MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 1: Chapter one: A failed suicide.

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Izuku Midoriya had decided he had enough.

He wasn't going to hurt anyone. Not like he could, after almost everyone had kept reminding him of his powerlessness. No, it was the single reminder named Bakugo Katsuki that had tormented him enough to reach for suicide.

People never simply told someone they were powerless, Bakugo had to make an example out of Izuku. Whether it was out of arrogance, contempt or even pure malice, Bakugo had tormented him every single time they met.

Not the playful torment you may find when meeting a family member, but an almost daily physical torture, which had literally scarred Izuku's body and flesh.

If one were to look at the several burn marks on his body, they would assume he survived a car accident. The abuse was obvious to everyone.

Yet, none had acted in any supporting way to Izuku. No reports. No interventions. Just hours, and hours of psychologically damaging torture.

Perhaps this is what led to Izuku deciding the concrete base of his school's courtyard was a perfect first kiss.

Perhaps if he had gotten even the slightest more connection in life then from his mother or the frequented school nurse, he would not have had to reach this point.

Perhaps if Katsuki had been a better friend, a better person and had tried to lessen the abuse even mildly, Izuku would have tried to become the hero he always wanted.

But there were no heroes here. And 'Ifs' are unneeded as the time for reconsideration is over.

There is no-longer any need to contemplate his actions, reconsideration won't make anything better.

Thus, he stood at the edge, for ten minutes. No one called him down, no one called him at all. No one had bothered to even help him, oblivious to his very existence. Though it was 6 pm by this point, closing time for the school within 30 minutes, and he had already gave an excuse to his mother.

He's 'hanging out with his friends'. Laughable if anyone actually knew Midoriya.. His mother was overjoyed when she heard that....

He looked to the 4 or so stories bellow him, right bellow his feet. If this was the Midoriya of a few months ago, perhaps he wouldn't see this as a solution, but rather a frightening event. Not that he wasn't frightened, just.. Tired. Constantly Tired.

A feeling which ate him from the inside out, only leading to the laughter of those who hated him. No one gave a damn, he had every right to hurt them, but there were no heroes here.

Not a single one.

-One foot.

Now only a single foot held his balance, a single step, a single tilt before he became a forgotten and passing after image. It's at points like these were people usually consider those around them, how would Bakugo react, how would his mother react. But he didn't want to give a damn about Bakugo, he could care less what he thought.

Couldn't he at least be selfish here, when he tried to die? Or did he not deserve that either.


-Tip toeing

Barely any balance left, only shaking movements, only tilts from each side back and forth, barely leaning his upper body outside the edges area of movement, chest sticking out in a moment of brief Irony. Here he was, sticking his chest out when he wanted to die.

Ironic. He couldn't help but think it was.

Dead eyed, he looks to the bottom once again, less fear, a lot less, like this jump was solely up to him.

Every time he was hurt, every time he was in pain, every time he strived, he strived because the situation made him. But now.

Now it was HIS choice, only his.

He could choose to jump, end it all and be done with it, be tired of his pain, get rid of it. He could choose to turn around, grab groceries from the store and have dinner with his mother, one of the amazing meals she cooks would be ready with her company beside him, the only meals he eats with love in them.

But he won't do that. Not when he reached this point. He won't let this moment of relief be taken away from him.

So a single step is made.

-The leap.

He was tired.

Even now, falling several floors, still tired.

They say that when your going to die, your life flashes before your eyes.

It didn't, Midoriya didn't see anything he hadn't seen before.

Nothing he didn't consider day in and out of going to school. It was tiring. It was so fucking tiring.

He, even now, wondered if there were any heroes who could save him, who would? None. No one could come fast enough by the time he crossed halfway past the height of the building..

He couldn't help but wonder why he was led to this situation, why he had to die, why di his only relief come from this?

If he had an ability would they leave him be?

Befriend him?

No. Those ANIMALs, they would find something else to use. If only he had an ability. It was laughable.

If he had a quirk, could he be happy?

One floor left, 15 meters till splat!

'I wanted a quirk.. was that a lot to ask for?' 

'I just wanted to be a hero, was that much?'

'At least let me have a fucking quirk before I die!'

Perhaps it was panic that made him awaken one- a quirk. Perhaps it was his desire, burning through even this suicide.. Perhaps.

But just as he awakened it- 


Right on his skull, a large rip, a cracked mark ran from the front of his head through the back. He was killed almost instantly.


Before he died, several bones like his ribs, spine, kneecaps, and arm were brutally shattered. The most damage went to the skull, yes, but if he had the chance to feel what happened to his body, he would have been in utter agony. Thankfully, he didn't last that long.

He didn't dive, rather a belly flop would be the most comparable scenario, leading into his ribcage piercing his lungs and his stomach and organs turning to much; he wouldn't have survived long eitherway.

