Mechanical Blood

Chapter 4: Ch.2- Unit S-16578

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My family and I lay under the tables, the war already beginning to rage outside our doors. We heard the sirens piercing through the night sky and felt the ground tremble underneath us as explosions rocked the village. But here, tucked away in this small corner of the world, in this room where we had made our own shelter, we could pretend everything was normal. That life was still the same.

In this world that I lived. Where human wars aren't the only threat. Where robots with grotesque forms kill everything in sight and attack perpetually human raze. This place made us feel safe.

In the darkness, I looked around at my family members. My parents, tried so hard to be brave for us, and my siblings cling to some semblance of hope despite the impending doom. Even at this moment, I could see their love for me radiating off of them, a beacon of light in this dark hour. 

The world in the cities is hell according to my parents, we were scarred survivors. Our small community was one of the few beacons of hope in Wasteland.

Even though Wasteland was plagued with mechanical monsters, we could hide from them using technologies inherited from our ancestors. We looked out for each other, sharing what little we had. We scraped by on whatever scraps we could find, bartering with anyone who would trade with us. But our resources were finite and time was running out. We were all facing an uncertain future, but together, in our shared grief and despair, we clung to one another, refusing to let go until the very end.

But the reality was always brutal and merciless, and one by one they all faded away. With every passing day, we watched helplessly as death crept closer, a relentless force crushing any hope we dared have for peace. Even so, we held on tight to each other and kept dreaming of a better future until, eventually, there was nothing left to do but accept our broken pieces and bid farewell to the world once known. 

A gun was everything that was needed to kill my father, my siblings, and my friends. The joy and happiness that had been built up disappeared just like that.

A war started by the rich for no apparent reason killed them all. A war between Neo-Shang, and CyberAscen. A war fought and lived by everyone except for the ones that started it. Mechanical monsters attacked perpetually humanity, yet they could still fight between them.

After only my mother and I were left, we begin traveling, searching for a way to survive. We tried to leave Wasteland and reach any safe place where we weren't targeted.

The rest was history, she died by some cannibals who called themselves 'hunters' and killed the monster only on paper.

With my mother dead, only one destiny was awaiting me. Yet, I.............





How many years have passed? For how long have I been in this white place? My existence has no purpose anymore. It's almost like I'm a ghost, just floating through endless days with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company. The same four walls, the same white paint.

Time is endless in this white room. The walls are blank and bare, the floors are cold and uninviting. I feel like life has been drained out of me, and all that remains is a numb emptiness. I started to even forget who I am and it terrifies me. I just want it to end myself.

Everything seems so long and unending, like an eternity of torture. And I find myself longing for death more and more each moment. But I can't die, when I think about dying my body just stops moving and I experience a complete absence of control over it, a lack of sensation, like my body is no longer my own. The voice is probably the cause.

Lately, I have been hearing the voice all the time, I don't know what it is but sounds like me and seems to be installed in my head. It can't control me but it can stop all my movements. Maybe I'm some kind of laboratory rat for some rich kid, or maybe I'm just becoming crazy...

[Turning off system...]

Again.......I keep hoping that one day I'll wake up and it'll all be over. That the suffering and pain will be gone, replaced by something peaceful and serene. But as each day goes by, it becomes more obvious that this will never happen. That no matter how much I wish for it, it just won't come true. 

So maybe this time when I shut my eyes, it will be for the last time. Maybe.........I'll finally find............the solace I have been searching for all these years.........Maybe then.........I can


As I opened my eyes, I felt a sudden rush of confusion flood my mind. I was no longer in the stark white room that had been my prison for so long, but instead in an even bigger one.

A massive machine sat before me, its silver and metallic black surface gleamed in the dim light. It held strange pistols, katanas, and other weapons that I couldn't identify. What was this place? Why was I here?

Uh? I have black clothes, they look like something from the military.

My thought stopped abruptly as the machine suddenly started shooting. Pain exploded through my body. With each bullet that slammed into me, agony spread through my body. But despite the pain, I couldn't understand why I wasn't bleeding, my body didn't have a single scratch.

I quickly pushed these questions from my mind as the machine released more and more bullets. Spinning on my heels, I started running across the massive white room searching for a way out, but I couldn't find anything. Every corner turned revealed more bullets, a rain of destruction that seemed impossible to escape.

The pain was unbearable. I tried to run away from the machine's relentless barrage of bullets, but no matter which way I moved, it seemed to follow me as if it knew my every move. My mind raced, searching for a way to escape the pain, and then suddenly a primal instinct took over. All I wanted to do was destroy it and make it stop hurting me. 

[Starting combat mode...]

