Mech Driver: GENESIS

Chapter 1: Historical Context

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2025: Due to overpopulation, diminishing resources, environmental destruction and population, rising sea levels, and a host of other issues the world reaches a breaking point. Stock markets crash one after another in a span of weeks, and countries begin military campaigns against one another in a bid to obtain whatever is left of Earth’s dwindling resources. This officially kicks off World War III.

2030: After five years of fighting, the end of the war is nowhere in sight. That is until a certain country decides to use their nuclear arsenal. Multiple nuclear strikes are successful against this country's targets. But seeing the devastation this brings causes a shift across the entire world. Humanity calls for a complete ceasefire to all fighting and all nations honor it.

September 11th, 2030: A meeting takes place in Geneva, Switzerland where representatives from countries all across the world come together and sign a treaty that states that all countries will dispose of their nuclear arsenals and no longer use them in warfare, but only for scientific purposes.

This event becomes known as the Second Geneva Convention.

2031: World War III has officially ended with the signing and ratifying of the Second Geneva Convention. However the issues and problems plaguing humanity from before the war are still ever prevalent and only worsening.

Seeing this the governments of the world come together in another coalition to deal with these issues. Bringing great minds of various fields together from robotics and engineering to history and philosophy humanity finds a solution to its issues.

Take to the stars.

June 2031: The governments of the world begin working towards allowing the people of Earth to live and survive in space. Pooling their resources together and their various technologies they begin working on plans for a mass exodus to the stars, so that planet Earth might have a chance to heal and survive and not decay and degrade any further due to their presence.

2037: After six years of non-stop research trials and tribulations, humanity succeeds in their dream of living amongst the stars.

At Lagrange Point 1 the first ever successful space colony becomes operational.

In the shape of the once fictional O'Neill cylinder the colony is given the name Von Braun.

This achievement signals a new start for all of humanity that is felt across the entire world.

2039: Two years after the successful launch of Von Braun hundreds of thousands of individuals are thriving in the space colony, calling it home.

Because of this humanity moves forward with its plans to build several more space colonies.

As well as put other plans into motion that will affect the future, even though at the time no one could foresee what would come about from said actions.

2049: Twelve years after the establishment of the Von Braun space colony several others are built. Not only at Lagrange Point 1, but at the various other Lagrange Points surrounding Earth as well.

Millions leave the planet Earth and move to the colonies. Which in turn creates instability in the government's of Earth for those who remain planetside. Due to the fact that no one is restricted from migrating to the colonies be it because of race or ethnic background. A policy that was first instituted when Von Braun was first receiving residents.

This policy of inclusion pushes humanity even further together. Leading to the breakdown of individual world governments and the beginning of the formation of a unified world government.

January 1st, 2050: The United Earth Federation is officially established by humanity.

Its headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

In addition to the formation of a unified Earth Government the Anno Domini era also comes to an end.

To define the new age humanity officially establishes the Interstellar Era.

Thus 2050 A.D. become I.E., Interstellar Era, year 1.

The United Earth Federation Forces are established. Which include a ground force, a naval force, and a space force.

Interstellar Era Year 50: 50 years have passed since the establishment of the Federation. Multiple space colonies now exist within the Earth Sphere. Several cities have also been constructed on the moon. In addition, due to the reduced population on planet Earth and humanity not extracting all resources from it, thanks to their efforts in mining asteroids in space for numerous resources, the cradle of humanity is finally beginning its road to recovery.

Interstellar Era Year 100: A century has passed since the establishment of Interstellar Era.

During this time great expansions have taken place in multiple fields, particularly where robotics and medicine are concerned.

Humans on average can now live up to 150 years before dying, and prosthetics have advanced up to the point they can mimic real lost human limbs with hardly any difference.

The human race is thriving.

But they are not without issues.

A small but noticeable divide is taking place between those born on Earth and those born in the space colonies and in the lunar cities.

Interstellar Era Year 124: The divide between those born in space and those born on the planet Earth is now even bigger.

Two new terms surface that emphasize the issue.

