MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 18: Caught up

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Chapter 18 Caught up


At the beginning of the operation, David Shield together with some of his subordinates established a logistics camp not far from the combat zone in order to provide support to the main assault group, this camp is also used as a medical camp and resupply center.

The camp is in an open area which provides an excellent field of vision should an enemy approach.

"Fat Gum, Gang Orca, and Yoroi Musha have started the fight against Muscular." David Shield says with his hands behind his back in front of a group of heroes and police officers. They are part of the backup group while behind David Shield are three pro heroes sent by I-Island for his protection.

"The entire eastern part of the forest is flooded while Mirko and Mt. Lady are fighting a giant snake in the western area, and numerous hidden traps have also been detected around the forest." He explains, causing many heroes and cops to flinch.

“Should we support them?” One of the police officers asks.

"No." David Shield answers in a forceful way. “They are professional heroes qualified to handle this kind of situation, our priority is to provide logistical support and reinforcements to the main attack group led by Sir Nighteye.

In that, one of the heroes sent by I-Island approaches David Shield and whispers something in his ear while he slightly nods his head.

“We have lost contact with Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods!” A radio operator exclaims approaching the group and drawing the attention of everyone present, however, a robotic hand emerges from the ground holding the operator's leg causing his face to lose all color. "Oh no."

“Everyone to your battle stations!” David Shield exclaims in the direction of the heroes before dozens of droids begin to emerge from the ground.

T-Hydra Battle Droid

It is a droid designed specifically for combat, it has thick armor so it can withstand blunt impacts in most of the robotic body. However, its weak point is in the head, a strong impact on the head will cause the droid to fail and in some cases self-destruct.

These droids are equipped with a variety of weapons for the purpose of neutralizing the opponent.

They are usually used as training droids for the training of Hydra members. These Droids will follow all orders from the high-ranking members of Hydra as long as it is within their programming code.

“Whose wonderful idea was it to separate us?” Asks Bubble Girl looking carefully at the surroundings while some fighting is heard in the distance.

"It was David Shield's idea and Sir Nighteye agreed with him." Ms. Joke says, looking around her for any threat. "But let's be positive, there are heroes who are having a very hard time right now." She says giving a thumbs up with a smile on her face trying to lift her spirits.

"It's impossible, Sir Nighteye is an excellent strategist, he would attack with forceful force and not separate all the forces!" Bubble Girl exclaims in frustration. However, a small holographic figure appears in front of them.

“Prepare for trouble and you had better be afraid!” The Child Emperor hologram exclaims pointing at both heroines with his hand. "Because I'm here!" He exclaims with amusement.

“Is this little boy the cause of so much trouble? I must admit that he does look a bit adorable aside from the fact that he's an S-rank villain." Ms. Joke starts to laugh out loud activating her quirk in the direction of the hologram.

“Hah! Nice try, but your quirk doesn't work through a hologram. Baka!” Child Emperor taunts causing Ms. Joke's frustration.

"Why are you here?" Bubble Girl asks squinting at the hologram.

“That… is an excellent question.” Child Emperor says holding up a finger before a detonator materializes in his holographic hand which causes both heroines to tense up. “Whoever laughs last, laughs best.” He whispers with a crooked smile behind his gas mask pressing the detonator.

Given this, a trap that was near both heroines is activated, covering them both with a strange viscous substance.

"What is this?!" Bubble Girl exclaims watching in horror as the substance begins to take effect. “I am melting! I'm melting!" She exclaims throwing herself to the ground in a panic before realizing that the substance just completely melted all of her clothes.

“You are a little demon.” Ms. Joke says covering her parts with a red face of embarrassment.

“Muahahaha!” Child Emperor laughs loudly pointing to a couple of naked heroines in the middle of the forest.

“Hey, what are you watching?” Twice's voice is heard in the background causing Child Emperor to startle abruptly interrupting his laughter.

"Nothing!" Child Emperor quickly exclaims deactivating the hologram.

