MHA: Birth of the Sword King

Chapter 6: Chapter 5 – Meeting Khan Basilio

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Back in Chon’sin, inside a big mansion, a man who is heavily bandaged is sitting on his chair with a bottle of scotch in one hand and a phone in another. It was nonother than Shang.


“Boss…he got away…” said Shang as he gritted his teeth. Never before has he been so humiliated






(The Chon’sin Sword demon…interesting…to think he could keep up with the disposal unit and kill them…and then there is you…)


“I would have killed him, however some meddling bitch got in the way giving him an opening!” Shang said


(Shang, don’t you dare blame anyone but yourself. You let your idiot brother go to meet the representatives of Shie Hassaikai, now trigger wont be able to flow in Chon’sin!)


“I-I know boss, I will make it up to you I swear!”


(of course you will…I am only working with this Shie Hassaikai on the orders of HIM. Now I lost a lot of footing in the organization. But its not too late. Come to Japan. Forget about the child for now)




(ENOUGH!!!! You will listen to what I said. HE is planning something that will change the world and we are needed. Find HIS protégé in Japan and help him for now.)


“What do I have to do boss?”


(In a few years, it will be ready and that will be the start of everything. When that time comes you will join them…THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS. Handle your affairs and then meet me here)


“…very well sir.” He said as he hung up the phone.


“FUCKING FUCK!!!!” he screamed as he threw his phone shattering it.


“Just because he was a prince, he was given so much power! I never liked him or trusted him, but he still has the nerve to look down on me!”


“…very well…Lon’qu, I swear I will kill you mother fucker! HAHAHAHAHA!!!”




Back in Ferox, in a large mansion in capital of Ferox, Lon’qu is still in a slumber, bandages wrapped all around his body showing the degree of damage he sustained. However, a peaceful sleep it was not as he would constantly sleep talk, sweat, and shiver in his sleep. He was suffering night terrors. However, that was to be expected the moment he saw his lover get killed before his very eyes.


All of a sudden Lon’qu wakes up, gasping for air. He looked around, confused as to why he was in a large room. He was stuck in the forest between Chon’sin and Ferox, being chased by the yakuzas and a mutant panda. He was stuck there for 3 weeks and he sustained major injuries that should have killed him, however he still managed to keep moving, determined to make it to Ferox.


His thoughts were immediately shut off when he felt a cool towel on his forehead and then he saw a young lady with pink hair wiping the sweat off his body.


“S-STAY BACK!!!!” he said as he felt an icy fear crawling down his spine.


“EEEK!” the girl dropped a bowl of water and the towel and immediately ran out of the room.


Lon’qu wondered why he acted that way, but when he felt the hands of a woman on his body, he was immediately reminded of Ke’ri and his failure to protect her. He knew immediately he would never see women the same way again. His body knew before he did that he was cursed with gynophobia.


Lon’qu sighed and then immediately winced when he finally grasped the situation with his injuries. He was covered head to toe in bandages. He looked at where he was shot, then where he was stabbed and then at the accursed claw mark where that damn panda almost disemboweled him!


“I hate pandas…” Lon’qu muttered as he saw the nasty gash that nearly killed him. He had no sword, which meant all he could do was run away from the Yakuzas and the damn panda and despite honing his body and being proud of his speed, he could do little in ambushes and quadrupedal animals with hulking muscles like pandas.


He layed back down, wondering who those people were who saved him. However, he would find out as he saw the door open.


There he saw a giant oaf of a man in a nice fancy suit. He was bald, brown and he had an eye-patch. However, Lon’qu was able to tell immediately that he was super strong as his instincts told him if he fought him, he would die. He also saw the girl hiding behind him.


“Well look who’s awake!” he said with a big grin.


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“…thank you…for saving me…” Lon’qu said as he tried to get up.


“No need to get up kid, you were nearly at deaths door when we found you, you know that? Doctors said it was a miracle you were alive. No wonder their wasn’t any game in the forest, they were going for you, BAHAHAHAHA!!!” the man said with a boisterous laugh, not unsimilar to a certain smiling Japanese hero.


