Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 5: Chap 5

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To the nurses office we went, she squinted at me in disbelief ye know. She said something along the lines of I had cause her job to quad rumble in a single day. I dunno what that means but quad meant four and I did bring Mary, mineself, that girl from next class and Miss Caravan. That was four ice packs she had tah use.

After such a weird day, I went back home and tried to forget it. That was when I noticed my little johnson was longer, I did not know why, but it were a bad thing now the skin are more easy to get into my zippers and I have to learn how to aim the bowl again! It could have been because of thems board texts in front mine eyes now.

It would be a lot of hours left until mama finish her job and get home. At this time I usually try and do anything useful, I got onto my ol’ reliable bike and bike over to little Tony’s house and was immediately greeted by his dad standing on the front porch.

“Ay, kid, you’re finally here ey?”

Big Tony was wot people might call a redneck, he got toothpicks and he sure knew how to chew on it intimidatingly every time I see him. Every day I would come by his house and borrow tha phone. On his phone was a very useful money makin’ app called Dashing Doors now, I created an account using my face and then with internet miracle I could go on may bike to go and pick up foods from restaurant, give them to someone across town or so that they can’t go because busy and they pay me a part of that money which was also nice.

I rode a few trips until night time and I made sum money, well, three fourth of it I gave to Big Tony because it was his phone after all and I want to help Little Tony get into them fancies college one day, he’s one smart kid and I hope I’m doing my part to help. It was when biking past a convience, convenean, convanie- let me check with mama.

It was when biking past a convenience store and I noticed a familiar face, the short girl from the next class, who were standing outside of it getting yelled at by the man who I knew was store owner. She was wearing her black hoodie as before and her cheeks were done puffed up like she’s annoyed at sumthin.

“Excuse me, sir. What with my friend rite here?” I asked.

“Jimmy.” He nodded simply and crosses his arms like very serious now. “This girl worked for one, one evening only and she already cussed three customers of mine. Get out now.”

“Whatever, I don’t need this job.” She dared to replied that to the owner, before she could turn around I shook my head and careful grabbed her by her hoodie.

“You should not cuss, my momma say the devil will get yer tongue, and apologize to this kind man, please?”

Hand of Midas activated

I did try to avoid accidental grabbing her skin, only her cloth because I don’t wanna the nurse to work more today. But she flinched very hard you see, it was like something just shocked her and she was clenching her teeth really hard to try and resist sumthin.

“I’m sorry, let me go.”

That was when I saw something really surprising! This little girl was tearing up, I also gave my own apology before asking if I can park my bike there and lead the girl somewhere else so she could cry. She did not resist or anything, but she was shaky somehow. I’m sorry, I said, thinking I might have hurted her. Shut up, she answered, which I did and got us a bench nearby to sit down. It was a very awkward silent you see, I was told te shut up, and she was silently stare into that distance which only have a building blocking any good view, maybe I was not the smartest in choosing seat. I really wanna ask her about her love for that puppet show but she didn’t told me to speak yet.

I stood up, wanting to tell her to wait, but I dunno how to do that without speaking, so I put both my hands up and push ‘em in the air to signal the stop sign that the fine policemen usually do in those tvs I saw. Then I rushed to the basket of may bike and got us some really fancy food now, it was a food franchise named after the duck in Mickey Mouse, the order got a Big Mac and a Fillet of Fish, they did not want to pay for the order so I was told to put it in the trash so the Dashing Door app would not punish me for not delivering food. But then I took it out of the trash because it would be a waste to just get rid of food ye know, momma used to hit me on the palm of my hand whenever I left food on the plate, which taught me to eat my vegetables right and I am grateful for her because vegetables are great sources of fiber and green and white onions and stuff.

Both of them was good, because the bin I threw it in was completely clean beforehand and it was still in the big plastic bag with a red and yellow logo spelling two n together to create an m and was secured from any smell as far as my nose could tell.

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I put the two fancy looking boxes of burger next onto our bench between her and mine, and I gently tap on her shoulder with my pinky finger, pointing at them for her to choose. In which she took the bigger one, also called Big Mac, I did wanted that one instead because it seems more beautiful, but I’m glad I could help the girl enough though.

Why are you like this? She asked may, but I couldn’t answer but just stare at her for a while, until she notices and tell me I don’t need to shut up anymore. Like what? I answered. Trying to help me, she said. Well momma told me to, I said, and I loved her so I heard her advice too, I added.

The girl then took a Big bite out of her Big Mac, probably why the name that is, and shook her head, I noticed the part of her dark hair that the hoodie was covering was very messy like no one combing ‘em, I always comb my hair first thing morning because I don’t want em to be itchy now.

“Must be great, your mom loves you.”

“Well, I believe yours love you too!”

She shook her head and aggressively chowing down the burger, prompting may to start doing the exact same with my fish in between buns. I peer over to see with every bite she closed her eyes even tighter and tears started comin’ out now, she pushed that last bite in while I was only one bite in the fish burger, so I gave it to her and she accepted without another word. Though eyes closed tight and water was spillin’ out, I think she may be happy, ye know fellas? It just I knew somehow.


Next thing I knew, her face was pressed against my shoulder and her arms across my chest, a hug, everything today was so strange men. I wus not saying that I mourn my shirt, but there was definitely sum stickies in her nose on my shoulder.

Dominant Aura activated

Lily Lililith seduced.
Quest complete

Reward received:
Body odor improvement
Three system points

“Thank you, I never had anything that tasted good for a while. But stop being nice to me, you will get hurt, I am born to be emo.”

“Well ye can’t just choose that.” I frowned there, “My step brother back at the country also want to be the cookie monster, so we had to rock paper scissors to decide, I won by the way.”

She got frustrated and storms off again, that was very rude of her.

Thank you for choosing us.

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