MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 19: The Chaos Tower: Sharp Claws

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Chapter 19 The Chaos Tower: Sharp Claws

POV Sir Nighteye

Nezu's suspicions were correct, the criminal organization Hydra is more dangerous than we anticipated. The amount of resources they possess along with highly advanced and dangerous technology positions this organization far above others.

Is Child Emperor the mastermind behind Hydra's actions, or is there someone far more dangerous behind the scenes? How long has Hydra been operating under our noses?

Is the Child Emperor the mastermind? It is impossible, an organization of such magnitude is simply not formed overnight, much less by a small child.

Nezu's theory that the Child Emperor is the product of a scientific experiment just like him makes more and more sense.

However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. All the events that have transpired so far point to Hydra definitely having spies hidden in plain sight amongst the society of heroes.

How deep has this organization infiltrated? Who can I trust? Be that as it may, we have to reach the top of this Tower of Chaos... only then will I get my answers.

However, we now find ourselves in a precarious situation…

 “Gate of Babylon!!!”

“Take cover!” I exclaim, pointing at the heroes under my command as a barrage of medieval weapons rushes towards us at high speed, swords, knives, axes, spears, and other sharp weapons. “Feel the fury of the Great Tower of Chaos! Mongrels!” The Red King exclaims with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Black Hole!" No. 13 exclaims, forming a vast black hole in front of her sucking in incoming weapons in her direction, and shielding herself along with a group of heroes behind her in the process.

Snipe quickly unholsters both of his firearms and begins firing at weapons approaching in his direction causing them to veer off his path and crash to the ground behind him.

"Someone is throwing a tantrum." Midnight whispers using her whip to ward off sharp weapons as she performs acrobatic backflips causing some weapons to impact just inches away from her.

"I'm certainly not surprised." Eraser Head snorts as he extends his capture weapon which pounces against some swords that were heading in his direction causing some sparks when hitting his capture weapon.

"Damn!" Hound Dog exclaims holding a wound on his arm. At that, a spear pierces through his leg and slams into the ground, immobilizing the wounded hero as a Warhammer zooms in his direction prompting a howl of panic from the hero.

"Shield!" Crust exclaims standing in front of Hound Dog as a powerful shield materializes in his hands protecting them both from the war hammer which hits the shield causing Crust to slide backward due to the strong impact. "Don't worry, Shonen, this shield can withstand anything." Crust says confidently as the weapons begin to ricochet off his shield.

“We have to find a way to defeat him soon!” One of the Ectoplasm clones exclaims before a spear goes through his chest. "Otherwise, we will all be defeated." Another clone exclaims as he turns into a pin.

Ectoplasm is right, if we stay on the defensive we will all be defeated. From what I've learned about Child Emperor he sees the world as a playground, which is why he's probably watching us right now through the cameras around the room.

We are just toys to him. Child Emperor is undoubtedly a great threat not only to Japan but also to the world and the Hero Public Safety Commission will not sit idly by. I must capture Child Emperor before they get to him.

The situation is very complicated, however, sometimes very complicated problems require simple solutions. At this, I nimbly dodge a spear while peering at the hologram across the room. Since the beginning of the fight, he has not moved from his position. He's protecting something!

"The computer!" I exclaim drawing the attention of the heroes who are doing their best to evade the weapons thrown at them. Others not so lucky, however, receive pulsing wounds from the weapons, forcing them to fall back and take cover behind No. 13's wormhole.

"The computer behind the hologram is the one controlling this place." I exclaim which elicits a laugh from The Red King.

“About time they found out! Stupid mongrels!” The hologram exclaims placing his hands on his waist with an arrogant smile on his holographic face.

"You should be thankful to the great and powerful Supreme Being Child Emperor-Sama who programmed me to be non-lethal against all of you." He says spreading his arms dramatically before a crooked smile starts to spread across his face. “However, nothing stops me from causing you guys pain. Much pain!" He exclaims, reaching his hands into the air which causes huge metal chains to emerge from some holes in the ground and lunge at the heroes.

"Help!" Exclaims a hero who was surprised by these chains which wrap around him lifting him into the air and then crashing him hard against the ground knocking him out instantly.

"Shit!" A brawny hero exclaims as a chain wraps around his leg and begins dragging him across the ground before a war hammer slams into his chest breaking some bones and knocking him out in the process.