"I want to go home!" Pro-hero Native exclaims in a panic taking cover behind a tree-hugging himself in a fetal position as laser blasts fly through the wooded area.

The group of heroes he was in was ambushed by battle droids and all but him were knocked unconscious.

He thought that this operation would be easy with the help of the peace symbol and many powerful heroes, he just wanted to stay out of the battles and leave all the heavy lifting to other stronger heroes. Then he could presume that he participated in the operation that brought down a growing criminal organization.

However, everything changed when Hydra showed its claws.

“Target located.” A robotic voice says approaching the hero.

"Roger, Roger." More robotic voices respond surrounding the hero.

"I give up, I give up!" Native yells throwing his hands up in the air as several droids surround him. Just then, a small yellow figure appears from the bushes and lunges at the droids destroying several of them quickly before jumping at the head of the last droid.

"Use the force, young hero." Gran Torino says swinging a cane on top of him. “The brute force.” He says, hitting the droid's head hard with his staff before leaping to the ground as the droid explodes behind him.

"Surely, wonderful and dangerous the mind of a child is." Gran Torino says looking at the strange battle droids as a scent reaches his nostrils. "Change your pants... you must." Gran Torino says looking at Native who has a completely pale face.

At this, Gran Torino holds tight to his staff and begins to propel himself through the trees towards the Hydra tower with the intention of rejoining the main group.

"Keep going!" Sir Nighteye exclaims hitting a droid's head with his heavy office seals which creates a dent in the droid's head disabling it in the process as several heroes fight off the droids.

At that, one of the heroes punches a droid's armored chest with his fist. “Haaah!” The hero exclaims holding his broken hand before the droid fires at the hero causing a painful electric shock that renders the hero unconscious.

Battle droids are not programmed to kill, but rather to incapacitate the opponent.

"Target neutralized." The robotic voice says, moving towards its next target ignoring the hero on the ground. However, a capture weapon wraps around the droid pressing down hard and splitting it in half. "Critical failure..." Says the droid deactivating.

“The droids are not lethal… the problem child is just toying with us by weakening our forces with his toys and traps.” Eraser Head sighs sending his capture weapon in the direction of another droid while Midnight and Present Mic stay close to him, quickly finishing off any droid in the way.

"Not again!" Midnight exclaims as a robotic tentacle grabs her leg and begins to drag her into the bushes.

At this, she quickly swings her whip around hitting the robotic tentacle and freeing herself from it in the process. “Constant surveillance.” Eraser Head sighs lightly laughing at her.

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“The brat has become more cheeky.” She grips her whip tightly standing up as she shudders at the destroyed robotic tentacle on the ground.

Soon after, a group of heroes led by Sir Nighteye stands around a huge blast door with the Hydra symbol in all its glory. This is the door to access the interior of the tower.

"We lost contact with David Shield minutes ago, so we will receive no logistical support or reinforcements once we enter the tower." Sir Nighteye says as the heroes around him are attentive to his words. "All Might is not answering our calls while the rest of the strike force is fighting enemy forces all over this damned forest." He says seriously adjusting his glasses.

At that moment, the sky shows how the huge draconic figure of Ryukyu plummets crashing into a group of trees surprising the nearby heroes. "Damn!" She exclaims in pain turning back into her human form.

“Ryukyu! What happened? Did one of the tower's lightning strikes you?" Midnight asks quickly.

Ryukyu shakes her head slightly. “Some damn guys… in some weird flying armor kicked my ass.” She growls clenching her fists before losing consciousness.

Then the huge blast door that separates the heroes from inside the tower begins to slowly open as all the heroes present prepare to enter the tower.

“Children should not see such things! You're still too young!" Twice reprimands as if it were a father catching a son doing something he shouldn't do.

"Irony! I'm an S-rank villain! S-rank! Age has nothing to do here." Child Emperor grumbles, crossing his arms under Twice's watchful gaze.

At that moment, four figures with intimidating aura wearing tactical combat suits burst into the room, they are wearing a helmet while a jetpack is visible on their backs. Leading these subjects is the leader of the small group who is wearing a cloak with the symbol of Hydra which billows as he advances toward Child Emperor.

