MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 1: Showtime

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My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun!

Chapter 1 Showtime

 “An explosion occurred minutes ago at a United Nations meeting, we don't know for sure what caused the explosion but…” I quickly turn off the television as I throw myself on my comfortable bed.

"Media with fake news to increase their audience, surely some idiot shot in the air and was arrested by the police, then they make a scandal." I said into the air, sighing a little while looking at a poster with the figure of my favorite character Child Emperor from the anime One Punch Man.

“I wish I could be him and do cool things!” I say covering my face with my pillow. "But in the world of My Hero Academia." I say laughing a little. "And create a lot of chaos around me." I whispered with a smile as I fell asleep.

A start makes my eyes widen as I begin to look in all directions. I find myself in a big office. Why am I in an office? I remember falling asleep in my room. Wait a minute… I was kidnapped?!

"Where I am?" I whisper nervously.

“You are in the reincarnation office!” Exclaims a little boy materializing in front of me behind a desk. “I am Gil, a reincarnation god in training.” He says with a nervous smile on his face.

"Reincarnation?" I ask quickly narrowing my eyes at him ignoring the fact that he materialized out of nowhere. “Does that mean I…? I ask swallowing a lump in my throat. Dammit! I couldn't delete the damn browsing history.

"Wait a moment!" I exclaim pointing my hand at Gil. “God is a child?” I ask with eyes wide open.

“There are many gods, you would be surprised what some of them look like.” He whispers with a cheeky smile on his face as my body begins to slowly vanish away. "I must not be distracted, I must not be distracted, not again." Gil starts repeating over and over as my body stops vanishing.

"What the hell was that?" I exclaim with panic plastered on my face. For a moment, I felt like Peter Parker when Thanos vanishes him. Scary!

“Sorry about that, I have to stay focused to keep you here, minutes ago I sent a person to hell by mistake because I lost focus. But it was just a rookie mistake!” He exclaims quickly. “Second time is the charm.” He says nodding to himself.

I simply swallow a lump in my throat as I slowly nod my head. Why of all gods do I end up with the one in training!?

"Ok let's start, you died in your sleep." He says snapping his fingers, in that, a big screen appears in front of me with the image of my room reproducing.

In the recording, I can see how I am sleeping hugging my pillow while I babble a little. "Toga-chan~ my blood doesn't..."

My face turns red with embarrassment as I continue to watch the embarrassing recording, in that, things in my room begin to shake slightly until a great tide of fire destroys my entire room and the screen slowly darkens with a red message that says *YOU DIED*

"But what the hell was that?" I asked tilting my head in confusion.

“Didn't you like the message I implemented at the end of your death? I thought people would like it…” He says looking away from me as his lips start to tremble and I start to vanish again. I have to do something, now!

“I liked the message very much, very creative!” I exclaim quickly.

"Seriously?" He asks quickly with a twinkle in his eyes. At this, I quickly nod my head several times. "I knew it!" He exclaims with a proud smile as I stop vanishing. That was close.

“Exactly how did I die?” I ask with interest.

"When you were sleeping, several countries declared war blaming each other for what happened in the United Nations, then as a preventive attack." He says making quotation marks with his fingers. “They started a full-scale attack on each other. So you died due to a nuclear detonation while you were sleeping.” That is all he says waving his hands dismissively.

“I am quite unlucky, my life was shorter than I expected… I was 13 years old.” I say with a sad smile on my face. Adults like always getting carried away by money and power while they destroy everything around them. It is unfair!

“Don't be sad, not everything is as bad as it seems. In fact…forget what I just said, the situation is very bad, there are a huge number of people to reincarnate. I should be in the reincarnation school right now, however, all the students were mobilized to help the reincarnation department.” He says crossing his arms and pouting.

"I hope that the culprit of all this is paying dearly." I whisper.

"Oh, I heard that some gods are using him as prey in some kind of twisted hunting game in the world of The Walking Dead." He says with a wicked smile on his face. "Let's see what he's doing the cause of so many headaches for many gods." Gil says snapping his fingers.

