Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 16: Chap 16. New student! Childhood friend?

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Mornin' fellas! Now at school, something very cool happened, ye know what dat is? There was a new batch of students enrollin' or exchangin' or movin' to the school now! Mah class rumored that there were one girl friend gonna be in my class 10E. I discuss this with Mary Antoinette and she said she was very excited now. But no one got any information on the lady that were gonna be in mine class now, so it was very anticipated they said, there were only one seat left of course at the last row so I expect she gunna be seated there. For yer information, at the window last row was Mary's seat and next to hers was mine and next to mine was the seat I mentioned.

Ties of Fate activated

Well it was recess now, but miss Aoi Caravan asked us to stay by for a minute or two for the new students to introduced themselves now. And ye know who I saw fellas? Lemme laid out the scene for ye cus it was magical or sum. She was a blonde girl with a shiny pearl-looking necklace, though her smile was very nice, and friendly I think I remembered something when I blink to get a closer look and notices a black dot underneath her left eye, oh her eyes were them light blu colors now if anyone gunna asks.

"Naomi?" I wondered, but didn't said it out loud since I don't want to be rude if it was not her.

Her eyes got around the whole classroom with a nice smile and a nod. Her pack was quite nice lookin' too but I couldn't explain why, it's just stood out in a way am suppose? It was a bright leather which looks expensive to may.

"My my... Hello everyone. Naomi's name is Naomi." She smiles and wave slowly, revealing that she wus wearing a pair of black gloves which got everyone on the front row kind of surprised for sum reason I didn't know. But now I know for fact that I know who she was.

"Your seat will be next to Jimmy Evans at end there, everyone be nice to Naomi. You can enjoy recess now." Miss Caravan walked out with a stack of paper on 'er hands.

At that moment the class was bout tuh stand up and went about their small break when Naomi looked at may and she squinted ever so slightly before approachin' may now. Now I gotta tell ye fellas that Naomi was a bit strange I'd admit it, her face never changes, ye know what I'm sayin'? Well, people always admit that she's was very pretty now, like, smooth, bit white skin or sumthin and bright eyes but the only thing they found strange 'bout her was her facial expression was always relax. She never got any expression rather than her eyes being so carefree I don't think I never saw her opening it wide, maybe them closes when blink and sleep only and her eyebrows never raises or frown too even admists us kids fightin'

"My... Is that you, Jimmy? Haha. It's been a decade or so, Naomi thinks. Naomi surprises you are living, very well."

"You-?" Mary sat by may got tensed for sum reason I didn't know now. 

"Well, hello too Naomi. Fancy seein' ye in the city, it's been so long rite? How's your family?" I stood up and exchange with Naomi a handshake while she got her backpack down to da seat next to may. "Lemme introduce ye to my friend is that all 'kay? Naomi this Mary, my friend and Mary this is Naomi, may childhood friend back when we were at the country, ye both are very nice and friendly now."

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"My... Hello Mary, Naomi's name is Naomi. Naomi is very glad to meet you, beauty, haha. And Naomi's family's very great, Naomi hope miss Evans is doing well too."

New Quest Available:
Seduce Naomi
Reward: Physical endurance enhancement, two system points

"Hello... Naomi." Mary stood up and gave her a handshake too, which seems very formal now that I look at it from a different view. Or it's just between 'em. like that. "You are... special, if you need any help, feel free to come to me, I am the class representative." 

"My... Naomi appreciates beauty's help. Naomi is very glad that, Jimmy have friends because, back at town he did not have much usually, haha." Naomi laughed with her gloves near her mouth, but not that loud just like may recalled, it wus like a calm quiet conversation to her now, even though people might expect a haha laugher to be louder or sum'in. Now I might take back what I said before because she did move her face muscles for a laugh with her eyes closin' ever so slightly now.

"Look... Naomi."

Next thing I know, imma tell ye folks, was Mary eyes littin' up or sumthin behind her glasses. She was always calm, nice and smart for all I knew and remember, well but she did insist on me cheating at the Chemist pop quiz which I refuse I remembered. But at this point she was crossin' her arms all seriousness, some classmates even took notice as Mary Antoinette shook her head at Naomi, who was still calm by the way.

"I don't like your sarcastic, flattering tone, and it is not nice to act all princess like that all together when we're trying to friendly, am I clear?"

"My...?" Naomi, in completely shock... Well, I expected, but all I see wus her eyes opened a bit, like a quarter of a centimetre bigger from her relax nature, hand on her mouth and shook her head. "Naomi is sorry, Naomi never meant to be sarcastic or anything. Please forgive Naomi, beauty."

At this point, I found myself having to stand in, when I heard some gossips at the table nearby, mostly bad things bout mah friends now.

"Well now, I think there's an misunderstandin' or sumthin here. Me and mah friends' gunna meet at the school rooftop when school ended, Naomi would ye like to join us?"

"My my, Naomi would glad to join you, Jimmy. Naomi very much hope that we could talk about old days again, haha."

All I remembered wus Mary goin' outside to spend her recess time while glarin' at Naomi and I was just all confused bout what happened before me and her sat down and chatted a bit more

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