Mech Driver: GENESIS

Chapter 4: Chapter 1: Another Day Begins

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As the artificial sunlight generated by the colony entered through my room window and landed on my face I slowly but surely opened my eyes.

'Time to start another day.' I thought.

I then moved to get up, only to realize there was something heavy on my chest preventing me from doing so.

Looking down I saw the sleeping face of my beautiful girlfriend, Satsuki Mikazuchi.

She spent the night last night.

And like usual her sleeping habits are showing themselves in full force. Since whenever we sleep in the same bed she ends up using me as a body pillow.

Not that I'm complaining mind you.

I think its a rather cute habit.

Though there is one problem with this.

Satsuki is a hard sleeper, and has an iron-like grip. So unless I do all I can to wake her up I can't escape her grasp.

'Well then, let's do this.' I thought.

"Satuski. Wake up."

I got no response.

"Hey, Satuski. Time to get up. It's morning." I said right into her ear.

Yet she still isn't moving.

Looks like she's in a particularly deep-sleep today. This calls for drastic measures.

Positioning my morning wood at the entrance of Satsuki's pussy I shoved it in.


The moment I did so she opened her eyes and moaned in utter surprise, and in pleasure since her folds are greedily squeezing my cock.

A minute passed before she calmed down and looked at me.

I simply smiled at her.

"Good morning sleep beauty." I said.

Only to receive a glare. "Alan, what do you think you are doing just shoving it in like that?"

"Well its morning and its time to get up. But since you weren't waking up no matter how loudly I called your name I decided to go for a different approach." I calmly explained. "Besides, it's not like you're not enjoying it right? Given how rightly your squeezing me at the moment."

Getting a small dust of pink on her cheeks Satsuki turned her gaze away from me. "Well even if that is the case, try something else next time before doing what you just did. And then if all else can use this method again to wake me up. But that's only if I don't respond to anything else ok." She said.

I simply nodded my head, enjoying Satsuki acting a bit like a tsundere.

Ever since I was I kid I've been into anime. As well as manga and videogames. So I know all the terms associated with those works.

Satsuki does as well. Since she was born in Japan back on Earth.

In fact a love of anime is what we share.

Seeing my nod my head Satuski turned her gaze back towards me. "Good, so long as you understand. Now then, since you got me all hot and bothered it's only right you take responsibility." She explained. Satsuki's expression then changed. Her embarrassment disappeared and she gained the eyes of a predator looking at its prey. Licking her lips in a seductive manner.

A shiver ran across my entire body upon seeing this.

But in a good way.

"I will take responsibility." I said.

"Good. That's what I thought." Satsuki said.

She then shoved her boobs into my face and we started having some morning fun.

As Satsuki took her shower I got dressed since I had just finished taking mine.

If we had gotten in together we definitely we have gone for another round, and we can't have that.

We still need to eat breakfast before classes begin after all. Neither of us want to listen to lectures on empty stomachs.

Standing in front of my full body mirror I checked to make sure all aspects of my uniform were in place.

The uniform itself consists of a white shirt, a blue tie, beige pants (skirts of the females), brown shoes, and finally a dark grey blazer.

Seeing that everything checked out I gave myself a soft nod of  approval.

After doing so I turned around, only to see Satsuki exiting the bathroom, wiping herself down with a towel right after she did so. Me taking in her glorious body, even though I have already seen it so many times before.

I mean seriously, Satsuki is an A+ grade beauty.

She stands at 165 centimeters in height. She her long black lustrous hair that goes all the way to her butt, with a hime-cut above her eyes, which are a bright pink in color. Her skin is smooth and completely unblemished and she has curves in all the right places. Not to mention her boobs are D-cups, bordering on small E's.

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She's the whole package and then some.

But then I don't think I'm too shabby myself.

I stand at 180 centimeters in height. I have a well-toned body with all the military training and have a six-pack of abs to show for it. I have deep red eyes, and matching hair which I inherited from my father. I keep myself hair itself tied in a singular ponytail that goes to my mid-back since I've always worn it long since I was little. Just feels right.

[Looks like Diluc Ragnvindr from Genshin Impact]

So when compared to other guys here at the academy I don't lose out in looks if I am being honest.

Satsuki finished drying herself off.

She then placed the towel in the nearby clothe bin and got dressed in her uniform she wore the previous night. Which she had folded up and placed neatly on one of my dressers before we fell into pleasure.

Her leaving my room with a dirty uniform would not be right under any circumstances.

This is a military academy we are attending after all.

Although they don't have a problem with the students entering relationships, there is still a level of delicacy that must me adhered too.

Like not leaving your lover's room doing a walk of shame or something along those lines.

Satsuki and I both understand this and respect the unsaid and unwritten rules.

I mean, it's not like they're that hard to follow.

In no time at all Satsuki was ready.

Then as soon as she was she walked over to me and clasped my left arm between her breasts, giving me a soft smile after she did so.

"Shall we go?"

"Yes my dear, we shall." I said. Giving her a soft smile back.

The two of us then left my dorm room and started making our way to the cafeteria to get some breakfast before classes began.

We worked up quite the appetite after all.

Arriving at the cafeteria we saw the usual.

Many academy students eating and chatting, and a clear divide set up.

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On one side of the cafeteria sat those born on Earth, who are referred to as Terrans.

While on the other side sat those born in the various space colonies located at the Lagrange Points of the Earth Sphere and those born on the lunar cities of the moon, who are referred to as Spacians.