Those that are born on Earth become referred to as Terrrans.

While those born in the Lunar Cities and in the space colonies become referred to as Spacians.

Due to this growing divide the elitists of Earth begin putting a stranglehold on power. Taking over key positions in all branches of the Federation military and in the Federation government. Leading to a large amount of corruption.

Interstellar Year 140: Feeling the stranglehold of the elitists of Earth those in the colonies and in the lunar cities, as well the common-folk who call Earth home begin to voice their discontent.

Multiple protests across the Entire Earth Sphere spring up, especially in the colonies since the rights of those that live in them have been hit the worst by the corruption of the Federation.

Feeling the pressure the elitists dispatch the military to quell the riots but that only inflames people more.

Even some of the military personnel join the protesters in the cause for more rights.

These events became known as the Spacians Protests of 140.

Feeling the pressure the Earth elitists cave in, giving more autonomy to the lunar cities and the space colonies. They even improve the lives of the common-folk of Earth. Though they do this with great reluctance.

Interstellar Era Year 141: In the wake of the previous years protests the elitists in charge of the Federation begin implementing a plan to rid themselves of dissidents so that they can keep their power.

This plan became known as the Mars Acclimation Project.

A project first conceived back in 2037 A.D. The Mars Acclimation Project was an idea proposed for the colonization of Mars by humanity.

A large group of volunteers would be sent to the red planet and begin working on establishing it as another place humanity could call home.

At least that was its original purpose, but those in charge of the Federation had other ideas in mind for it.

Compiling a list of dissenters and their families and allies those in charge of the Federation used their various connections and resources to get these individuals to sign up for the Mars Acclimation Project with none of them being the wiser.

Then once this took place the "volunteers" were loaded into their ships and sent on their way.

Eventually they reached Mars.

But after trying to establish any sort of communication with the Federation or the Earth Sphere in general they found it was impossible.

Soon those sent to the Mars Sphere came to realize how the Federation had sent them off to die without a care.

This placed a deep seated hatred and anger within their hearts.

Interstellar Era Year 143: Two years have passed since those sent to Mars were abandoned by the Federation.

Of the 3 billion dissidents shipped, over 40% have perished due to the harsh environmental conditions as well as the scarcity of available resources.

Despite this, those that remain persist onward.

Interstellar Era Year 145: After four years and losing 60% of its population those sent to Mars finally succeeded in completing a dome-city like the ones back on the moon in the Earth Sphere.

This city is named Romulus.

Interstellar Era Year: 146: Despite establishing the city of Romulus those living on Mars continue to struggle to survive. Due to the harsh environmental factors of the planet gathering resources to sustain themselves in an intense battle.

However soon that would change.

Interstellar Era Year 148: Due to the need to obtain resources as quickly as possible the scientists of Mars began a rapid development program to achieve said goal.

They created mechanized workers which protected their operators from the harsh conditions of Mars surface.

These machines were given the name Mech Driver.

As soon as the Mech Driver was introduced the people of Mars began accumulating the resources necessary for survival without too many issues.

Eventually instead of just surviving they began to thrive.

Interstellar Era Year 180: Close to forty years have passed since those chosen for the Mars Acclimation Project were abandoned by the power hungry elite of the United Earth Federation.

In the Earth Sphere corruption has only gotten worse.

Both in the government and in the military.

People in high positions now usually achieve them through nepotism and various connections. While others with better qualifications and skills are overlooked for one reason or another.

The Federation government has also put such a stranglehold on the colonies that almost all of their autonomous governmental capabilities have all but vanished.

The elite of Earth now look down on the common-folk of Earth and those born in space equally, making them despised by many.

At Lagrange Point 3 of the Earth Sphere the first ever colony is constructed.

Its name, Solomon.

During this same time in the Mars Sphere the people there are thriving.

With the introduction of Mech Drivers they have managed to build several space colonies of their own. As well as mine for resources on asteroids with better efficiency than those back in the Earth Sphere ever could.

All thanks to their mechanized workers.

