Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 15: Chap 15 (Long chapter with a yandere)

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So momma agree for may to spend mine night at a sleep over at Yuzu Mikan’s house now. To my surprise her house was very near school to the point of we walked all the way on foot while I was dragging me bike along and chatted with her about Bella and stuff. I got to set mah bike safe in Yuzu’s garage before admiring her home; It was like ones from that series about a blue future cat and a nerdy Japaneasy kid in yellow shirt but just different interior now. It had two floors and quite a big triangle roof and when I entered I found mahself at a really nice couch along a veryyyyy big TV. I asked her, Yuzu, are ye home alone? Yes… Jim, she answered. My mom and dad… Went aboard.

Next thing I noticed was ‘er sharpies collection, now lemme tell ye fellas that I wasn’t referrin’ to none of those, school sharpies thing for school work but sharp stuffs like screwdrivers, scissors, knives and such which was really dangerous since she hung it near the living room.

“Excuse may, Yuzu.” I asks her while sittin’ on the couch confused. “Is it safe like dat?”

“Well… I suppose… not.” She answered may slowly, while hand getting on a very sharp knife and stare at it. Thing was quite shiny so I suppose she could see herself thru it. “But… That’ll remind Yuzu to… keep her loved ones… safe…”

“Well I wish to for everyone am loved happy too now, but maybe not with sharpies I think?” I said, before addin’. “You said Bella wanted to see may ye? Can I play with her?”

That was when I noticed Yuzu didn’t answer may, rather gives a smiles at me with a very giant grin now. She came over and sat on me lap, I’m tellin’ ye I’m above average height and she wus the opposite so when she uses my thigh as seat her head was still quite low now only reaching mine chin as she faces me.

“Bella is… Being taken care of… by the neighbor.” Yuzu whispered, “But there’s another cat you… Can play with her…”

“Well I’d never knew you’d had two cats now.” I answered. “Thank you lots for invitin’ may.”

“Want to go… Upstairs?” Yuzu asked. “I have protection...”

At that point, I wus very much confused now.

“Why, does she bite?” I asked

Now the next part might sound like sum gibberish to ye but lemme tell ye something real quick alright fellas? It was the strangest sleepover I ever had since the last time momma agrees for lil Tony to be over and we played on his phone all night. Upstairs I got introduced to her room, it was quite nice I’ll tell ye that much with great smell too. But where was your cat? I asked. Meow~ Yuzu Mikan answered to may, Here's the cat, she added. So there I was even more confused. You want to play roles? I asked her. Why not, but after shower, she replied to may, when I ask if I could use the shower, she said she would get in first to get ready or sumin’ for may.

The door’s lock was broken. Yuzu said. I said okay, she reminded me again that the door was lock, I said okay again, she repeated, I said okay. She insisted, so I did again for the fourth time now mind you that the door was not lock. And I’ll tell ye it was strange when she was in there for so long and hummin' so loud I could hear it, it was like half un' hour or so, me personally I don't usally put myself in water for so long because my hands would get all so wrinkly and weird with all those lines up and down like knuckles your know? Stranger though that was when it was my turn to excuse mahself and use the shower; I instinctively checked and guess wot, the lock was fine and dandy. Mid showerin' I could hear the door knob rustlin' or sumthin and Yuzu voice snoops in and asked may did I close the door? I answers yes and she turned around, which wus strange, did she probably didn't know how te use the door I presume.

I got out, still in mah school uniform because I didn't get anything to change into now. Which made me worried since tomorrow I might have to go to school in this and people might tell me I'm smelly which is not good for may. When I got out tho, ye know what Yuzu was doin' people? She was on her weird designed undergarments from her chest to her bottom now, I dunno how I should go about describing it now, ye know those things people call garter belt or sumthin? Those strings thingys that I always found unnecessary, it was black but not entirely since there's some, few thingy, a bit thinner some parts that made patterns or sumthin and you can see her skin color I dunno anymore it's hard to describe but if sumone could imagine and help that'd be very much fantase now. So it was only three pieces coverin' her, well. Maybe it's two since the one underneath and her stocking were connected. But anyhow now, I didn't know what to react, so Yuzu Mikan did first.

"Forgive me that... mines are small..." She approached may now with her chin restin' on may belly lookin' up.

"Well, I'd said otherwises now." I answered, "Your house is defi bigger than mine, like double it ye know?"

Yuzu didn't answered but smile ever so tenderly, which I presume she was happy? I asked her, it's night, aren't ye cold? To which she asks may to help her take it off, now momma never told me how to react in that perticular situation, but I know for fact that it's not cool to undress a girl when you are not married now. So I said I might be unable to, in which she squinted at may and said none otherwise.

