MHA: Birth of the Sword King

Chapter 2: Chapter 1 – Chon’sin Sword Demon

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In the slums of Chon’sin, life is filled with strife and pain for everyone. Hunger, thirst, drugs, homeless, lawless. These are the words that come to mind when mentioning the slums of Chon’sin. Villages are  not much better as they are forced to be on alert all the time as a villain could attack the villages of Chon’sin and the “government” would not help in any way even if a village was wiped from existence.


This was commonplace in the modern day Chon’sin. It all began when the world changed and quirks became commonplace around the world. Not able to keep up with the rapid changes, the Chon’sin royal family lost all control and led to the rise of the Yakuza and villains to take control over the country. Eventually it was take back by the Chinese and treated in a similar way as Taiwan. It was independent but not really.


With crime being so common in Chon’sin, the people in the slums were forced to fight in order to survive. The once proud country where it was apart of their culture to become strong and follow the path of the sword, are now becoming stronger just so they can eat. That is the modern day Chon’sin.


Ever since it fell, it was a common rule that those with the strongest quirks would survive the longest in the slums, but one boy was determined to prove that wrong. Lon’qu, a young 7 year old boy, spent his entire life in the slums. It was very common to see orphans on the streets begging for food or stealing or scavenging for food however, a lot of kids with their strong quirks would always be the ones in charge and anyone who dared to scavenge, beg or steal in their territory would be taken care of. Lon’qu had no influence as his quirk was not a power type, however Lon’qu was determined to make up for that with his strength.


Lon’qu had no memories of parental love, he had no friends. The only thing he had was a Bokken he found at a martial arts dojo. He was always picked on because he had no quirk and was being treated as a pest by his peers in the slums. But when he found that wooden sword, his life changed forever. He knew right then and there that he wanted to become strong, just like the old legends of the great swordsmasters of Chon’sin.


Not caring at all for the fact he stole it, he began to swing it every single day. He would always go to his hiding spot where he hid all of his stuff that he didn’t want to be stolen in a forest outside of the slums, and in his little camp, he would swing his sword and build muscles. He had no teacher and he knew nothing of swordsmanship, however he felt that his instincts were telling him what he must do to become a swordsman.


He spent the next months swinging the wooden sword, lifting rocks, even while doing the chores for the leaders of the slums, which was usually running errands for them and scavenging, he would tie weights to his arms and legs and increase his strength. However, because his training was so intense, most times he would always be late when finishing his errands for the leaders and it would result in him getting beat up. However, he was determined to become stronger. And like that, he continued his hellish training in order to make a body that can keep up in this cruel world. And with that, Lon’qu became 8 years old.


His muscles where now more defined, his face had become sharper and he was taller now. However, his biggest issue was malnutrition and that was what held him back. With more confidence in his strength, he decided that he would challenge the leaders of the slums and get more food so he can continue his training.


Lon’qu had to play the good soldier for the leaders of the slums. He had to eat and the best chance to get food was to either work, which for a kid his age was almost impossible, or to work for the leader of the slums. The slums was a wild place where strength determined rank and during his training, Lon’qu had a low rank and thus got maybe a piece of moldy bread while the leaders got better food. Thus why Lon’qu had to beat the leader.


“Boss, that bastard Lon’qu is looking for a challenge!” said one of the underlings of the leader.


“…Let him in.”


In this abandoned warehouse in the slums of Chon’sin, the slum leader resides along with his top followers and his job is to keep order in the slums, but that was only a front. He was the strongest so he had the better accommodations. His quirk allowed him to create a water jet that could rock. He used that power to get water for his followers and as Chon’sin was a place of poverty, drought was an issue, especially for those in the slums. As such, he gained a huge following and nobody would question him as they would lose their water source.


However, Lon’qu abhorred this man as he was a tyrant who would watch as everyone starved to death if they did not become his dog. He had to play the good soldier for all his life, but now he was going to fight.


Armed with his bokken, Lon’qu was being glared at by the other slum rats as they thought another brave guy would die today. This was not the first challenge as many coveted the leader position, however the current leader was a man who has been the one in control for many years, even in Lon’qu’s earliest memories. His quirk would take the water out of the air and pressurize it and depending on how much stamina he uses the more pressure the water would come out with. This led to him creating a strong weapon that could severely damage someone. However, after many years of challenges he left it up to his subordinates to end the rebellion of the other slum dogs as he thought it was below him. However, he had never been more wrong in his life as today he would meet his match.


Lon’qu entered his chambers and with cold, dead eyes that exuded an intimidating pressure, large muscles covered in scars, covered in torn rags for clothes, carrying a worn out bokken that looked like it could break at any time. The past year changed him. He had been forced to work for the leader and take his beatings as he could slack on his training. He also regularly challenged his fellow slum dogs and with their quirks and his swordsmanship he would fight them. He lost 9/10 times in these battles for the first 2 months of his intense training. However after every loss, he would look at their fighting style and shadow fight at his camp where he would envision the battle and further hone his swordsmanship.


He eventually started losing less and less and he started to feel that his swordsmanship was at least starting to somewhat shape. He needed to beat the leader and get better equipment and resources and thus after a year of training, fighting and suffering, he felt he could at least beat the leader and his dogs.