Interstellar Era Year 200: In the Mars Sphere a great number of colonies are calling for autonomy in governing.

In response to this an assembly of various representatives is held in Romulus.

Debates on the issue go on for a year, but eventually a consensus is reached.

Interstellar Era Year 201: The colonies of the Mars Sphere are granted the right to self-govern. However where matters concerning military action, diplomatic relations, and a host of other issues concerning the Mars Sphere as a whole it will be handled by a central body of government.

Due to this decision the Mars Sphere formed their first unified government body since arriving in the sector of space.

They named it the Martian Confederation.

Because even though they still knew of their human brethren in the Earth Sphere more than 50 years apart from them they established their own culture and identity, even referring to themselves as Martians.

This is remembered as a significant milestone in the history of Mars and one that will never be forgotten.

Interstellar Era Year 211: After many discussions, various heated debates, and building up their own military strength the Martian Confederation comes to the decision to re-establish contact with the Federation and their brethren in the Earth Sphere.

This decision would lead to an event that would become known as "The Great Reunification".

April 13th: Several ships from the Martian Confederation enter the Earth Sphere after a journey of several weeks.

Once they do so they immediately head for Lagrange Point 2 and establish contact with the space colonies located there.

Those of the Confederation also broadcast their arrival in the Earth Sphere sending out several packets of data across the Entire Federation which not only include their intentions at friendly relations, but also their origins and about the injustice those in charge of the Federation committed against them.

This act by the Martian Confederation sparks an uproar across the Federation and the entire Earth Sphere.

It also induces fear in those in charge of the Federation given that their heinous acts were put on display for all to see.

Eventually April 13th would come to be known as the "Martian Advent" event Due to their arrival in the Earth Sphere and their introduction to the Federation as a whole.

Interstellar Era Year 211-218: After the events of April 13th the leaders of the Federation mobilized in response to the Martian Confederation's actions.

While quelling massive social unrest across the entirety of the Earth Sphere due to the appearance of the Confederation envoy, the Federation went to work establishing open lines of communication and engaging in talks with the people of the Mars Sphere.

Over a seven year period both the people of the Federation and the Confederation learned many things about each other such as cultural aspects and various differences in technology and medicine.

This time became known as "The Great Reunification."

Interstellar Era Year 220: An evolutionary biologist by the name of Evangeline Wright in the Earth Sphere discovered a new gene hidden within the bowls of human DNA.

This gene gifted humans with never before seen capabilities such increased physical abilities, heightened spatial awareness, empathy, and even precognition.

Dr. Wright eventually designated her newly discovered gene as the E gene. The E standing for Evolution. Since, Dr. Wright theorized that those who awaken the powers of the E gene are the next stage of human evolution.

She even gave said individuals a name.


Solomon Military Academy is founded on the space Colony Solomon located at L3.

Although relations between the Earth Sphere and Mars Sphere have been established for two yesrs the people of the Martian Confederation begin facing discrimination as they travel to the Federation. Particularly from those born on Earth.

Interstellar EraYear 224: Discrimination towards Martians on Earth has worsened.

A new derogatory term known as "Red Rocker" is born and becomes prevalent exceedingly fast.

Several hate groups against Martians have risen as well.

The Confederation asks the Federation for assistance for dealing with the increasing hatred towards Martians in the Earth Sphere but their requests fall on deaf ears.

This inaction causes a strain on the relationship between the Federation and the Confederation.

Interstellar Era Year 227: After seven years of research into the E gene and Enlightened Dr. Evangeline Wright publishes her findings.

However her closest colleagues and the entirety of academia completely dismiss her work. Despite all the evidence she presents, her theories concerning the E gene and Enlightened exist.

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Dr. Wright eventually becomes a pariah and her work regarding Enlightened fades from the minds of those on Earth except for a select few who believe her theory is sound.

Interstellar Era Year 230: The tension between the United Earth Federation and the Martian Confederation is at an all time high.

Namely due to the Federation placing extremely high tariffs on every single kind of trade Mars and Martians attempt in the Earth Sphere.

