MHA: Stacked Cards

Chapter 11: Chapter eleven: Base invasion

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I got detention.

Not today, thankfully, but I have to pass by Nezu's office after school tomorrow; thankfully, I did negotiate the punishment, though his reaction was much eerier than detention should be.


(After the nuclear tests - Forrest cabin - Outside)

The area was quarantined, thankfully, Nezu made anti-radiation defenses; He seemed to have prepared for everything.

He crossed his arms and looked at me; He glared.

"So... You want to use your punishment for extra work?" Nezu said, silently glaring at me.

"..Yes. Since I'm already working within UA, might aswell do some extra work instead." I said, he grinned evilly.

"Hehehe, sure. Fine. You'll get extra work; don't complain though. heheheheh" He suddenly looked pleased. Oh shit.

He giggled for a few minutes after, quietly to himself. I was dismissed as the 'team' of cleaners cleared the area of biological and nuclear contamination.

What ever he cooked up, I have a bad feeling about it; I may need to get a few extra quirks.


After checking my body for radiation poisoning, I was left to my devices.

Maybe I should have taken detention...

Though for making a cesium reactor, I suppose this isn't really a punishment.

The reactor design I tried was the safest one I could; during the 'Witch hunt' and wars pre quirk society, Militaries sought out easy to produce power sources to fight Quirks that could counter regular military forces. Some scientists decided to try micro fusion-fission cores, a set of cesium and uranium cores which were 'pealed' from their electrons and pressurized with electromagnetic spin forces; essentially, if they could push the protons and neutrons to the center with pressure, they could produce consistent micro fusion, who's sole purpose was to produce cosmic particles.

Why? Not really sure; a few rumors said they made a muon ray, designed to destroy cells of the molecular scale. But history on the subject seems to be missing.

Either way, the peeling of the shells of the cesium atoms provided ample time to calculate and disable the reactor if needed; Meaning I could safely disable and detonate the core using the compressed pressure without a nuclear detonation, aslong as I was quick enough...

I still ended up blowing myself to goop; but it gave me inspiration for later designs.

I'll pass by the heroics department to request some help. Nezu said to use supervision for these experiments of mine; how nice of him.


Not accounting the fact he took my cabin away for a few weeks...

Oh well, it might give me some opportunity. Meeting some students, hunting at night, studying; New abilities, new quirks. Always needed some recreational work. 

And I have just the thing, genetics.

Though first, I have to deal with some pests; the Yakuza. They've decided to try funneling drugs, which is something I don't really agree with.

Mouse boy was useful in finding other annoyances.

He spilled everything after a few minutes of bone breaking questioning.

So, like a reasonable person, I'll do the right thing and beat them up; the police can take care of the rest afterwards. The commotion should supply enough of an excuse for the police to gather evidence, unless they kept their shipments separate from their bases... Then I need to deal with those before the main guys..

They should have good security for their shipments, 'Venom' is quite expensive to smuggle, so they wouldn't have no one on hand.

The heroin should also be somewhere, guess I'll interrogate a few people starting from the first base I know.


Guess I'm hunting some good prey today.


(Night time - Yakuza Base: 'The Pink room' - Mustafa)

"I'm going to enjoy this. Guess a disguise may be needed." I said helplessly.

My hair was already colored black to avoid anyone noticing me, but I'll get rid of any distinct facial features like my nose shape or skin tone, leaving a pale figure left; my eyes turn pure black, my hair aswell, as empty as I can make it. My feet and hands are not hidden, but "Slime" already dealt with finger prints. Hair residue was the biggest issue, so I got rid of all my body hair, absorbing it into my body, replacing even my eyelashes with black silk.

"Silk Production" 

"Body color control"


The night life was still very alive and crowds of people passed by me each second I stood infront of the building I was targeting; While there was too little security, I knew it was the place Mouse boy spoke off. Because in this bustling city life, it was entirely empty.

I could see the internal structure of the building; Airvents included.

The wiring to their lights, the generator, the camera's, security room, everything was revealed in an instance.

"Anatomy" helped extremely, I had the element of surprise thankfully.

