Meant for you [BL]

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Situation (The Past).

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Is that so?

Intrigued by this sudden declaration, Daichi leaned against the steering wheel with a smirk crossing his lips. “But she’s a kind and beautiful woman, do you not like her? I thought your asking meant you wanted me to go for it.”


“Why, have you fallen for her?”

“If I say yes, will you not chase her?” Kaito asked resolutely.

Is he serious? Aoi’s really beautiful then. To think this kid would easily fall for her charm...

But it wasn’t as if there was anything Daichi could do about it. If Kaito decided to chase that woman, there wouldn’t be a reason for him to care since he’d broken up with her a long time ago. Even if it were back then, Daichi had never had strong feelings towards her. It’d been the same for all his previous relationships.

Sometimes people would wonder if he cared or not. Loving someone; was that kind of devotion really that important?

“Then go for it,” Daichi leaned back against his seat and gazed outside. “You’d probably treat her better anyway.”

Yeah... So what if he chooses her...

“And if I were to chase senior instead?”

“That’s...” it’d taken Daichi to figure out what Kaito had meant, and the sudden realization caught him off guard. He gave the other person a baffled stare.

Kaito, in a bout of confidence that had probably come from his drunken state, gently clasped the other’s hand and brought it to his lips to kiss his knuckles before gazing intently at him.

“I want to chase you.”

Utterly bewildered, the older man thought, Is he so drunk off his ass that he's starting to think I'm a woman? This is why I don’t like dealing with drunks.

“You know, if it’d been anyone else who’d done this to me I’d have already sucker-punched them. I’m holding back out of respect as my junior,” he made as if to yank his hand back, but the other person’s grip suddenly tightened. “Look, I don’t know who you’re imagining but I’d rather not be mistaken for your fantasies.”

“And if I’m not?”

“Not what?”

“Mistaking you for anyone,” Kaito, still clasping the other’s hand, closed their distance so that their faces were mere inches apart with his free arm pressing on Daichi’s headrest. Dilated pupils were revealed through his half-lidded gaze as he stared at the other man unyieldingly. “If I’m aware that it’s Daichi I’m with right now, would you still hate it?”

Daichi didn’t react though his brows slightly raised in surprise. Wasn’t this junior of his acting a little too bold? How could a little booze cause a person become so outrageous?

But more importantly, why had he even tolerated him this far?

The street lamp nearby allowed for a bit of light to illuminate the interior of the car and because of that, Daichi clearly saw Kaito’s eyes drift down to his lips before locking with his gaze again.

He clearly saw Kaito’s face inch closer; he could have stopped him before this drunk punk even made a move.

And yet....

Despite his cold exterior, Daichi’s heart raced in silent anticipation.

Kaito closed his eyes and tentatively pressed his cool lips against Daichi's. His movements were clumsy - obviously lacking practice - but he was already mentally prepared getting slugged in the face if it meant going through with it.

Contrary to his expectations, he felt Daichi’s free hand trace along his jawline before resting at the back of his neck, sealing the tiny space that’d been left between their lips before giving them a gentle lick – as if in encouragement.

His sudden movements startled Kaito, who hadn’t expected such a positive reaction, but the younger man quickly recovered and parted his lips to deepen their connection.

Time seemed to have stopped at that moment. Perhaps these were the after-effects of the alcohol from earlier, but heat rose form Kaito’s stomach to his chest. The feeling of Daichi soft cool lips on his seemed too unreal, and for a second he thought he was imagining the entire thing.

Daichi’s half-lidded gaze finally closed as he gave in to his rising desire. His fingers travelled from Kaito’s neck and wound into his soft dark hair just as their lips parted long enough for air before getting immersed in another slow and tender kiss.

Their breathing came in soft pants after a few minutes of exchanging breaths, foreheads together while they gazed deeply into each other’s half-lidded passionate eyes.

Kaito made as if to lean in again, but this time Daichi stopped him by placing a palm over his lips.

“That’s enough,” the older man’s tone was a little firm.

Pulling Daichi’s hand down from his mouth, Kaito held and kissed it while asking, “Hate it?”

“... No,” the older man’s voice became surprisingly gentle. “I just don’t trust you in this state of yours. For all I know, you might just wake up tomorrow and claim not to remember a damn thing about what happened tonight. I need you sober.”

“I won’t forget.”

“I’d rather we wait until then,” Daichi told him. “If you can still remember what happened today, then we’ll talk.”

Kaito was silent for a long time before nodding with a whispered, “Alright.”


Kaito Hattori woke up hungover the next day. He regretted having drunk so irresponsibly before the weekend.

Should I just take sick leave? he pondered while staring at his horrible-looking reflection in the bathroom mirror.

His head was killing him. He was usually good at handling his liquor but it seemed yesterday he’d gone a little overboard.

And because of what? Jealousy?

Not only that, he could vaguely recall bits and pieces of him making out with Daichi in the car yesterday...


Having rinsed his face with cold water a few times, Kaito stared down at the water running from the faucet in contemplation.

What exactly had happened yesterday? Why was it that the Daichi within his fuzzy memories hadn’t shown any resistance? He could have easily punched him or something. And if he hadn’t wanted to resort to violence, he could have still effortlessly pushed Kaito away.

“I could be imagining it, but why do I remember him even responding to my kiss,” Kaito traced his lips, feeling his heart suddenly race.

Unless... he was drunk too...

He could still recall the sweet taste of alcohol on Daichi’s lips which was like a magnet drawing him in for more. The even more intoxicating taste of Daichi’s tongue as it slid against his...

Kaito flinched and smacked his head quite a bit. This wasn’t the time to be thinking about those things. He couldn’t start reminiscing about that moment while Daichi was probably seething right now.

