Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 29: Chap 29. Jimmy’s Disturbance | 3rd POV

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"I got some the things you asked, what is this for, Jim—"

"Oh, hey there now Lily! Thanka very much."

When Lily Lililith opened the door to Aoi Caravan's apartment, what she saw was outta her mind; Jimmy Evans was sitting on the sofa, and a drunken, hungover Aoi in her casual clothing was resting her head on his lap, slurping away on the last two large sized cup of boba milk tea.

"Aoi, do ye mind if I stand up to get the groceries now?"

"Noo... burp, I don't want to get up."

Lily frowned, disbelief to the fact that a teacher, who were hours away from having her life ruined was being childish around her own student. She set the bag on the table and observed the expression om Jimmy Evans's face, as ever he was looking around all confused, his thoughts are laid out everywhere on his face. Jim looked at his hand, wondering where to put them, he looked at his posture, thinking about whether he was making this comfortable for everyone. Lily let out a small smile, but then realized she had to keep a cold and cool expression, so she shook her head and pulled up her phone.

"What are you going to do about this?" She asked.

"hiccup... I don't care... I deserve to be buried in what I did... Please let me... hic- let me have my final moments of peace." Aoi Caravan buried her face on Jimmy's thigh, her curly hair all over the place.

"Wait now." Jimmy said, "I thought I told ye to close that website off now."

"Yes, I did, half-wit." Lily frowned, and does it again. "On my phone, there are at least one thousands more phones who are accessing this website since it's public and still running. You don't know how the internet works, do you?"

"Well I don't exactly now, it's confusing when you can push a flat screen a bit and food comes at your front doors imma tell yer that much."

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"We got roughly a day before your teacher have no dignity left in her life."

"Well that ain't good now, Aoi let's go and try to save ye how 'bout dat?." Jimmy slightly tapped on Aoi's shoulder, tryin' to get her to get up.

"NO!" Aoi answered, slamming her fist onto Jimmy's abdoment, almost getting his lunch out. "If this is how I die, so be it!"

"Well... Miss, I dunno much about this but it sounds real bad and ye shud be..."

"Just let me be... hiccup" Aoi quiet down, finishing her first boba and turning her head over to open the next one.

In that instance, Lily also wanted to give up, sitting across from the two she get her hoodie off to reveal a pair of dark eyes and messy hair as Jimmy always observed.

"You can't convince a drunk person. Every woman for herself now." Lily Lililith said, browsing on her phone.

"Well, being drunk isn't a good thing now rite?"

"burp ...sorry, heh"

"Of course not, when alcohol is in, Mrs Caravan is not who she once was and does not think straight in anyway, she won't mind that her life will be driven into the everwelcoming darkness that soothes us since the dawn of time, I will suggest you give up and—"

Before Lily could finish her sentence, she saw the young man; Jimmy Evans standing up.


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