Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 40: Chap 40. The Alchemist [Special Milestone!]

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Good day now fellas, it's been a few quiet days now and today mah momma made some chocolate chips cookies last night and told may to bring it to school and share it with my friends and what not. I gave one each to all mah classmates, which and gladly they quite enjoyed it but most gotta focus on the upcoming English test which was also not mah best subject so I gotta look forward to that too I suppose. Sadly though, Aoi and Madam was not working today, the nurses office closed for the day which could be a very very huge problem now if sumone were teh fell over and hit their head which could really much happen now!

Anyhow I went to the next class to give one each to Lily and Yuzu since, there was more left excludin' mine since I already had one now. So I think I should visit Hailey on the 11th grade floor now, imma had to tell ye folks, we got three floors to this school, the first floor is for ours 10th graders, then the elevens on the second and then the twelve on the third, then there's the balcony which I think only a few includin' me now got da keys to since it can get real sunny and smelly up there at times for sum reason. But when you know which time to avoid that happenin' then it's all good and a nice place to hang out in mah humble opinion now.

Makin' my way up the 11th grade floor... Only then I noticed that I did not know which class Hailey was in now! O' lord I didn't think this through so I just went lookin' around the whole floor without much thought with a box of cookies on mah hand. That was when I noticed at the end of an hallway now was... strangely, a room... But there was sumthin' off 'bout it that I can't quite put mah finger or fingers on. From just the outside eyes of mine, I can notice that it's real scary, like, there was this odd feeling about it, something scary, I dunno how to describe it better now fellas! But if there's a color for feeling, this thing is darkish purple like darkness itself or sumthin and when I got closer it sent chills down mah spine.

"I really can not sell you my hair! Please stop trying to buy it, Phseu!"

"Hehehaha!!! Are you sure Hailey??? We can make a deal!! I will give you my entire life savings for just a strand or two!!! No, three! Three strands!! Trust me you won't die!! Hahahaha!"

From inside that room, I can notice two people walkin' out now. A girl with very long white hair, and a shorter girl with golden platinum hair, glasses and a lab coat followin' right behind, I could notice right away one was Hailey and the other I'm not so sure now. Hailey sure noticed me straight away and she got all surprised before she went straight towards may to move behind me back, to which I'm assumin' is to hide from the other girl now I guess?

"Oh... Hello Jim! Um- Can you help me tell Phseu Isley she could not buy my hair as an ingredient for her potion, please?"

I didn't know what to answer now for this is very much confusin' to may, that was when the girl in the lab coat lighted up her eyes very bright and sprint like heavens towards us! Which made Hailey let out a huge sound of terrification I must say, I dunno if that's a real word but that's the expression I'll be able to provide for now fellas! But the girl; Phseu I assumed, did not aim for Hailey now she didn't. But rather, she went and look at me up and down, I was a bit tall I must repeat so she casually brought out a chair from the room nearby to stand up and look at me from top down, squeezing my cheek and shoulder on her way which confused me very much now.

New Quest Available:
Seduce Phseu Isley
Reward: 7 system points

Ongoing Quests: 3

"Woohooo!!!! You are perfect!! Here here, drink this!! Hehehaha!!" 

Now lemme tell ye fellas, when she brought out a weird bottle with bright red liquid inside and it was bubblin' from where I could see, I felt quite stupid, like, I did not know why but I replied sure why not even though momma told me to not take stuff from strangers, I should add that that applies especially to these type of drinks. But I take the bottle anyway and look at her now.

"Oh... I think you should think this through, Jim! Um- Phseu's inventions are... Not harmful but... They usually- Um....." Hailey chimed in, worried she tucked onto the hem of mah shirt, but unable to get her words out now.

"Well I suppose I am open to try new things now, but my hands are full, do ye two want these chocolate chips cookie? Momma made it and I wanna share 'ems with ye. My name's Jimmy Evans by the way." I said, lookin' towards the girl in lab coat.

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Next thing I saw was the girl smilin' so big and bright that her teeth was showin', them were quite sharp imma have to comment just out of curiousity. She put her hand on her chest and puffed 'em up real proud while she was introducin' away.

"You are witnessing Phseu Isley!! Also known as the gonna-be greatest apothecary in the field of medicine, alchemy and herbals in this world!! Hehehahaha!!! I would love to tell more but the principle told me not to boast because my stuff are "not licensed" and there for "not legal" just yet!!! But it's okay because the survival rate after drinking is still one-hundred percent!! Drink up Jimmy Evans, I would pay you literally anything to see the effects of this new test potion, hahaha!!"

"..." I could feel Hailey tucked on my shirt tighter.

"Well I dunno now that don't sounds safe, have anyone ever tried these?" I asked.

"This exact thing??? No!! But my past experiments left the consumer burping uncontrollably for 2 weeks straight, grow horn-like features for one day or have flies constantly surround them, hehahaha!! All safe for the name of science!" Phseu answered.

"Oh... You also made David... Um- One of his hand was non-stop fidgeting for the whole class!"

"Them don't sounds dangerous am suppose..." I started scratchin' mah face confused.

"Oh..." Hailey, confused, tried to step between may and the girl in the lab coat while lookin' left and right not knowin' what to say for a moment. "You can... certainly try Phseu's drink, but I don't want you to get hurt."

"Relax~~~~~ Trust me!! It's impossible to die right??? Hehehaha!!" Phseu laughed loudly while jumpin' up and down in front of may.

Well... I shall bring my point back te the previous part. I felt quite stupid, like, I did not know why but I replied sure why not even though momma told me to not take stuff from strangers, I should add that that applies especially to these type of drinks. But I gulp half the bottle down right after noddin' with the two.



In the men's bathroom, I find mahself kneelin' before the toilet bowl and start throwin' up uncontrollably right after that, my stomach ain't aching or anythin', my throat's fine and my chest feels normal, it's just that I start throwin' up without much reason. It was not any normal puke either! Because...

"Why is it pink now!"

It was pink, I did not know how is that even humanly possible! But yes fellas all of my breakfast was pink. The nurse office was not workin' as I mentioned so I had to resort to ask for a day off of school and visit da hospital now, well at least I did shared all my cookies!

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