Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 32: Chap 32. At The Apartment

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The last thing Aoi Caravan could remember was foam forming around her lips, her breath shortened as she passed out under the hands of her own students with cameras at the corner of her eyes. Aoi thought, that was it, right? Her life, her career, and her identity on earth shall just be erased at that point, the shame upon another layer of shame would be unbearable for any human being.

But soon, she saw herself staring at a light, a bright one illumiating on top of where she was laying. Aoi Caravan slowly sat up from the bed and looked left to right; it was her room alright, someone had change her into her pajamas.

... Meanwhile, in the kitchen.

Ongoing Quest: Seduce Hailey
Reward: Seven system points, height improvement
Time Limit: 97:53:22

Ongoing Quest: Seduce Naomi
Reward: Physical endurance enhancement, two system points

"Well ye shouldn't add the whole package of salt for rice porridge now Hailey."

After answerin' some questions with the policemen, we was sent by our ways now and I got some friends to help may take care miss Caravan since I'm telling ye fellas I dunno how to take care of a woman other than mah momma who ain't sick that usually now. Anyways, our nurse or Madam was here, and also, Hailey came. Ye shud remember her from three days ago, she's one of mah friend livin' in a church outskirt of the city who works a lot near a charity home across from the church she at. Lily Lililith unfortunately can't come cus she got stuff to do back home she said, I appreciated her help a lot though.

"Oh! Is it too salty now? Sorry, sorry!"

Hailey said to may, while cautiously tying her hair back into a knot, she had really long white snowy hair now, and it's bit all around the place like over her shoulder, back and stuff so when we're cooking she got it tied back neatly. Us three were tryin' to cook something for Aoi Caravan now and we decided on rice porridge since it's good for the ill; even tho Aoi ain't sick technically, also because it's Hailey's favorite and it's easy to make, just rice and water. And we don't wanna risk making more mess at someone else's kitchen.

"Hmph... I never thought it was possible for anyone to mess up rice and water." Madam said, sittin' across the room with a brown turtleneck which I don't think is a fit to her pinkish hair now.

Well, ye may wondering why we didn't ask her to help, because we did and it turns out she dunno how to cook either, never touch a pan and spatula before which I did not mind. But on Hailey side, we three all agree that her porridge was to bland now, so when we asked her, could ye add some things like salt and pepper and vegetables and what not. She said yes, when I was cutting the vegetables up she dumped the whole pack, I mean the whole thing into the pot, I almost said holy moly, there is some rice and water in your salt now Hailey. Can't blame her since she's only used to her rice porridge with no additional seasoning besides water and rice.

And then there's me, who cooks sumtime but sure ain't about to salvage this pot, so me and Hailey just kinda exchange a look.

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"Well I suppose... If we remove all the salt and add more water and rice, Aoi shouldn't notice a thing now."

"Oh, that's a scary idea!" Hailey answered, lowering her voice while looking down at the pot 'gain, "What if the miss knows?"

"Yes, Jimmy dear. What would happen if Aoi knows?~"

Next thing I know? Aoi was right behind us with her hands around both may and Hailey shoulders. Smilin' at the both of us, I knew for fact we just been caught red-handed, but Hailey didn't seem to know as she looked back at Aoi, wavin' to her.

"Oh! Hi miss Caravan. We met at the charitable house before! I'm Hailey again, Jimmy's friend."

"Hailey, of course dear, how could I forget such a wonderful face. What were you two trying to do? Oh, hi Madam!"

Aoi asked, slightly kissin' Hailey on her cheek out of nowhere, which startles her a tad bit as she widened her eyes but got over it quick.

"Good evening. Don't mind me, I'm just here to change you and can't leave because the two said I should stay." Madam Nedada answered, giving us a quick nod while flippin' a page from her book from the sofa.

"Oh! Um... We thought we can treat you to something nice when you woke up, so we made rice porridge." Hailey smiles brightly now, pointing at the pot, "But I added a bit too much salt, so Jim suggests we should remove the salt and add more water and rice so the saltiness goes away and you wouldn't know a thing."

Hailey looked over at may, I looked at her, she blinks, I blinks, her lightbulb flicked and she went: "Oh, was I supposed to say that?"

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