The Federation military also encroached into the sovereign space of Mars.

To protest this and several other injustices that failed to be dealt with by the Federation a group of young Martians gather at the Federation Governmental Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland.

July 4th: While peacefully protesting in front of the Federation Governmental Headquarters in Geneva the young group of Martians is eventually surrounded by the military. Yet none back down.

This leads to an intense standoff, and eventually things come to a head.

A Federation soldier by the name of Keith Winslow sees one of the group of protesters pull something out of their backpack. Thus he pulls the trigger of his weapon which sets off a chain reaction, causing the soldiers to mow down the protesters in cold blood.

This event became known as the "Independence Day Massacre".

Following the events of the massacre all Martians within the Earth Sphere and in the Confederation become livid.

The leaders of the Confederation demand the Federation arrest the soldiers for killing the protesters and pit them on trial. But the Federation denies their request.

As soon as this decision is released to the general public the Martians within the Earth Sphere begin rioting in outrage.

Federal forces are dispatched to suppress them and while some are detained a few end up severely wounded or dead.

Completely appalled at the Federation handling of the massacre and its aftereffects the Confederation recalled all of its ships and personnel back home and demanded the people arrested during riots and the bodies of the deceased be handed over immediately.

The Federation agreed to the deal.

Then right after an emergency meeting was called for the Federation Senate to discuss the issues with the Confederation in greater detail.

Eventually a consensus was reached.

But one that would lead to the Interstellar Era's first ever war.

Interstellar Era Year 231:

January: Seven months after the "Independence Day Massacre" and the subsequent riots and arrests of Martians that followed, the Federation called for a meeting with the Confederation.

Deciding to hear the Federation out, the Confederation agreed.

March: Federation and Confederation officials gathered at the space Colony Von Braun for the meeting they agreed to two months prior.

In this meeting the Federation apologized for its actions it took during the events of the "Independence Day Massacre" and also apologized for the discrimination the Martians faced during their time in the Earth Sphere in any form.

The delegation from the Federation then explained a proposal the Senate came up with to deal with any further instances involving Martians in the Earth Sphere.

The Martian Confederation would become a member state of the Federation, just like the space colonies at the Lagrange Points. This would then afford all Martians protection under Federation laws.

This proposal was outright rejected by the delegates from the Martian Confederation with extreme prejudice.

They would not allow their sovereignty as a nation to be infringed upon.

Once the Martians completely dismissed the Federations plan at solving the discrimination towards them in the Earth Sphere things quickly de-escelated from a formal meeting into a verbal shouting match.

The delegates from Mars laid out all the injustices and slights the Federation had committed against it such as the high tariffs they received or the Federation Forces encroaching into their space without permission.

Despite this the delegates from the Federation simply made excuses for the actions of their government against the Martian people.

This continued back and forth until finally the Martian delegation ended the meeting. They then contacted their superiors back in the Mars Sphere and informed them of the events that had taken place during the discussion.

Upon gaining this information the top officials of the Confederation realized those in the Federation weren't truly sorry for what had taken place during the massacre. They were simply placating them and attempting to bring the Confederation under their thumb.

Enraged by this new development and remembering the origin of the Confederation Mars recalled their delegates and cut off all talks with the Federation.

Fearing what the Confederation might do after they cut off all communication, the leadership of the Federation ordered an increased military presence along their borders with the Mars Sphere.

Taking note of this action the Martian leadership put a massive military armament plan into effect. For fear the Federation would launch an attack against them for not agreeing to their demands during the summit on Von Braun.

These actions by the two powers marked the beginning of their cold war.

Interstellar Era Year 232: The cold war started the previous year between the Federation and the Confederation goes into full effect. Both sides are becoming increasingly wary of each other, and both are building up their military power for a large-scale future confrontation.

The Federation begins mass production of ships, tanks, and other military vehicles. While also starting a massive military recruitment drive across the entire Earth Sphere. These actions were significant since the Federation had not done such since its founding over 200 years prior and the Anno Domini century ended.