“I only have one goal and I will fulfill it no matter what it takes!” The Red King exclaims raising a finger as the huge chains position themselves at his sides defending the computer.

"Snipe!" I exclaim quickly jumping back as several spears plunge into the ground right where I was standing a second ago.

"I know!" Snipe exclaims firing his weapons and using his quirk to control the trajectory of his projectiles, dodging the swords to the last millimeter in order to hit the computer, however, the huge chains intercept the bullets causing sparks with each intercepted impact. "Shit!" He exclaims.

At that moment, the barrage of steel stops. “First wave finished, setting new parameters for the second wave.” The Red King says seriously.

"It's over?" Vlad King growls behind No. 13 along with the rest of the wounded heroes.

"I'm just getting started!" The Red King exclaims as a mighty golden spear crashes into Crust's shield causing his shield to crack. "New launch speed established." He says with an arrogant smile.

"My shield!" Crust exclaims with wide eyes before looking directly at me. “Sir Nighteye, you have to use your quirk! It is the only way!" He exclaims.

"The only way huh?" I whisper watching as once again dozens of yellow holographic circles are placed behind the Red King preparing a new and improved barrage of steel.

My quirk works once every 24 hours and I planned to use it directly against Child Emperor to find out his identity and eventually find out who is the mastermind behind Hydra's actions.

Using my quirk on someone else won't work in this situation. I need absolute precision which I can manipulate, it's time to use my super move. However, I've only used it against Mirio when training him.

After the events of Endeavor in the city, I have intensively trained my Quirk to use it on myself, however, I will only be able to visualize two minutes into the future, my future. That will have to be enough!

At that, the heroes who are still standing position themselves at my sides with determined looks on their faces. "We are with you." Eraser Head says adjusting his glasses while the rest of the heroes nod their heads.

“What determination! That is the spirit of a hero!” Crust exclaims hitting his fist against his shield as if he were a Spartan. “It is an honor to fight alongside you.” He says as his muscles begin to tense.

It's time to give it all. I have to exceed my limits!

Then a new barrage of steel is fired at us at a much greater speed than before as the remaining heroes shout a battle cry and charge to their uncertain fate. "Plus Ultra!" Some of them exclaim while others just silently contemplate the situation they are in.

"Critical hit! Critical hit! Fatality!” The Red King exclaims with a victorious smile on his holographic face.


“Plus Ultra Foresight!!!”


POV Third Person

"I saw him! He just used his quirk on himself!” Child Emperor exclaims pointing with his hand at the holographic screen dropping a container of popcorn to the ground.

"The butterfly effect is certainly interesting." He whispers looking with interest at this new version of Sir Nighteye's quirk.

“Butterfly effect?” Twice asks confused.

"Nothing important." Child Emperor waves his hand disdainfully while staring intently at the screen. "My little artificial intelligence is in trouble." He hums lightly.

"Huh?" Twice exclaims in surprise. "Cheer up Red King-Kun!" Twice exclaims cheering the hologram.

“Berserker Mode!” Crust the 6th ranked hero also known as the Shield Hero exclaims as thick layers of dark crust begin to cover his entire body.

"I'm not number 6 just because I have a pretty shield." He says standing in front of Sir Nighteye flexing his legs as he drops his dented shield to the ground before taking up a heavy sword.

"Go!" Sir Nighteye exclaims looking in all directions of the battlefield as one of his now violet pupils spins wildly in his eye calculating each move two minutes into the future.

By using his quirk on himself he can visualize an alternate future depending on the decisions and movements he makes in that period of time.

“Present Mic uses a sonic wave to clear Crust's path! Gran Torino and Eraser Head on the sides! Ectoplasm grows!” Sir Nighteye exclaims starting to run right behind Crust.

“Ora, Ora, Ora!” Crust exclaims using his heavy sword to deflect thrown weapons in his direction while some weapons simply bounce off the thick layer of scabs that protects his skin. At this, a sonic wave produced by Present Mic causes some of the weapons to deflect causing Crust to get closer to the computer.

The Red King's attention is drawn to Crust as the Gran Torino figure begins to propel itself through the weapons, jumping from one weapon to another nimbly.

"A hero must see beyond the unexpected." Eraser Head sighs, unsheathing a small metal cane that transforms into a retractable cane before starting to run with his hands behind his back towards the computer from the side.

