Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 30: Chap 30. Decisions Made For His/Her Friend! (One of my favorite chapter written imo)

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"What the hell are you doing Jim!?"

I looked over at Lily now who was yellin' at may when I stood up and used her half full bottle of alcohol now to smash the empty bottles on the shelves that she's been drinkin'. The bottle hit each other on the way down, shatterin' into pieces upon pieces and pieces on the floor into big chunks or sharp pieces, when there's anymore that was still standing on the shelf, I push it down too. Everything went down the floor now and I gotta borrow Aoi's broom and mop right away so people won't accidentally step on it now.

"Well, ye said the alcohol's the problem, then gettin' rid of it solves the problem now don't ye said?"

I looked over to Aoi, who was all confused with cartoon birds flying all over her head or sumin' and started laughin' so loud before laying back down again, this time I can clearly hear her sobbin' which get me worried now.

"What- No it's- you-, are you fine with this? Miss Carav— Okay, yeah, sure then...? You guys do whatever."

Lemme tell ye that Lily seems unbothered as she sat still and almost turn herself into a shrimp with that pose, I swiped off 'em glass pieces on the floor before getting back on the couch where miss Caravan jumped up from her seat and hugged me so tight I almost loses my standing and almost fell, luckily I put one foot back and it's all good and dandy again I won't fall just a but startled.

"Jim... Do I... huc... Hate me?"

"Well I don't hate ye or anything no now, I think ye a nice fella to be around with and ur kind too, I think I once saw you play with some strays beside the school imirite?"

"hiccup I don't... Remember that, heh... Dear. But... But... But..."

At this point, I can see that her eyes were getting teary, and her voice was higher like just inhalin' some balloons or sumthin. Aoi wrapped herself 'round me so tight I can feel myself bursting like rubber bands around fruits now fellas. I tried mah best to be gentle and sat down on the sofa again with her still sniffin' on my shoulder.

"I regret it... I want to keep teaching... I love my students, I don't want to... Huc... I don't want to be fire, I don't want to die. I won't do this again... If only time could go back..."

"Well I will try mah best to help ye now..."

Countdown: 16 Hours until information leak
View count: 1.209

"Get out of my property, final warning."

From Aoi's information, we try te approach the Mason's lawn now, the father tried to spray his water hose at may and Lily, I gotta block her in order for her hoodie not to get wet now. I tried to tell 'em that his son was gonna ruin our teacher's life, but he told may that she got what comin' since Aoi was trying to "hit on" Peter Mason or sumthin which was strange to me cus I never knew my teacher could punch someone.

So it's not good that her parents won't allow me to talk to Peter now, I could see that he was wavin' at us from his window upstairs so I kindly waved back before biking with Lily behind goin' round town once more, to see something I couldn't dare to see. There were more posters advertising! Seems like that Peter Mason fella has uses quite an amount of money, or kindly asks his friends, because I can see some young man and woman around mah age like students or sum'in putting the posters of Aoi Caravan's doom up.

"Jim... It's not good!"

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View count: 1.253 > 1.297 > 1.322...

The numbers won't stop coming up, and I know for fact that ain't a good thing. I decided on doing something that my momma wouldn't be proud of right now, but I dun wanna see one of my friend sad because of hatred. I first ask for forgiveness from the lord 'bove me, then later I will ask for forgiveness from mah momma, I asked Lily to help park mah bike near the convenience store where I knew the owner, then I ran like hell! I ran so much my legs were running on itself and it was like my legs have it own brain at that point and it ran and I don't know how to stop.

As I ran, I put my hand on the wall and rip every poster that was printed on the streets, poles or trees, I ran pass a student holding a stack of posters and yank it from his hand, I did with another one and another one. I did not stop even though they yell, they don't try to chase me no more the moment I put all of that posters down into the trash bins nearby! I could have use the river to make the papers go wet now, but mah momma said littering like that is bad and it clogs the sewer and it's a chore to clean up for garbagemen and women like her so I should never do that.


Meanwhile | [3rd POV]

Peter Mason asked for permission to go out with his "friends", promising to be back before dinner.

But on his phone, it shows a different story. He was messaging Aoi Caravan, the twenty-four years old English teacher from Rehtomru High School, who he finally replied to after countless messages of her begging him, he found it amusing for a while. But it seems though Aoi was still not on her best mind when her messages were all terrible to read.


Hellui? You finall     . replied, please, take that website down, I beggg yoy.

Meet me at this address.

That a mote- No, I coud not do that, I don'...f9*

Your friends were here, two tenth graders, they could not do anything. No one could help you, only I can.

Wht do yiy want, Pete? Plse, just lae me alone. I dot want t ever!5 do this again.

I will take that website down if you come, I'll be there in 30 mins.

Petetr? Hellro? HEaello ? Answers me ap, please? Pete? I can't driaef-]

Aoi Caravan zoned out for a minute, the address was in walking distance of her apartment so she contemplated for a bit, thinking about Jimmy and Lily, how they were trying to help her... She chugged down a whole carton of milk in the fridge, washed her face, almost puking into it, slightly comb her long, curly brown hair and started walking there with her head still ringing... Maybe, just maybe this one time... She would try and make everything's right again. By complying to Peter's order.

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