Meow Mix-Up

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – The Purrfect Name

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After a couple rounds of pictures, Kyle was feeling a bit anxious. For all intents and purposes, they were having a fashion show while they were supposed to be sorting out what Kyle was going to do about work. Apparently, it was showing in the pictures, because Morgan set the phone aside and waved Kyle over to the couch to sit down with her. “Come here, baby. Talk to me. What’s on your mind?” she asked.

Kyle sat on the couch next to Morgan and leaned his head on her shoulder. “Work. We can’t afford our place if I’m not working, y’know? But how am I going to show up for on-site computer work looking like this?”

“Well, how about you use some PTO while we explore some other revenue options?” Morgan asked. “I mean, you were already complaining that you were tired of the driving and the grind.”

“Okay, but what could I even do? I mean, all I know is computers and video games and maybe a bit of arts and crafts stuff. The only thing marketable out of all that is the computers, and have you seen what happens to girls in tech? They have to work three times as hard to be taken half as seriously!” Kyle complained with a heavy sigh. 

Morgan picked her phone back up and showed some of the pictures to Kyle. “I think you’re missing a golden opportunity, my love. We have the world’s only 100% legit cat girl fashion model. And you could probably make a killing live-streaming as the world’s most photorealistic V-tuber. I mean, look at you. You’re fucking adorable.”

Kyle looked up at Morgan. “You really think so? I don’t look like a freak?”

“Like I said, I love you for you,” Morgan murmured, slipping her face down to nuzzle Kyle’s neck.

Goosebumps rose all over Kyle’s body as Morgan began gently nibbling his neck, shifting her torso around so that her arms could wrap around Kyle’s petite body. Surprised, Kyle found himself purring loudly as his cheeks tickled pink. The nibbling was gentle, Morgan was just using her lips to lightly pull at the sensitive skin at the nape of the neck. It was almost as though his body had turned to gelatin. He felt himself flop prone upon the seat of the couch, warmth spreading throughout his body.

Morgan snaked a hand up Kyle’s shirt, gently cupping his left breast, the thumb playfully flicking across the nipple under the bralette. Kyle’s breath caught in his throat, startled by the stimulation. He found himself hungrily seeking Morgan’s lips, desperate for the contact of a kiss. Their teeth clashed gently as their lips found each other, their tongues working around for purchase. Just when Kyle thought he couldn’t take the stimulation from the nipple teasing anymore, Morgan shifted herself to straddle Kyle’s lithe form, using her other hand to offer the same treatment to the right breast.

Sense had completely left Kyle’s head. He was completely caught up in the moment and he found himself moaning, craving more more touch, more stimulation. He could feel a tingling between his legs, a sensation somewhere between an itch and a tickle, that desperately wanted… something. Kyle found himself pressed against the couch as Morgan suddenly shifted one of her hands to pin both of his above his head. With her other hand, she lifted up his t-shirt and his bralette to expose his breasts. She growled as her tongue darted out to flick his bare nipple, twisting around it before she would suck on it for a moment.

The tension was more than Kyle could bear. He felt his body size up suddenly as an explosion of tingly release worked its way up from his groin. He let a loud cry, and felt his face go even redder when he realized how pornographic his voice had sounded just then. Was that really him? But Morgan wasn’t done. She was on a mission.

As she continued to tease his breast with her tongue, her other hand lifted up his skirt and began to gently massage the damp mound at the front of his panties. When she hit just the right spot, he would sometimes gasp, sometimes moan. But it all felt so incredibly good.

“Do you want release?” Morgan whispered from his chest, her tongue quickly resuming his trek across his nipple. “Do you want me to get you off even more, baby?”

Kyle bit his lip, so deep in the throes of his arousal that stopping now had never even occurred to him. “Please,” he begged. “Please help me finish!”

Morgan grinned and slipped her hand into the front of his panties, exploring the depth of his feminine folds until her fingers found what they were looking for. Kyle cried out in surprise, the sensation so much more intense than he had expected. 

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Morgan asked.

“Yes,” Kyle panted. “Please, don’t stop!”

With expert technique, Morgan’s finger danced around his moist nub, tickling, teasing, rubbing. As she experimented with the rhythm that worked best for Kyle, he found himself lifting his hips, aching for the pressure and the touch. His moaning increased in intensity with each thrust until finally… finally his entire body seized up and waves of lustful bliss wracked his small body. He trembled with the force of the full orgasm, his voice lost as his throat locked up, only a squeak breaking from his lips.

After a few moments, Kyle recovered enough to process words again. He was still breathing heavily but managed a contented smile. “Where did that come from, Mo?”

Morgan sat up, squirming a bit. “Well, you looked uncomfortable and sad and a bit too inside your head… so I figured I’d do for you what works for me.”