If he did, he would have had to deal with the internal organ damage done to his inner body, worst case he would have to live off of a machine for the rest of his life. A burden to everyone around him, at least that's how he would see it.

The bruises didn't help either, as the flesh all across his body had immediately ripped and opened, leading to a messier scene. If you had scene it from the outside, the only indicator that it was Izuku was his green hair. That's it.

His teeth were shattered, perhaps they would find a means to piece it back together to identify him. But that's it.


Another individual was at the scene however. And like scum does, the Slime like villain took advantage to Izuku's pain;

A slime like creature had crawled towards Izuku, eager at the chance of a new body. A new vessel to play pretend in..

It wasn't a few minutes after he died, no, it was 20 minutes. 20 minutes of a wet splatter of blood. 

Initially, the villain had been hiding somewhere, waiting for its victim, but with All might on its trail, it couldn't risk being captured; not like it had much of an option, the creature entered the body of Izuku..

Then it happened.

Screaming. Screeching. Like a autopsy done on someone who felt every single cut.

The creature screamed as the body it had infested itself in, trying to pilot it like a parasite controlling it's host, began to break apart into splinters of slime, blood and flesh coloured slime.

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The body it had stitched back together in a futile attempt of survival, except it was relentless, it slowly pulled its form together.

As if the body sought vengeance on its abusers, as if the body had had enough of being used, again, and again, and again, and again, it fought.


And what could it do really, what could its ripped flesh and instincts really allow it to fight with? It did the only thing it could.


It ate. It ripped and contorted itself into a mulch of flesh, no longer gaining any form resembling a human or sounds resembling one, it groaned with anger and it ate, dissolving the Slime Villain cell by cell, nuclei by nuclei until nothing could hurt Izuku anymore. It ate because that's how it could stay alive. It needed to live.

The Villain felt every cell being ripped, every second being dissolved apart.

The Slime Villain scrambled itself, trying to free away the ever moving plie of living flesh, it could not. It called out for someone, anyone.

"SOMEONE HELP" it screamed, no-one arrived.

Slowly and painfully, the fleshy mass named Izuku had assembled itself back into the shape of a person, even moving the uniform it wore back on itself. It devoured and tore the pitiful slime into almost nothing, as it listened to it cry for help.

"STOP VILLAIN" All might couldn't help shout. At the sight of the young boy holding the meager remains of the villain, he could only stand in horror. Utter disbelief.

Izuku didn't stop, not really, but the villain took the minor flinch Izuku made for a moment to flee behind the Hero. Izuku stood there, with a ripped jaw on his face, hands clawed up where his meal laid before. Motionless. Angry.

His body was covered in bruises, malnutrition had revealed itself several times with the bones and stomach revealing ribs, but that wasn't All Might's concern. All Might stood there in utter disbelief as Midoriya now lacked almost any skin. To be exact, the several places where Bakugo and his bones had damaged, pierced or bruised his organs and skin beforehand, had simply stopped regenerating. The flesh across the skull revealed his damaged interior, transparent by its thin scale, brain damage and internal bleed apparent through the bone, while the muscles around the jaw and the internal organs had been prioritized by the instincts in retaliation to the Villain.

Izuku was regenerating, but needed nutrients to do so appropriately. And the main source of nutrition, the Slime, had left Midoriya's body without the ability to heal the non-essential parts. Like his ears, eyes, skin.

But Izuku had began to wake up, ever so slightly, and the shocked face All Might made when a child, a student, looked at his eyes with profound hatred was terrifying for the Hero. The boy didn't scream, he didn't feel pain either. Only rage. Rage against a 'hero'.

'The thing called for him, for a hero, and he answered, but I called, again, and again, day after day, and found no-one' Izuku would only scoff if he could.

Hatred felt within the boy turned to rage. Izuku was not going to attack All Might, the boy was still kind at heart, and All Might hadn't attacked, but that rage only grew and spread.

All Might couldn't utter a word. The hero was almost shivering at the sight Midoriya had shown, at what the child suffered through, yet that child, that student in front of him was still looking at him with such profound hate, he had no clue what to do. Immediately he looked at the villain, wanting to question the bastard for what had happened, but the villain was crying. It wept like a child, only asking for a hero to stop the boy. Stop the pain.

How the hell was All might suppose to act here, he had never seen someone so notorious break apart so easily. Without showing it to the boy, he called his soon to be boss and friend detective for help. He did all he could, as a hero, as a figure of justice, he left the villain and went to the boy.

All might kneeled and hugged Midoriya, but like any reaction that should have happened, no profound sense of meaning existed here for the boy, he no longer felt happy; "It's Alright, I'm here".

Those were the words All Might could spit out before holding his own tears in, he was a true hero after all. But still, his naivete had led to Hero society hurting the boy and he didn't even know it.