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"You're like a Berserker!" The Red King exclaims with a predatory grin as several yellow holographic circles settle behind him. “However, I am inevitable. Maximum speed!" He exclaims pointing at Crust as several golden spears are fired at high speed at him.

Crust uses his sword to deflect the first spear causing a powerful shockwave along with many sparks upon contact with the metal. However, he was unable to avoid the rest of the spears which pierced Crust's thick protective skin, sparing vital points and causing him to fall to his knees with several spears protruding from his body.

"There was no other way." Sir Nighteye whispers leaving an injured Crust behind before adjusting his glasses as he runs towards The Red King with a determined look on his face as he accurately calculates every future action.

“Go and write your own future! Sir Nighteye! Crust exclaims with the last of his strength before his body collapses to the ground and he loses consciousness.

"Were you using him as a human shield?" The Red King asks curiously looking at Sir Nighteye. "Nothing bad!" He exclaims as the chains on his sides lunge at Sir Nighteye.

At this, Gran Torino intercepts one of the chains with a powerful kick deflecting his trajectory before the chain wraps around him forming a kind of cocoon and trapping him inside. The rest of the chains are intercepted by the giant clone of Ectoplasm which causes the rest of the chains to start immobilizing the giant.

"Mongrel!" The Red King exclaims in frustration seeing how his chains could not catch Sir Nighteye, before this, numerous sharp weapons perch behind him. "Block this!" He exclaims pointing his hand in Sir Nighteye's direction which causes weapons to be fired at the hero.

"At first I thought that the future could not be changed." Sir Nighteye says leaning slightly to the right and dodging a sword. "Fate was supposed to be written." He says holding his glasses as a spear passes just inches from his head.

"How wrong I was." He says tilting his body back epically as several spears fly just above him in slow motion.

“Recalculating, recalculating. Damn!" The Red King exclaims as Sir Nighteye begins to walk closer and closer in his direction.

“12 degrees to the left, 2 centimeters to the right. 10 seconds left.” Sir Nighteye says holding his glasses and dodging the weapons thrown in his direction with terrifying precision.

"It doesn't matter if you can predict my attacks, there's no way you can dodge this!" The Red King exclaims pointing both hands at Sir Nighteye as dozens of spears a few centimeters apart prepare to be launched from the wall behind the Red King. “Game Over!” He exclaims clenching his fists in Sir Nighteye's direction.

There is no way Sir Nighteye can dodge that many spears. However, it was not necessary as a loud rumble behind the Red King caused the weapons to lose their main power source before they could be fired, taking the Red King by surprise.

"What? When?" The Red King asks with wide eyes turning to look at the computer only to see Eraser Head gasping for air with a pair of knives protruding from his arms as he holds a retractable baton that is reaching across the computer.

Eraser Head took advantage of the distraction caused by Crust and Sir Nighteye to approach the computer from the side while all of the Red King's attention was focused on the rest of the heroes.

"No good hero is a one-trick pony." Eraser Head snorts before the computer breaks in half.

"Checkmate." Sir Nighteye says standing next to The Red King as his eye returns to normal.

"To be simple mongrels they did not do so badly." The Red King whispers looking carefully at Sir Nighteye. "You can cut off my head but two more will take my place." He says with a crooked smile on his face.

"Hail Hydra!" He exclaims throwing his fists into the air with a defiant look before disintegrating into hundreds of red particles.

"We won?" Present Mic asks falling to his knees and watching as the blast door they entered the room through opens again at the same time a door behind the computer begins to open revealing a staircase on the other side.

"I don't think this can be considered a victory." Midnight whispers looking at the many wounded heroes around the large room along with hundreds of sharp weapons on the floor.

"You're right, it's not a win." Sir Nighteye says adjusting his glasses. "More than half of the heroes are injured and will not be able to continue." He sighs looking at one of the cameras in the room which zooms in on him.

"We're coming for you, Child Emperor." Sir Nighteye says pointing his finger at the camera before the camera explodes from a gunshot. At that, Snipe spins his gun around before sheathing it on his belt.

"Get the injured to a safe place outside the tower." He says adjusting his glasses before starting up the stairs. "And be prepared for anything." He whispers.

Meanwhile on one of the upper floors of The Tower Chaos.

