MHA: Dragon King

Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Rebirth

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In a hospital room, a woman was lying on a bed surrounded by doctors. She was currently giving birth to her first child and looked to be in pain.

"Come on madame, you're almost there!" Shouted the doctors.

"Agh!" The woman shouted.

"Akane! Hang in there, just a little more!" Shouted a man standing beside her.

The doctors encourage the woman to push more and finally, the baby comes out. The woman looks exhausted and is sweating profusely.

"Waah!" A loud cry is heard throughout the room. Everyone looks to find a baby crying.

The doctor holding the baby approaches the woman on the bed and the man standing beside her. "Congratulations madame Akane, sir Tatsuya! It's a perfectly healthy boy!" The doctor congratulates the couple and hands over the baby to the mother.

The mother takes her baby in her hands and gently hugs him. She looks at him with motherly love and spoke. "What a lovely child. My child."

The man, Tatusya, places his hand on her shoulder and crouches down a bit. "Our child." He spoke. "What are we going to name him? Do you have any ideas?"

Akane looked at him and turned back to her child. "Yes, dear. I have been thinking ever since I found out I was pregnant. Riku. His name is Riku Ryoto."

"Riku, huh? That's a good name. Welcome our child, Riku." The man spoke in a soft and gentle voice, looking straight into his child's crimson-red eyes.

Riku woke up in his mother's embrace. The moment he laid his eyes on her, he was speechless. Simply put, she was beautiful. Very beautiful. Long silky purple hair, golden eyes that seemed as if they could see through his soul, and a beautiful face. In his previous world, she would have, no doubt, been an extremely popular celebrity. 

Riku then turned his eyes toward the man beside his mother who he presumed to be his father. Just like his mother, his father did not disappoint. He had short black hair, as dark as the night, blood-red eyes that invoked a bit of fear, and a handsome face rivaling that of supermodels from his previous life.

'Wow, my parents are really incredible. I guess I don't have to worry about my looks. I'll probably grow into a real looker. I can't wait, the girls might even wet themselves just by looking at me.' I thought, excited at the prospect of being able to make girls wet by doing absolutely nothing.

Suddenly, I feel extremely tired. It was harder to keep my eyes open and my mind starts to shut down. As I close my eyes, I see my parents look at me with loving eyes, ensuring me that I would have a kind family.

After Riku fell asleep, his parents eventually head back home. Soon the estate comes into sight and what appears is a high wall and massive gates. It was clear to anyone that they were filthy rich.

Entering the gate, they stop in front of a very large mansion that could make even a billionaire cry their eyes out. As they exit the car, they are welcomed by maids and butlers. "Welcome back sir, madame!"

"We're back everyone. Look, this is our child, Riku Ryoto." Akane says to the servants as she holds Riku in front of her.

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The servants look at the child in their madame's arms and bow. "Congratulations sir, madame! Welcome young master Riku!" They shout in perfect synchrony.

Akane and Tatsuya head inside and make their way toward the room they renovated for their child. The inside was very luxurious, with carpets laid out on the floor, famous pictures hung on the walls, and extravagant decorations. Everything looked so expensive that any normal person would have never been able to afford even one of the items. 

Eventually, they stop in front of a large door. Pushing the doors, a room was revealed. It was filled with everything a child could ever wish for; building blocks, dolls, toy cars and trains, children's games, and more.

Akane and Tatsuya head in and place Riku in a crib. They tuck him in and silently watch. Many emotions flash through their eyes, but above all, they look at Riku with immense love. 

"If his quirk is anything like yours, then he could become a hero." Akane suddenly says with sadness and worry in her voice.

"Yeah. My quirk is already strong enough, but his will probably be even stronger. It's been happening all around the world, stronger quirks are popping up. If his is similar to mine, then I have no doubt he will become an incredible hero that will leave his mark in history, but that's with my quirk. If his quirk is a combination of mine and yours, then he will be the strongest. You think very low of your quirk, but it's power is undeniable." Tatsuya says in a serious voice. He was curious about his son's quirk and what he would accomplish, but he was also worried. Worried that he would get hurt, die even.

"It will be alright. We don't even know if he will be a hero, but no matter what he decides to do, we will support him all the way. After all, that's what parents do, right?" Akane says, looking toward her husband.

"That's right. All we can do is support him in any way possible. Even if he decides to be a hero, even if he doesn't take over our business, we will still support him. And if he goes down the wrong path, then we will bring him back and guide him down the right path." Tatsuya says in a resolute voice. 

"Well said. You sure do have a way with your tongue, that's how you made me fall for you after all. Maybe our son will inherit that trait as well." Akane says in a teasing voice.

"Hahaha! If he does then he will find a good woman. Of course, even if he doesn't, he will still find a good woman, he is my son after all." Tatsuya says in a proud voice.

"He's our son. But speaking of a good woman, maybe their daughter would be a good choice."

"You mean the Kosaka family. Although we have known each other for a long time and are close with them, our families never had a union. This could be a chance. Their daughter will be born next month which makes them the same age and she is a girl. If our families are united, both of our businesses will prosper."

"You only think about the business? You really are hopeless. I was just thinking that their daughter could be a good choice. If she is anything like her parents then she will be a good match with Riku. A strong quirk, a nice personality, and good looks. A perfect match, don't you agree?" Akane asks.

"You're right, I can't think of a better girl. Maybe the daughter of the Yaoyorozu family, but we are not as close to them. Well, enough about that. Our son was just born and we are already discussing his marriage. We should talk about this once he's older." Tatsuya says.

"You're right, I got a bit too excited. We'll talk about this once they actually meet each other."

They kiss their son on the cheeks and head towards the door. As they slowly close the door, Akane looks at Riku and speaks in a gentle voice. "My dear Riku, sleep well." Then the door closes fully.

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