Kyle continued to lie on the couch. “Baby, I want to reciprocate, but I don’t know if I can move…?” He laughed a bit. “Does it always feel like that?”

“Only when you’re really attracted to the person you’re doing it with,” Morgan replied. Her smile was carnivorous. “It works best when both parties are really attracted to each other.”

“I just mean… like… an orgasm as a guy is more of a one and done kinda thing, y’know? I’m STILL feeling aftershocks from, like, the middle of my thighs up into my belly!” He managed to lift himself up to look at his girlfriend. “So what can I do for you as thanks? Oh, my head feels a bit swimmy…”

Morgan just shook her head. “How about you work a little strip tease for me while I use this?” she said, retrieving the Magic Wand vibrator from the end table.

“Wait, why is that in there, of all places?!” Kyle asked suddenly.

“Well, sometimes, when I can’t sleep and you’re already passed out, I sneak out here and…”

Kyle’s ears drooped and his eyes went large as a pout grew upon his lips. “You… you have sexy fun times without me?”

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Morgan laughed. “Babe, you’re asleep! What do you want me to do, wake you up to get me off?”

“Yes!” Kyle replied emphatically. “I don’t care if I’m out like a light and snoring up a storm, please wake me up for sexy times!”

Morgan bounced the vibe on her shoulder as she gave it some thought. “Okay, how about this? I use the vibe and you put that cute little tongue of yours to work on these?” she said, using one arm to lift her shirt up over her head. She had opted not to wear a bra, today.

Kyle’s tail swished excitedly. “Yes, ma’am!”

It was nearing 5:00pm when the two of them had finally finished exploring Kyle’s new body. As they lay on the couch, both naked and exhausted, the little hairs on the back of Kyle’s neck were standing on end and he felt like he was being watched. He looked around the room only for his eyes to fall on the statues of Bastet and Sekhmet on the altar.

“Were you watching?” He asked of the goddesses in an accusatory tone.

“Was that not a ritual to thank us for our blessing?” Bastet asked coyly.

“Truly an enjoyable performance. I look forward to your next offering,” Sekhmet stated with a purr.

Kyle snuggled up next to Morgan, his head resting on her shoulder just below her jaw. “I have a really weird question, and I’m not sure if anyone here, goddesses included, can answer it.”

Morgan reached around Kyle and patted his head reassuringly, gently scratching between his ears. “What is it, babe?”

“Shouldn’t I be experiencing some kind of dysphoria? Like… aside from being ridiculously short, this body hasn’t been a shock for me at all. If anything, I feel right at home. Even the sex and the pampering have been … well, pretty damned great?” Kyle closed his eyes and let out a long breath. “I don’t remember feeling dysphoric in my old body, either. Did I just… not have a gender? Is there something wrong with me?”

It was Bastet that spoke up. “Aside from breeding purposes, cats generally don’t have a concept of social gender roles. They simply exist and act as they wish. It is possible you may have inherited some of that mindset from Luna when she joined with you. It is also possible that the lack of defined social gender roles in your relationship has prevented you from feeling this discomfort.”

Kyle frowned. “Okay, but like, what about this body in general? I have cat ears, teeth, eyes, and a tail. These all feel like the most natural thing in the world to me. I’ve never desired these things. I’ve never lain in bed thinking ‘Wow, I wish I was a cat girl!’” His tail began to twitch with agitation as he pondered these things. “I actually enjoyed being tall, but I have no qualms at all with being tiny, other than the inconvenience. I feel like I… lost something of myself?”

“I can’t say I completely understand human gender roles. But if I had to guess, I’d say that yours has always been fluid and you’ve found ways to express that to your satisfaction,” Sekhmet offered. “Although, from my perspective, you seem to be more suited to your current form than your previous one. As you were before, you were like a soul stretched too thin across a large frame.”

“How long have you been watching me?” Kyle asked.

“Our eyes have been on you since you and Morgan began to cohabitate,” both goddesses said in unison.

“Okay, can you not do that talking-at-the-same-time thing? It’s super unsettling,” Kyle admitted.

“Kyle! Those are goddesses!” Morgan admonished with a light bop on the head.

“Chloe,” the cat girl said suddenly.

“Hmm?” Morgan responded, unsure what the name meant.

“Kyle’s a silly name for a cat girl. Call me Chloe.”

Morgan assessed her partner for a moment and nodded. “Okay, Chloe. Do you have a choice of pronouns?”

Chloe shrugged. “Eh, whatever.”

Morgan pursed her lips. “Bastet, Sekhmet, please recognize my partner Kyle as Chloe going forward.”


Bastet chuckled. “Welcome to the clowder, Chloe.”

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