Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 39: Chap 39. The date between Angel and Devil (technically not clickbait) (2)

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'Okay... Calm down now, just assume everyone around you are stupid.' Lily thought to herself, with her hands rubbing up and down her forehead in disbelief. She looked at the girl in the bear mascot costume and sighed.

"Sorry for yelling, but I said EMO. Not ELMO, don't mixed those up, it insults me." Lily said with her arms crossed.

"Oh, I'm really sorry! Um... I don't know much about everyone's and their culture, but everyone deserves love nonetheless. Whoever you are and whatever you do I believe there's a place for love in your heart, so you shouldn't think you are alone!"

At that point when they were talking, the unnamed girl noticed a kid wearing a cap was staring at her from a distance, so she clumsily kneel down in the big costume and waved him over, the kid tottered over and looked up to her. Lily Lililith observed as the two conversated, noticing that the kid was a bit pale.

"What are you?" He asked.

"Hello there. Oh! I am Mister Brown Bear from Food For The Globe, I am here today to teach you about charities. Do you know what charity is, kid?"

"Is it giving away money?"

"That's correct! Well done!" The girl clapped with her fur paws "Oh! There are tons and tons of people in the world, even young brave ones like you that don't have food to eat, water to drink and so much more things we forgot to appreciate everyday! And we here can help them, not just with money, but also with encouragements, a simple crayon drawing or even a nice handmade gift!"

"But... Does it help them feel less sad?"

As the small chat continued, Lily stood besides with her head down, she took a look at the kid and could noticed a smile forming under those dark eyes as he looked up at the bear mascot in awed. The emo girl was... indeed speechless, she stared blankly at the two for a while, her ears filtering out the sounds but somehow and someway, she could feel something in her. Perhaps today was not a bad day at all, she too, got herself a nice smile.

"And that's how we should always be proud of who we are."

How did the conversation turned out like that? Lily zoned out for far too long that she didn't know how a bear mascot was able to lure a kid into talking about charity then drove it into self-confidence.

The kid opened his arms, the bear did too, and the two shared a nice hug and pat on the back, before the kid stormed off. Lily and the girl watched the silhouette of the kid running towards to hold hands of an older woman, who they assumed was his mom. And took off his cap which was hiding a thinner top, and smile so proudly of who he was.


The girl broke the silent by inviting Lily to sat down on a bench nearby. To which she agreed, just for the mascot to quickly run off somewhere else in a hurry, leaving Lily Lililith a bit confused,

'Did I just get ditched?' She thought to herself.

But just after a minute or so, she came back with two cones of cold treat. One for herself, and one she shared with the emo girl.

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"I don't take gifts." Lily answered, shaking her head in disbelief, thinking that the other girl have not listened.

"Oh! This is not a gift, this is sharing, everything is way more fun and enjoyable when you share it, even ice creams! Please allow me to share it with you!"


Lily did not answer, she stared at the girl blankly, but her hands moved on themselves, carefully taking the treat. Immediately after that, she saw a bright smile behind that fur suit, as if she's just very happy that she was able to share ice cream. The bear then sat down next to Lily and took off her giant head costume, revealing a young girl; around Lily's age, with long white hair and cyan eyes, who was sweating a lot from the mere heat inside.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, I am Hailey!" Hailey waved her paws.

"Lily." She nodded, before taking a bite into the treat she got, "You're lively... How?"

"Oh... Well? Mother always told me to smile, because I can bring other people to smile with me, and it's a helpful medicine, don't you think?"

"If I die, I don't have to take any medicine or waste energy smiling." Lily slowly answered while looking down at the ground beneath them.

"Oh...? What! Don't say that, spit that out, spit! It's bad luck to say that, don't say that, you'll worried me!"

Upon hearing that, Hailey widened her eyes in shock and jumped over to slightly tuck on Lily's arm to shook it back and forth a bit, terrified. To which Lily chuckled, a bit... happy that someone actually cared for her this much after two minutes of conversation.

"Don't mind me... But how old are you, Hailey? You seems quite tall, but too skinny and childish."

"Oh... Am I childish? I get that a lot, it's not a bad thing right? Um... I am 17 and I guess I'm skinny because I can't eat a lot... It hurts my stomach, also I don't eat animal products which gives a lot of muscles I've been told."

'Fuck she's older than me.' Lily paused for a moment, a bit embarrassed, for the last fifteen minutes she thought that Hailey was like 14 or something.

"...? Ice cream have milks in them, that's from a cow."

All of a sudden, Lily can sense Hailey's tongue stop moving, a horrific look appeared on her face and she turned around, eyes wide and exclaimed so loud.


Let's just say, after that point on, Hailey was more concerned of what she put in her diet.

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