MHA: Birth of the Sword King

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Journey to Ferox

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A few days after the fight, Lon’qu woke up. He woke up after suffering from terrible nightmares, memories of his beloved Ke’ri being impaled by a knife and him being unable to stop it. She died for him and would always hate himself for letting her die for him.


He immediately tried to get up as he saw he was in a small house, much nicer than any of the ones in the slums. It could only mean someone brought him to their home, and he had a feeling he knew when he saw the posters in the room of All Might. He was in Ke’ris home.


Remembering what happened again, remembering that she was gone forever, he was about to start crying when all of a sudden two people entered the room. One man and one woman with swollen, dark eyes. Seeing that told him everything. Her parents.


“Your awake…” said the man.


“…Can you move?” the woman asked.


Lon’qu couldn’t look at them as he felt he took everything from them. All he could do was answer their question.


“…yes.” He replied in a quiet tone.


“Good. Get the hell out of our home…and never come back!” said the man viciously.


The woman, unable to hold herself back ran away and he could hear her sobbing. He wanted to cry as well but what right did he have.


“The only reason I saved you was because my daughter loved you! She trusted you, but you brought your trouble to her, isn’t that right Chon’sin Sword Demon!?” Her father yelled.


Lon’qu could only look down in disgrace as he could not refute what he had just said.


“…as my final gift to my daughter, I saved your life. I wanted to let you die, but I saw her smiling in your arms and couldn’t let my daughter down. So I healed you, patched you up as best I could. However, I want you gone! I feel I did more than enough for you so get out of here. Never return to Chon’sin!” He said with tears falling from his eyes.


Lon’qu couldn’t hold it in anymore and let the tears fall from his eyes as well. He has done enough. His actions led to Ke’ri losing her life, and he would never forgive himself for that. They would keep hunting him if he stayed here and he has caused these people enough pain already.


“…I understand. I will leave.”


One day later, Lon’qu, who was still injured with bandages around him, slipped out in the middle of the night. Giving a dogeza to Ke’ris house, he set off.


‘Ke’ri, Im so sorry. I will become your hero! I promised you! However, you will always be mine!’ he said as he begun his escape from Chon’sin.


‘If I move through the woods I should be able to make it out of Chon’sin, I need to find a way to get to Japan! If I am not mistaken, after the forest should be another country, Ferox, if im not mistaken.’


With that, Lon’qu began his trek out of Chon’sin, he never wanted to return but deep in his heart, he had a name engraved that he would not allow himself to exist on the same planet with.


‘Shang! Just like you said…we will meet again!’



At the border of Ferox, a larger forest separated Ferox and Chon’sin. It was a dangerous forest that was infested with many mutant animals with quirks, and survival for those unskilled would be near impossible. However, it has become tradition for the people of Ferox to hunt in these woods as they appreciate the challenge the mutant animals can bring!


Ferox was a country of warriors that always respected the strong, and they were led by the strongest people in their country, the Khans. The Khans were not of noble blood, but people who have proven their strength and their would always be 2 Khans the east and west Khans. They would always compete in tournaments by selecting their champions and if their champions won, they would hold the true power of Ferox. Many would say that they prefer battle over politics, when battle IS their politics and that has been the case for all of Feroxs history. It was up to the Khans to find great warriors and train them for a few years before they fight on a grand stage Arena Ferox! Every few years the challenge would happen and a change of power could occur between the khans at any time, thus why both khans search high and low for their champions.

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However, Khan of the west, Basilio was in a dilemma as he couldn’t find a champion worthy to fight for him. Finding a champion was a matter of pride for the khans and it had to be someone who truly represented the might of the khans. However, he was having a hard time finding the right warrior.


In order to cool off, it was Basilios love for hunting that allowed him to relax, and that was what he was doing. Of course, he had to bring his poor servent with him wherever he went.


“Olivia, bring me wine.” He said as his poor pink haired servant brought a cask of wine out for her master to enjoy.


“Y-yes sir.” She said in a meek and quiet voice.


Basilio was a brown skinned man with an eye-patch, but what stood out the most was his giant physique and bulging muscles. He was a man who wanted to show his strength as that was his greatest pride. However, his servant Olivia, was a shy and meek cute little girl who has served Basilio for the longest time and knew that despite being so muscular and intimidating, he was a kind man who she was glad she could follow.


In the depths of the forest, they continued to look for game as hunting is the most honorable of sports for the people of Ferox, especially when the weather is nice a cool compared to the hellish winters that are tradition for Ferox. On days like this Basilio would wear his shoulder pauldrons and gauntlets and his usual pant and boots as if he was going for a leisurely stroll. However he didn’t wear a shirt and showed off his toned body and scars that told the stories of his strength. It must be noted that despite it being a nice day, that wasn’t saying much as the wind was still very chilly, however for those from Ferox, it was a nice summer day.


They continued their trek through the forest looking for game, however Basilio immediately felt something wrong.


"Olivia...I sense something coming…don’t move.” He whispered.


The meek Olivia started shivering in fear as she only saw Basilio act careful around people, as they were the most dangerous beasts and it was not impossible to find some bandits in the area, although extremely rare.


Grasping his war axe, he listened and heard leaves rustling, clear steps of a bipedal animal. He also smelt blood. Blood he was all too familiar with. Human blood!


As a natural warrior of Ferox, he has seen many battles and has honed his senses to peak condition so he was certain that a person was walking his way and they were covered in blood.


All of a sudden, a young man appeared before them with cuts all over his body and leaf bandages covering all over him. It was hard to see his appearance behind the blood that covered his body but Basilio could tell that his features were of Chon’sin.


“…p-please….help..” he said.


Basilio was shocked by the appearance of a young man from Chon’sin covered in wounds who had managed to cross the forest that was notorious for being dangerous. However, he saw the wounds were made by man which meant the kid was running.


“Olivia! Help me carry him!”


“y-yes sir!”


Basilio didn’t know why but after seeing this kid, who had obviously gone through hell, and after taking a look at the wounds that consisted of bullets, claws and knives, he realized that this kid must have had to fight for his life in order to make it this far.


They immediately decided to head back as they were in a rush to heal this boy. While carrying him there Olivia was startled when she saw Basilio with a smile on his face.


“Hehehe, Olivia, I think I found my champion!” he said as he took another glance at the boy.


“….ke….ri….” the boy said as he lost the last bit of his consciousness, once again destined to endure the horrible nightmares that plagued him.

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