On the Martian front while they were also working to mass produce ships and recruit and train soldiers they were also brainstorming various new ideas for warfare. Given that the Federation was larger than them the Confederation knew they would need every advantage when the eventual conflict broke out. Due to this and several other factors an idea was soon proposed that would change the face of warfare forever.

The weaponization of Mech Driver.

Mech Driver technology was not possessed by the Federation. It was proprietary to the Confederation and even after relations were opened with the Earth Sphere the designs of the mechanized workers were kept a closely guarded secret.

As such the idea of weaponizing Mech Driver was discussed in great detail among the leadership of the Confederation. Eventually they reached a decision.

A program was created to turn Mech Driver into weapons for warfare.

Immediately after this plan was implemented Mech Driver underwent a complete overhaul. They were scaled up in size, given heavier armor, given armaments, as well as systems to be able to fight in both zero-g and gravity-included environments.

The flames of war sparked a technological advancement. As it had done so many times before in human history.

Interstellar Era Year 233: Through various sources the Federation learns of the Confederations Mech Driver weaponization program. But the higher-ups simply dismiss it as nothing more than a failed project in progress. Despite several key military personnel disagreeing with said decision and seeing the program as a huge threat. But their voices and cries went unheard.

Confederation scientists developed miniaturized particle accelerators to produce neutrino as the energy source for military Mech Driver since their operation consumes large amounts of power.

The name given to this new innovation is the Compact Neutrino Energy Reactor.

Interstellar Era Year 235: The first ever military Mech Driver proto-type the MCMD-01 Vis is completed and put through rigorous testing in simulated combat situations.

Interstellar Era Year 239: Just four years after the 01 Vis is produced the Confederation manages to make several improvements and this results in the MCMD-05 Vis Virtus.

December 16th: A Federation border Patrol enters the territory of the Confederation. Just after they do, several Martian vessels happen upon them and demand they return to Federation space.

But the officer in charge of the patrol contingent denies their request.

A standoff ensues.

Until eventually the Martian vessels fire warning shots at the Federation patrol.

This causes the Federation patrol to retaliate. They open fire on the Martian vessels and completely destroy them.

This event marked the beginning of the Federation/Martian War.

Interstellar Era Year 240:

January 9th-March 16th: The Confederation takes an aggressive approach to the war right from the start. Dispatching a fleet of 3,000 ships they set their sights on taking over Lagrange Point 2 of the Earth Sphere to use it as a staging area for future battles against the Federation.

In response to the Confederations movements the Federation deploys their space forces 8th orbital fleet which contains 7,5000 active ships.

Deploying a fleet with double the enemy's number and superior firepower the Federation was assured of its victory in this battle.

But they were wrong.

For in this series of battles the Confederation for the first time ever deployed their militarized Mech Driver.

The MCMD-05 Vis Virtus completely changed the projected outcome the Federation had for the battle. The Confederation Mech Driver decimated the vessels of the 8th fleet allowing for their own personnel to quickly establish dominance within Lagrange Point 2.

The Confederation forces destroyed all space colonies within L2 except for one, known as Arcadia. Which they then began occupying, turning it into their own.

As for the 8th fleet it was completely destroyed.

This overwhelming victory for the Martian Confederation and devastating loss for the United Earth Federation would become known as the L2 Campaign.

June 3rd: The Martian Confederation completes construction of the Damocles, an asteroid converted into a military base, in L2. Cementing their position within the Earth Sphere.

Interstellar Era Year 241: Seeing how effective the Mech Driver of the Confederation are in battle the Federation starts their own Mech Driver development program.

It's name, Project Genesis.

Interstellar Era Year 242-244: The Confederation presses deeper into the Earth Sphere. Launching several campaigns against the space colonies and Federations forces located at L4 and L5, leaving L1, the moon, and the Earth itself alone due to their immense defenses. As well as Solomon located at L3 since it holds no significant strategic value.

Interstellar Era Year: 245: Fours years have passed since the Federation/Martian War began.

