Meow Mix-Up

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – A Bad Cattitude

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‘Clothing’ consisted of a pair of shorts with a drawstring to cinch them around the waist, a pair of oversized flip-flops, and one of Morgan’s t-shirts that fit a bit largely, but was much better than one of Kyle’s t-shirts. As for the ears, Morgan had cut holes into a bandana to create a sort of crude headband that fit around them. It wasn’t terribly convincing, but it was the best they could do on short notice. Hopefully people just thought she was an adorable cosplayer.

Kyle attracted more than a couple curious looks for neighbors, but they weren’t particularly social with them so nobody bothered to inquire about the “new roommate.” As the pair descended the stairs to the parking lot, Kyle was thinking about what could be done to accommodate his much shorter height in the car.

First thing’s first! He used the power seat options to move the seat pretty much all the way forward and up to its maximum height. He slipped into the driver’s seat and noticed with dismay that the pedals were just out of reach, but he could handle the gear stick pretty well. But then he couldn’t see over the steering wheel. He adjusted the height on the steering wheel down but still needed a bit of a boost.

“Does anyone use phone books anymore? I feel like we could use one,” Morgan said with a grin.

Kyle stuck his tongue out and pulled the back hatch release. There wasn’t a lot he could use, but he did find an extra seat cushion that could provide a bit of vertical boost. That just left the pedals. He looked at the flip-flops on his feet. It was doubtful he could find anything he could just strap to the shoes. But maybe he could find something that could attach to the pedals? He rummaged around and found some twine and a set of four rubber wheel chocks.

This wasn’t gonna be pretty, but it should work.

Morgan provided light chatter about the local news and random happenings from Facebook and Twitter while Kyle set to work with the crudest vehicle modification that didn’t involve duct tape. Eventually, three of the four wheel chocks had been secured to the pedals with enough twine to hold them firmly in place. He hopped up in the seat, punched the clutch, and started the car. 

It was incredibly awkward going, at first, but eventually Kyle got the hang of driving the car with the wheel chocks and booster seat. He made a few trips around the parking lot to be sure it was safe while Morgan waited near their assigned parking space cheering him on. When he pulled back in, he had a smug smile on his face.

Kyle rolled down the window. “Hey, pretty lady. Going my way?”

Morgan rolled her eyes and jumped in the car. “We’re just getting some super cheap basics, so why don’t we head to Target?” 

Kyle grimaced. “Alright. But you need to make a list on the way there so we don’t end up spending a fortune on things we don’t need!” he said as he put the car in reverse. 

“Why, whatever you say, sweetheart!” Morgan replied with a smile.

Kyle had never realized just how huge other people were. As a former giant himself, it was easy to forget just how intimidating people over 5’ 10” could be when you were more than a foot shorter. And with virtually all men being around that height or taller, he suddenly had a very different view of men. Mostly their chins. 

Shoppers were very curious about the tiny woman with feline features. It turned out Kyle couldn’t actually wear sunglasses to hide his eyes because he had no human ears for the arms of the glasses to rest upon. As a result, he kept his eyes turned down and did everything in his power to keep his ears from twitching or moving. 

Interestingly, they did not go directly to the clothing section. Instead, they found their way to crafts and office supplies and procured a tailor’s tape. Morgan quickly and expertly took several measurements of her now-diminutive boyfriend and nodded satisfactorily. “Yep, you’re tiny as fuck. Let’s get you some clothes, Kitten.”

Kyle made a sour face in response to that. “It’s one thing when Bastet does it, but now you’re calling me that, too?”

“Well, I can’t exactly call you by your name, here, can I?” That sly smile of hers was getting under Kyle’s skin a bit.

“You’re talking directly to me! You don’t need to say my name at all!” Kyle snapped, his tail bristling with his irritation.

A middle-aged woman passing nearby smiled and said, “They’re so difficult when they’re that age, aren’t they?” to Morgan in a somewhat patronizing tone. “Is she your little sister?”

Kyle was reaching the limit of his patience. He spun around to face the woman and stomped his flip-flopped foot. “No! I’m 26 years old!” Kyle pointed at Morgan dramatically. “And that’s my girlfriend!”

