MHA: My Little Brother is an S-Rank Villain For Fun! My Chaos Academia

Chapter 6: Fight Like the Devil

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Chapter 6 Fight Like the Devil

POV Izuku

2 years later

The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, then before I knew it I am now 12 years old. I just have to wait two more years before I can apply to my dream school of heroes. I want to be like All Might and save people with a smile on my face.

A year ago my brother told me something very important that changed my way of thinking and since then I have kept those words close to my heart.

*** You worry so much just about not having a quirk that you forget how to take advantage of the talents you possess. ***

Since then I started training my body to become a hero. I want my little brother to be proud of me, even Kacchan also joins my training, however, he sees it as some kind of competition. I've also improved my quirk analysis capabilities.

I have about 10 books filled with information on quirks, strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve them. I must give it my all if I want to be a hero!

Regarding my mother, she quit her old job and is now in a very important one with excellent benefits and income. It was like a dream come true for her to be hired without even going through a job interview. However, now she returns home a little later than usual.

As for my little brother...

“I am so cute, so small, and adorable.” I hear my little brother say as I enter his room without knocking on the door. Then I find my 8-year-old little brother looking at himself in the mirror in his room.

"I'm a cute and lovable vampire." He says looking at his sharp little fangs through the mirror. At this, I cough a little to get his attention. He quickly turns in my direction as his cheeks flush a little and he smiles showing his teeth in my direction.

"Hello, Izu-chan~ Welcome home." He hums.

My little brother is acting suspicious again!

At first, I choose to ignore my little brother's random behavior as some kind of joke, on some days he acts normal, however, there are some times when his attitude completely changes.

He even once sneaked into my room and tried to bite me while I was pretending to be asleep, however for some unknown reason, his body stopped as he began to shudder as if in pain. I obviously stopped pretending to be asleep and asked him if he was alright, he just apologized and said it was a joke, after which he quickly left my room.

With the passage of time, no more such accidents have occurred. My mother on the other hand simply ignores my little brother's behavior as a stage in his growth, yet she is never present when my little brother's behavior radically changes.

"Are you okay?" My little brother asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. “You stared at me intently for a moment, that was cute.” He says with a cat smile on his face. He is doing it right now, that behavior!

"Uh." It's all I say narrowing my eyes in his direction which causes my little brother to get nervous and cover one of his ears with his hand.

Then my little brother's eyes light up as he nods. "Hey, Izu-chan, your favorite show is about to start!" Exclaims my little brother. At this, my eyes widen. It's true today a new chapter of the All Might documentary is released!

Micro-Spy T-44

Small and undetectable device for espionage and long-distance communication, it can be attached to any part of the host's body or clothing, however, it is recommended to be attached inside the ear to activate the ability to receive information.

POV Isamu

In another location at the same time.

"Well done, Toga-chan, that will keep him distracted until I get home." I say through my little communicator as I text several different numbers.

At that moment, a light bulb with a green light turns on above a metal door in the room where I am. "Today is going to be an unforgettable and fun night... So much fun." I say to myself putting on a small gas mask made by myself with a voice modulator included while keeping a crooked smile hidden behind my mask.

Then the metal door begins to open slowly and at that moment the screams of the crowd reach my ears along with the voice of the presenter.

"With you the youngest fighter defending his record of 15 consecutive wins in the arena." Exclaims the presenter in a business suit using his quirk which causes his voice to be amplified and heard throughout the venue.

“Exceptional technology and firepower, created by an extraordinary mind!” The presenter exclaims with emotion in his voice extending both hands theatrically in my direction as I approach the center of the arena with my toys ready to face my unlucky challenger.

I am in an underground fight arena for fun!

“¡Child Emperor!”

Underground fighting arena

A place where numerous villains or people with contacts in the criminal underworld gather, this place brings together a large number of people, most of whom prefer anonymity.

Large amounts of gambling take place inside the compound, it is also an ideal place for criminal organizations to recruit new people and negotiate with other organizations, among other things.

The fights take place in different locations and the arena where they take place is protected by users with 'Emitter' type quirks to avoid detection by civilians and heroes.

POV Third Person

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“Child Emperor!” The presenter exclaims, causing many people in the crowd to get excited including Tomura Shigaraki who is in his standard villain outfit accompanied by his faithful subordinate Kurogiri.