The two groups don't get along. In big part due to the fact that most Terrans look down on Spacians, and the rights of Spacians have been strangled largely by the Federation government. Which is truly disgusting in my opinion.

But this has been going on for decades now, so it just is.

Even with the Martian Confederation breathing down our necks and this war raging for the past decade, the divide between the two groups hasn't gotten any better.

I fear if something doesn't change soon then the United Earth Federation might crumble under all the pressure.

As I thought about this Satsuki and I went to stand in line and got our food.

We then went to sit down at a table in the middle the cafeteria, which the students commonly refer to as the neutral zone. An area where those who don't care about being born Spacian and Terran can interact. Even if that means those on both sides look down on us and see as some sort of traitors.

Though I don't care about that shit. After all my mother is a Spacian and I was born on Earth before moving here to Solomon when I was ten-years old. So I don't really see myself as either a Terran or a Spacian, just a citizen of the United Earth Federation.

Satsuki doesn't care for that shit either.

As I started enjoying my waffles, bacon, and eggs I noticed four people approaching our table, with trays of their own.

The first is a female. She stands at 168 centimeters and is the same age as Satsuki and I, which is eighteen years old. She has tan-skin, long sandy-blonde hair and amber-colored eyes.

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Her name is Camilla Ricci.

The second person is a male. He stands at 176 centimeters in height and is also eighteen years old. He has short light brown hair and green eyes.

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His name is Jayce Whitaker.

The third person is also a male. He is nineteen years old however. His height is 171 centimeters and he has dark skin, golden eyes, and short black hair.

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His name is Omar Macedo.

Finally the last person is another female. She stands at 168 centimeters in height. She has long silver-colored hair and matching eyes.

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Her name is Valeria Newman.

These guys are our friends.

Arriving at the table they took their seats.

"Good morning you two." Valeria said.

"The same." I answered, in between bites of food.

"Yes, a nice day to you all." Satsuki spoke in a refined manner. Just like some sort of princess would.

Which isn't too far off.

From what little she's told me about her family, the Mikazuchi's, they were big in Japan even before the Federation came into existence and even after all this time they still are. I even learned Satsuki's father Eizo is a well respected Senator within the Federation senate. So I'm basically dating a blue-blood.

Which I'll admit made me a little nervous when I found out, but I've come to terms with it.

I just hope Satsuki's family finally likes me when we met.

Which we haven't done yet because of the war.

Those academy students not born or already living on Solomon before applying to the academy don't get a chance to go back to their homes or see their families since it's deemed too risky for transports to be moving around like that.

Jayce and I are two of the lucky ones since our families call Solomon home. But for mostly everyone else, I can't even imagine how hard it must be not being able to see your parents, your siblings, and everything else in between.

As we ate and made our usual group small talk Camilla spoke up.

"So, only four months left huh." She suddenly said. Getting a melancholy expression on her face. "Only a short time left until we're all separated."

Currently its the start of February, and we're all in our third-year of the Solomon Military Academy.

Once May rolls around we'll all graduate and officially become commissioned officers in the Federation Forces.

Omar looked at Camilla with a raised brow. "Camilla, what's gotten into you all of a sudden? I didn't think you were the type to dwell on things like that."

He's right. Camillia is the type to usually move straightforward. Due to her blunt and frank personality. But that's what we like about her.

"Hey, did something happen?" I asked her.

Camilla shook her head. "Not at all. Just...All of you better survive." She whispered so only those of us at the table could hear.  

Then before any of us could respond Camilla picked up her plate and left.

The rest of us then looked at each other.

"Ok, that was weird right?" Jayce asked. All of us nodding our heads in agreement. "Do you think Camilla is alright?"

"I think so. I just think she's nervous is all." Valeria spoke. "Besides, isn't she always a bit down during this period of the year."

We all nodded our heads in agreement, once more. Knowing exactly what Valeria is referring too.

The L2 Campaign.

During the first year of the Federation/Martian war in IE (Short for Interstellar Era) 240 at Lagrange Point 2 between January 9th and March 16th, the Marian Confederation launched their first offensive into the Earth Sphere.

They dispatched a fleet of 3,000 ships, and the Earth Federation responded by sending in the Space Forces 8th Orbital Fleet. Which contained 7,500 active ships.

Everyone in the Earth Federation thought this was going to be a victory for us. Given that the fleet we dispatch had over twice the numbers of the Martian fleet.

But we were wrong.

Since in this battle the Martian Confederation debuted a new type of weapon never before seen.

Mech Driver.

Which are giant mechanized human-shaped war machines that can be piloted. Thanks to this the Confederation was able to crush the 8th Orbital fleet and wipe it out.

They also destroyed two out of the three space colonies located there, and began occupying the third. Which they still do to this day, using it as a forward operations base for their forces coming into the Earth Sphere.

As for why this pertains to Camillia, its because she is a spcacian and was born on one of the now completely destroyed colonies formerly located at L2.

When the Martain offensive first happened they actually gave ample warning for the people living on the colonies to evacuate before they began their operations. But chaos ensued and in that chaos Camillia lost her parents and left arm and leg.

Today she has advance prosthetics which are covered by false skin.

Still, Camilla never forgets what happened all those years ago, and its the reason she decided to sign up for the military in the first place. Which she told us shortly after we met during our first year of the academy.

"I guess with remembering L2 and everything else going on she's a bit out of it. But I'm sure she'll bounce back." I said.

"Yeah, and until she does we just need to be there to support her." Satsuki added.

The others nodded in agreement.

Once they did so we quickly finished our breakfast and then headed off to our perspective classes.

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