POV Isamu

“Nooo! Red King-Kun! He was so young!” Twice dramatically exclaims with comical tears running down his mask as he holds a photo of a destroyed computer in his hands.

“Stop doing that, mongrel!” The Red King's voice is heard through my phone.

"Even I still hear his smug voice!" Twice exclaims louder.

"Don't worry Twice, when the computer was destroyed a security mechanism was activated which transferred all of the Red King's data to my phone." I say waving my hand dismissively like it's nothing before flashing my phone in Twice's direction.

Behind the screen of my phone, the tiny figure of the Red King can be seen looking arrogantly at Twice before sticking out his tongue in his direction.

“Red King-Kun you are still alive!” Twice exclaims happily. “You're still just as arrogant! I wish you had become a fairy!” He exclaims in annoyance holding his head.

The Red King to simplify is a pretty advanced self-aware artificial intelligence created by me, so I made sure to program him carefully so that he would be completely loyal to me. In short, he will not turn on me or try to destroy the world with an army of killing machines. He can also act as a very powerful computer virus.

"Of course, I'm still online!" The Red King exclaims proudly looking at Twice, then his gaze focuses on me. “As expected of Child Emperor-Sama, You have thought of everything!” He exclaims devoutly. "Mission accomplished." He says with a slight bow through my phone screen.

"You knocked out a portion of the heroes and forced Sir Nighteye to use his quirk in a rather interesting way." I nod as a smile spreads across my face. "Good work." I say as the Red King's eyes shine with joy.

The Red King's main goal was to force Sir Nighteye to use his Quirk, that way he won't be able to use it again until the 24 hours are up.

“I am not worthy of your praise!” The Red King exclaims shaking his head. Maybe I went a bit overboard with the programming. “I am only a faithful servant of the great and powerful…!” The dramatic speech of admiration towards me was interrupted by an explosion that shakes my iron throne a bit.

“It came from the upper floors.” Twice says seriously.

In that, numerous holographic screens are positioned around me. "Possibly..." I say as I start to scan the holographic screens quickly.

A screen shows Mt. Lady with a giant snake around her trying to eat her.

Another screen shows Mandalay fighting Water Hose while a water prison holds her fellow heroes.

Another screen shows Best Jeanist, Edgeshot, and Kamui Woods running away from Moonfish while another screen shows Fat Gum, Gang Orca, and Yoroi Musha fighting Muscular causing a lot of destruction around them.

Another screen shows Bubble Girl and Ms. Joke naked fighting some robotic tentacles in the middle of the forest. At this, I suppress a laugh looking both ways making sure that Twice is not looking at me and I synchronize that screen with my phone which causes the Red King to start sniggering.

Another screen shows the heroes' logistics camp surrounded by battle droids as all visible heroes and police lie unconscious on the ground.

However, another screen shows the cause of the explosion from moments ago. "The Hydra-Inator has been destroyed." I hum, expanding the holographic screen showing Hawks along with Captain Celebrity epically emerging from the rubble of the Hydra-Inator.

I thought Captain Celebrity was out for the count, certainly, he is tougher than he looks and more dangerous.

“It will certainly be a very interesting battle.” I whisper pressing a button on my watch which functions as a holographic communication device, seconds later a holographic figure appears before me holding his helmet in his hands and wearing his combat armor while his cape flutters slightly.

Behind him are three figures wearing the same combat armor holding their helmets as they all watch me intently.

“Hawks and Captain Celebrity are approaching the amphitheater, prepare to intercept them. Both heroes may be following orders from the Hero Public Safety Commission so they won't hold back so I hope you won't hold back either." I say with a smile on my face as my eyes sparkle with amusement.

“For a better future, we will not let you down.” The leader of the group says with a nod as determination is plastered on his face as well as the people behind him.

"Good luck." I say with a crooked smile spreading across my face watching in amusement as one of my agents prepares for combat.

The person who supplied the tech resources for the battle droids, the person who helped me with the programming of the DOR-15, and the person who leaked the location of the tower to the heroes.

"Hail Hydra!" David Shield exclaims putting on his combat helmet as his cape billows epically.

"Hail Hydra!" The three heroes behind him exclaim in unison putting on their helmets ready for the battle to come.


The claws of Hydra have certainly infiltrated everywhere.



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