Meow Mix-Up

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 – Fur-miliar Feelings

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Kyle woke up feeling rather hung over. His eyes weren’t really open when he rolled out of bed and fell the short distance to the floor. He wandered toward the bathroom on instinct and muscle memory, not even bothering to turn on the light as he approached the toilet. He tugged up the front of his shirt, momentarily distracted by how long it took to pull his shirt up to his waist, then proceeded to push down the front of his…

His eyes opened wide in surprise. There were no pajama pants. There were no boxers. There was no penis. He found himself looking down at his groin in mute shock. Where there had previously been a respectable, if not remarkable, pillar of manhood there was now only a silky patch of neatly trimmed black pubes. He pushed his hand down a little farther… OH.

Well, that’s different. Not being a complete idiot and having a fair idea how human female bodies work, he proceeded to turn around and plant his pert little bottom on the toilet seat with his tail coiled around his hip. Having relieved himself, he wiped as he had seen his girlfriend do a number of times, then stood up to wash his hands. It was a bit of an awkward reach. He practically had to stand on his tip-toes to reach the liquid soap dispenser on the back of the counter. This was the complete opposite of the way he used to have to hunch over like Quasimodo to give his hands a good scrub. His tail swished in mild annoyance as he dried his hands.

Kyle stared at his reflection in the mirror. The face that was reflected had a tiny bit of an uncanny valley quality to it, the eyes being just a bit larger than you’d see in a normal person of this size. But they were very large and very green. In the low light reflecting in from the sunny hallway, he could actually see the reflection from his retinas through his huge pupils. The nose was cute, small, rather button-like. He bared his teeth at the mirror and noted that, incisors aside, all of his teeth were sharp and pointed. That was weird. Kinda cute, though. His black hair was tousled from sleeping, but he was able to quickly smooth it down with his fingertips. The ears were the most intriguing part. If he focused on it, he could make them move around on his own. Swivel. Twitch. Lay back. He was in the process of learning to move the ears individually when his left ear pointed into the hallway of its own volition.

“Kyle? Are you awake?” Morgan’s voice called from the bedroom. She had likely just awoken to find the bed empty. “Where are you, babe?”

“I’m in the bathroom!” Kyle replied, cringing a bit at the strange way his voice sounded in his own ears. “I look weird! And I sound weird, too!”

Morgan slowly walked into the bathroom and flicked the light on. “Well, you definitely look different, but I wouldn’t exactly say weird. If anything, you’re fucking adorable.” Kyle's cheeks colored at the compliment. “And as for your voice? I can’t exactly imagine you having your old voice in that body. Your new voice suits the way you look. But if it bothers you, there’s some videos on YouTube about voice training,” Morgan said matter-of-factly.

“Okay, sure, but like… I feel like I’ve been erased? Like, the whole person I was just disappeared.” Kyle waved at his reflection in the mirror. “See? That’s not Kyle. That’s some creepy cat girl.”

“Listen here,” Morgan stated, pulling Kyle’s face toward her with one hand. “The body isn’t who you are. The person you are? That’s a collection of electrical signals trapped inside a blob of fatty nerve cells piloting a meat mech suit. Those signals are unique. Those signals are you. And those signals are the person I fell in love with.”

Kyle smiled despite himself. “That’s the grossest, sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me!”

“We’re just getting started, love. I’m sure I can come up with more extreme compliments in the years to come!” Morgan replied cheerily. “Now give me some space unless you want first-hand experience with chemical warfare.”

Knowing full well the unholy terrors that lived within his girlfriend’s colon, Kyle darted out the bathroom door and into the living room. There, he found himself staring at Morgan’s altar in silent fascination. Whereas before, he often found himself thinking about his girlfriend’s spirituality in terms of the abstract, now he was living proof that forces outside of human understanding were at work in the universe. It was a bit unsettling. Although he was agnostic, open to the possibility that there was a higher power at work, finding irrefutable proof that not just one, but perhaps many belief systems, may be equally valid was more than a bit overwhelming. He found himself focusing on the statue of Bastet.

“Thank you,” he mumbled sincerely, despite the confusing frustration of his current body. “But I have to ask… wouldn’t it have been just as easy to make me a cat boy instead of a cat girl?”

“Now, that wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining for us,” Sekhmet’s voice rang out from the proximity of her statue. “We don’t get to rampage and mess with mortals as much as we used to, so we have to have some fun where we can.”

Kyle was in the process of formulating a most ungrateful response when Bastet spoke up. “Do not take Sekhmet’s words at face value. Even we have rules to which we must abide. To grant you life beyond your fated years, a price was paid.”

Letting that information sink in, Kyle went ahead and lit some incense. “This isn’t just for you, y’know,” he said somewhat abashedly. “Trust me, I’m going to benefit from this, as well.”

