Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 31: Chap 31. For Someone You Love | Longer chapter

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Jimmy Evans ran around the whole quarter with top speed, he did not stop for a moment, sweat and tears covered his entire back as his lungs almost exploded. Finally stopping around a corner to take a breather, the young man found himself back at the convenience store while carrying a stack; at least 100 of posters about Aoi Caravan's doom and kindly asked the store owner to dispose of 'em since they're fellas after all. That was when he noticed Lily was having a coffee inside the store, playing on her phone.

"Jim, you're back." She looked over and said.

"Hi there Lily. How's it been now?"

"Nothing much, the view counts are still skyrocketing, but it's at a halt now, thank devil."

"Well I hope everything's fine and dandy now since I need to take myself a breather. How is miss Caravan doin'?"

"She's not answering my texts, must be sleeping."


Aoi Caravan covered herself with a thick coat and arrived in front of an old motel when the sky was just turning orange. No further instruction were given by Peter Mason, so Aoi reached for her phone again, only to get a message notification right away from his number.

I see you, the last room second floor.

Half sober, Aoi looked to the said room and made her way up the old stairs. Upon knocking on the door, she was greeted with Peter Mason; a short, black haired nerdy kid in eyeglasses with a smile Aoi always found unnerving. Peter was never a weird nor tough looking one, he was rather just a friendly student the first time she met him, yet the first moment it got flirty, his true side came out that scared her, it truly unsettled her what kind of stuff he said with a straight face. Now, facing and looking down at the young man who threaten to ruin her life, Aoi Caravan could not say a word, it was sense of... intimidation, overwhelmed.

"Excuse me." She covered her mouth, turning her head away for a slight burp, the hiccup was over but there was still gas in her throat somehow. "Can you take down the website? I'm here like you asked."

"You are not that stupid, do you? Come in and I'll delete it later." Peter said, shaking his head in disappointment, hands behind his back.

"I'm not going to. Just tell me what you need, do you want money? An apology? Do you want me to quit my job?"

"..." Peter paused, he did not answer to Aoi's question, rather he pulled his phone up from behind and start pressing on it while walking inside. "Then I should get on with the leak then."

"No! You— Give me that!" Aoi rushed forward trying to grab onto Peter's shoulder, in which she did and easily was able to grab the phone out of the young man's hand. It was too easily, Aoi must say, it was like taking candy from a baby. But upon looking at the screen, it was just a blank text, telling her to look behind.


Aoi did, to see the door slam shut, she was not alone with Peter.

"So she does have big racks like you promised."


'Where is she? where is she? where is she? where is she?'

Only one thought ran through Jimmy Evan's mind as he furiously dashed through the street around her apartment, store after store, hotels and motels one after another, doors after doors. How could he not see it sooner? That he should at least watch over Aoi when she's not okay, instead of trying to solve the problem on his own. How could he not check on her at least a second sooner when Lily told him she's not responding?

ring renggggg

Lily phone rang, he had borrowed it to contact help. And one person came forward sooner than he thought, he picked it up while still running like hell. It was a very exercising day for Jimmy now.

"My... Naomi thinks a street camera saw, the beauty Aoi going East, a block from her apartment and, Naomi thinks it's where the sun rises? Haha. Naomi wishes you the best a luck, haha."

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"Thanka, now I must go check, seeya Naomi."

He hung up and sprint towards the direction as noted, shops, restaurants, playgrounds, bars, mechanics, graveyards, apartments and everything he came across that direction. It was not when he came across a motel down the street that he asked the front table; but the clerk, not seeing anything good could come out of the heavily sweating young man, told Jimmy that they weren't able to give customer information.

Ties of Fate activated

Jimmy Evans decided to turn around to search where else when someone grabbed him hand; a young woman wearing dress just over her knees looked at him. She had very blonde hair, very male-like and exceptionally relaxed yet sharp eyes, one hand was on a lit cigarette, Jimmy should tell her not to smoke because it's bad for her lungs but he completely forgot it when thinking about searching for the drunken Aoi.

"You are searching for someone?"

"Yes ma'am. My teacher, Aoi Caravan, she wandered off drunk and I'm worried she might done something harmful to herself because she was gonna get fired now. She got long curly brown hair and was wearing a thick coat I heard."

"..." The woman paused for a bit, dragging her smoke, "I saw someone like that going up the stairs, there's like 15 rooms there, good luck."

"Thank you!"

With one simple word, he ran up the stairs and began his search; why must he be in a rush? Jimmy asked himself, now he knows Aoi isn't drowning herself or jumping off somewhere or something, he could take a calmer approach, yet Jimmy kept running. He hastily knocked on the door until voices tell him they're coming, for doors that weren't opening, he slammed into them, for ones that was empty, he also slammed the locks open. Finally, he's at the final, fifteenth room, a man voice said they're coming out, seemingly frustrated like the others he knocked on.

"Sorry kindly for disturbance now, I was just trying to find my tea-"

The door was blocked by a tall, athletic man, but Jimmy accidentally got a peek inside; to his surprise he saw a young, innocent looking man wearing glasses. The same one that waved to him on the second floor of the Mason's property, he was Peter Mason! the one who was going to ruin Aoi Caravan's life, per Lily words. Why is he here? Jimmy thought for a second, now Jimmy was slow, he stared blankly at the door for a good five second... Thinking, Aoi was supposed to be here, but Peter is here, and Peter was the one that tryna ruined Aoi life, then... Then...

"Whoever you are trying to find is not he-"


Jimmy rushed inside, knocking the man guarding on the way.

Inside the 15th room on the second floor of the motel; was used by two 17 years old students, Peter Mason and George Mann. The two had set up a camera stand pointing directly at the bed, the subject of the lens was a half naked 24 years old woman; Aoi Caravan, who laid unconscious and completely topless with her brassiere next to her. The two had choke Aoi unconscious, and was going to enjoy a good filming session where they prepared their masks

Now Jimmy Evans? He knew none of what was going to happen, he saw a camera, he saw Peter, and he saw Aoi sleeping with only her pants on, so he went over, kneeling beside the bed to try and wake her up by shaking her a bit on her shoulder.

"Aoi! Are you okay? Why are you here? Wake up now please, you're scaring me."

"You fucking idiot! He's going to ruin our plan, get him!" Peter screamed, that was when Jimmy turned around to see the other man; George throwing a strike directly at Jimmy's nose.

"Plan?" Jimmy Evans stared blankly, with blood running out of his nostrils.

"Fuck- You are durable." He retracted his fist, this time grabbing Jimmy by his hair to knee up straight at his face again.

"Ye were going to hurt miss Caravan...?"

George looked down, to see his knee was simply block by Jimmy's palm, which he never assumed was possible, in what world does a palm block stronger than a knee striking upwards? The next moment, he only get to see Jimmy's fist flying up his chin, before losing his consciousness out cold.

"Wait no!" What Peter saw, was the silhouette of "just a tall manchild" he never thought would be a threat to his plan, knowing his reputation of wearing a tank top on the first day of school. But Peter was proven wrong when he begged in tears for Jimmy to release him from the choke.

Jimmy made sure Peter stayed in the room while he called the policemen to take on the situation, meanwhile he helped the sleeping Aoi put her clothes back on again... The police asked Peter Mason to take down the website, and ruled Jimmy case as self-defense. Sadly, not much could be charge against Peter Mason nor George Mann, since the two did not release any pictures out yet, nor did they have the chance to record anything, best was assaulting.

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