Mech Driver: GENESIS

Chapter 5: Chapter 2: The Last Supper

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As my friends and I left the cafeteria we split and headed to our perspective classes for the day.

During our first-year at Solomon Military Academy we all took the same general courses.

Which is how we all became friends actually.

Well except for me and Jayce. We've known each other since I moved to Solomon with my with my parents when I was ten. He was actually the first friend I made, and I'm not afraid to say we are best friends.

We also didn't become friends with Valeria until second-year. Because she is a rare occurrence, a transfer student. 

Usually that never happens, especially now during wartime. But we all eventually learned transfers do happen.

However back to what I was saying.

During the first-year all students take the same general courses. But once second-year begins, except for a few key general subjects like math and history, they begin taking courses solely focused on whichever discipline they want to have after graduation, and they become commissioned officers in the United Earth Federation Space Force or the UEFSF for short.

I am in the piloting department. Jayce is as well.

Omar is a member of the engineering department.

Camilla is part of the medical department. Just like her parents she wants to become a doctor.

While Satsuki and Valeria are members of the command department, meaning in the future they'll be working towards getting a command of their own ship.

30 minutes after leaving the cafeteria Jayce and I arrived at the piloting department building.

Each department has a dedicated building on the school grounds. As well a number of facilities associated with them.

The two of us entered the building and moved up to the third-floor where third-year courses are held.

Arriving, we took our seats as usual.

Well I took mine, Jayce went about flirting with a pair of girls as usual.

He is a playboy through and through after all. But when the chips are down and shit hits the fan I'll know he'll always have my back.

While Jayce went about his morning flirting I worked the holo-keyboard directly in front of me and a holo-screen appeared a few inches above my desk.

Once this happened I started surfing the holonet.

It's an information network that spans the entire Earth Sphere. Even the military uses it, but their sections of the holonet are heavily encrypted.

Humming a tune to myself I let the minutes pass by as more and more students filed into the lecture hall. But not many, considering the ongoing war.

The academy barely has enough students to fill half its roster of enrollee's. 

That's just how bad things are. 

When the five minute mark for class to begin appeared on the chronometer on the holo-screen I stopped surfing the net.

Just as I did so Jayce came over and sat down in the seat on the right of me, a satisfied smile on his face.

"So, looks like things went well." I said.

"Yes Alan my friend, they sure did." Jayce said. "They sure did."

"So happy for you." I said in a deadpan tone.

"Ah, is somebody jealous?" Jayce asked me in sing-song voice.

As he did so I raised a brow and quickly looked past him towards the two girls he had been chatting up. I then looked back at him.

"While they are pretty, I'm perfectly happy with my Japanese princess." I said. Using my nickname for Satsuki.

"You say that all the time." Jayce retorted.

"Well it's the truth, so I don't see anything wrong with saying it." I retorted. Putting a smile on my face as I did so.

I then immediately dropped it when I saw who just walked inside of the room.

A male who stands at 180cm in height. He is 19 years old with short blonde hair and blue eyes, along with a face that just makes you want to punch it.

[Link to image here:]

His name is Lukas Fischer.

One of the biggest assholes I'll probably ever meet in my life.

A Terran, he is the one of Federation general Ulysses Fischer. He is also a staunch racist. Ever since school began he's been ragging on spacians and those born in a lower-class on Earth than him. Everyone wants to rip him a new one. But because of the influence of his father that hasn't happened.

But I know it will soon.

I can feel it.

Guys like Lukas don't go getting off scott-free forever.

Karma is a bitch after all.

As soon as Lukas and his annoying posse of racists and ass kissers entered the room the entire atmosphere changed. The spacian students did their best not to make eye contact, while pretty much everyone else gave Lukas a look of utter disgust, even his fellow Terrans.

Yeah, he's that kind of asshole. The one everyone hates. Even if they are assholes themselves.

Ignoring the looks he and his group were getting Lukas strolled over to the steps and walked up them to take his seat.

Right in front of Jayce and I no less.

As soon as this was done he turned around, with a huge ass fake smile on his face, and looked me right in the eyes.

"Hey halfer, how's it going today?" Lukas asked me.

Using a derogatory term he came up with himself.

Halfer, referring to those with one parent who is a Spacian, and one parent who is a Terran.

There are a few others currently attending the academy other than me who were born in the same manner, and the term halfer really hurts them. But me, I just brush it off.

Like right now.

I answered Lukas's fake smile with one of my own. "Everything is going great today Lukas. Thanks for asking." I told him. "I really appreciate number two." I said.

Which caused Lukas to drop his fake smile and put a frown on his face. While a lot of his entourage moved back in fear.

The reason being I just mentioned a sore spot for Lukas.

Despite being an asshole Lukas has good piloting skills, and for the first two-years during our time here at the academy he's been number one in the simulation drills.

Until I took the top spot right from under him.

A position he hasn't been able to gain back.

And one I'll make sure he doesn't before graduation in another few months.

"Hey halfer, watch your fucking mouth." Lukas told me. "You don't have skill, just dumb luck."

"Really, then I must be quite lucky, considering you haven't been able to take the number one spot from me ever since third-year began." I retorted.