Morgan opened the bathroom door. “Babe, what did we eat for dinner last night? I think I just violated a national treaty or something!”

“Thank you,” both statues said in unison. Kyle just grinned and wafted the incense around the altar.

“So, I think we need to discuss a few things,” Morgan said, flopping on the couch.

Kyle snorted. “Ya think?”

Morgan smiled warmly. “Well, to start with, love, as much as I love seeing your cute little bum under that shirt we need to get you some clothes that fit.”

Doing a little spin, Kyle put his hands on his hips. “What, ragamuffin chic isn’t your thing?”

“Babe, eventually you’re going to have to go outside,” Morgan replied. “We’ll need some clothes that actually fit your body and… maybe a couple ideas to hide or disguise your ears? Then we need to figure out a whole host of other things like your identification and stuff. And work.”

Kyle laughed incredulously, “There is legitimately no way I can keep my job in this body. Who is going to take me seriously as an on-site computer technician looking like this?”

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“One thing at a time, babe,” Morgan said reassuringly. “For right now, let’s focus on the immediate.” She stood up and stepped toward Kyle, looking down into his eyes. “I can throw together a few things for now, but you’re going to have to go with me to the store so we can get you some clothes. Which means we need to figure out how that tiny body of yours is going to drive our Subaru because I can’t drive a stick!”

“Hey, it’s not my fault your Focus got totalled,” Kyle said with a cheeky grin.

Morgan leaned down and licked the tip of Kyle’s nose. “It’s not mine, either, you ass! I got t-boned by a Jeep with a trailer, if you don’t remember!”

Kyle wrapped his arms around Morgan’s waist and gave her a hug, resting his head on her chest. “I’m trying to make jokes, but, like, I’m actually really scared.”

“I know. This is a huge change. But we’re together, we’ll get it sorted,” Morgan assured him. “Besides, we get to explore all sorts of new and interesting things we can do together!”

“Like what?” Kyle asked.

Morgan reached behind her back, grabbed Kyle’s wrists, and pulled them over his head. He didn’t really resist at all, looking adoringly into her eyes. Morgan then pulled Kyle’s arms down behind his back, pinning them in place with her hands as she kneeled down and used her lips to brush at Kyle’s nipple through the thin fabric of the t-shirt. Kyle shuddered as he felt an unfamiliar tingle in his groin.

“Oh shit what was that?” Kyle asked breathlessly.

“That was just a taste of some of the fun we can have with your new body, my dear. All the things you’ve done for me, I can now do for you. And so much more,” came Morgan’s husky reply. “I know you like it when I’m on top.”

Kyle let out a plaintive mewling sound. His body felt very warm and giving over control like this felt so very different from this perspective. Still, he wasn’t ready for this, yet. It was too soon. He still hadn’t really accepted this body as himself. “Mo, I’m… I’m not sure about this. I mean, psychologically, I’m male, y’know? I’m worried I’ll lose some sense of myself if we do things like that right now.”

Morgan leaned further down, trailing her nose down Kyle’s tummy, nuzzling the belly button. “Seriously, Mo, shouldn’t we be getting dressed to go out? We don’t have time for sexy stuff right now!” His voice was rising in pitch with the level of his anxiety. He tried pulling his hands free from Morgan’s grip, but she was holding tight as her nose continued further down between Kyle’s legs.

In a final fit of desperation, Kyle cried out, “Okay, but not here! It’s wrong to do something like this in front of your altar! I don’t want the Goddesses to see!”

Morgan righted herself to face the statues on the altar. “What do you say, ladies?”

“I don’t mind. You’re welcome to keep going,” Bastet replied candidly.

With a bit more eagerness, Sekhmet said, “No no, please keep going! I wouldn’t want to miss this!”

“Well, it’s not like you actually need the statues to see anything, right?” Morgan said with a sly grin.

“True, but if you do it here, it’s like a ritual in our honor!” Sekhmet declared.

Kyle’s eyes darted back and forth between the statues and Morgan’s half-lidded eyes and carnivorous smile. “I still don’t think I’m prepared for this!” he whined.

Morgan released his arms and stood the rest of the way. “Nah, you’re right!” she said with a bright smile. “There’s no time for this, we should get ready to go to the store!” And with that, she casually walked down the hallway toward the bedroom.

With the pressure released, Kyle dropped to his knees in front of the altar, his ears pinned back and a scowl on his face. “Oh my god, you fucking tease!” There was an intensely warm, tingling sensation spreading from his groin down his thighs and he noticed a bit of a slick sensation. Which was worse? Dealing with being this horny or getting fucked right in front of the altar?

“You’re welcome to finish on your own,” Sekhmet said helpfully.

Kyle clambered to his feet and stalked to the bedroom. “You’re all terrible.”

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