The next moment, I felt a surge of power like I'd never felt before. At the same time, I felt something land on my head, my vision changed, and I realized that a helmet had materialized out of thin air. The world started moving in slow motion and only one thought remained, kill the machine.

I felt my rage boil over as the bullets flew closer and closer. I lunged forward, determined to destroy it. When I reached it, my hands moved faster than ever before, I started punching and kicking the thing in front of me. 

With one final blow, the machine crumpled to the ground in a heap of pieces. I stood there barely able to believe that I'd done it. The machine was gone, and the pain had stopped. What in the world just happened?

[Ennemy presence detected]

The voice spoke again. What does it mean with an 'enemy presence'? Is it talking about the machine I somehow destroyed? Or maybe about me?

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[Ennemy presence: When those who stand in the way of Akasha's interest are detected by the system's sensors]

Did the voice answer me? I'm seriously becoming crazy. 

[Ennemy presence detected, quick removal is recommended]

To my right, I can see more machines coming, around ten of them, they looked humanoid contrary to the one from before. My mind clouded as I watched the machines approach, guns raised and ready to fire. It was then that something strange happened. The panic inside me melted away, replaced by a sudden surge of power that surged through my body.

Suddenly the ceiling of the white room opened, and some kind of weapon dropped.

I leaped into action, immediately grabbing the weapons that had been dropped in my path. I didn't have time to think, my body was on autopilot as I fired volley after volley at the incoming robotic attackers. I rolled out of their line of fire, aiming whenever I had a clear shot. Bullets whizzed around me, but none seemed to make contact. In a matter of seconds, it was over. The robots lay motionless on the ground, defeated.

When it was all over, the silence of the room seemed deafening. I looked around at the destruction I had caused and my stomach sank. Fear run through me as I looked down at my fists. Just what in the world happen to me...?

The voice mentioned Akasha, looking at my condition I can assume that they are the reason for these powers and the voice in my head. But why? Why me? 

Akasha, I had only heard whispers of before of the megacorporation. They are part of the big 3. A group of corporations known for having a monopoly of all the armament in the world.

How could those bastards do this to me? I stared at the ground, my life passing in front of my eyes, my mother's fond smile, my father's strong embrace, my sister's laughter, my brother's playful teasing, and my aunt's warm embrace. Why? Why did they decide to do this to me? How could they? The war, and their death, all started because of them. My heart ached with anger as I clenched my fists, my rage almost consuming me. Tears stung my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"You are making quite an interesting face"

If I had a heart it will start pounding like never before. It was as if fate had brought him here, one of the Corpo people who had caused me so much suffering. His uniform was the same shade of black and red as the others, the same disgusting uniform in propaganda posters.

A white-haired man of around thirty looked at me with emotionless red eyes. My entire body tensed in rage as I stood there, my hands clenched at my sides. All I wanted to do was kill him, and make him pay for what he'd done, but before I could even move, my body stopped responding. 

"That's enough, stop looking at me like that, it's annoying"

The sound of his voice cut right into my soul, filling me with a cold hatred beyond anything I'd ever felt before. What I hated the most was that my facial expression changed at his command. Now I looked at him with an expressionless face.

"Sadly, we don't have enough time to do more tests, so tomorrow you will go straight to the frontline"

I kill you.

"But before that, I want to make sure of something"

The man snapped his fingers and Centrals, who are the equivalent of the Akasha army, entered the room. They had tied up 1 little girl, 1 boy, 1 man, and another woman.

"Now I want you to kill them"

The man's words felt like a death sentence. I tried desperately to find some sort of harmony within myself, some way to resist. 

[Initialating command 01...Starting command...]

[Taking control of system's body]

But it was hopeless, my body moved without my consent and showed no signs of stopping. 

The man, with his cold gaze, seemed almost eager. And then I finally understood why I was here, why I had been forced into this situation against my will, cause I am weak. I am useless, a nobody, an empty shell with no purpose or meaning. I'm so small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

I looked at the four people bound before me, their helpless expressions screamed for pity.

"Kill them with your hands"

My hands moved slowly, hovering over their bodies like a specter of death. As I touched them one by one, their pleas for forgiveness reverberated in my ears. 

Finally, my hands stilled, the last touch carrying with it the finality of death. Taking one last look at the four people before me.

"From now on your name is S-16578, it will be a pleasure to work together"

I will kill you. All of you. No emotion, no remorse or guilt. I won't hesitate, and I won't show mercy.

This is my promise to you: death. Yours and everyone else's.

"I will kill you"

"Oh? Why? Whatever, come with me"

I will kill you in the worst imaginable way.

Just wait. I'll make sure you have the most painful death you could imagine.

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