"The challenger on the other hand is determined to end Child Emperor's winning streak, he calls himself SludgeMan!" The presenter exclaims as a humanoid figure made of a dark green mud-like substance makes its way to the center of the arena.

“Child Emperor is going to win.” Tomura says with a smile behind his hand-shaped mask.

“You have a lot of faith in that little kid considering the amount of money we are betting on his victory. However, his strategies and inventions are very curious." Kurogiri says, watching Child Emperor carefully.

“He's a cheater with a long list of tricks at his disposal, almost reminds me of that time when that kid scammed me into…” Tomura's eyes widen as he connects the dots before he starts laughing out loud.

"Is something wrong, Tomura?" Kurogiri asks.

“Kick his ass Child Emperor, send him back to the sewers!” Tomura exclaims with a crooked smile on his face. "Sensei will be happy if I bring that child to our side." Tomura whispers.

“The rules are the same as always, fight until someone surrenders or dies! The presenter exclaims quickly moving away from the center of the arena. In that, the announcer uses his quirk at his full power making the whole place shake slightly.


"This will be like taking candy from a child." SludgeMan says with a sadistic smile on his face as his body in slime form lunges at Child Emperor. "Mud Pressure!" SludgeMan exclaims as a large mud pressure falls right on top of Child Emperor in order to quickly crush him.

However, Child Emperor is holding an unfolded parasol covered with a hexagonal barrier which prevents the mud from covering him.


An umbrella that can transform into a sniper rifle. It can project a hexagon barrier that can withstand heat. It is also quite durable, and able to withstand relatively strong impacts.



The backpack contains large spider-like limbs that Child Emperor can use for transportation, combat or even fly. Despite its small size, the backpack contains multiple tools and weapons that normally would not fit there, due to compression technology.

"My turn." Child Emperor says in a distorted childish voice deactivating the umbrella, holding it with his left hand as he grabs a sword hilt from his waist with his right hand, the funny thing is that he didn't have a blade.

"What is he doing?" Kurogiri asks in confusion narrowing his large misty eyes.

“Shut up, something amazing is about to happen.” Tomura says quickly with his eyes wide open. At that moment, a red lightsaber illuminates the arena.

Child Emperor quickly pounces on SludgeMan cutting him in half and as if that were not enough he continued to cut him into many pieces, while the remains of mud scattered throughout the arena impressing the crowd. However, SludgeMan's remains quickly begin to come together and reform again as if nothing had happened.

"How frustrating, he can't hurt him." Tomura whispers starting to scratch his neck.

"Cut and pierce as much as you want, it's useless." SludgeMan says pointing his muddy hands in Child Emperor's direction. "Sludge bullets!" SludgeMan exclaims shooting mud balls at high speed.

Child Emperor quickly unfolds his umbrella and starts running toward SludgeMan using his umbrella as a shield.

"Hehehe it seems you have no means to finish me off." SludgeMan says mockingly out loud. At that moment, a metallic tube is embedded in the entire center of SludgeMan's slimy form drawing his attention as he proceeds to detach it from his body. In that, a strange liquid begins to spill from the tube along with the hole it caused in his muddy body. "…What is this?" He questions.

"Gasoline." Child Emperor says, lighting a match and tossing it in SludgeMan's direction.

"Wait, I give up...!" SludgeMan screams before his body is quickly consumed by an explosion, splattering some bits of sludge all over the place.

Then the crowd went crazy, some people were excited that they managed to win a huge amount of money while other people were furious that they lost their money. “Awesome, so fast.” Kurogiri whispers as Tomura's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"He fights like the devil." Tomura says with a grin from ear to ear.

"A spectacular match and once again the winner is Child Emperor keeping his record!" Exclaims the presenter approaching the center of the arena. "Child Emperor is not to be underestimated because of his young age!" The presenter exclaims with a smile on his face.

“Definitely a night to remember and very…” The presenter stops short and quickly pulls a cell phone out of his pocket with his eyes wide open, drawing the attention of everyone present. The presenter then sucks in a large amount of air before yelling using his quirk to the fullest.


Hidden from everyone a smile spreads behind the Child Emperor's mask. "The night has only just begun." He whispers as numerous professional heroes storm the facility and chaos breaks loose.




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