidden for the past two weeks—

Charara~ La~ La~ La~ La~~~

Suddenly, a cheerful melody, unbefitting of the mood, started playing. My phone in my pocket was vibrating as well. This melody was the theme of the ‘The Godfather’ movie.


Everybody went silent. Konoe and I simply listened to that melody, as I took out my smartphone, and accepted the call. And then, I slowly put my phone to my ear.

‘It’s been a while, Jirou-kun.’

I heard a familiar, dignified voice. Just as she said, it felt like I hadn’t heard that voice in a while—Suzutsuki Kanade. She’s the master of Konoe, and another friend of mine.

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