“If I may ask, is this Ferox?” Lon’qu asked as he looked around the room. It was as big as a house, and was full of modern technology that Lon’qu, the slum rat he was, didn’t even see before.


“Yep, I hear that you gave Olivia a very kind greeting, hahahah!” he said with a laugh again.


“…I’m sorry. I do not fare well when in the close presence of a woman.” He said while clearly embarrassed.


“BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I’ve seen men to touchy with women but never a man afraid to touch a women! But, from the look of your eyes, it seems you have your reasons and I wont pry.” He said.


“Thank you. My name is Lon’qu. I am from-“


“Chon’sin right? Thought so. I sent some men to search the forest while you were out and it was clear you were being chased based on the evidence they brought back.”


“You are correct. I can’t return, nor do I wish to return to Chon’sin any time soon. I have something I must do.”




Lon’qu wondered what he should tell the man, whether he should keep it a secret or be transparent about his mission.


“I am trying to become a hero. All my life I was fighting in order to survive. I was from the slums of Chon’sin. It wasn’t until I met…her, that I became inspired to use my strength to do something for others. So I fought to keep the streets of Chon’sin safe, but I was stupid. I kicked a bees nest that I was unprepared to get rid of. I paid a price for it. And now all I can do is learn from my mistakes and become stronger so I can become a hero. I must go to Japan, I must enter UA!” Lon’qu decided to trust the man as he saw in the mans eye that he was a gentle and kind man.


“BAHAHAHAHA!!! I like you kid! But your stupid!” He said with a smile on his face.


“…!?” Lon’qu was taken aback by his blunt words.


“Don’t look at me like that. First of all, you need to be 15 in order to join UA, secondly you don’t have a strong quirk, third you are dumb as shit because when I saw you awake, I could see you looking around and your eyes told me you knew dick all what the things in the room were!”


Lon’qu couldn’t deny it. He never got any formal training in both physical and educational as he was a penniless slum rat. He looked down in shame.


“But, because I like you and could see a light in you that I haven’t seen in many, I think we could help each other out!”


Lon’qu looked up with a surprised expression. He was never acknowledged before by an expert, however this man who was undoubtedly strong said that he had potential, moved him.


“I will train you kid. In about 2 years, both the Khan of the East and Khan of the West will chose a champion and the winner of their bout will hold the true power of Ferox. I will make you my champion!” He said with a big smile.


Lon’qu was stunned. He knew about Ferox and their mighty Khans, but he never expected the man in front of him to be one of the Khans. He finally realized who he was!


“You’re the Khan of the West, Basilio!” Lon’qu said not hiding his shock.


“You just figured it out? HAHAHA!!! Well kid, if I train you and you become my champion and defeat that wretched East Khans champion, I will help you get to Japan and UA!”


Lon’qu was once again stunned. The great Khan of the West wants him to be his champion at Arena Ferox? And he will personally train him? This was an opportunity of a lifetime!


“I am grateful Khan Basilio! I would be honored to learn from you!” Lon’qu said with a smile on his face.


“I’m not done yet. Not only will I be training your body and swordsmanship, but Olivia here will help you with your studies.” Basilio said.


“B-but, I j-just said I don’t do good around women!” Lon’qu said with a sullen face.


Olivia didn’t look happy either, as she was afraid of the gynophobic swordman.


“BAHAHAHAHA Its okay! You think strength is all you need to be a hero? And plus, that scared of women shit may be tough for you, but you need to learn to bear with it. I’m not telling you to get over it, but I am telling you that heroes need to be selfless and worry less about themselves. It will be good training for you in both regards!”


“I-I understand…” Lon’qu was hesitant but he couldn’t let this opportunity disappear and so he would have to bear with it. For the next 3 years Lon’qu would start his real training with the great Khan Basilio and begin his path to become a REAL swordsman!

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