“Hello leader…” said Lon’qu in a cold voice.


His voice was cold and caused a shiver to run down the spines of everyone in the room. Lon’qu was different. It was almost half a year after he had stopped doing errands for the leader and he came back all of a sudden a lot stronger. For an 8 year old to cause teenagers to shiver was humiliating and the leader was pissed off that this rat could dare to act like this.


As he sat on his little throne, trying to pretend to be a king, he couldn’t help but think about how this little guy got so strong so fast.


“Kill him!” yelled the leader


His 4 cronies surrounded Lon’qu, attempting to ambush him. Lon’qu gripped his bokken tighter, watching as they get ready to activate their quirks. Lon’qu never learned the names of the 4 cronies nor did he care, he just thought of them as his next victim.


Their quirks were not special quirks, but they shouldn’t be underestimated as the leaders quirk isn’t a rare one but his application was great. One conjured a green fire, another created strong sounds with his claps, the other could harden himself and the fourth could make chains.


“Let’s wrap this up. I want to kick your leaders ass. You idiots are not even a threat anymore.” Lon’qu said not hiding his disgust



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The four goons were pissed off, and immediately Lon’qu felt a chain wrap around his leg and he could see the chains alight with green flames. Lon’qu instantly felt a hot sensation on his legs and realized these green flames are very quick to spread. He then saw the guy with the hardening quirk rush him with the clapping guy prepared to do his super clap.


However, Lon’qu has seen enough.


“So slow…” Lon’qu said as he watched them do their little joint attack. His reaction time and instincts became superior to most because of his quirk [6th sense]. It gives him a 6th sense making sneak attacks practically impossible and it also gave him sharp instincts, and that combined with his year of hellish training made it so his perception became massively enhanced.


He immediately pulled on the chain with the strength of his arm, making the chain man come into his range and with his other arm which was holding the bokken, jabbed him swiftly in the adams apple causing the guy to start gasping for air in agony. He immediately rushed to the fire guy and swung down on his temple causing him to fall unconscious immediately.


He then felt the tingling on his spine, which meant danger was approaching and he swiftly dodged as a sound wave made by the clap blasted by him putting a massive crater in the wall beside him. The hardening guy then entered his range and was cut with a horizontal cut that was faster than the average eye could see. And immediately after he performed that slash, he dashed towards the clapping guy who was wincing because he hurt his hands with that clap, but before he could see that his companions were defeated, he saw a blur appear in front of him and then he felt a great force hit his liver before collapsing in agony.


While this was happening, the leader watched as this occurred within 20 seconds, and felt that he would have a hard time fighting him. He didn’t understand how someone could become this skilled in a year but the scars on Lon’qus arms was enough proof to understand that he must have trained like a madman without any mercy all this time.

He knew he needed to stop this and immediately shot out his strongest water jet, which Lon’qu dodged with ease as if predicting he would attack at that moment.


“You got strong kid…but its not enough.”


“…we’ll see.”


They stared each other down. Both extremely skilled. The leader had been fighting much longer than Lon’qu and learned how to fight at an early age. However, he had gotten cocky and believed no one would dare take his place, however he failed to believe that someone crazy like Lon’qu would appear and push his body to the absolute limits and break those limits.


Lon’qu rushed towards the leader putting a lot of strength into this next attack, while the leader immediately shot a jet of water fast enough to appear as a sword. And they clashed!


The leader thought that he would win, because his water sword was a constant jet of water that would cut rocks, against a piece of old wood in Lon’qus hand, he felt he would win this clash.


However, his expectations were crushed when the water sword, which due to the heavy pressure should have been as hard as steel was immediately broken through and he saw a wooden sword come to his face at an inhuman speed, and he realized that the kid before him was a natural born myrmidon of Chon’sin.


These were the strongest warriors that were born with the skill of swordsmanship and they could bring out their full potential with swordsmanship and the myrmidons were those who were worthy of becoming a sword master. However, the arrival of quirks made swordsmanship seem obsolete so many of those in Chon’sin abandoned the old ways and adapted along with the rest of the world.


He never thought he would see a myrmidon and he realized immediately that he was out of his league. Myrmidons were already superhuman when wielding a sword, which goes to show how terrifying they could be when they become swordsmasters. He never had a chance the moment Lon’qu became a myrmidon.


The bokken slammed into the leaders face breaking his nose and a number of teeth putting him out of commission for good. The street rats gaped in awe as they saw the leader, the king of the slums, get put down in one swing of an old bokken.


Lon’qu stood there with an intimidating look and simply said “…anyone else?”


That day, an 8 year old defeated the king of the slums and the name “Chon’sin sword demon” was known all over the slums.


Lon’qu sighed as he felt his arm tremble in pain. Although he was at the level of a Myrmidon, he was still not strong enough yet as that one strike caused his arm great strain. He had a long way to go and he would have to continue training.


He walked out of the warehouse as the others watched with awe and fear as the sword demon walked away. He parted by simply saying “from now on, nobody gets in my way.”


He made it official. Nobody would get in his way when it came to food or other matters. The slums were in the care of an 8 year old who was on the path of a Myrmidon.


And with that, another 2 years passed…

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