Morgan moved to lay a hand on Kyle’s shoulder reassuringly. “I’m sorry for the outburst, ma’am. She’s right, I’m her girlfriend. She recently lost a lot of her clothes and personal items in an accident, so we’re here to replace them and I might have been teasing too much.”

The woman frowned, assessing the pair, before reaching into her wallet and withdrawing a gift card. “You poor thing! Here, I won this in a raffle, but I don’t really need it for anything. You can use it!”

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Kyle was about to refuse it, but Morgan accepted it. “Thank you so much. I know she would probably let her pride keep her from accepting it, so I’ll do it on her behalf.”

Smiling the woman nodded. “By the way, I think those ears and tail are adorable! My daughter does cosplay and she would love to know how you made them! Do you have a YouTube channel?”

Kyle’s face had gone crimson. “Uh, no, I’m not really active on social media or anything,” he fibbed. He paused for a moment, considering how to proceed. “Thank you, ma’am. I’m sorry for lashing out.”

“Oh, don’t worry. My daughter’s not much younger than you, so I’m used to it. Girls can get a bit moody, sometimes. But thank you for the apology!” And with that, the woman waved and continued with her shopping.

Kyle’s shoulders slumped and his ears and tail drooped. “Okay, seriously, why is everything getting on my nerves? Why am I so irritated?”

Morgan pulled him into a hug. “I’d think that’s pretty obvious, love. Your body is dramatically different from the one you’ve been used to since puberty and now your hormones have suddenly inverted. I’d be more surprised if you were completely even-keeled.”

“Oh, shit, I didn’t even think of that!” Kyle said, smacking a hand to his forehead. “My body might be used to this, but my brain isn’t.” He looked up into Morgan’s eyes. “I am so sorry for anything that happens while my brain adjusts to my hormones.”

“You say that now. But wait until you have your first period.”

Kyle’s face went pale. “Okay, I’m really not looking forward to that.”

Morgan continued to hug Kyle and looked into his face thoughtfully. “Maybe you’ll go into heat, instead?”

“What? No! I’m not some household pet!” Kyle protested. 

“Oh, I don’t know. I bet we could find some cute things in the pet section that would fit you!” Morgan teased playfully.

Kyle threw pulled away from the hug and folded his arms across his chest with a defiant expression. “We’re here to buy underwear and basics and go home.”

“Fine, fine, we’ll get the kinky shit later,” Morgan said dismissively. Let’s find some stuff for petite little cuties like you!”

They had quickly gathered some essentials - panties, socks, a few bralettes because Kyle refused to wear an actual bra, and then they ran into a problem. At Kyle’s height, it was easier to find children’s clothing that fit than it was to locate anything geared towards teenagers or adults. So it was that they had to mix and match a few things. They focused mostly on skirts and dresses because it was easier to accommodate the tail, although they did find a few pairs of low-rise shorts that would work. Pants were just right out without a lot of customization. Tops were a bit easier - there were a number of extra-small t-shirts that fit well enough as well as some tank tops and camisoles. One item that stood out, however, was an oversized gray hoodie with black cat ears on the hood. Morgan insisted Kyle had to have that one. Lastly, they found some shoes… in the children’s section. A pair of bluish-teal sneakers, a pair of sandals, and, at Morgan’s behest, a pair of black mary janes.

For now, they decided Kyle could continue to wear his old t-shirts for sleepwear, so that wrapped up the immediate needs on their list. After balking a bit at the total cost of the adventure, Kyle zipped through a drive-thru for a lunch of burgers and fries, astounded that he couldn’t finish his usual order of a Half-Pounder with Cheese and Bacon, large fries, and large cola. He just shook his head sadly at the wasted food, tossing the fries to the ever-present pigeons. At least he could save the rest of the burger for later.

At long last, they had returned home. It took more effort than normal to unload the car, as Kyle could no longer just grab literally all of the bags and haul them upstairs. Morgan and Kyle split the haul and still had to make a second trip to get everything into the apartment.

Once they were settled, Morgan ordered Kyle, “In the bedroom. You’re not running around in that outfit a second longer than you have to. I want to see you in your own clothes.”

Kyle whined. “I feel like you have an ulterior motive, here!”

Morgan smiled and pulled her cell phone out of her hip bag. “Pictures!”

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