During this period the Federation suffered heavy losses. They managed to rally but at the cost of multiple destroyed space colonies located at L4, L5, and their greatest defeat since the war began, losing the entirety of L2 to Confederation occupation. Not to mention the loss of life from soldiers to even a copious amount of civilians. Though most people living in the destroyed space colonies had time to flee before their homes were turned into space debris.

The Martian forces took great care to actually avoid attacking civilian vessels and transports.

With the Federation Forces spread so thin due to the war effort L1, the moon, and Earth are left vulnerable unlike at the beginning of the war. Thus the Confederation sees this as an opportunity to capture the three most strategic points in the entire Earth Sphere.

August 9th-December 11th: The Confederation attempts to gain a foothold on the moon. In response to this action the Federation pools together a good number of their resources to stop them and halt their advancement on Lunar. This in turn causes a series of battles to be fought, mainly at or in the vicinity of the Copernicus Crater.

This becomes known as the Copernicus Campaign.

The campaign itself ends with the Federations victory.

Once this happens they establish their Absolute Lunar Defensive Line. A fleet of ships stationed in orbit around Lunar at all times to halt any advance the Martians would make. This in turn also keeps L1 safe.

Interstellar Era Year 246: Confederation military high command proposes an operation to end the war immediately.

They repositioned a colony and dropped onto the Federation Central Government building in Geneva, Switzerland. Which would take out both civilian and military leadership alike. As well deal a high moral blow to all remaining Federation forces.

This operation is known as: Shooting Star.

The civilian leadership debates the issue intensely. But in the end approves Operation Shooting Star.

February 14th: Operation Shooting Star commences.

At Lagrange Point 5 in the Earth Sphere the space Colony Javelin I is destroyed while its sister colony Javelin II is repositioned by confederation forces over the Earth and then dropped on Geneva.

The colony drop is successful. But the Federation leadership does not end up dead.

What the Confederation did not know was that ever since the war began Federation high military command and civilian leadership had been relocated to a super secure Federation base built in North America located at Mount Elbert, Colorado known simply as The Cooler.

So Operation Shooting Star failed completely.

Not only that but the resulting colony drop killed millions on Earth and rapidly changed the environment resulting in extensive damage to the environment on a global scale.

Eventually Operation Shooting Star started going by another name.

The St. Valentine Slaughter

Due to the event taking place on February 14th.

December 25th: A meeting takes place between representatives of the Confederation and the Federation in the lunar city of Armstrong City. Where they sign a treaty forgoing the use of biological, nuclear, and extinction level weapons and tactics for the remainder of the war.

This becomes known as the Christmas Treaty.

Interstellar Era Year 247: Due to the "St. Valentine Slaughter" the morale of all Federation Forces rises immensely. With renewed vigor they push back the Martian forces. Despite their Mech Driver.

Seeing this Martian High Command makes the decision to occupy and capture the seat of the United Earth Federation, Earth itself.

They dispatch ground forces, who are easily able to make headway in their endeavor thanks to the colony drop during the previous year.

In no time at all Earth is literally divided in two.

Confederation forces manage to occupy the country of Africa, the entire middle east, as well south Eurasia from India to China.

Meanwhile the Federation retains complete control of North America, South America, Canada, and Europe.

Japan and Australia are under Federation control, but due to their extremely close proximity to Confederation controlled territory the fighting in these regions is especially intense.

Russia is left as a wild and contested zone due to its massive size.

Just like in the past Earth itself becomes a battleground for a war of humanity.

Interstellar Era Year 248: The Confederation discovers the work of Dr. Evangeline Wright pertaining to the E gene and Enlightened.

Intrigued, they track her down only to discover she was killed near the beginning of the war. Even so they begin a program to apply her research for themselves.

Interstellar Era Year 250: Ten years have passed since the Federation/Confederation War began.

The loss of life and devastation to the planet Earth is on a scale unseen since the Interstellar Era began over two centuries ago.

There looks to be no end in sight.

However, that is all about to change.

For Project Genesis is finally complete.

And the results of the project will change everything.

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