At that moment the big screen begins to reproduce a kind of post-apocalyptic scene, with so much chaos, destruction, and death while a young man stands on a mountain of corpses pointing his hand toward the sky. "You guys will be next!"

"Catch me if you can bastards!" Exclaims a young man spreading his hands theatrically as he begins to laugh out loud.

***The transmission was blocked by the board of directors. Error 404.*** A message interrupts the transmission.

You are reading story MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia at

“That person caused all this mess? It looks like he's having fun." I say crossing my arms. Do everything he wants without worrying about anything. What envy!

"Huh, I didn't expect that." Gil says nervously scratching his head. "Let's ignore what we just saw and continue with your reincarnation." He says animatedly reading a manual.

“Can I choose the world? Will I have wishes? A system?" I asked excitedly as I walk closer to him with stars in my eyes. I've read a lot of novels about this, I have to make the most of it while I'm here. It's not every day you die!

“According to statute B-47, if a person makes a wish 24 hours before dying, it will be granted as long as the party involved agrees, otherwise they will be sent to a random world with a random wish.” Gil says reading the manual. At that, my eyes widen.

"I agree! I accept!" I exclaim quickly.

"Perfect!" He exclaims as a sheet of paper appears in Gil's hands. “On this piece of paper is important information about your new life.” He says swinging the sheet of paper innocently.

"I can see?" I ask with interest.

"Unfortunately it's against the rules for me to teach you this information, you're supposed to find out on your own like everyone else reincarnated." Gil says shaking his head. "However, I can put the paper on the table and look away as long as you do something for me." Gil whispers quickly looking around.

"That I have to do?" I ask narrowing my eyes at him.

“From 1 to 10, how would you rate my service.” Gil says as he starts whistling innocently as he hands me a service survey. Smart little shit for that if you're good!

After a few minutes, finish answering all the questions in the service survey. I just gave it the highest rating possible to avoid any kind of problem.

“Thank you for answering honestly!” He says smiling knowingly as he places a sheet of paper on his desk and points to it with his eyes without any kind of subtlety. "Oh, a butterfly!" He exclaims as he turns around.

I just sigh as I extend my hand and start to read the piece of paper, in that, a smile starts to spread across my face, and shortly after I place the piece of paper back on the desk.

"Are you ready?" Gil asks. At that, I simply nodded my head as Gil snapped his fingers with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Showtime." I whisper with a smile on my face as everything around me starts to go dark.


"Thank you for dying, come back soon!"

My chaotic adventure starts now!

Have you ever felt like you fall off a cliff in a dream? Well, that's precisely what I'm feeling right now until a slap on my butt makes me start crying.

"He has his father's hair." Says a woman carrying me in her arms. Her arms are warm and comforting. I guess I can get used to this… Who am I kidding? I will enjoy my reincarnation to the fullest. In my previous life, my life was boring and short, this time… I will do whatever I want without regret.

“Mommy, mommy! Is my little brother born yet? He exclaims a child as he runs into the room and starts looking at me with stars in his eyes. “He is so small and cute.” He says jumping on the bed and touching my baby hands. “What's his name, mom? What is my little brother's name?" He quickly asks.

"Isamu." She says with love in her voice. "His name will be Isamu Midoriya." Says Inko Midoriya my new mother in this world.

“I-Sa-Mu.” Says my older brother slowly. "I'll protect you." Says 4-year-old Izuku Midoriya with a beaming smile on his face.

Why am I not impressed by all this development? That's because I already knew after reading the piece of paper. I was reborn in the world of My Hero Academia as Izuku Midoriya's little brother and when I unlock my quirk I will have a lot of fun in this new world.

This world will become my playground and it will be fun… So much fun!

“Mommy, he is smiling… My little brother is smiling.” Izuku says with his eyes wide open.

“Kawaii!” Both exclaim in unison.




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