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Yeah, sure, but could someone please tell that to his ‘little brother’ below? He couldn’t believe he’d gotten hard by just recalling a kiss. He covered his face in shame.

This–this is fine. A completely normal bodily function for a hot-blooded young man!

If just the mere thought of the man was causing him to react like this, how was he supposed to face Daichi in the future???


“YOU WHAT?!!!!”

Jiro gave his bestfriend a bewildered stare. After what Kaito had told him just now, how could he not be puzzled.

As the first ones to arrive at the bakery that morning, it was still only the two of them present. They’d already changed into their work attire and were preparing to open up the shop when Kaito had suddenly dropped a confession about yesterday’s events from nowhere.

Tsk, and right after this guy shamelessly proclaimed that he didn’t have feelings towards his ‘senior’. Bullshit!

But more importantly, “He didn’t hit you? I thought he was straight, especially after telling me that the lady from yesterday is his ex.”

Kaito ran a hand down his head in frustration, “I don’t know. Maybe he did hit me but I just don’t remember? I was so out of it.”

“What are you going to do now?” Jiro crossed his arms over his chest. “If it turns out that he hated what you did, your friendship with him is pretty much finished.”

“Even so, I still have to apologize,” Kaito looked pitiful sitting on one of the chairs with his head hung low and hands clasped together in front of him. “At least that way he won’t dislike me so much.”

Seeing his friend’s guilt-ridden face, Jiro’s well-prepared retorts instantly died in his mouth. He massaged the space between his creased brows in slight exasperation and finally breathed a powerless sigh.

“Come on, man, cheer up. Maybe we’re the ones who’re just overreacting while the man didn’t take it to heart at all,” he patted Kaito’s head comfortingly. “Since it was only a kiss, I’m sure there was no harm done.”

Kaito was silent for a while before quietly saying, “I read from somewhere... that being taken advantage of by another man is a blow to a straight man’s self-esteem...”

Jiro: “.........”

How was he supposed to respond to that?!

“Uhm, well,” Jiro scratched his head awkwardly while trying to scout for the right words in his brain, “I don’t really know how far true that is, but it... it can’t be that bad...”

“How would you have reacted if some drunk guy had suddenly kissed you?”

“Some rando kissing me? I’d have sucker-punched the bast–” Jiro instantly remembered the current situation and stopped himself from exploding, though it was already pointless by then. He’d already revealed his honest reaction.

Kaito buried his face in his hands. He really just wanted to crawl into a hole somewhere and die!

“B-But you can’t be compared to a rando,” Jiro tried soothing things over again. “You’ve been close with him for like... two months so...”

But were a measly two months really enough to suddenly make this kind of move? It’d been a different story if Kaito were a girl, but he wasn’t!

“It’s okay, Jiro, you don’t have to explain anymore,” Kaito spared his friend from his misery. He already knew what needed to be done.


Daichi usually visited the bakery three times a week: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. It was probably because he’d be a his busiest during the other two days that he didn’t come Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Since he’d already visited the bakery yesterday (which was Wednesday), Kaito had no other means of meeting with him.

He could text him the apology, but that obviously seemed too flippant.

And visiting him at the place he worked was out of the question since he didn’t plan on disturbing someone’s serious work over a petty issue like this.

Then there was directly going to Daichi’s house...

After what happened yesterday, didn’t visiting his house seem a little suspicious now, especially since he’d have to go there after work in the evening? What if Daichi got the wrong idea and misunderstood Kaito even more???

“But I can’t wait till tomorrow either, since it’ll seem as if I’m taking the situation lightly. It’ll also seem as if I was waiting for him to make the first move which will probably make him angry...” he rambled on to himself.

Kasumi, who been watching him for the longest time, finally couldn’t take it anymore. “Hey, if you’re not going to work then go stand somewhere else! Are you so hungover that you’ve forgotten normal body functions? You’ve been mumbling nonsense the entire day!”

Kaito flinched in a startle, having been suddenly called out. He had been blocking the way with a hand under his chin while dazedly staring into space. Paving way for the grumbling older woman, he told her, “I... I’m not hungover.”

“Have you seen your face? It’s only been a single night but you look like you haven’t seen the sun for days! Don’t drink so much on a weekday if you can’t handle it!” she snapped while angrily packing away the stuff she was holding.

Kasumi seemed a little edgy today.

Sensing his curiosity, Jiro did the honors of explaining. “Apparently she got into an argument with her boyfriend yesterday night, so she’s not in a very good mood right now.”

Oh... Kaito nodded in understanding before his attention was grabbed by the woman who started ranting.

“I swear, men think they’re all that and can do whatever they want. So what if I said no a few times, he thinks consent is not important? Then he goes around telling me my attitude needs some work? I can’t be tired anymore, huh? Did he think forcing a kiss on me would work. Do I look that cheap to him? Tsk, that bastard...”

Consent.... Forcing a kiss... Bastard....

Kaito suddenly felt very unwell.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to ask,” it seemed that after her outburst, Kasumi had somewhat calmed down though she still wore a slight frown on her face. “How come your Mr. Businessman didn’t order any dessert today? He just settled with a cup of black coffee which is strange coming from him.”


Kaito suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders with wide eyes, “He’s here???”

“Yeah, isn’t this the type of thing you’d know about considering how often you text?” Kasumi slapped his hands away. “I thought for sure that you knew. He’s been out there for like fifteen minutes now.”

It was true that Daichi often informed him of his arrival through messaging, which was Kaito had been completely caught off guard just now. But more importantly, why had Daichi visited the bakery today? He’d never come on Thursdays since becoming their regular.

“You really didn’t know?” Kasumi was genuinely surprised. “Well damn, maybe he didn’t want you to know.”

Yeah, maybe...

Kaito suddenly turned to leave the studio and rushed to the lounge.


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