I can even see a 'vault', where the drugs should hopefully be held.

Highest floor houses the biggest room, The 'accounting' room.

Why do I call it that?

Because my sonar senses tell me there are several men sitting around counting bills and carrying some packages of what I'll assume is 'Venom'.

They seemed to be the managers and top bosses here sitting alongside several security guards.


Shit, one of them started moving oddly, almost weary about something. Did he have a quirk? shit.

A detection quirk.

Most likely triggered by "Sonar Senses", a powerful ability indeed.


Guess we should start with the basics.

No exits.

No runners.


Cementoss's quirk works great with keeping them inside the building. I had to take concrete from the foundation and walls, but I left a decent pillar structure that should hold this place for a week at least. Maybe.

In an instant, All exits had disappeared, they're trapped in.

"Sound Manipulation"

Not like they're screams will be heard eitherway, my sound manipulation should keep everything silent.

Oh wow. It started already.

Panic, I feel it.

They panicked like vermin; they act like they've seen a ghost.


I should show them one.


Thus, I vanish.

My body looses its color in a blink, all sound is lost from me as I accelerate in an instant, jumping right into the wall of the building.


My senses gone, it's pitch black, no sound at all; I tried this before, but the very fact I can't breath is still terrifying.

I count the seconds. 1, 2-


I land, finally aware of my surroundings and undetected by anyone.


Second step, getting rid of the grunts:

The building has four floors

Third one has only one person, security camera tapes are there; Top is executive members, bottom two are security and extra forces.

This is just peachy.

I move through the cramped hallway, it's not a big building and thus most of the space is taken by the rooms; the stairways are left tight, with no easy way up.

First room then.

I enter at frightening speeds; My base abilities are enough to make me fast, especially if I combined them with other quirks.

I touch a wire line within the wall, removing the concrete surrounding it. It's one connected to the central generator. One I'll short circuit.

"Electrical Absorption" 

Gone are the lights, only a few minutes until someone can re-enable the back up generator. Cams should be out.

I move at even faster speeds; Looking for my first target.

"What the hel-" A grunt said as his eyes lit up with deadly plasma, I uppercut him, knocking him unconscious; there's two or three more in the room.

I'm keeping Sonar senses short range for now, can't risk being tracked by someone up top.

But it's more than enough to find these few.

"Instantaneous acceleration"

"Bouncy body"


Second guy was hit by his  left temple, he seemed to have a night vision quirk. That'll make things easier.

I zoom to the third guy right as he pulls out a pistol, unaware I'm beside him already.

His quirk activates as lightning sparks around the bullet. 


Suddenly, he panicked, giving me the opportunity to knock him out with a hit to the jaw.




The one behind me covered his arms in whip glowing red in color; I disabled it and attacked.

I punch his stomach, sending him flying and crashing into the sofa with a thud.

Next target is in the halls, which means I need to go to the next room.

"Double Punch"
"Trigger fingers"

Point blank impact and a tap to the face, he was unconscious. His quirk seemed to be a mutant type, making his body generally larger.

No need to bother with his quirk, since the last thing I need is to suddenly grow several feet.. Alright, I'm taking it but still.

Blood leaked from my lips in a coughing noise, I couldn't let it last long.

Thankfully, Nezu gave me an amazing present after todays fiasco; A handkerchief.

Not just any Handkerchief, a hyper-absorbent one.

One that could clean up the blood and cells I release each time. It won't last long, but it's still useful.

Now... too many nuisances, let's deal with this in one go. 70 enemies, one hit.


"There he is! GET HIM!" I hear a commander shout as I walked into the central hallway.


"Where did he go?!" A goon shouted as I disappeared suddenly. Only to reappear with a bare kick to his temple; then after I disappear and reappear several times.

"Engine on legs"

"Instantaneous acceleration"

"Bouncy body"

"Terrify Enemy"

Disorganization is a horrifying thing, one moment your all ready and set, the next.. well, screams.

Lights off, undetectable enemies, and fear. Fear did the worst. They began fighting each other, letting me pick the best quirks out of them; great, it makes it easier for me.