We got downstairs where we got onto a couch, it was late mindchu but she wanted may to watch TV with her. Now my TV at homes ain't that flat and stick on the wall like hers, and I usually watch cartoons between channels but hers was quite different since she can choose any movie, cartoon or show she chose via her smart remote which looks way more futuristic than mine now.

"Lil' Tony showed me that once." I pointed at the show with a smiling guy in red shirt and a straw hat, call Won Peace. "It was real cool how he able to stretch his bodies like that ye know? It was like magic! And did ye know they draw every second of the film? I tried drawing back then but I don't think I can draw a whole episode now."

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All of this time, Yuzu wus sitting on me lap toying with a screwdriver which I noticed was quite the same one as the one she uses to push the ones in the alleyway away now. Of course she didn't change, I thought she was cold and needed heat so I didn't say none, as we agreed to put on Won Peace and watched through it. I was at the part where the main character stretch out his entire body to deflect bullets and save a sword guy who was about to get shot, it was fascinatin' and surprising I'd tell ye that much! His power was so amazing I were hooked instantly now.

Middle of watchin', Yuzu whispered to may, askin' that do I love her? Of course yes, I answered, I love everyone cus that's how my mom told me to do and that's what Hailey told me they taught at her church too now.

"You can not... Do that, Jim."

It was strange now but next thing I know? She turned from facin' the screen to face inwards of may with both arms wrapped around my neck like a hug, I could see the tip of the screwdriver in front of mine eyes now along with Yuzu eyes onto mine very deeply.

"Yuzu loves you... So you can only... love Yuzu... Only Yuzu... You only need Yuzu." Yuzu Mikan continued but less smilin' more serious face than I noticed, "Yuzu will keep protecting anything... She loves."

"Well, that was not okay now Yuzu." I said, a bit awkward so I took the screwdriver away from Yuzu's hand. "My momma said you shouldn't put something so pointy near people now cus that not nice. And if I were to love one specific person I have to know her very well because I might regret it like she said she did once which I think she might be tellin' the truth now."

"I... see..." Yuzu whispers lookin' at may putting her toy on the table, before moving mine hands on her shoulder, on top of a string of her underwear now. "Yuzu wants you to... Understand Yuzu, knows Yuzu... So you can be hers..." She giggles.

Well, right then and there I nodded when we came to an agreement. So I told her we could definitely make great friends, talk more at sleepovers and understand each other very much better than now. Then I'll do the thing people call date when two people are closer to gettin' marry. Anyways, I pointed towards the screen when I notices something dramatic is going to happen! The Won Peace crew were at a small town on an island now where there was this dude with a really strange but cool voice sayin' that he'd be a very strong warrior of the sea! I was very inspired now, what's more scary was there was a man with a lot of knives on his fingers and he could wiggle himself to turn himself invisible, how strange is that ye know? But Luopphi, Sogo and Oozesoop joined hands to defeat the scary man! What a lovely story! But it was gettin' bed time when I noticed Yuzu yawn so we went to bed.

"Where could I stay?" I asked her.

"My room... here." Yuzu looked at may with a smile and replied very slowly.

It was not common I sleep at such a fancy' place but in her room had a machine that turn normal air into cold air to get better sleep in, with that she did not need a spinnin' electric fan like I had at home now but at a push of a button remote she could make her room go cool in minutes. Now that was very fancy so I asked her, Yuzu, could I borrow a pillow and stay on the ground? To which she told may to get on bed. I thought she was gonna use the other room or sumthin so I obliged, and was very confuses when she got onto the same bed as may. Which I don't think was normal now? But Yuzu said it was.

We shared a blanket, and I can feel her hands putting it in weird places like Johnson and my hips or sumthin for a while while inching ever so slightly closer. Meanwhile I'm just worried that my school uniform might be a problem to her because it could get smelly' now even though I haven't been doing anything that made me sweat today. Not even biking once now that I recall! Only biked in the morning to get to school and at noon, on the afternoon I spent the evening with miss Caravan in her car so didn't sweat much, and walked home with Yuzu instead of bikin' so it was not anythin' either. But I was definitely concerned now, but before I knew it, it was gone out of my mind because I was sleepy-head already.

"We are not... Going to do... anything?" She whispers.

The room was quite cool now with the machine, but when I look up to the middle of the pillows separating mines from Yuzu, was her black top underwear, or called bra if I remembered.

"Well when I wus a kid momma tuck me in with a good night kiss on mah forehead. But I don't think we could do that now since we are young adults now and different genders too!"

"..." In the darkness of night, I saw Yuzu smiles, "You are... Brave and cute... And a strong gentleman... Jim" Before she tuck may in too with a kiss on mah forehead, which I didn't expect.

It was a strange day indeed, tomorrow when I wake up it's gunna be the 5th day of school, I wonder what it will bring?

But now, let us get some sleep, good night everyone!


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