Mechanical Blood

Chapter 3: Ch.1- White room.

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I could smell the thick scent of blood lingering in the air. My mother trembled in front of me, her tears streamed down her face, and her body shook with grief. Her cries of despair inundated the room. Today was supposed to be my father's funeral, it was supposed to be our moment to say goodbye, but this world won't even concede to us that.

"Fucking whore, shut your damn mouth!"

The man screamed demanding the silence of mother without success, in fact, he only made her louder. She screamed with all her remaining force.

"This damn bitch. I told you, we should have cut her vocal cords like the kid"

"Heh~ I like it more like this"

There were 3 men in the room, the first was sleeping, the second playing a game, and the third was eating. The third seemed happy as he ate my mother's guts.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I watched in horror the man who was happily devouring my mother, he was oblivious to the pain he was causing her. Even as she lay there struggling with her open stomach and screaming for help, no one seemed to care. The other two men just sat there, consumed by their tasks. I wanted to scream but I couldn't even do that, my voice no longer worked. They destroyed the interior of my throat, I couldn't speak anymore. My heart filled with sadness and despair as I watched this monster enjoy the last remains of my beloved family. 

The war had taken my whole family from me. My father, brother, and sister. All gone. I had thought nothing could hurt me anymore. But now, as I watched her life slowly slip away, I realize that I can still feel pain. She was the last person I had left, and soon she would be gone too. The last remnant of my happiness was heading to cessation, all started by a war I didn't even understand. 

"Hey! You gonna eat the girl too?"

"Of course, I will. Or do you want her for yourself?"

"I have always wanted to try a kid"

"Got ya, I don't like dirty kids anyway, just do the Compatibility Test first"

"Yeah, yeah~"

The man started approaching me. He stared at me intently with his piercing black eyes. His muscular frame towered over me, and I could feel the intensity of his gaze searing into my soul. Fear ran through my veins like a current as he stepped closer, brandishing a knife in one hand and a weapon in the other. As he opened his mouth to speak, a thousand scenarios played out in my head. 

"Show me your neck" He said with a rough low tone.

Seeing that I wouldn't comply, he left the weapons in his hands and forcefully moved my head. He took a sort of device. He put it around my neck and started at a screen for about 30 seconds. His dead eyes slowly lit up as he stared at the screen.

"...I feel we might have obtained the lottery"


The man who was eating, instantly let out my mother. Mother has long bled out, it seems that she was already dead.

"She's a tier 1."

"You kidding? I believe I had already told you. I don't like pranks"

"I'm not joking around, she's a motherfucking tier 1, look for yourself."

Everything seemed to move in slow motion, as the man who coldly murdered the most important person in my life, walked towards me. The look in his eyes was disgusting. The memories of my mother came flooding back to me, her warm embrace, the sound of her laughter. But now she was gone, taken away from me, by this stranger. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched her lifeless body, lying on the cold ground.

"ha...ha...Ha Ha HA HAHAHAHA, holy fuck!"

The laughter echoed off the walls of the room. I felt my heart break into pieces as I stood there in shock and disbelief. The man who had taken away my mother's life was now laughing in celebration. What was so funny? My mother would never be able to hug me or kiss my forehead anymore. These thoughts raced through my mind as I watched the man laugh, feeling like my whole world had been shattered in an instant. 

Why was he happy? Did he find my despair funny?

"Go wake Jest, I will call Central"

"Holy fuck! We are rich!"

After the other woke up. The three men started celebrating. One approached me and injected with a syringe some kind of liquid in me. My head instantly felt cloudy and heavy. I collapsed onto the floor, my foggy mind still registering their fading laughter. It resonated in my mind, and my emotions started overtaking me little by little. As my consciousness fade away, only one thought remain.

Why can't I be happy too?


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[Starting system's diagnostic...]


[Diagnostic complete. No issues detected] 


[Powering up the system....] 


[Initiating program....]


[Initiating.... ]

I blinked, trying to make sense of my surroundings. I was lying on a white bed in an utterly empty white room with nothing but a single grey door to my left. I felt a strange energy in the air that seemed to be electrifying the very particles around me.

Where was I? What had happened? Confused, I slowly stood up off the bed and took in my strange surroundings. What kind of place was this? And what was that strange energy in the air, was it coming from the walls? Taking a few hesitant steps forward, I reached out to touch the metallic white walls. I soon felt like I was burning, and immediately remove my hand.

Where I am? What happened to me? Where is t-........... Mother. That's right. Mother is dead, just like father, brother, and sister. I'm the only one left.

I sat on my knees after remembering that they were all gone. Now I was truly alone. All of the people that I had loved and depended on were suddenly gone, I got nothing left, I got no one left.

I looked down at the ground, my gaze turned slowly emotionless. I felt hollow inside, as though all of my feelings had been sucked away. I feel strange. I knew something had changed, but I didn't know what.

Confused, I slowly lifted my head off the cold floor and surveyed my surroundings. A plain white room, with no windows or decorations, stared back at me. What was this place? Where was I? But it wasn't just my surroundings that felt strange, I felt strangely different, as If I had changed. What was happening to me?

I stood up to get a better look around, but then I noticed something else, I was taller. How did this happen? I wished desperately for a mirror so I could see what had changed about me, but none was in sight. So I just stood there, in that white room, confusion mounting inside me as I tried to understand what was going on.

[Initialating command 01...]

I felt a tingle in the back of my head and heard a voice, like a whisper in my ear. It said something I couldn't make out.

[Initialating command 01...]

 It was a voice, a cold and robotic voice, but it seemed a little familiar like it was my own. Who was speaking to me? What did they want? 

[Initialating command 01...]

I tried to move, but I could barely move my head now. Whatever this voice wanted, it was doing something to my body. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. The voice echoed in my head again, telling me something was about to happen. I had no idea what that meant.

[Starting command...]

I felt a strange sensation taking over my body as I had suddenly gone limp. I was powerless to resist the overwhelming force that seemed to be controlling my actions. I tried to take back control, but nothing worked. I was trapped in my own mind, unable to do anything but observe as something else took hold of my very being.

[Error detected. Impossible to take control of the system body]

Then just as suddenly as it had come, the feeling left. I gasped for air, my heart pounding in my chest.....chest, that's right, my heart, it feels weird.

I touch my heart for signs of life, only for the horrifying realization to sink in that there was none. My heart should have been beating, but all I could feel was a cold surface, I was incredibly cold. Was I dead? What had happened? 

I took again a deep breath to calm myself as I tried to make sense of what had just occurred. I thought back to the last thing I remembered, those men laughing at me. Were they the cause?

[Turning off system...]

As I tried to remember, I begin to feel heavy drowsiness settle over me. My eyelids became heavier with every passing second and, before I knew it, I was fighting to keep them open. I shook my head, trying to clear the fog that seemed to be clouding my mind, but it didn't help. The more I tried to stay awake, the sleepier I became. Soon, everything around me faded away and I slumped into a deep slumber.

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