Unlike the expected happy scene, Midoriya's regeneration stopped as the boy started to vomit his insides, the longer All Might held on to him, the more he vomited.

All Might quickly broke the hug in a matter of seconds, though his worrying face was unwarranted, as no matter what, Midoriya would probably not die. Not as his body assembled itself back into 'himself', that wasn't to say what All Might had just done didn't damage the boy enough to need more time to repair himself.

Principle Nezu and Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi, along with the help All Might had asked for, the medical personnel and a detainment unit for the villain, which by this point was unnecessary, arrived thereafter.

The two could only react in shock and distress as they witnessed the scene: A barely alive child lacking any semblance to a person besides his silhouette was sitting dead still on the side, a villain weeping in the corner who was now only the size of a cup compared to the reports, and a distressed All Might who had stopped smiling had tried to comfort the boy without physical contact.

The personnel had quickly taken the Villain without much of a fight, leaving the three to speak to the child, though medical assessment was first.

Somehow, Midoriya could spit out several ounces of blood and bone fragments as he spoke to them: "Food." in a distorted and unnatural voice.

Quickly, the first course of action was to take the boy to UA where they could heal him with Recover Girl's ability, but the boy wouldn't budge, only to reply 'food' each time they tried. Every time someone had tried to touch Midoriya directly, All Might would stop them from doing so elaborating on what happened earlier.

Nezu convinced the boy to move with the promise of food, only for Naomasa to then find out that the boy's clothes contained some of the fleshy 'mush', which kept made up the body of the boy. When Naomasa had accidentally touched the boy however, there was no response, leading Nezu to make his own suspicions on Midoriya's ability.

Now that Midoriya had actually moved, the three escorted him in a medical van to UA.


Izuku ate once again, his body healed once again.

He sat in a hospital bed within UA, as the head nurse, Chiyo Shuzenji, spoke to the three.

"Whatever happened to that boy, I cannot use my ability on him. Though judging by how he looks, the poor boy won't need my help" Recovery girl explained to the three.

"When I touched the boy, he spat out some blood, but then began healing faster" she inquired "What's his quirk?" 

Nezu starts "Izuku Midoriya, age 14, quirkless" to the shock of everyone there, Nezu speaks thereafter. 

"That was before today, it seems Izuku had awakened his quirk, a late bloomer." 

Nezu gives a copy of a Hero's Analysis along with a forensic scan of the school, to the others. It had been made using a scanning quirk and with the help, allowing the authorities to accurately determine what happened.

With a flip through the document, Naomasa, already aware of the document, presents an interesting result:  "Judging from the forensic analysis done at the scene, and with the help of a few heroes, we can deduce that Izuku had attempted suicide, but had enough brain activity to use his quirk even 20 minutes after death."

"Is that even possible?" All Might chips in.

"A few studies have shown residual response even hours after death, it could be" Recovery lady pitches. Though fairly unsure about the likely hood.

"The quirk of the slime villain allowed him to control others and activate their quirks, he could have triggered Izuku's ability, whatever it is" Naomasa speaks, then turns to Nezu. "Have we any idea of what the boy's ability is?"

"I have a few suspicions, if they are correct, I want to avoid documenting it" Nezu speaks with certainty.

No-one argues, knowing well that Nezu has his reasons for keeping it hidden.

"What should we do?" All Might asks. "From what I saw, that kid held hatred which rivaled some of the worst villains I've seen, and it seemed to be directed at me.."

"For now, Izuku will be staying on campus for phycological and physiological care, a few weeks at least" Nezu replies with decisiveness, he isn't taking no for an answer. Nezu turns to the detective.

"I'll make sure no one intervenes with this." Naomasa nods to Nezu after a moments glance, trusting the Principle with the protection of the child. As a detective, he knows far too many 'incidents' where people with good quirks suddenly disappeared, it wouldn't be surprising for Midoriya to suffer the same fate.

Even if he has to run a debate with the head of the department, he'll provide enough time for Nezu to use a legal loophole and protect the student.

"Then that's decided!" Nezu, doing a clap, cheerfully changes the atmosphere, "We should introduce ourselves to the boy then!"

He walked a moment after a group nod, entering Midoriya's room.

After using the ladder Recover Girl used to talk with taller patients, he meets on an eye to eye level with Midoriya.

Though, the boy is too pre-occupied with his 6th steak, lunch rush's cooking must have had an affect on him.

Almost entirely healed, Midoriya is waited upon by the others as he finishes his steak. The last bite and chew in and Nezu introduces himself.

"A Dog? A Bear, A Mouse? No! It's me! Principal Nezu! Nice to meet you!"

Silence permeates the room.


Midoriya gives only a small notion of knowing the chimera before turning to silence; No reaction, emotional or physical.

"Well? No response? How about this! Would you like to join UA?" Nezu extends his paw once more.

To be continued




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