"It's about time you got here!" Child Emperor exclaims happily.

"A small flying lizard got in our way, however, the result was as expected." The leader of the group laughs lightly in a high-pitched voice through the helmet.

"I must admit that the suit makes you look much more intimidating." Child Emperor hums with a cunning smile on his face. "Very cool." He nods his head proudly.

"Your technology will definitely revolutionize the world, Child Emperor." The leader of the group says looking at Child Emperor with respect. He knows that Child Emperor's technology has the potential to save countless lives or cause catastrophic destruction for the world. "For a bright future." He whispers.

"The heroes have already entered the interior of the tower, so it won't take long to reach the first-floor guardian's room." He says as his smile gets bigger and bigger.

"I and my men will proceed to our assigned post." He says the figure nodding his head.

"You guys want to change this twisted world!?" Child Emperor exclaims standing up and pointing at the figures with his hand. “Good for you guys! Because I won't do it for free!" He exclaims with a crooked smile on his face. “Go and fight for your ideals! Show me the power of your convictions! Show me your value!” He exclaims, extending his arms dramatically.

"Hail Hydra!" The leader of the group exclaims alongside his men before turning around, his cape billowing epically as he unholsters a pair of blasters and heads to his assigned floor followed by his men behind him.

"That was a bit intense, don't you think?" Twice asks scratching his head.

“Motivation before a battle certainly has a lot to do with the outcome, and a motivated person provides more entertainment.” Child Emperor smiles as his eyes light up slightly with joy.

"The heroes have just entered the floor guardian's room!" Twice exclaims pointing at a holographic screen.

“Now, it is time to give a warm welcome to the heroes.” Child Emperor whispers as a predatory smile spreads across his face.

“Execute The Red King program!”

"Back in my day, a good smack on the butt was enough to educate children." Gran Torino comments along with a group of heroes led by Sir Nighteye who are advancing through a long illuminated hallway.

"I highly doubt that Child Emperor is a normal child." Present Mic whispers, which causes many heroes to nod their heads.

At this point, the heroes walk through a huge door and into a large, completely dark room with a computer at the other end. "What is this place?" Pro hero Crust asks narrowing his eyes.

*Red King activated, initiating personality program…parameters set, establishing main power source.*

"Who dares enter the great Tower of Chaos?" A completely red hologram in the appearance of a child materializes across the room looking at the heroes curiously.

“Is Child Emperor?” Midnight asks confused looking at the strange hologram in the form of a child.

"Don't compare me to my creator, the great and powerful supreme being Child Emperor-Sama!" The red hologram exclaims glaring at the heroes. "You dirty mongrels shouldn't be here." The hologram taunts the heroes.

"This will be problematic." Eraser Head sighs.

"Who are you? What thing are you?" Sir Nighteye asks seriously.

“I am the Red King guardian of this floor and you will not pass!” The Red King exclaims proudly.

"It's just a hologram, it can't hurt us." Vlad King scoffs as he walks in the direction of the hologram.

"Don't rush and think logically, remember that we are dealing with a problem child." Eraser Head whispers, however, a knife lodges in Vlad King's leg causing him to fall to the ground with a cry of pain, clutching his wound as the heroes stand around him protectively. All heroes are ready for combat.

"Where did the knife come from?" Sir Nighteye asks himself bracing himself for combat with a hand to his chin looking around the room before his eyes widen as he watches as the large blast door behind them quickly closes trapping them inside the room.

“You're all going to suffer inside here.” The Red King says cruelly looking at the heroes with a look that promises pain while behind him, dozens of sharp weapons unfurl from the wall pointing in the direction of the heroes.

“Mongrels!” He exclaims pointing his hand in the direction of the heroes as numerous yellow holographic circles light up around the edged weapons.

At that moment, all the heroes present knew beyond a doubt that what was happening in the forest was nothing compared to the horrors that are found in the Tower of Chaos.


“Gate of Babylon!”





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