"Why you!" Lukas shouted.

Not noticing that our instructor just walked in.

"I think its time someone put you in your place you filthy ha-"

"-Lukas!" A female voice interrupted his shouting.

It belongs to a woman who is 19 years old and stands 169 centimeters in height. She has tan-kin, caramel-colored eyes, and platinum-blonde hair that stops just above shoulders.

[Link to image here:]

Her name is Dahlia Fowler.

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One of the Lukas's biggest allies since his first-year.

As well as someone who has a sorted history with Jayce.

To put it bluntly, they screwed. But the moment she found out he was a Spacian she turned her back on him and ended up spouting racist shit.

Which we both completely unexpected, since Dahlia seemed like a nice girl who wouldn't be into that kind of stuff when we first met her.

But I guess that just goes to show, never judge a book by its cover.

Turning to Dahlia Lukas glared at her about to start shouting again, only to see the instructor standing at the table at the front of the hall.

Once he did he sat down and didn't say another word.

But all throughout class he kept glaring at me.

Yep, just another day in my life here at Solomon Military Academy.

Stifling a yawn I walked with Jayce out of the piloting department building.

Classes have just ended for the day.

Once I was done yawning I brought my hand down as headed to meet up with the others.

Arriving at our usual spot in the courtyard under a tree, Jayce and I waited until the others arrived.

We then talked about our day for a while until we split up.

Once we did I headed to towards the northern entrance of the academy, and showed my ID so that the solider on guard duty allowed me to leave the premises.

As soon a I did I headed for home.

While I do stay on campus and live on the dorms, I can still visit my parents home as long as I return before curfew at 10 pm.

So I'm really glad our house is only a 45 minute walk from the academy grounds.

Arriving at the front door in no time I knocked, and then I when I heard the lock automatically click I simply pushed in the door and walked inside.

"Mom, dad, I'm here for dinner." I said, just after entering.

My parents and I eat dinner together every week. Which I really enjoy.

Going into the living room I found my father, Alec Weiss, sitting on the couch watching television.

He looks like an older version of me, except he has a goatee beard.

[Looks like Crepus from Genshin Impact]

Turning towards me my father smiled. "Son, welcome home." He told me.

I simply gave him a nod in return.

Just after I did so my mother, Erin Weiss, walked out of the kitchen and smiled at me.

I won't lie, my mom is super pretty.

She has long light brown hair and green eyes. As well as a stunning figure.

[Looks like Lisa Minci from Genshin Impact]

The fact that dad was able to score someone like her still baffles me a little even to this day.

Then again I did manage to score Satsuki, so maybe its genetics at work here.

Of course I can't ever say that out loud. Especially in front of mom, then she would go into one of her tangents about stuff I barely understand.

She's a biomedical engineer, so biology and genetics is within her purview.

Dad is a mechanical engineer on the other hand.

Just saying.

"Welcome back my baby boy, how was school this week?" Mom asked me.

"Same old, same old." I told her.

"Really, nothing interesting happened. Nothing at all?" Mom questioned.

"Nope." I said. "Nothing."

"Not even with that Valeria girl?" Mom asked. Putting a knowing smirk on her face.

On the outside I have a neutral expression, but on the inside I am sweating bullets.

The thing is during Christmas a certain "incident" took place involving me, Satsuki, and Valeria that we have agreed to never speak about to anyone else.


I haven't even told Jayce about it.

Nor did I tell my mother, but her mother's intuition is frightening.

Ever since said incident took place she's been asking me about my relationship with Valeria. Wondering if I am going to ask her to join in the relationship between Satsuki and I.

Since unlike during the Anno Domini calendar having multiple spouses and polygamy are both entirely legal.

Though what my mother is hoping for has not happened.

Valeria simply asked Satsuki and I to keep our relationship with her the same before the incident and we agreed.

Even though a tiny part of me wants...

No, no, no. I better stop that line of thinking right now. Nothing good will come of it.

Valeria doesn't want things to change and I'm going to respect her wishes.

No matter how much my mother tries to meddle.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Mom, nothing happened with Valeria. And nothing will happen, so please stop asking." I told her.

"Honey leave the boy alone." My father spoke up. "Why do you have to embarrass him every time he comes home nowadays?"

"Well when else am I going to get the chance. He only comes home once a week and pretty soon he'll graduate and be out there in all the fighting." Mom spoke. A hint of worry in her voice.

Realizing this I moved over to my mother and gave her a hug.

"Mom, it's ok. I'm going to be fine, and I'll come back." I told her.

Receiving a hug back from her.

Seeing the precious moment my father got up and walked over to get on it. Initiating a family hug which lasted for over a minute before we all broke apart.

Once it ended mom put a smile back on her face. "Ok, well now that I've gotten my hug let's eat." She said.

The two of us then followed mom into the kitchen and we had a nice family dinner.

Little did I know it would be our last.

(3rd Person: POV)

In the cold void of space a single ship advanced.

[Link to image here:]

It's destination, the O'neil cylinder space colony in the distance.

The name of this particular space colony is Solomon.

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