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I found a few great ones, though many sucked.

"Thorny hair" He literally blocked bullets with sharp needle like hair. Many proteins within the guys hair were stronger than steel, 16 times stronger even; which meant that i could restructure it into tendon fibers.

"Sparker" Made several people cough extremely, seemingly reversing chemical reactions within the atmosphere, turning carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon particles within the lungs, suffocating the person in range. Only worked in close range. 16 people were knocked out easily, till he fainted from carbon monoxide poisoning. It affected what he breathed in aswell. I could use this in chemistry more than anything; a useful ability indeed.

I upped the terror a bit more; made them even more active.

"Kinetic absorber" This guy took in, what I calculated to be half the kinetic energy he got hit by and redirected it to his enemies.

"Mist-Flour" made a flour-steam like substance from his body, chalky in texture, then the guy used them as tendrils at extreme speeds; it was sadly extremely flammable. making a small explosion occur, which I silenced, thankfully.

"Static" made a extremely potent aura of vibrating ions around the user, which disturbed a few enemies when they got near it. It also affected the quirk user; which meant that it could cook the person using it if over used- which was thankfully not that bad for me.

"Spit shot" shoots multiple objects instantly at a high speed like a shotgun; the guy threw pebbles and it knocked out several people. The catch is his stamina was drained as the energy used for the projectiles.

"Concentrate" Increased speeds both mental and physical speed of perception; saw her suddenly increase her speed; she was faster than humans should be, but her body was only slightly stronger. She bled from the nose afterwards; shame, would be better if handled by a stronger body. If she trained more, her blood pressure wouldn't rise as much.

"Full sight" can see 290 degrees around the viewer; major blind spot around the nape; eyes become hollow as a result of mutation. Very blind in the dark, which left him stumbling around.

"Soft muscles" Almost liquid in texture, but they sustained their strengths and speed. Also seems like the muscles re-attached almost immediately when damaged. Though, it was attached to the wrong groups, meaning the user lacks control in healing, which is very dangerous.

Anyway, their thinning up; and the electricity is going to come back soon; So let's deal with this already.

Midnights ability: "Somnambulism"

In a matter of seconds, they all fell asleep; scared to shit. The steam spread throughout the facility, anyone not here, would be asleep soon enough.

I passed by the ones I picked, taking their abilities. A few coughs and I got over 10 new abilities in total.


The electricity came back.

I'm sure those up top are going to be freaking out right now. Though, they may be a nuisance if I wait too long.

Lets deal with them first. Security cameras afterwards.


Up to the top then; Here we go!

"Sonar senses"

"Strong jump"


"Instantaneous acceleration"


Simultaneously, I use my quirks to determine where is the center landing point of the top room. Intuition was essentially using all the information I could provide, dropping me perfectly in the room. Right between everyone.

They all saw me suddenly appear, Several shots passed through me, but "Slime" adjusted my body, opening holes where the bullets passed through.



My body almost exploded; seems the guy at the back has an explosive bullet quirk, good shot!

I adjusted my "Slime" and body to expand with the explosion, outwards like a donut.

Then re-assembled my body when the radius of the explosion stopped increasing; Fixing the damage instantly, making it appear as if I wasn't almost blown to shreds. I sent a tentacle from my finger to the gunner, stabbing his shoulder and releasing mist; sleeping mist.


Just like that, I wrapped the tentacle around his face and sent him asleep; easy win, easy ability.

6 remaining.

The guy just kept shooting bullets at me; which I now countered with "Trigger fingers" and "Split shot", hitting the bullets mid flight. In an instance, the one who shot the bullet had a hole in his stomach, my tendril passed through his stomach from my finger; Just as I was about to turn, I hear a voice behind me; "Gotchya!" a blondie says eager to kill me. 

He reached for my chest but found my body expanding outwards avoiding his hands, a single kick to his stomach sent him down. I sent a bare foot to his face, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

5 remaining; Can't risk loosing here so I'm gonna try something cool.




