Mentally Challenged MC Lustful System

Chapter 6: Chap 6

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New update now, I gotta show ye the new place I’d found, turned out the maintenance guy was a real nice fella who got may the keys to the school unused rooftop, can ye believe that? Up there was the best air I breath all day long, I can see Big Tony house if I squint, and I can see a lot of houses I knew! That’s the convenience store there, that’s the gas station and there were more friends I always hang by every day on may bike. I can but it gets lonely very soon, so I invited my friends up so we can have some play time! The problem wus tho, I didn’t have no friends yet only the second day uf school, so there’s only Mary, the girl from next class and Miss Caravan. They were very weirded out when I tell them the story of how I meet each of them tho. Their face were what you’d call pure disbelief as they eyes could pop out the pockets any minute now.

“You can’t tell people that!” All of them said simultaneously while we were sitting down at a picnic cloth momma sewed a few years back ago.

“Wai?” I asked with my mouth opened.

“That would ruins my reputation! And… Oh no, people will know I love it when Jim pinned me down and left me all wet by myself, ah~” Mary Antoinette says, her hands on her cheeks all red like crayons.

“I would be fire and most certainly jailed for life if people finds out I’ve been grooming underage boys… Oh Jimmy dear.” Miss Aoi Caravan continued.

“I didn’t introduce, but call me Lily. Because I am emo, if you dare to tell anyone I shed a tear, I’ll shred your skin and cut your throat.”

“Hello Lily, my name’s Jim. And I think ye don’t mean Elmo right.”

“Of course not, you idiot! Emo, not Elmo. It’s a lifestyle, it’s the darkness that gives me comfort, it’s the dreadful sounds of screaming that soothes my soul. You people will never understand what it means to be like us.” Lily clenched her palm like a cat flexing its nails now.

“Okay, my sincere apology, madam. But please, don’t call me idiot, I be very sad, I don’t like it.” I nodded and replies, which causes Lily to retract a bit maybe surprised, I hope I did not also offend her or none.

“Oh my dear… Your honest is so cute at times.” Miss Caravan charms in and get her hand around my head and next thin’ I knew, my head was being pressed against her breasts now, which was most likely inappropriate I’ve been told.

“With all due respect, miss Aoi Caravan. That is such shameless of you to sexualize your own student like that.” Mary also charms in and hugged my arm, I can feel both of em now. While in mah mind could only thought what momma will say about this.

“Oh dear, so wetting yourself from one touch was not?”

Next thing I know, their glare met each other, it was an aggressive glare like they hated each other or sumthin I’ll tell ye that much. Then I feel a wind, no, a sense that something is in the air or sumthin, people might call it “aura”, the auras of the kings, the conquerors or the rulers. The two widened them eyes and some sort of energy was given out, clashing against each other to split thems clouds above in half. It’s like those Won Peace thingy that lil Tony used to show me right there.

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Next thing I know though, they were silently arguing with them only eyes, I know this because I sometimes did this with the neighborhood stray, I never win since they’ll scratch may eyes.

“JIM!” Both of them yelled at the same time, before sitting right in front of me.

“Which one of us do you like more? You don’t have to say it, just hug me already!” Mary said.

“Honey, I’ll make sure you get into college, just be good and come here~” Miss Caravan opened her arms.

“Well, my momma said when I hug someone, it meant I have to commit to that forever and have to marry her because hugging is a sacred act ye know. But I don’t think I wunna do that rite now because I want to go to school and be friends with more of ye. I love each and one of you and I hope, eh… I hope everyone could be friends too.”

I answers, which causes the both of em faces to turn very red and looks like they were going to get sick very soon. Before they looks at each other and nodded in agreement, I dunno what that is, but their eyes then look at me like they both want to pin me down at once, but glad they did not tho.

“I’m think it’s time for me to go home,” Lily said, fixing her hoodie while looking at the sky above.

“Well, since I can’t initiate teh hug, can I ask Mary and miss Caravan a favor of hugging Lily, may think she could really use ‘em.”

“Wait no, what the hell are you on about- AH!”

Before I could take back my word, Mary and miss Aoi Caravan jumped on Lily and started snuggling her like three cats playing with each others now. Next thing I knew? I was brought in and was smushed against three of mah friends and it was suffocating I’d tell ya that much.

“Oh dear… Jimmy you smell so nice, I wish I could hold you forever, cutie…” Miss Caravan put a kiss on my forehead just like my mom’s. Which confused may.

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