"Terrify enemy" 

"Trigger fingers"

The redhead next to the shooter threw several knives at me, "Motherfucker! You're dead!", I noticed that the knives stopped mid air before moving at a different angle trying reach me.

I erased her quirk, turning the knives into regular knives, which passed through my body as I shifted my form; interesting ability, she could re-fire a projectile from a different position, but it didn't seem to work with bullets otherwise she would have used a gun like before.

"Glass distortion"

The bottle of alcohol next to the ones behind me is launched towards me the farthest one from me; at the same time, I fire a counter against the attack behind me; Miss red gets a point blank shot to the gut. 

"Kinetic absorber"

I release half the energy from the earlier explosion, not enough to do anything since I avoided most of the damage, but concentrated with a single point blank shot with "Trigger Fingers". She's knocked back several meters as I target the glass bottle from before.

"Explosive bullet"

The non-lethal rubber bullets become amplified with explosive energy; before reaching him, I detonate the shot remotely, like a natural instinct, it explodes, sending him flying to the floor. Still awake.

The redhead moved to close quarter combat, I kept multiple eyes on her to ensure her ability didn't work; she struck with a assassin like precision.


The floor distorts beneath her as she is dragged beneath the ground, unable to fight further.

I lock her blades and hands beneath the floor, incase she tires anything; She could use her ability without having to touch the object, so 8 eyes are watching incase.

4 remaining; this is the tricky part.


"Instantaneous acceleration"


I use the Cement to distort the ground around us, causing a loss of footing among two members, the younger one to my right, and the farthest one.

I move at incredible speeds; reaching the young man instantly and breaking his ribs.

"Bouncy body"

"Pain redirection"

I target the farthest one; ducking the sneak attack behind me, I harden my arm and punch again.

The pain of a broken rib send the farther one unconscious, while my additional breaking of a rib for the young man, sends him to the wall.

2 left.

The old man, 40 years old or so, expands his muscles red, suddenly gaining strength. Must be the boss.

The other one sends bone pellets at me at extreme speeds, which is kind of disappointing; Either way, lets deal with this.


I gas the room entirely, entrapping everyone in cement.

They resist, then fall to a daze. Red muscles resists entirely and breaks free, running to tackle me; I shift the cement beneath his feet and he slips.

"Double Punch"

"Energy coating"

Point blank, I knock him unconscious with a hook to his chin. He's down for now.

No more left to disarm

Whew. Now, how the hell am I going to get into that safe?


It won't be as easy as the last one; that was amateur work.

Once I take their quirks, we can start; This is going to be a doozy.

(Distribution Boss POV)



Wher- Where the fuck am I? Why am I gagged?

"Your awake." I see a devilish smile.

I see the kid, the one who attacked us minutes ago.

That fucker! I'm going to strangle him; How do I get out of this?!

"Oh that? That's solidified light chains, they won't break any time soon. Let's have a conversation, Mr?"

Fucking arrogant brat!



What- What the hell is this?! Why, Why am I shaking?

"Now now, I haven't cut any fingers, ripped any teeth out, yet your afraid?" What is he talking about.

What is he going to do?

"Don't worry, old man. I just need a single code, and you get to walk free." A grin creeps on the child's face, get- get me fucking away from it!

"You can't run. Instead, why not answer some of my questions? Say, do you know how to open the vault, what is the password?" HE KNOWS. SHIT!

*Tsk tsk tsk

He starts to shake his head, anger drifts on his face.

"Didn't I already say it? You Can't Run. Today is the day you all die, so just let me do my fucking job." Fucking Psychopath, You thi- wait.

All of us?

Where are the others?! What did you do with them?!



"Looks like they're waking up! Good. Let's start the interrogation." I see it; what that thing is made out of! Eyes!

It has so many eyes! 

Teeth! Why does it lick its teeth! Why are there teeth on its body?

A monster!

That can't be human! No quirk could make such a being. It's a monster!

No, stay away!

Why is he getting closer?

Let go of MY HAND!



"Didn't I tell you. Today. Is. The. Day. You. Die. Just answer and you live! Don't and you die." 

I can't tell if this is some sick joke, but tell me!

Why did he smile when he said that!?





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